15-songs.txt 17619
A Civil War Songbook (January 1990)
1776-va.rts 5907
The Virginia Declaration of Rights
1mlkd11.txt 817486
Project Gutenberg: Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" Speech
1st_than.txt 2979
The First Thanksgiving Proclomation, June 20, 1676
2sqrt10a.txt 5262079
Project Gutenberg: The Square Root of Two, to 5 Million digits
32pri10.txt 247391
Project Gutenberg: The 32nd Mersenne prime
all11.txt 85580
Project Gutenberg: The Declaration of Independence of The United States of America
berne10.txt 63397
Project Gutenberg: The Berne Copyright Convention
bill11.txt 2974
The United States Bill of Rights
charlrsl.txt 8446
The Charlotte Town Resolves: Resolves Adopted in Charlotte Town, North Carolina, May 31, 1775
const11.txt 27452
Project Gutenberg: The U. S. Constitution
dream 9163
I Have a Dream, by Martin Luther King Jr. (August 26, 1963)
dream.txt 5074
Transcript of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" Speech
ee610.txt 105559
The Value of "e" to 100,000 Places, Calculated by the NCSA Cray Y-MP (594 Seconds)
ee710.txt 1037461
Project Gutenberg: The Number "e" [Natural Log] To Approximately 1 Million Places
factr10.txt 260802
Project Gutenberg: Factorials from 1 to 100,000
fdr10.txt 22360
Project Gutenberg: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's First Inaugural Speech, March 4th, 1933
feder15.txt 1205791
Porject Gutenberg: The Federalist Papers (June 6, 1992)
feder16.txt 1205850
Project Gutenberg: The Federalist Papers (June 6, 1992)
header.wba 10788
Project Gutenberg: Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (The First 100 Pages)
jfk11.txt 16519
Project Gutenberg: JFK's Inaugural Address
john-magna-413.txt 27881
ETEXT: Magna Carta or The Great Charter of King John Granted June 15th, A.D. 1215
koran 803301
The Koran, Translated by E. H. Palmer (500 AD)
liber11.txt 15273
Project Gutenberg: Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death
linc111.txt 29849
Project Gutenberg: Lincoln's 1st Inaugural Address
linc211.txt 12356
Project Gutenberg: Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address
magna_carta 27879
Magna Carta, or The Great Charter of King John (1215)
manif11.txt 83543
Project Gutenberg: The Communist Manifesto
mayfl11.txt 10516
Project Gutenberg: The Mayflower Compact
mayflowr.pac 1646
The Mayflower Compact, transcribed by Gerald Murphy
morman13.txt 1577192
The Book of Mormon
mormon13.txt 1588927
PROJECT GUTENBURG: The Book of Mormon (March 8, 1992)
paris-tr.txt 14651
The Paris Peace Treaty of 1783
penc.txt 1540646
The Probert E-Text Encyclopedia Third Edition (August 1996)
pge0112.txt 8441343
Project Gutenberg: The Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia (1911 Encyclopedia)
pimil10.txt 1414431
Pi to A Million and a Quarter Digits from Scott Hemphill
prime10.txt 524655
Project Gutenberg: The First 100,000 Prime Numbers
prime11.txt 834319
Project Gutenberg: The First 100,000 Prime Number (May 1993)
rights 11559
The Univeral Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
roget13a.txt 1589767
Project Gutenberg: Roget's Thesaurus No. Two
thanksgi.vng 2634
The First Thanksgiving Proclamation - June 20, 1676
tj_summ.txt 41844
A Summary View of the Rights of British America
uscpy76.txt 210073
Project Gutenberg: the US Copyright Act of 1976
wbstr10a.txt 1536408
Project Gutenberg: Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, First 100 Pages
wbstr11a.txt 1505344
Project Gutenberg: Webster's Unabridged Dictionary
wbstr11b.txt 1532901
Project Gutenberg: Webster's Unabridged Dictionary
when11.txt 18219
Project Gutenberg: The Declaration of Independence
world12.txt 1925720
Project Gutenberg: The CIA World Factbook
world192.txt 2473400
Project Gutenberg: The World Factbook 1992
world93.txt 2638067
Project Gutenberg: The World Factbook, US CIA, 1993 Edition
world94.txt 2872323
Project Gutenberg: 1994 CIA World Factbook
zipdelim.txt 929797
A List of all the US Zip Codes And What Town and State is associated With Them

There are 52 files for a total of 44,657,141 bytes.