Public Message Message # 1789 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : Clyde Price From : John A Donaldson Subject : Re: MM/1 TCP/IP Date : 94/02/07 10:19:27 Previous Reply is Message 1478 This is all happening on the OS9 SIG. In the last few days PALM - a UUCP File Utility was released. I expect the full OSK UUCP package to be released anyday. John A. DOnaldson --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: Ocean Beach BBS 619-224-4878 MM1 TECH moderator (1:202/343) Public Message Message # 1809 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : George Hine From : John A Donaldson Subject : Re: Kterm Date : 94/02/05 23:14:00 Interesting, I'll take a look at that. Thanks for the report. Which version are you testing? The one with or without 38K Baud?? John A. Donaldson --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: THE-GOLDEN-COCO-bbs,RIBBS/OS9/OCN,HOUSTON,TX (1:106/941) Public Message Message # 1810 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : George Hine From : John A Donaldson Subject : KTerm Problem Date : 94/02/05 23:22:00 I just tried out what you discribed. ( read a file done from Capture while downloading a file ). It works OK here. Can you etell me what your system setup is and a little more detail on what is happening. Do you get a system error msg. Are you starting KTERM as a seperate process ( KTerm /t3 & ). Ect...ect...ect... John A. Donaldson --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: THE-GOLDEN-COCO-bbs,RIBBS/OS9/OCN,HOUSTON,TX (1:106/941) Public Message Message # 1811 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : All From : John A Donaldson Subject : Internet News Date : 94/02/05 23:33:00 for all of you that use Internet and use the OS9 Archive. It is moving. Old Site: New Site: Starting: Feb 3, 1994 Ending: To be Announcted I will post a msg here when the new site is up and running. John A. Donaldson OCN Internet Rep --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: THE-GOLDEN-COCO-bbs,RIBBS/OS9/OCN,HOUSTON,TX (1:106/941) Public Message Message # 1813 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : Calvin Dodge From : Warren Hrach Subject : math all versions Date : 94/02/07 17:17:25 Calvin, Found a bug in your math module, all versions to date. Basic doesn't like your modules and when loaded in it will say 4294962194 free when one hits enter after it is loaded. This also screws up any source you load that has dimensions in it as any number is 10 digits long starting with the 429xxxxxxx. This is Basic V2.4. Of course one can just merge the old math with basic so when called the old one will load in but better if you can fix it. -Warren --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: Ocean Beach BBS 619-224-4878 MM1 TECH moderator (1:202/343) Public Message Message # 1861 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : John A Donaldson From : George Hine Subject : RE: KTERM Date : 94/02/08 05:38:00 John: I am using the new version of Kterm with the 38400 baud mode George --- FLAME v1.0 * Origin: The King's Market BBS (1:104/115) Public Message Message # 1862 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : John A Donaldson From : George Hine Subject : KTERM PROBLEM Date : 94/02/08 05:52:00 Dear John: My system is a MM-1a (68340) running at 16 Mhz. The modem is a Zyxel U-1496E which operates at a line speed of 9600 and a DTE-DCE of 38400 baud with Hardware Handshake on port T3. The problem was produced when using ME (microEmacs) to read a closed capture file in another window while Kterm was downloading a file. The record locking aparently preven- ted ME from loading the file. ME hung with a loading file prompt. I have tried to duplicate the conditions and so far have found that ME will do the same thing (hang at the loading file) when the capture file has not been closed. I have not yet duplicated the condition during file download. If I come up with more information or if you think of something else please let me know. Thanks , George --- FLAME v1.0 * Origin: The King's Market BBS (1:104/115) Public Message Message # 1872 *MM1 TECH Echo* To : All From : John A Donaldson Subject : KTerm YModem Date : 94/02/08 22:18:00 This msg is really to the person that sent me email about having trouble using the YModem on KTerm Beta V2.0. YModem on KTerm is NOT YMODEM BATCH. If you select just YMODEM, it works correctly. I need to look at the specs for YModemm, to see what the difference is. If may be a control sequence that is sent tell the receive side how many files is ready to send. In that case is should be easy to add YMODEM BATCH. Now anyone got a copy of the specs????? John A. Donaldson --- RiBBS v2.10 * Origin: THE-GOLDEN-COCO-bbs,RIBBS/OS9/OCN,HOUSTON,TX (1:106/941) =*= FIDO ECHO MESSAGES MENU =*= <1> Scan \ <2> Read > OS9 Echo mail <3> Leave / <4> Scan \ <5> Read > CoCo Echo mail <6> Leave / <7> Scan \ <8> Read > CoCo_Club Echo mail <9> Leave / Scan \ Read > MM1_TECH Echo Mail Leave / o back to Main Menu

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