read new nonstop follow 89626 28-AUG 21:04 General Information RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89609) From: MRUPGRADE To: 01GEN40 (NR) RE >There is no such thing as RSDOS If I have to explain that one,,, there's little hope of explaining anything. youo either know what is meant or don't want to. RE > Why do I inquire about support offered to OS-9 via the OSUG? Simple,,, I edit a magazine that serves a user group. And thh user group as a membership interest spans far beyong my own. i.e. I live in more then "my own little world". The name OSUG suggests support for OS-9. I was inquiting as to what support was offered or OS-9 users? The answers seem to indicate th group is mostly Or at least at this time offers little to theh OS-9 er other then 6 newsletters. In our magazine "The UPGRADE" we recommend many other CoCo publications and groups. If they offered vaible support to OS-9, we'd like to say so. Ferschtain? Til then,, Terry Simons UPGRADE Editor -*- 89627 28-AUG 21:13 General Information RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89614) From: MRUPGRADE To: CPERRAULT We do work with several clubs. Some ar e more active at interchange then others. Also dealers, publishers (CoCo),, who will interchange. Thisi is what I was "trying to do" with the OSUG. Uusually a group will say they offer this or that,, and do this,, etc. But these questions seemed more of an irritation. So I'll drop it. BTW: You mentioned an OS-9 users group? As seperate from OSUG? I'm empbarrassed to say,,, I didn't know they were still around? If so ask for details? Like with other groups,, we're here (and from Austrailia to England) to help. May we REcommend,, is both a long and regular column in the UPGRADE. Terry Simons UPGRADE Editor -*- 89634 29-AUG 00:10 General Information RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89610) From: JOELHEGBERG To: 01GEN40 (NR) > Who do I see (communicate with) in order to become a member of this > OS-9 Users Group? See ya. Anyone wishing to obtain the OS-9 Users Group's FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) file, can send a note to "". It contains lots of information, including how to become a member. Hey, it's free... what are you waiting for?? ======================================================================= = Joel Mathew Hegberg M.O.T.D. Editor = = ( 68'micros Columnist = = ( Sub-Etha Software Programmer = ======================================================================= -*- End of Thread. -*- 89628 28-AUG 21:40 General Information RE: OS-9 Live (Re: Msg 89587) From: DBREEDING To: DSRTFOX > Ever notice how easy it is to reply to the wrong person? ;> Ya, it is.. sometimes it's a little trouble going back to the original, anyway. But, I *DID* want to brag anyhow.. proud to be a subscriber.. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 89629 28-AUG 21:40 General Information RE: Conference Announcement:OS-9 Late Ni (Re: Msg 89620) From: DBREEDING To: CPERRAULT > use some educating. I too am interested in C, but won't be getting > too serious with it for a while. I do plan on taking it up tho looks like a good language anyway>, so I try to soak up whatever I see > mentioned about it, as much as possible as it will come in handy > later. If you are serious about programming, and especially if you are going to OSK, I feel that C is the way to go. Basic is great, but as I understand it, it is not as widely used in OSK, and, of course, if you go to a PC or whatever, then their basic is somewhat different. As a matter of fact, Basic is not included in the Delmar package, so some would not be able to run your programs, which would limit your sales a little if you want to go commercial. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 89630 28-AUG 21:41 Telecom (6809) RE: info express (Re: Msg 89607) From: DBREEDING To: JEJONES > > what is info express. and where can i get it. > > send him email (he wrote the program, and IMHO it's a nice piece > of work Nice? Guess you think a Ferarri is a "nice" car, James? ;-) IMO, "ix" is GREAT!!!! I have to pay on both ends of the line and it REALLY saves me, and I now really depend on it heavily, although I messed around and now may have to wait till Bill gets his vendor set up or something before I can get the OSK version. Really, I think it's a lifesaver. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 89631 28-AUG 21:42 Programmers Den RE: System Calls(??????) (Re: Msg 89615) From: DBREEDING To: CPERRAULT > Thanks for the the syscall info David. I'm gonna save that > message as yet another one of the help messages from here :-) I'm not > sure how well I'll do with it when I try it out, but from the message, > it is starting to make a little more sense. Reading source code from I hope it was correct.. I had this data scribbled into my Tech Info section in the appropriate place, can't remember where I got it, from a msg, I think. Again, I would suggest that you look at gfx3. It makes a lot of the syscalls a lot shorter (and FWIW, these calls use names similar to those in cgfx.l, as well as std calls under OSK. > Basic listings in the Underground isn't hurting either. This is a really good way to learn new techniques. > I'll let you all know how it works out when I try it. Please do so.. I am interested in your progress, and I'm sure others are, too. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 89632 28-AUG 23:55 Applications (6809) RE: Database Deletion of DScan V4.0!! (Re: Msg 89606) From: MITHELEN To: 01GEN40 (NR) KBcom is bothe for the CoCo, and MM/1... -- Paul -*- 89633 29-AUG 00:07 General Information RE: Sculptor (Re: Msg 89604) From: FHOGG To: NEALSTEWARD (NR) Yes with the runtime you could sell a sculptor app to someone else. To be completely legal you would need a runtime for each person you sell the app. too. And yes the versions for OSK and MSDOS are source code compatible with what you have. On MSDOS you have to watch the filename in 'exec' and '!file' etc but that is probably obvious. Otherwise all is the same. Frank PS You have to have a dev system for each target so you can compile the app you want to sell. A compiled app. on the coco will not run on OSK etc. This was changed by MPD in a later version (1.16 I think) but I don't have that version available at this pri ce. -*- 89642 29-AUG 06:47 General Information RE: Sculptor (Re: Msg 89604) From: EDELMAR To: NEALSTEWARD (NR) The last version of SCULPTOR MPD did for the 6809 (CoCo) was 1.16. They made extensive changes to the file structure so that it is not compatible with earlier versions. They do include a utility to convert earlier file structures. We sold somewhere around a hundred copies of SCULPTOR version 1.16 to 6809 users (mostly CoCo) so there will be some users who have SCULPTOR but will be unable to run your apps without doing some work at their end. On the other hand, .g and .q code compiled under 1.16 will run on most any platform without re-compiling unless you are doing something unique under the platform you are using. But, you can tweak the code on the CoCo for other platforms if you found you did something the other platform doesn't like. Also, code compiled under 1.16 will run under the later versions of SCULPTOR without further work. (The latest release is 2.2 with 2.3 in beta testing.) If you're interested in a SCULPTOR package for OSK, version 1.14.6, you can obtain copies from Fred Brown at Peripheral Technology (404-973-2156) for, I think, $75.00. This is the development package. I can provide current packages for most any platform. Ed Gresick - DELMAR CO -*- End of Thread. -*- 89635 29-AUG 00:20 Users Group OS-9 Users Group FAQ From: MITHELEN To: ALL The following is the OS-9 Users Group, Inc. Frequently Asked Questions file. 04 August 1994 * DRAFT * OS-9 Users Group Frequently Asked Questions List ------------------------------------------------ 16 July 1994 Edition Q. What is the OS-9 Users Group? A. The OS-9 Users Group, Inc., is a non-profit organization established with the goals of: a. Stimulating and sustaining interest in the OS-9 operating system in all its forms (OS-9 6809, OS-9 68000, OS-9000); b. Promoting the cooperation and exchange of information concerning OS-9 betweens its members; c. Conducting programs and activities which promote fraternalism and advance the general interest and knowledge of its members; and d. Supporting, where practical, the activities of other organizations which promote OS-9. Q. How do I contact the OS-9 Users Group? A. Any of the following addresses may be used to contact the Users Group: By Mail: The OS-9 Users Group, Inc. 6158 W. 63d St. Suite 109 Chicago, IL USA 60638 By Internet: Officers of the Users Group are as follows: Position Name EMail Address --------------------- ---------------- ---------------------- President Carl Boll Executive VP Colin McKay Director Ed Gresick Director Eddie Kuns Director Ken Scales VP Communications Paul Jerkatis VP OS-9 (6809) * Brian Goers VP OS-9 Brian Goers Secretary Howard Luckey Treasurer Br. Jeremy Librarian Zack Sessions MOTD Editor Joel Hegberg * Acting pending appointment of a replacement. Q. How much does membership cost? A. Annual Membership Dues: United States & Canada Other Countries 25.00 US 30.00 US Q. Why should I join? A. There are many reasons for joining the Users Group. Why you join is entirely up to you, but here are some reasons: o Support. OS-9 is a great Operating System, but it also can be difficult to learn. The Users Group can help ease the learning curve, and suggest sources for additional help. A project that you are working on may already have been completed by someone else. The Users Group can help put you in contact with them. o The MOTD Newsletter. o The best reason for joining is that you want to. Q. What is the MOTD Newsletter. A. MOTD, or Message Of The Day, is the OS-9 Users Group Newsletter. It is published four times per year or more often if required. It contains news of interest to UG members, as well as contacts, and several regular features. These include the "President's Column", and "Straight From the Horse's Mouth", about the use of OS-9 by Industrial, Scientific and Educational Institutions. A new column by Joel Hegberg will be starting shortly. ********************************************************* * The OS-9 UG FAQ is maintained by the OS-9 Users Group * * Executive Vice President, Colin McKay. Updates, * * questions, and comments may be sent to him at: * * * * or by mail at the ug address * ********************************************************* -- Paul Jerkatis VP. Communications OS-9 Users Group, Inc. -*- 89636 29-AUG 01:42 OSK Applications RE: OS9000 (Re: Msg 89527) From: WMBRADY To: JOHNREED Sorry, it won't boot. -*- 89637 29-AUG 01:51 General Information RE: Conference Reminder (Re: Msg 89621) From: REVWCP To: CPERRAULT I'll be there. With all best wishes, Brother Jeremy, CSJW OS9 User's Group Treasurer -*- 89638 29-AUG 05:42 General Information RE: (Re: Msg 89576) From: ALAIN1155 To: JRUPPEL well i did not want to mess with the printer, therfore i returned it to the store and got a panasonic printer instead. This one works great alain -*- 89645 29-AUG 20:20 General Information RE: (Re: Msg 89638) From: JRUPPEL To: ALAIN1155 (NR) Also a good choice. I haven't had time yet to pull apart my connector and refres~t{e hardware hacks I've performed on my system, I haven't really documented them... UNLESS they don't work! Then I make a note not to do that again Good luck! If I can be of any help, leave me a message here or in E-mail. John Ruppel CocoNuts in Lansing -*- End of Thread. -*- 89639 29-AUG 05:44 General Information RE: sidewise and business software. (Re: Msg 89601) From: ALAIN1155 To: NEALSTEWARD (NR) Thanks very much.... let me know when you will have install it whats its worth alain -*- 89649 29-AUG 21:25 General Information RE: sidewise and business software. (Re: Msg 89639) From: DSRTFOX To: NEALSTEWARD (NR) Please DO write me up a little article on the problems you had installing. I have a demo version already installed on a floppy. It will open three device windows on the same screen, so you need plenty of memory. Try killing everything and running AL3 from a clean boot with no other processes running. -*- End of Thread. -*- 89640 29-AUG 05:44 General Information RE: Roger Krupski's CC3Go modules (Re: Msg 89602) From: ALAIN1155 To: NEALSTEWARD (NR) found it thanks very much alain -*- 89641 29-AUG 05:46 General Information smouse From: ALAIN1155 To: ALL I would like to use the smouse patch from Bruce Isted but the installation file was missing from the archive. Anyone could tell me how to convert a microsoft mouse so to use it on a coco alain -*- 89643 29-AUG 06:47 General Information RE: smouse (Re: Msg 89641) From: COCOKIWI To: ALAIN1155 (NR) I did this some years ago! the fix is NOT in the mouse...BUT is the RATshack Rs232 pak! IT needs a slight mod for it to work..get a 5.6k 1/4watt resistor and bending the wires straight down ......right by the astic J1 you will see C1 ..right in between that cap you will see a through HOLE.. you need to bridge the resistor across the cap from that hole to the resistor R2..... solder it in place!.......thats it!plug in the mouse and may need a 9 pin to 25pin adaptor..... what you are doing is putting a pull up resistor on a line!... regards Dennis -*- End of Thread. -*- 89644 29-AUG 09:36 General Information RE: NitrOS9 release (Re: Msg 89617) From: MROWEN01 To: CPERRAULT I believe I'm going to join the OS9 list in addition to the Cocolist. I don't know what the traffic volume will be yet, but I'll risk it for a bit to see what it's like. Let me know if and when you go 6309. Perhaps tonight we can see if there are a large number of users interested. That way we could all go through this process together. At minimum, everyone else could get a ring side seat to someone else's install. I'll see you tonight in the conference. -Mike Rowen -*- 89652 29-AUG 21:32 General Information RE: NitrOS9 release (Re: Msg 89617) From: DSRTFOX To: CPERRAULT Chris, I didn't think the 6309 would make that much difference, but Rick Ulland displayed a 4096 color "flick-pic" on his 6309/PowerBoosted machine. You could barely notice the flicker at all, whereas a non-boosted machine had a flicker a blind person would have noticed easily!! -*- End of Thread. -*- 89646 29-AUG 20:35 OSK Applications RE: Xlate.lzh (Re: Msg 89596) From: VAXELF To: BILLDICKHAUS Thanks Bill. John D. -*- 89647 29-AUG 21:19 General Information RE: Funny Coincidence (Re: Msg 89589) From: DSRTFOX To: MREGC I'll get the file, but next time let me know you have something new to announce! I publish/edit "the world of 68' micros", by the way!! -*- 89656 30-AUG 02:13 General Information RE: Funny Coincidence (Re: Msg 89647) From: MREGC To: DSRTFOX (NR) You'll be hearing from me in mail, just a little late. :) ..Eric... -*- End of Thread. -*- 89648 29-AUG 21:23 General Information RE: Crashed Coco3 (Re: Msg 89599) From: DSRTFOX To: NEALSTEWARD (NR) Is the new MPI upgraded for the CoCo3? Or rather was the other small MPI? That could have been the problem! The old style MPI is a little more forgiving, but still needs to be upgraded with a new PAL. Marty Goodman can supply a new PAL if you need one. Strapping helps, but you still need that new PAL!! -*- 89653 29-AUG 21:37 General Information RE: OSK/AMIGA (Re: Msg 89618) From: DSRTFOX To: CPERRAULT I don't currently have an OSK capable (68000 based) machine at all. The idea is that one with an Amiga would be interested, but at $600 per copy and no 68020 (and the 68000 kernal won't work with the 68020 either!) it just may not be worth it, not unless you were practically given an Amiga. The Atari version is around $200, which is more in line with the PT68K version ($300). For the cost of the Amiga version and an Amiga, you could ppurchase a PT68K4 motherboard and some surplus PC components to build a complete machine with.. about $1200 with a mono or CGA monitor, $1400 with VGA. That includes a small hard drive (40-80MB)!! -*- 89654 29-AUG 21:44 General Information OS-9UG From: DSRTFOX To: MRUPGRADE Terry, capture msg 89635! That might help. -*- 89655 29-AUG 23:43 General Information RE: Atlanta Fest (Re: Msg 89592) From: WA2EGP To: DISTO (NR) I'm interested. What address? You can let me know in email. -*- 89657 30-AUG 04:54 Applications (6809) DMode From: MMCCLELLAND To: ALL Hi everybody, During tonight's conference I heard mention of a program called DMode. I just downloaded it, but AR will not decompress it, because of a CRC error. My first guess, which was right, was that Xmodem padding had changed the archive during upload. Its description on Delphi claims that I "...must iddle it to $1C4C". I have no idea how to do this. I downloaded DED but it had the same problem! I desperately need DMode! Any help will be greatly appreciated! -=Mark=- -*- 89658 30-AUG 08:58 Applications (6809) RE: DMode (Re: Msg 89657) From: MROWEN01 To: MMCCLELLAND (NR) I'm going to grab this too. Soemone also mentioned a utility to fix the file before unarcing I believe. You can scan the transcript when it's posted to be sure. What are you using to unarc? I've had good luck with the newer lha/lzh utilities that handle multiple types of archives. -Mike -*- End of Thread. -*- FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit>