read new nonstop follow 91334 8-JAN 16:13 OSK Applications RE: DMODE SETTINGS (Re: Msg 91305) From: AJMLFCO To: VAXELF If I understand it right, the Ribbs_OSK is using more than screen positioning codes like Vt100, it is also using the KWindow codes to make windows, switch windows, etc. It sound like the project should be renamed from Ribbs_OSK to Ribbs_MM1 as it is rather specific to one machine right now. Not that I object, since I suspect the people doing the work are running KWindows and that is easiest for them. I haven't been following Fidonet much since I got into the Internet on here. I recall, though, that someone was working in getting Binlkey ported to OSK. Do you know anything about that project? Allen Morgan -*- 91336 8-JAN 17:29 OSK Applications RE: DMODE SETTINGS (Re: Msg 91334) From: RANDYKWILSON To: AJMLFCO That's not quite the case. John is not "adding" K-win specific code. John is in the process of converting code that is very much entrenched in the coco way to OSK. There are four major areas that need attacked: o Asm subroutines need to be reprogrammed in 680x0 code o All code that assumes Basic09 data types, and there is a lot of it, needs to be hacked to deal with OSK data types (types mostly equals sizes here) o All coco specfic serial port stratigies need to be located and changed to deal with the equally damaged, but very different, OSK serial enviroment. o All coco specific screen control needs to be made generic. This last one isn't really necessary for program development, as the MM/1 accepts coco screen codes. For this reason, it has been left for last... least priority. having some idea what John is going through (I looked at converting SuperComm to OSK, and am helping John with the asm), hindsight tells me it would have been better to use the RiBBs source disks for their BTU content and program from scratch. John has put an enormous amount of work into this project. Randy -*- 91337 8-JAN 22:09 OSK Applications RE: DMODE SETTINGS (Re: Msg 91334) From: VAXELF To: AJMLFCO The main reason Ribbs_OSK is using KWindow calls, is that KWindows is very very similiar tot he Window calls on the COCO OS9 LII. The OS9 Ribbs used many of the COCO Window calls, thus this port automaticly taylors itself to the KWindow enviroment. As for Binkley, I was the one trying to port it to OSK. Ran into some serious problems, having to do with the OSK CURSURS package and MODEM access. I ran into the modem access problem with Ribbs_OSK but was able to get around it for now. Bink uses many modem access parameters that are NOT availible under OSK or at least the MM/1 version. I have sent David Graham a message about the problems with the serial drivers. The serial drivers work fine as they are, they are just lacking in some parameters that are vidal to FULL MODEM ACCESS. They work fine for use with a terminal program, but not for the way Bink uses them. Also I ran out of memory and I also switched to the newer GNU C/C++ compiler. I recently received the memory expansion bus, so now have to save enough to get the two 4Meg SIMMS to fill it up. I have shelved that project for now. John D. -*- 91339 9-JAN 00:34 OSK Applications RE: DMODE SETTINGS (Re: Msg 91336) From: AJMLFCO To: RANDYKWILSON Thanks for the insight. It sound like quite a project. I hope I didn't sound like I was complaining, although I am a little disappointed that it wouldn't run in a generic environment. I realize it would be wishful thinking (like dream on!) to find a GWindows version. Allen -*- 91340 9-JAN 00:43 OSK Applications RE: DMODE SETTINGS (Re: Msg 91337) From: AJMLFCO To: VAXELF One time a few months ago, while "killing time" in a computer bookstore, I found a book with documentation of the Fossil driver BIOS INT calls. Unfortunately, I couldn't justify $44 for 10 pages of the book. Lack of support for these calls in OS9000 keeps us (Mark Johnson & me) from running Binkley and RA under VPC shell. Too bad, because the idea was to have a Door into OS9000 shell for registered users. I would suppose that good documentation of the fossil driver calls would help in getting compatible OSK driver support for Binkley, etc. too. Allen -*- 91341 9-JAN 20:24 OSK Applications RE: DMODE SETTINGS (Re: Msg 91340) From: VAXELF To: AJMLFCO I could send you a copy of the fozzel C code I have. It is stubs for the fossil drivers. You could then add the code to make them work under OS9000. John D. -*- 91352 10-JAN 01:34 OSK Applications RE: DMODE SETTINGS (Re: Msg 91341) From: AJMLFCO To: VAXELF John, If it's not to complex, we may want to take a look at it. We have been experimenting with Ultra C in the OS9000 and have (finally) had some luck. The real problem, though, is in VPC (the Dos emulator). We don't know enough about how it works to consider extending it's BIOS emulation to support the extra interupts. And since I don't have the books or software at my house, I can't be more specific right now. All I can recall now is finding that the VPC shipped with OS9000 does not support enough to run a fossil driver. Allen -*- 91357 10-JAN 22:00 OSK Applications RE: DMODE SETTINGS (Re: Msg 91352) From: VAXELF To: AJMLFCO What you can do with this code, that is, if the OS9000 has a graphic package kinda like cgfx, is emulate the cgfx calls. This may allow you to use MM/1 C programs on the OS9000. I'll send you the code and you can take a look and see if it is useful. The bink code I have has one for UNIX, MSDOS, AMIAGA, and SUN. I'll send the MSDOS one too. John D. -*- 91364 12-JAN 01:38 OSK Applications RE: DMODE SETTINGS (Re: Msg 91357) From: AJMLFCO To: VAXELF The OS9000 system uses Gwindows. We are interested in getting the development package but as I understand it, if I get the Gwindows developers kit for OSK I can't do any OS9000. If Mark gets Gwindows developer's for OS9000, he (we ) can't develop for OSK. It's not worth getting two pieces of software right now. We may have better luck Allen Morgan -*- 91366 12-JAN 04:51 OSK Applications RE: DMODE SETTINGS (Re: Msg 91364) From: EDELMAR To: AJMLFCO Allen, > The OS9000 system uses Gwindows. We are interested in getting > the development package but as I understand it, if I get the Gwindows > developers kit for OSK I can't do any OS9000. If Mark gets Gwindows > developer's for OS9000, he (we ) can't develop for OSK. Not quite correct. (I assume you're referring a 386/486 machine running OS9000/386 - not OS9000/68040 running on a Motorola, Force or a couple of other platforms.) Obviously, the same object code will not run on both platforms. But source code written for one OS will compile on the other with only a few changes. The biggest change will be to I/O and you'll find that this becomes a 'canned' package you'll be able to slip into the code. I've been porting several PD packages to OS9000. Since I'm doing everything in Ultra-C, I'm spending more time converting from K&R (3.2) C to Ultra-C than I am porting from OS9/68000 to OS9000/386. I'm doing the conversions under OS9/68000. But, you can do the work under K&R as well. You might want to look at the source code for STerm I've uploaded. It's in the 'new' library here. As to G-WINDOWS, PAGAN has written several games, etc. for G-WINDOWS under OS9/68000. I've been doing the ports to OS9000/386 for him. Most of the stuff is compiling with no or only a couple of changes. Of course, the appropriate G-WINDOWS libraries must be used. For this, you'll need the proper Developers Pack. If you have code you've written for G-WINDOWS under one of the above OSs and want it compiled on the other, so long as it is to be PD, I'll do it for you at no charge. If it's to be a commercial package, we can talk. For those interested, I'm posting all the PD stuff I'm doing here and on CIS and will be posting on Chestnut and Washington U. Postings will include object code for OS9000/386 and OS9/68000 and the source code. Since every- thing is done with Ultra-C, the appropriate FPU and CSL modules are included with instructions. Ed Gresick - DELMAR CO -*- 91367 12-JAN 21:05 OSK Applications RE: DMODE SETTINGS (Re: Msg 91364) From: VAXELF To: AJMLFCO One thing about the fossil interface program, is it standardizes the graphic calls. Thus allowing the same program to be compiled on different platforms. We are having a BIG discussion with Carl K. about his serial drivers. they were broke in the COCO OS9 LII, and are still broke in OSK. It seems he has a thing about FULLY supporting the uart chips he is making drivers for. For one thing he never added support for DTR in the COCO version or the OSK version. Both machine's uarts have DTR accessible in the same registers that contain the DCD. he didn't even support DCD or CTS/RTS. You have to use a get/setstat call to access these. DTR should be on the parameter packet, so you can use it just like pause,echo,baudrate, & ect. John A. Donaldson -*- End of Thread. -*- 91335 8-JAN 17:11 General Information RE: Install program (Re: Msg 91143) From: TEDJAEGER To: DBREEDING > Ted, just some thoughts... > > How do you intend to go about this? Do you plan to write a general, > universal "install" program? If so, then you might consider letting > it do its own copying rather than calling up copy or whatever. > > One thought about getting around where to put the script. How about > creating a data module, or maybe some other thing that could be loaded > into memory. I haven't given it much thought, but you might even > malloc() memory and load the script into memory and let the program > progressively read the file. Or, another thought, couldn't you > read the commmands from the source disk one line at a time. To read > the data, you would have to insert the source disk, anyway. > > The program might need to ask for some information such as exactly > where you will be reading from, your destination path, etc, or it > could be that this information could be read from the command line. Thanks for your input. I'm just back from Christmas R&R and have to rethink the project. Yes, I want a universal install program though I will probably start off getting one that works satisfactorily with DeskTamer. I'm gonna look at popen next (Tim K's suggestion). Just writing the install script into memory (without assuming /r0) seems like it would get me over the hill. Bests ---TedJaeger -*- 91355 10-JAN 21:18 General Information RE: Install program (Re: Msg 91189) From: TEDJAEGER To: RICKULAND Thanks for the thoughts about installation disks, Rick. I saved that message and will get back to the project in a couple of weeks. Bests ---TedJaeger -*- 91358 10-JAN 22:06 General Information RE: Install program (Re: Msg 91335) From: DBREEDING To: TEDJAEGER > Thanks for your input. I'm just back from Christmas R&R and have to > rethink the project. Yes, I want a universal install program though Hope you had a good rest. > I will probably start off getting one that works satisfactorily > with DeskTamer. > Just writing the install script into memory (without assuming /r0) > seems like it would get me over the hill. Right. I think the best way, if you are to make it totally universal, would be to handle all or as much as possible in memory. Of course, for something like you are planning, if I understand correctly, the safest bet is to assume nothing as to what the user might or might not have. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- End of Thread. -*- 91338 8-JAN 22:17 General Information Areaedit From: VE3DAC To: DGANTZ Hi Dave, Your Areaedit came down the OCN pipe and here are my first comments, maybe my last . A minor point but the main menu #5 says Delete Echo however it seems to be Edit Echo and won't delete an Echo. The only thing I need to do right now is Delete. A more serious problem for me, is the fact that I have a number of echos which have names much longer than you have provided for. This really louses up the screen displays that you worked so hard on. I have some Usenet echos with names like comp.os.linux.misc. I would like you to add, as you said you might, an exit without saving the areas.ctl file. I can see running your program with no intent of making any changes. It seems to display the file faster than I can change directories and run 'VU'. I didn't try, but wonder how easy it is to change the Hub for an echo. You said you wanted to make sure that a hub couldn't be deleted from an echo entry. Somewhere in the grey cells I had another 'wonder', but it seems to have developed a hidden attribute. I'll pass it on if it comes back and seems worthwhile. Merv TCCC BBS 1:250/404 -*- 91342 9-JAN 21:13 General Information RE: where do I go? (Re: Msg 91325) From: DSRTFOX To: KUPER The system has 512K and two double sided disk drives. There is also a good deal of software (including Os-9 Level 2 and Multi-Vue) and a pair of deluxe joysticks and a mouse that I'd send along with the system. I'm asking $175 sent anywhere in the continental US. We can negotiate price, but I'd rather do that in e-mail... -*- 91343 9-JAN 21:16 Applications (6809) RE: 8-bit chips (Re: Msg 91318) From: DSRTFOX To: COCOKIWI Did you fail to read the part where I said "the same power supply works perfectly with a 286/20MHz motherboard" (or something similar!!!)?? I had thought it COULD be a slow memory problem, but DID suspect the power supply all along. I don't think there is anything WRONG with the PS per se, but the sensor sure isn't FAST ENOUGH for the 486DX/50MHz!! It seems to be plenty fast for the 286/20MHz. My guess is just time frame the PS was built rather than a fault. Thanks for your input though! -*- 91345 9-JAN 21:44 Applications (6809) RE: 8-bit chips (Re: Msg 91329) From: DSRTFOX To: DBREEDING I have a source for Mac scanners which connect to the SCSI port. I don't know about source code for formats or anything though.... I guess you's have to look in the Mac SIG and see if there are any shareware programs that support a scanner (some paint type programs might) and do some disassembly. At least they would be in 68K code!! The hand scanners are $49.95 for an B&W model, $79.95 for color. They come with a simple B&W paint program... could be disassembled? Is a SCSI model. 100-400 dpi resolution, 4.134" wide. Will run on a Mac Classic or SE, 1MB of RAM, so doesn't require much. They are available from HSC, 1-800-442-5833 (orders, order part #14809), 408-732-1573 for info. They also have a video capture device similar to the RASCAN unit for the CoCo. Uses the SCSI port also. It is only $39.95 (need a video input device... camera or VCR) part #15012 As for monitor burn in, we have a few with some burn here at the AF base. They are old 1982 vintage or so WANG green screen terminals. They are only burned in from 4-6 years of being left on constantly, displaying the log-on screen . We have more that AREN'T burned in the same age than are. Those people at least turned the brightness down nights and weekends, the burned ones didn't. In my opinion, screen burn has always been over hyped. Imagine how many hours those screens ran with the same thing on the display!! Nights would be 10 hours, plus an extra 28 hours each weekend (10x365=3650+52x28=5106 hours per yearx4 years=20,424). Now these probably sat some other days, or half days, with the logon screen displayed. The point is, it took 3-4 YEARS of the exact same screen (only the time/date changed!) to cause any discernable damage. And that is on equipment made 10-14 years ago! What do YOU think???? We also have computers that are turned on and off every day. The one I'm working on right now (I'm backing up the mini computer as I type.. baby-sitting the tape drive!) is a 1989 vintage Zenith 248. The logic card has been replaced with a 486SX/25MHz processor card, but the power supply and monitor are the same. It is turned on and off at least twice daily. Nothing has failed in six years. We also have some Wang "classic" 8088 computers (they AREN'T fully XT compatible, about 80%) that have been running since 1982 under the same conditions, turned on and off at least daily. We are starting to get some hard drive failures (well, over the past year) now in the old 10MB HD units that reformatting won't fix for long, but that's about all. Those things are used as remote terminals for the mini-computer, so they aren't taxed much. We are getting ready to replace them, however, with 486SX computers. As remote, dedicated terminals, they have been extremely reliable though. -*- 91348 9-JAN 23:23 Applications (6809) RE: 8-bit chips (Re: Msg 91330) From: WA2EGP To: DBREEDING Mine would probably win the "most junk in one room" award. Imagine, a 12 X 14 room with room for one one person. An earthquake would bury that person. When I have a crash....I HAVE A CRASH!!! (Grin) -*- 91350 10-JAN 01:07 Applications (6809) RE: 8-bit chips (Re: Msg 91343) From: COCOKIWI To: DSRTFOX The CPU,s draw MORE power as they get bigger or smaller?? but weird things can crop up in there!........It could be a timing problem with the 5v sensor that was causing the difference..The sensor Was kicking in too soon,causing the power problem! Some Mother boards had that problem.....The power sense circuit has a timer on it so that it will not kick in too soon! And the power supply would kick it in,one would get a reset!and flacky operation!on boot! Dennis -*- 91351 10-JAN 01:13 Applications (6809) RE: 8-bit chips (Re: Msg 91328) From: COCOKIWI To: DBREEDING the older !!586!! pent...up.....draws 3.5 ones around 1.5 amps cause they went to a smaller die..and lower volts 3.3 volts......A laptop would not run too long with those Amps..... Dennis -*- 91354 10-JAN 19:31 Applications (6809) RE: 8-bit chips (Re: Msg 91328) From: JOHNREED To: DBREEDING > for our systems. This one person said that he usually left his computer > on all the time (as I understood him), but would turn his monitor off. > I wonder, though if having the computer on and the lines going out in > open space, so to speak, for an extended period of time might be hard on > the video circuitry in the computer. > > Any comments, anyone? I often leave my MM/1 and the messydos machine on when I am away from home overnight and want to run them by phone. I usually turn the monitors off. The video output of the computer should "see" the same impedance at the monitor whether it is on or off. No problem. ******************************** A stitch in time -------------------- ------ is worth two in the bush John R. Wainwright <> <> -*- 91379 13-JAN 22:10 Applications (6809) RE: 8-bit chips (Re: Msg 91345) From: DBREEDING To: DSRTFOX > I have a source for Mac scanners which connect to the SCSI port. Oh, I was wondering about implementing scanners on OSK systems. Not sure if very many people would be interested, but I've thought it would be nice to have. > As for monitor burn in, we have a few with some burn here at the AF base. > They are old 1982 vintage or so WANG green screen terminals. They are only > burned in from 4-6 years of being left on constantly, displaying the > log-on screen . We have more that AREN'T burned in the same age than are. > Those people at least turned the brightness down nights and weekends, the > burned ones didn't. In my opinion, screen burn has always been over hyped. Probably so.. although I have noticed on the terminal screens for our lottery displays here, (they cycle through about 3 or 4 displays for the different draws, and I don't know the quality of the monitors), you do see the image of some of the displays on them. I've always just been one to not take chances. > in six years. We also have some Wang "classic" 8088 computers (they AREN'T > fully XT compatible, about 80%) > We are starting to > get some hard drive failures (well, over the past year) now in the old > 10MB HD It's funny you should mention these.. I believe a friend of mine just purchased one of these, from some kind of salvage place. The HD is a seagate 412, I think, the cards lay down, and would be maybe 10-12" "high" if they stood up. I went over to check it out, and while I was there, a screw came out of the HD and dropped out, and after that, would not read the HD, I thought maybe the nut or screw dropped down on the board and shorted something. The floppy would not read a 360k disk, either (before this happened). I think the dealer is going to swap them another unit.. They gave $200 for it, monitor, and printer. Actually, I wish they would get something a little more up-to-date, but they are determined. I saw a msg on our BBS about a 286 system, and I believe it has SVGA (maybe VGA), for $400. This is not very state-of-the-art, either, but it would be a better foundation to start from. Well, you'd have to know them... But, IMO, they just don't have anything to work with. I bet it's the exact same thing you have just described. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 91380 13-JAN 22:10 Applications (6809) RE: 8-bit chips (Re: Msg 91348) From: DBREEDING To: WA2EGP > Mine would probably win the "most junk in one room" award. Imagine, a 12 X > 14 room with room for one one person. An earthquake would bury that > person. When I have a crash....I HAVE A CRASH!!! (Grin) I dunno, if the contest is open to all types of rooms/buildings, I could give you a run for your money.. We have one outbuilding, about 12x12, where, maybe several people could get in, but you do have to just about crawl over everything, and we have a 120 x 48 outbuilding that has, in time been so cluttered that you couldn't drive a vehicle from one end to the other. I guess I can hold my own in "junkpiling"... -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 91384 13-JAN 23:50 Applications (6809) RE: 8-bit chips (Re: Msg 91380) From: WA2EGP To: DBREEDING Ooooooh....could I visit (with a station wagon)? -*- 91390 14-JAN 14:01 Applications (6809) RE: 8-bit chips (Re: Msg 91384) From: DBREEDING To: WA2EGP > Ooooooh....could I visit (with a station wagon)? Better make that a *BIG* station wagon ;-) .. Or better yet, do you own a Semi? -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 91394 14-JAN 23:14 Applications (6809) RE: 8-bit chips (Re: Msg 91345) From: LMCCLURE To: DSRTFOX (NR) "The hand scanners are $49.95 for an B&W model, $79.95 for color." What are the specs on the color scanner (i.e., d.p.i. [200,400 or 800?] and the maximum number of colors [262,144 or 16.8 million?])? -*- 91401 15-JAN 02:50 Applications (6809) RE: 8-bit chips (Re: Msg 91329) From: DIGIGRADE To: DBREEDING > > most people, even in business, don't tax there machines as much as you > > seem to!! > > I'd say *MOST* people don't even push their machines hard enough to even > get their attention > > In your message, you mention something I've been wondering about -- > scanners for us. I wonder if anyone has attempted to get us started with > scanners. Would it be worthwhile? That is, would very many people be > interested? Many are SCSI, aren't they? Would they simply hook to the > SCSI port? Could we get access to the format etc of the data to write > the program? Iv'e been waiting for info on the SCSI digitizer that was supposed to be in the works since 1991! Now that I'm buying a Macintosh I wouldn't be too interested. I'm going to be using an Apple QuickTake digital camera to take digital pictures, it's priced well for the quality unit that it is. You can store 32 320x240 images, 8 640x480 images or a comination of both in the 1MB of "FLASH EPROM" memory. I might try making a driver for the MM/1. The cost is $685.86 from CDW. Does this sound too expensive for the MM/1 market? Really it could work on all OSK systems. I really don't know what kind of format the QuickTake uses. Dave _____________________________________________________________________________ |Dave Pellerito - | Posted using InfoXpress | |Digigrade Productions - Digital Services | with an MM/1 running OSK | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | *********** Compact disks, the greatest idea since television *********** | |___________________________________________________________________________| -*- 91408 15-JAN 13:35 Applications (6809) RE: 8-bit chips (Re: Msg 91401) From: DBREEDING To: DIGIGRADE (NR) > Iv'e been waiting for info on the SCSI digitizer that was supposed > to be in the works since 1991! Now that I'm buying a Macintosh I wouldn't > be too interested. > to take digital pictures, it's priced well for the quality unit that it > is. You can store 32 320x240 images, 8 640x480 images or a comination of > both in the 1MB of "FLASH EPROM" memory. I might try making a driver for > the MM/1. The cost is $685.86 from CDW. Does this sound too expensive for > the MM/1 market? Really it could work on all OSK systems. I really don't The cost? Well, I don't know if the people would be in favor ot this or not. It doesn't seem like all that much to me.. I couldn't just run out on moments' notice and plop that down, but it doesn't seem out of reach, really. As for compatibility.. I think the storage format would be pretty universal. I'd think maybe store it in some standard graphical format, but IMO, that would only take a conversion - seems like that would be the same across all systems, and then a series of writes to store on media.. If the scanners, etc used a standard interface (SCSI?), then I think it could be done with an application, and not even create drivers.. Dunno > know what kind of format the QuickTake uses. Well, that's me.. I'm totally in the dark on this subject.. I have a suspicion it might convert the image to some standard protocol. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 91414 15-JAN 20:46 Applications (6809) RE: 8-bit chips (Re: Msg 91209) From: MREGC To: DIGIGRADE (NR) Dave, > And my offer still stands to Digital Frontier Prod. to update the > graphics for GR2000. Sorry, I didn't realize that statement you made to me awhile back was an offer. The tools I used to create the graphics are available as shareware, and they can be used to edit the graphics and board files from GR2 with only a simple modification to these files. I'd be more than happy to help if you wanted to make your own graphics set for GR2, and I'd suggest uploading it so that everyone here that has GR2 could utilize it. ..Eric... -*- End of Thread. -*- 91344 9-JAN 21:23 General Information RE: Hard drive deals (Re: Msg 91327) From: DSRTFOX To: FHOGG The 330MB HP drive JEM has is a FULL HEIGHT unit. They last advertised it in Computer Shopper for $159, not $119 (I'm looking at the NOV issue, may have changed!!). The drive is advertised as a fast 17ms access time though. Really just thought I'd pont out the price difference and fact that it is full height 5.25". It is still a GREAT bargain though!! Would work great on a CoCo with one of my Ken-Ton controlers..... ;> -*- 91349 10-JAN 00:28 General Information RE: Hard drive deals (Re: Msg 91344) From: FHOGG To: DSRTFOX Thanks for the info. 17ms is not all that fast nowadays. Most of the prices I've seen on SCSI drives are in the $.50 per meg area. With prices starting about 200 or so for a 270 meg quantum. I'm gonna pass myself as I don't need one right now. I allready have a bunch of full height 5.25 that I wish I didn't own. (big noisy, take up a lot of room etc.) Frank -*- End of Thread. -*- 91346 9-JAN 22:55 General Information RE: ge (Re: Msg 91182) From: 01GEN40 To: DSRTFOX Yeah, Microsoft's policy is: If you can't beat 'em buy 'em! Obviously they could not "buy 'em" either :-). See ya. LONG LIVE OS-9! * In whatever form it is in! -= 01GEN40 =- -*- 91347 9-JAN 23:00 General Information RE: ge (Re: Msg 91186) From: 01GEN40 To: MMCCLELLAND I am going to give IBMs OS/2 WAVE a shot. I like what I read about it. I do not think it is preemptive multitasking like uh, what was it? Oh, yeah, WINDOZE. When are they going to release WINDOZE 96??? See ya. LONG LIVE OS-9! * In whatever form it is in! -= 01GEN40 =- -*- 91353 10-JAN 05:08 General Information RE: ge (Re: Msg 91346) From: BROWN80 To: 01GEN40 Microsoft's unofficial policy might be: If you can't beat 'em steal 'em then offer to pay for it. o Of course this can't be true. Microsoft doesn't need to steal anything ;-) John Brown -*- 91356 10-JAN 21:37 General Information RE: ge (Re: Msg 91347) From: JEJONES To: 01GEN40 > I am going to give IBMs OS/2 WAVE a shot. I like what I read about it. I > do not think it is preemptive multitasking like uh, what was it? Oh, > yeah, WINDOZE. OS/2 really does do pre-emptive multitasking. Opinions herein are solely those of their respective authors. Clipper Chip: Big Brother Inside -*- 91392 14-JAN 19:58 General Information RE: ge (Re: Msg 91347) From: TEDJAEGER To: 01GEN40 > I am going to give IBMs OS/2 WAVE a shot. I like what I read about it. I > do not think it is preemptive multitasking like uh, what was it? Oh, I got WARPED over the holidays - well, I havent installed it yet. Will in a couple of days. Educator's price was 54.00. How could I say no? I assume these OS2 apps are not reentrant so its still not up to our beloved OS, no? Bests ---TedJaeger -*- 91395 15-JAN 00:30 General Information RE: ge (Re: Msg 91392) From: ISC To: TEDJAEGER > > I am going to give IBMs OS/2 WAVE a shot. I like what I read about it. I > > do not think it is preemptive multitasking like uh, what was it? Oh, > > I got WARPED over the holidays - well, I havent installed it yet. Will > in a couple of days. Educator's price was 54.00. How could I say no? I > assume these OS2 apps are not reentrant so its still not up to our > beloved OS, no? > > Bests > ---TedJaeger > Ted, Jumping in with a word of advice is not always safe, but, before you install OS2 Warp on your PC, make sure that it will work with all of your peripherals and their drivers. OS2 lacks drivers/driver compatibility for a lot of hardware and this is where many who have unhesitatingly installed it have encountered trouble. Also, back up your data before you install it, just in case. No, OS2 is not reentrant. It creates virtual machines and hogs your memory instead slowing down your system accordingly. Thus, load high as much of the system as possible and defrag your hard disk before install. You might not have been able to say no, but unless you take precautions, you might say other "choice" words later! Good Luck. Bill -*- 91405 15-JAN 11:38 General Information RE: ge (Re: Msg 91353) From: 01GEN40 To: BROWN80 Ahh, but that is how Microsoft got it's start. From what I have read, and understand, Gates "stole" the code, for what is now known as MS-DOS, for about $7,500.00 bucks, if I remember the figure correctly. He got it from the guy who wrote CP/M (I think). I forget the mans name, but I am sure someone out here will know and will correct any false ass essment of Microsofts beginnings. See ya. LONG LIVE OS-9! ** In whatever form it is in! -= 01GEN40 =- -*- 91406 15-JAN 11:48 General Information RE: ge (Re: Msg 91356) From: 01GEN40 To: JEJONES Hi James, The early reports, that I read from 2 strickly Windoze Mags, was that it was pre-emptive. But, as I kept reading more and more, and read what actual users were saying about the way it runs, I was under the impres- sion that it was a lot more like OS-9 in multi-tasking capabilities. I guess I could be wrong though. I just do not want to run anything that has the word "Microsoft" on it or in it. I do not even do anything in the BASIC that is in this CoCo3 of mine because it has the "word" in it. Oh well, I think I am still going to give Warp a go. I do always have DR-DOS V6.0 to fall back on if need be. See ya. LONG LIVE OS-9! ** In whatever form it is in! -= 01GEN40 =- -*- 91407 15-JAN 11:58 General Information RE: ge (Re: Msg 91392) From: 01GEN40 To: TEDJAEGER Hi Ted, Well, I am not an educator, although I do impart knowledge that I have learned into the minds of others in hopes of making a mark. I just want someone to eventually say, "Oh yeah, 'whats-his-name' told me about that" and hope that what I told them came in handy. $54 bucks! I will have to settle for the sale price of $74.00 + (Uncle Sams share). Get it installed and let me know what you think. I want to find out if what I have been reading is true. See ya. LONG LIVE OS-9! ** In whatever form it is in! -= 01GEN40 =- -*- 91420 15-JAN 22:54 General Information RE: ge (Re: Msg 91405) From: WA2EGP To: 01GEN40 (NR) I heard he paid $50K for a CP/M clone and had it rewritten. -*- 91434 17-JAN 20:23 General Information RE: ge (Re: Msg 91395) From: TEDJAEGER To: ISC > Jumping in with a word of advice is not always safe, but, before you > install OS2 Warp on your PC, make sure that it will work with all of your > peripherals and their drivers. OS2 lacks drivers/driver compatibility for > a lot of hardware and this is where many who have unhesitatingly installed > it have encountered trouble. Also, back up your data before you install > it, just in case. No, OS2 is not reentrant. It creates virtual machines > and hogs your memory instead slowing down your system accordingly. Thus, > load high as much of the system as possible and defrag your hard disk > before install. You might not have been able to say no, but unless you > take precautions, you might say other "choice" words later! > > Good Luck. OS2 is installed now and running relatively well. In fact, I have installed it on two machines with not too much trouble. Video drivers semm to be the most problematic as the IBM PS1 I installed it on first lost its video output entirely until I rebooted and interrupted the reboot with an emergency exit to a configuration screen where I could (by default) get a basic VGA driver installed. That PS1 had local bus video embedded on the motherboard so I wasnt completely surprised that I had a problem there. My new PC compatible set up with basic VGA support even though the monitor and video baord had super VGA capability. Subsequently, I did a partial reinstall and os2 correctly detected the video board (Cirrus Logic) and installed the appropriate driver. The only problem is that dual boot crashes when I go from os2 back to DOS now that I am using SVGA. Fortunately, it gets the HD boot sector rewritten before it crashes so a push of the reset button gets me on to DOS. Much more exploration to do... Bests ---TedJaeger -*- 91435 17-JAN 20:23 General Information RE: ge (Re: Msg 91407) From: TEDJAEGER To: 01GEN40 (NR) > settle for the sale price of $74.00 + (Uncle Sams share). Get it > installed and let me know what you think. I want to find out if what I > have been reading is true. See ya. HAve it installed now and first impression is that it is pretty neat. The desktop is more MAC like than Windows meaning there is no more of these stupid Group icons and windows cluttering things up. The icons are for devices (e.g. printer) and folders that reveal objects (e.g. text document). First speed impression is that it run DOS apps faster and Windows apps slower. There are at least three ways to get to your windows apps from the os2 desktop and I havent determined which I like best yet. You can bring up the program manager from os2 to get a Windows look to things (which I dont like) or you can open an os2 object to get a window holding a folder for each group that is on your Windows desktop. Click on the folder and then the program. Avoids program manager completely. I believe that there is a way to put a Window's program icon directly on the os2 desktop as well, though you dont get this set up with a default installation. This last approach seems preferable to me. I'll try this eventually as well as get some time in with the OS2 applications. There is little documentation for the apps but from reading the readme file they seem impressive. Supposedly you can create a chart, drag it to a text document in the word processor, drag multiple addresses from your phonebook to the text document, then drag the test document to the fax object on your desk and faxes will be sent to all the addresses. All with the mouse! Well, much to learn. Later... Bests ---TedJaeger -*- End of Thread. -*- 91359 11-JAN 00:00 OSK Applications CyberWar for OS9000 From: PAGAN To: ALL The OS9000 version of CyberWar I posted in the databases was archived with lha. Ed Gresick has posted (or will soon) the OS9000 version of lha so you may have to wait until it's visible to dearchive CyberWar. Stephen (PAGAN) No one whose testicles have been crushed or whose penis has been cut off may be admitted into the community of the Lord. [Dt 23:2] -*- 91361 11-JAN 05:21 OSK Applications RE: CyberWar for OS9000 (Re: Msg 91359) From: EDELMAR To: PAGAN > ... Ed Gresick has posted (or will soon) the OS9000 > version of lha so you may have to wait until it's visible to > dearchive CyberWar. The OS9000 version of LHa is now posted. Just need to wait until it is made visible by the database manager. BTW, the port was done by T. Kocourek and works fine. I've had no problems archiving/extracting files between the OS9000 version and the OSK version. Ed Gresick - DELMAR CO -*- 91362 11-JAN 18:03 OSK Applications RE: CyberWar for OS9000 (Re: Msg 91361) From: PHILSCHERER To: EDELMAR Thanks Ed! -*- End of Thread. -*- 91360 11-JAN 01:32 General Information Survey From: EARTHER To: REVWCP I know I'm late with this, but here goes: 1. Shawn Driscoll 2. 31 years old 3. Started using the CoCo 2 at age 20. 4. Started using OS-9 Level II at age 23. 5. Learned Basic, Cobol, Fortran, Pascal, Lisp, and C before owning a CoCo. I'm six months behind in the forum here, sorry. -*- 91363 11-JAN 22:18 General Information RE: Survey (Re: Msg 91360) From: REVWCP To: EARTHER Dear Shawn: > I know I'm late with this, but here goes: > > 1. Shawn Driscoll > 2. 31 years old > 3. Started using the CoCo 2 at age 20. > 4. Started using OS-9 Level II at age 23. > 5. Learned Basic, Cobol, Fortran, Pascal, Lisp, and C before > owning a CoCo. > > I'm six months behind in the forum here, sorry. > Please don't feel the need to apologize. I'm glad to see that you are still here and active. I'm still playing around with a few additions for the Guib series. Who knows, it might get written in Assembler. It would certainly be the motivation I need to learn ASM programming. I saw your message on the cocolist. You echo many of my sentiments. I recently picked up an old IBM Portable PC. This was an XT lwith a built in monitor. It is a luggable at best. Early 1985 I think. The CoCo, particularly under OS-9 was an obviously superior machine. Its a shame that it had to be sold by Tandy. One can only imagine what might have happened if it had been marketed right. Speed, graphics, multitasking. We were miles ahead of IBM. I see that you are working on an upgrade to your Shanghai port. (A program which has caused this monk of little will-power to spend many a "non-productive" hour at the keyboard.) Seriously, your efforts are greatly appreciated. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: With all best wishes, :::::: 2 Kings 2:23-24 ::: :: Brother Jeremy, CSJW ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: OS9 Users Group Treasurer :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CIS - 76477,142 ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -*- End of Thread. -*- 91365 12-JAN 01:54 Games & Graphics CD-I for OS/2! From: AJMLFCO To: ALL I was just skimming through the latest (January, 1995) issue of "OS/2" professional and I noticed an announcement that IBM has reached an agreement with Philips to develop device drivers that would enable Philips' Compact Disk Interactive system to run under OS/2. "....would seek to bundle CD-I and Warp with an as yet undisclosed number of OEM manufacturers and dealers." "...we are currently looking to ship by Q1." (1995?) It seems like CD-I might hit the mainstream, but sans O9 and on Intel to boot. from page 57. Allen Morgan -*- 91368 12-JAN 23:02 Games & Graphics RE: CD-I for OS/2! (Re: Msg 91365) From: HAWKSOFT To: AJMLFCO Hey Al!! > I was just skimming through the latest (January, 1995) issue > of "OS/2" professional and I noticed an announcement that IBM has > reached an agreement with Philips to develop device drivers that > would enable Philips' Compact Disk Interactive system to run under > OS/2. "....would seek to bundle CD-I and Warp with an as yet undisclosed > number of OEM manufacturers and dealers." "...we are currently looking > to ship by Q1." (1995?) > > It seems like CD-I might hit the mainstream, but sans O9 and on > Intel to boot. This sounds like the reference in CDI magazine, that Philips has designed and will license a plug-in CD-i card for IBM compatibles. This will allow IBM compatibles to be CD-i (and digital video) machines. Release is expected in the 1st quarter of '95. Finally, IBM compatibles will be able to do something well!!! Chris :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> Chris "HAWKSoft" <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: Delphi: HAWKSOFT Internet: HAWKSOFT@DELPHI.COM ******************< Uploaded w/ InfoXpress vr. 1.02.00 >****************** -*- 91369 12-JAN 23:15 Games & Graphics RE: CD-I for OS/2! (Re: Msg 91365) From: COCOKIWI To: AJMLFCO They have come out with a IBM - CD-I it follows that they would look for drivers for the different OS,s out there! One WOULD need a board to run CDI on any is 3DO....Creative Labs has a BOARD for that format!...@ $350.00 ... Dennis -*- 91385 13-JAN 23:59 Games & Graphics RE: CD-I for OS/2! (Re: Msg 91365) From: WA2EGP To: AJMLFCO I saw something about that in another magazine. Geez.....we better hurry and get things going on OS-9/OSK (grin). -*- End of Thread. -*- 91370 12-JAN 23:26 OSK Applications C pointers,structures, type conversion From: BKITT To: ALL I have a structure in C where one of the variables is a character pointer. ie. typedef struct { char _field[12]; char *_buffer; char _length: . . } I want to specify this structure with a double (or float etc) for the buffer. ie. sample[] = {{"ONE"},ONE,10}, {{"TWO"},TWO,10}, } where ONE may be a type char, double, float, int, etc, and TWO can be some totally different type. I can marginally get it to work with: (char *)ONE But this requires that one be defined as double ONE[1], instead of what I would expect: double ONE. (never mind the above period, that was an acident) What am I doing wrong with this structure pointer combination???? Many thanks -*- 91377 13-JAN 21:42 OSK Applications RE: C pointers,structures, type conversi (Re: Msg 91370) From: JOELHEGBERG To: BKITT (NR) Brian, > I have a structure in C where one of the variables is a character > pointer. ie. > typedef struct { > char _field[12]; > char *_buffer; > char _length: > . > . > } > where ONE may be a type char, double, float, int, etc, and TWO can be > some totally different type. I'm confused exactly what you want to do. Are you saying _buffer will point to an area of memory that may have different data types for different items? (So, for one item _buffer may point to a double, and other times _buffer may point to a short integer?) -- Joel. -*- 91389 14-JAN 13:35 OSK Applications RE: C pointers,structures, type conversi (Re: Msg 91370) From: VAXELF To: BKITT (NR) A long time ago, before the cgfx.l library came out, I wrote my own and based it on the COCO bgfx library. Thus calls such as cgfx("BColor",08) or cgfx("Underline","ON") As you can see, the varibles are mixed. I think this is what your talking about. What I used was a UNION. This allow you to setup a memory allocation where different types of data can be stored and accessed from the same memory location. If you have the K&R book, it explains it pretty well. In the mean time I will see if I still have the C code for my old version of cgfx and if I do, I'll send you that part that setups the union and how it was interpid. John A. Donaldson -*- 91398 15-JAN 02:10 OSK Applications RE: C pointers,structures, type conversi (Re: Msg 91370) From: DBREEDING To: BKITT (NR) > I have a structure in C where one of the variables is a character > pointer. ie. I may be wrong here, but I believe that to create the array sample[], you will have to have all fixed size elements in the fields. As long as you define it as a pointer, you will be OK. You may wind up having to cast it to whatever type you need in the program. If the element were of variable sizes, the program would have no way of computing the offset to sample[x]. > I can marginally get it to work with: (char *)ONE > But this requires that one be defined as double ONE[1], instead of what > I would expect: double ONE. Again, I think the best way here is to define _buffer as a pointer (you did), but then you will have to use the address of the double, you might define double ONE; then when you assign values typedef struct { char _field[12]; /* better for pointer here - string elsewhere?? */ char *_buffer; char _length: . . } SMP; The way you defined sample[], you will have a POINTER to the string, to have the string in the array, do as follows. SMP sample[] ={ {{'O','N','E','\0'},&ONE,10}, /* reference 2nd element by ADDRESS */ {{'T','W','O','\0'},&TWO,10}, /*etc*/ } You will have to develop it more, but I think this might put you on the track better. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- End of Thread. -*- 91371 12-JAN 23:36 General Information Install program From: RICKULAND To: TEDJAEGER Ted, For OS9, I've found it usually easiest to provide a 'semi-bootable' floppy, or 'system image' this works on several levels. The floppy user can do a backup from disk basic, boot somehow, swap disks, and chx/chd. His /dd device will be /d0 anyway, so your floppy or an image runs fine in the one drive. To make a bootable, a simple script would allow you to pluck a few vital utils from Master. User formatss and cobblers a disk, then dsave your floppy then runs your script which grabs shell, grfdrv, etc to clean up. You can combine the dsave generated script with your systmast plucker, and cut a few user typos. Hard drive owners would cram your disk in a floppy, chd to it, and dsave /dx /dd ! shell. If the floppy is an exact image of a runnable disk, the hard drive becomes an exact image of a runnable disk! (plus all that other crap the user already did) The only point of contention is the user directory since there are fairly rigid conventions for most of the dir tree. DD, as far as I know: junk or temporary files (readmes, install scripts) place in root so they are instantly obvious and easily deleted. Don't add _any_ perminant files to root! dd/CMDS all execs dd/CMDS/ICONS (cc3 only) dd/SYS system files- termcaps, etc dd/SYS/MINE apps with many SYS files grab a dir dd/DOCS da manual dd/DEFS \ > those who write dd/LIB / dd/SOURCES often subdivded by language then program- /dd/sources/b09/thisthing/code.b09 dd/USR/* where the AIFs play. Undefined but typical branches- USR/TCOM, USR/GAMES, etc... dd/USR/*/other nice apps hide weird files _beyond_ where the user sees the datafiles. Applications have been known to grab extra directories from root. This makes sense on floppies, where /dd/MINE is all the housekeeping needed. But this is horribly ugly after a few dozen apps are installed on ahard drive, and positively stops multivue. Even if the user doesn't use a 'usr' directory, he can use a convienient dsave handle for custom installs. It does look a little weird having an empty dir level on a floppy, thou. -ricku Rick Ulland CoNect 449 South 90th St. "Operating System Nine"- 268m Milwaukee WI 53214 -*- 91372 12-JAN 23:39 General Information Install program From: RICKULAND To: TEDJAEGER Ted, For OS9, I've found it usually easiest to provide a 'semi-bootable' floppy, or 'system image' this works on several levels. The floppy user can do a backup from disk basic, boot somehow, swap disks, and chx/chd. His /dd device will be /d0 anyway, so your floppy or an image runs fine in the one drive. To make a bootable, a simple script would allow you to pluck a few vital utils from Master. User formatss and cobblers a disk, then dsave your floppy then runs your script which grabs shell, grfdrv, etc to clean up. You can combine the dsave generated script with your systmast plucker, and cut a few user typos. Hard drive owners would cram your disk in a floppy, chd to it, and dsave /dx /dd ! shell. If the floppy is an exact image of a runnable disk, the hard drive becomes an exact image of a runnable disk! (plus all that other crap the user already did) The only point of contention is the user directory since there are fairly rigid conventions for most of the dir tree. DD, as far as I know: junk or temporary files (readmes, install scripts) place in root so they are instantly obvious and easily deleted. Don't add _any_ perminant files to root! dd/CMDS all execs dd/CMDS/ICONS (cc3 only) dd/SYS system files- termcaps, etc dd/SYS/MINE apps with many SYS files grab a dir dd/DOCS da manual dd/DEFS \ > those who write dd/LIB / dd/SOURCES often subdivded by language then program- /dd/sources/b09/thisthing/code.b09 dd/USR/* where the AIFs play. Undefined but typical branches- USR/TCOM, USR/GAMES, etc... dd/USR/*/other nice apps hide weird files _beyond_ where the user sees the datafiles. Applications have been known to grab extra directories from root. This makes sense on floppies, where /dd/MINE is all the housekeeping needed. But this is horribly ugly after a few dozen apps are installed on ahard drive, and positively stops multivue. Even if the user doesn't use a 'usr' directory, he can use a convienient dsave handle for custom installs. It does look a little weird having an empty dir level on a floppy, thou. -ricku Rick Ulland CoNect 449 South 90th St. "Operating System Nine"- 268m Milwaukee WI 53214 -*- 91373 12-JAN 23:41 General Information Install program From: RICKULAND To: TEDJAEGER Ted, For OS9, I've found it usually easiest to provide a 'semi-bootable' floppy, or 'system image' this works on several levels. The floppy user can do a backup from disk basic, boot somehow, swap disks, and chx/chd. His /dd device will be /d0 anyway, so your floppy or an image runs fine in the one drive. To make a bootable, a simple script would allow you to pluck a few vital utils from Master. User formatss and cobblers a disk, then dsave your floppy then runs your script which grabs shell, grfdrv, etc to clean up. You can combine the dsave generated script with your systmast plucker, and cut a few user typos. Hard drive owners would cram your disk in a floppy, chd to it, and dsave /dx /dd ! shell. If the floppy is an exact image of a runnable disk, the hard drive becomes an exact image of a runnable disk! (plus all that other crap the user already did) The only point of contention is the user directory since there are fairly rigid conventions for most of the dir tree. DD, as far as I know: junk or temporary files (readmes, install scripts) place in root so they are instantly obvious and easily deleted. Don't add _any_ perminant files to root! dd/CMDS all execs dd/CMDS/ICONS (cc3 only) dd/SYS system files- termcaps, etc dd/SYS/MINE apps with many SYS files grab a dir dd/DOCS da manual dd/DEFS \ > those who write dd/LIB / dd/SOURCES often subdivded by language then program- /dd/sources/b09/thisthing/code.b09 dd/USR/* where the AIFs play. Undefined but typical branches- USR/TCOM, USR/GAMES, etc... dd/USR/*/other nice apps hide weird files _beyond_ where the user sees the datafiles. Applications have been known to grab extra directories from root. This makes sense on floppies, where /dd/MINE is all the housekeeping needed. But this is horribly ugly after a few dozen apps are installed on ahard drive, and positively stops multivue. Even if the user doesn't use a 'usr' directory, he can use a convienient dsave handle for custom installs. It does look a little weird having an empty dir level on a floppy, thou. -ricku Rick Ulland CoNect 449 South 90th St. "Operating System Nine"- 268m Milwaukee WI 53214 -*- 91374 12-JAN 23:42 General Information RE: New 360K drives!! (Re: Msg 91204) From: RICKULAND To: DIGIGRADE Dave, Literally anywhere! Just finished a daring midnight run to Best Buy to pick up an example teac fd235. It came with mounts, adapters, and 'high density 1.44MB' stamped all over it. The technically correct thing is to set a 720K jumper, but I always just buy 720K disks and let the auto sense sense (the system pcdos relies on, sorta- if you cram a 720K disk in a DOS box, you get a 720K format also.) Which means you don't even change the jumpers for drive 1. -ricku Rick Ulland CoNect 449 South 90th St. "Operating System Nine"- 268m Milwaukee WI 53214 -*- 91375 12-JAN 23:43 General Information lost user From: RICKULAND To: ALL Does anyone know the snail address of (former?) user EARLCASPER? I've got one of his CoCos, and not a hint of a return address. Mail unread for a month, etc.... Humourous sidenote- same guy accidentally dropped an unsealed envelope in the mailbox. Amoung other things, CoNects address was scribbled on it. Despite utter lack of postage, the still open envelope arrived, contents intact, a week after the computer itself. -ricku Rick Ulland CoNect 449 South 90th St. "Operating System Nine"- 268m Milwaukee WI 53214 -*- 91376 13-JAN 01:14 General Information RE: INFO ON PLANETS (Re: Msg 91300) From: CHYDE To: TAULBORG I'll have to look in some Mags I have, but I can get the internet address of some place that has photos of the planets (ie voyager, magellin and such) I'll get back to you in a day or so. Chris -*- 91383 13-JAN 23:47 General Information RE: INFO ON PLANETS (Re: Msg 91376) From: TAULBORG To: CHYDE I have found a few pics but my coco even under os9 can't handle the resolution of the pictures I have found! If you have or can find any pictures and or info on Neptune and or Pluto PLEASE let me know I appreciate your help and will probably ask for more in the future so please bear with me(A Newbee to os9).By the way I used RSDOS under Hyperio for disk basic on my hard drive before I got into os9.Now that I got 2 hard drives I hope that I can use os9 and someday get os9 down pat or at least close to it,before I can afford to get a realy good dos machine!For now I have to deal with my current set up,and I don't think that I can afford to buy dos machine right now!!!!!!!!! -*- 91423 16-JAN 01:15 General Information RE: INFO ON PLANETS (Re: Msg 91383) From: CHYDE To: TAULBORG i know about the low resolution on the CoCo, but many aren't too bad with a little playing around. What are you using to display them? Please feel free to ask the questions you want here, if I can't answer them someone else will jump in . I couldn't find the internet address (it's probably buried somewhere but if you're familiar with the World Wide Web (WWW) you can access an index of WWW sites at You can get to Delphi's WWW browser from the Internet sig. I believe it's menu choice 19 from the internet menu (I haven't used it in while so I'm not sure, if you can't find it let me know). The browser is kind of clumsy, but I guess it's the best they can do. Hope this helps you out. If not let me know. Chris -*- End of Thread. -*- 91378 13-JAN 21:42 OSK Applications RE: Screen Type (Re: Msg 91321) From: JOELHEGBERG To: LARRYOLSON Larry, > I wonder if you could help with a problem that I ran into in > trying to determine the screen type on an MM/1. Do you know if _gs_styp() > was implemented ? In the following test program(wintyp), am I using > _gs_styp(), Get_Pixel_Size(wpath), and Get_num_Colors(wpath) correctly? I've tried your program and I see you get erroneous results for Get_Pixel_Size and Get_Num_Colors. This makes me feel a bit better, since lately those functions have been giving me bad results. I do know that they used to return valid data. I noticed something in recent updates to K-Windows that has me suspect the updates are the problem. (I won't bore you with the technical details, but it seems to have broke these two particular functions.) I'll put in a request that this be fixed, though! For now, you'll have to use the _gs_scinfo() call and use bits-per-pixel to determine the number of colors on the screen. To my knowledge (and disappointment), the _gs_styp() call has never been implemented, despite it's usefulness. -- Joel. -*- 91387 14-JAN 01:29 OSK Applications RE: Screen Type (Re: Msg 91378) From: LARRYOLSON To: JOELHEGBERG Joel, Hi, haven't talked with you for a while, have you been working on anything new ? Do you have a pipeline to who it is that is working on kwindows? Are some new things being added or are they just fixing what is there ? Changing the subject,, at the Atlanta fest I gave Allen a copy of a sound effect editing program that I wrote for the CoCo3, to make using the OS9 sound function easier to use. Do you know if he has had any luck in getting it working ? -*- 91388 14-JAN 02:52 OSK Applications RE: Screen Type (Re: Msg 91387) From: JOELHEGBERG To: LARRYOLSON Larry, > Hi, haven't talked with you for a while, have you been working on > anything new ? Just like you, Larry, I'm always working on something new! BTW, when will you unleash your wonderful BattleShip program to an unsuspecting public? :) > Do you have a pipeline to who it is that is working on kwindows? > Are some new things being added or are they just fixing what is > there? Yes, I do know who's working on K-Windows and I've sent them a note. Currently, there's a February 1 release date for the latest K-Windows. A few things have finally been fixed, such as multiple flood fills in different windows and hot-spots are working again. An improved keyboard driver will also accompany the release along with new getstat calls to give programmers more information as to the status of the keyboard, and you will be able to reset your MM/1 by hitting CTRL-ALT-DEL. I've been using beta version 53 for about a month now and it's quite stable. > Changing the subject,, at the Atlanta fest I gave Allen a copy > of a sound effect editing program that I wrote for the CoCo3, to make > using the OS9 sound function easier to use. Do you know if he has had > any luck in getting it working ? I don't know, but I'll forward your message to him! :) -- Joel. -*- 91399 15-JAN 02:22 OSK Applications RE: Screen Type (Re: Msg 91388) From: LARRYOLSON To: JOELHEGBERG Joel, > Just like you, Larry, I'm always working on something new! BTW, > when will you unleash your wonderful BattleShip program to an > unsuspecting public? :) Yes, I'm back on working on it, adding a few more things and hopefully it will be finished up well before Chicago fest. I put the screen printer program away for now, the version I uploaded works but the program really needs some kind of front end instead of command line options. The program should put a representation of the page on the screen and allow you to print the picture wherever you want on the page. It should also allow you to be able specify the portion of the screen that you want to print instead of always the entire screen. So intil I get it all straight in what I want the program to do, I'll put it away for awhile, who knows, maybe someone else has some ideas and wants to tackle it. > Yes, I do know who's working on K-Windows and I've sent them a note. > Currently, there's a February 1 release date for the latest K-Windows. > A few things have finally been fixed, such as multiple flood fills in > different windows and hot-spots are working again. An improved keyboard > driver will also accompany the release along with new getstat calls to > give programmers more information as to the status of the keyboard, and > you will be able to reset your MM/1 by hitting CTRL-ALT-DEL. I've been > using beta version 53 for about a month now and it's quite stable. Is there any chance for the hardware horizontal scrolling for Eric ? The only thing I can think of now was that question of an interruptable ss_play function, no I just thought of another problem that needs looking into. Its the problem with drawing grids using the Line function. Something is wrong with the routine that calculates the pixel locations. If you setup a couple of nested FOR loops that would draw a grid using the Line function, the resulting grid would not have square boxes, I ran into this when I first started working on the battleship game. -*- 91400 15-JAN 02:30 OSK Applications RE: Screen Type (Re: Msg 91388) From: JOELHEGBERG To: JOELHEGBERG Larry, I asked the powers that be about our problem with the Get_Num_Colors and Get_Pixel_Size and found an answer. First, I did some research of my own and both functions always worked when I simple used them on stdout. Only when I tried to open a path to an existing window did the functions return invalid information. Well, I was just informed that when you open a path to the window, for some reason for those two functions to work you have to not only have READ access, but you also have to have WRITE access. So, just change the one line in your wintyp.c program from: if ((wpath = open(device, S_IREAD)) <= 0) { to: if ((wpath = open(device, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE)) <= 0) { and it works (although you may experience read-blocking if the window is "busy" waiting for the user to type something, etc.). Hope that helps. -- Joel. -*- 91403 15-JAN 02:58 OSK Applications RE: Screen Type (Re: Msg 91399) From: JOELHEGBERG To: LARRYOLSON Larry, > Yes, I'm back on working on it, adding a few more things and hopefully > it will be finished up well before Chicago fest. Fantastic!! That BattleShip game looked great! > Is there any chance for the hardware horizontal scrolling for Eric ? No, nothing that major. From what I understand, the code to support virtual windows is within K-Windows, but not yet implemented (and thus I would have to assume it still has some bugs in it). Of course, virtual windows (logical window size larger than the physically displayed window size) is different from hardware scrolling, but before you could scroll, you'd have to be able to open a window larger than the screen and that's what a virtual window would let you do. > The only thing I can think of now was that question of an interruptable > ss_play function. Someone is working on that, although I haven't heard anything about it being in the next release. That is something that we've needed for a long while. There may be a few other options as well, like interruping the current sound to play a sound and then continuing where it left off on the original sound. I'm looking forward to that. > no I just thought of another problem that needs > looking into. Its the problem with drawing grids using the Line > function. Something is wrong with the routine that calculates the pixel > locations. If you setup a couple of nested FOR loops that would draw a > grid using the Line function, the resulting grid would not have square > boxes, I ran into this when I first started working on the battleship > game. Can you post some sample code? I'll pass it along to the developers to have a look at, but they need source to show the problem first. Thanks! -- Joel. -*- 91425 16-JAN 02:01 OSK Applications RE: Screen Type (Re: Msg 91400) From: LARRYOLSON To: JOELHEGBERG > when you open a path to the window, for some reason for those two > functions to work you have to not only have READ access, but you also > have to have WRITE access. So, just change the one line in your > wintyp.c program from: > if ((wpath = open(device, S_IREAD)) <= 0) { > to: > if ((wpath = open(device, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE)) <= 0) { > > and it works (although you may experience read-blocking if the window is > "busy" waiting for the user to type something, etc.). Hope that helps. Joel, Thanks for doing the digging and finding the answer. Just open the path for both Read & Write ($#%&*%@), why didn't I think to try that. I'll write this in big letters on the contents page of the cgfx manual. On the Line function problem, I got a program that I thought would show the problem, but it doesn't. So now I need to figure out what I was doing then that the problem showed up. I thought that maybe some where along the different versions of kwindows the problem got fixed, but I just tried CIRCAD again and the problem stands out as before. The grid lines in Circad are like this: --------- . Looking at the screen I see 3 pixels . between these 2 lines . --------- . . While there are 5 pixels . between these 2 lines . . This pattern is repeated down the screen --------- I maybe wrong but I don't think John did the lines this way on purpose, instead of: --------- . . . . --------- . . . . --------- I'll keep playing with it to see if I can get it to break again. Larry -*- 91426 16-JAN 13:16 OSK Applications RE: Screen Type (Re: Msg 91400) From: LARRYOLSON To: JOELHEGBERG Joel, In doing some digging I finally found the test program that shows the problem that I ran into. I was mistaken that it was the Line function that was acting up, it was in GETing and PUTing blocks. Running the program again the problem is still there with kwindows version #52. Larry /* GET/PUT block test */ /* This is a test routine, written to show the */ /* problem that cropped up with PUTing a GET block. */ #include #include #define STDIN 0 #define STDOUT 1 #define STDERR 2 int P_id, Wpath; main() { char response; P_id = getpid(); Wpath = open("/w",3); DWSet(Wpath,3,0,0,40,26,7,0,0); Palette(Wpath,7,0,140,170); /* Set color to med. blue */ Clear(Wpath); CurOff(Wpath); Select(Wpath); SetDPtr(Wpath,10,10); Box(Wpath,33,17); /* Draw a 24 x 8 pixel box */ /* Remark these 2 lines out to see problem clearer */ SetDPtr(Wpath, 12,12); FFill(Wpath); GetBlk(Wpath,P_id,1,10,10,24,8); Clear(Wpath); CWArea(Wpath,3,2,37,7); writeln(Wpath," This example is with LSET(path,0)\n",35); writeln(Wpath," notice alternating wide gaps.\n",32); writeln(Wpath," To really see the problem, remark\n",35); writeln(Wpath,"out the FFill(Wpath) function call.\n",36); CWArea(Wpath,0,0,40,26); /* return to full screen */ /* LSet is not being called, I assume default LSET is 0 */ LSet(Wpath, 0); put_loop(); Clear(Wpath); CWArea(Wpath,3,3,36,5); writeln(Wpath," This example is with LSET(path,2)\n",35); writeln(Wpath,"notice, no alternating wide gaps.\n",34); CWArea(Wpath,0,0,40,26); /* return to full screen */ LSet(Wpath, 2); put_loop(); Clear(Wpath); CWArea(Wpath,3,3,36,5); writeln(Wpath," This example is with LSET(path,3)\n",35); writeln(Wpath,"notice, no alternating wide gaps.\n",34); CWArea(Wpath,0,0,40,26); /* return to full screen */ /* Lset is set to OR the data */ LSet(Wpath, 3); put_loop(); Select(0); KilBuf(Wpath, P_id, 1); DWEnd(Wpath); close(Wpath); exit(0); } put_loop() { int xx, yy, chrcnt; char response; for (xx=60; xx <= 554; xx += 26) { for (yy = 70; yy <= 151; yy += 9) { PutBlk(Wpath,P_id,1,xx,yy); } } CurXY(Wpath,9,23); writeln(Wpath,"Press key to continue\n",22); chrcnt = (read(Wpath, &response, 1)); } -*- End of Thread. -*- 91381 13-JAN 22:13 General Information Bad MPI??? From: DBREEDING To: ALL Seems my CoCo is getting a little contrary. I have a Disto Controller w/4in1, but for RTS/CTS flow control, I have an MPI with RS-232 Pak. I noticed a little while ago that "pcdos" occasionally would not write a 256-byte sector.. Then last night, I couldn't get it to format a disk, it would start to format and then get errors, sometimes 245, write error, and maybe others.. I unhooked the MPI and connected the Disto directly and format then worked, and some "pcdos" exchanges worked also.. reconnected the MPI and no format.. :-( I have an upgrade chip in it, and have all #8 pins strapped. Format did work, so ???? Would dirty connections cause this? I may be able to eliminate the MPI soon, when I get my copy if "ix" for OSK, but I hate to give up error-correction now.. I've seen recommendations for cleaning the contacts, but can't find them now, so for the 64000th time, what's the best method? I've heard that WD-40 and tuner cleaner are no-no's. Does anyone use software flow control? It would be OK with "ix" (the only comm work I'm using the coco for now), unless someone emailed me a binary file, wouldn't it? MODEM FLOW CONTROL ??? As far as flow control works, can someone give a brief summary? I understand how it works between the computer and modem, but what happens between the two modems? I assume that the modem's buffer is finite, and if the modem's buffer becomes full, looks like there should need to be some flow control between the modems? How is this done? when the computer stops flow from the modem, does the modem also halt the other modem? Also, if you are using software flow control, would the modem pass the XOFF on to the other system or just allow data to continue as long as it had buffer space? I would assume that if it kept receiving, that this could possibly speed up transfers with programs like sterm and ix where they send xoff when they do a disk write. I've never seen any of this explained. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 91382 13-JAN 22:43 Programmers Den pixel palette info From: DOMM To: ALL Can someone please tell me how to get any particular pixel (x,y), palette information while using Basic09/OS9 on the CoCo? I'm re-writing an old RSDOS program that uses HSET to find if the pixel is sn't seem to find a Basic09/OS9 equivalent. What I need tis what color any certain pixel has so I can use the information acordingly. THANKS! ---Dom -*- 91431 17-JAN 01:18 Programmers Den RE: pixel palette info (Re: Msg 91382) From: LARRYOLSON To: DOMM > Can someone please tell me how to get any particular pixel (x,y), palette > information while using Basic09/OS9 on the CoCo? > > I'm re-writing an old RSDOS program that uses HSET to find if the pixel > is sn't seem to find a Basic09/OS9 equivalent. > > What I need tis what color any certain pixel has so I can use the > information acordingly. > Dom, What type of screen are you working with ? If it is a VDG type screen,(the 32 column green screen), using GFX there is a GCOLR function listed on page 9-9 in the Basic09 Reference but my book doesn't have any info on its use. If you are using a window type screen and GFX2, there wasn't a function available to get pixel information. I ran into this problem when I wrote pacos9. The way I got around it was to use a scaled array that represented the screen and when I moved objects on the screen I also updated the array to keep track of the objects. I could then detect object collisions by looking in the array. You might have to do something like this. I don't know if it was ever released, but I think Keven Darling was going to have a function that would get pixel info, in the never officially released upgrade for OS9 level II. That function might be floating around with some of the other upgrade stuff that was unofficially being put out. Larry -*- 91437 17-JAN 21:55 Programmers Den RE: pixel palette info (Re: Msg 91382) From: WDTV5 To: DOMM DOMM; Stop me if I'm wrong, but can't we sort of go around that? By first getting the block the screen lives in, would it not then be possible to use the LDAXY function to see what palette was there at the address in question? If it was the same as the nearest edge of your "sprite", then it seems to me that would indicate a collision in the past tense. Somewhat more complex would be to surround the area of the sprite by one pixel with the testing. BTW, DON'T forget to compensate for the "proportional" on/offs. If its on, then the darned sprite isn't gonna be where you think it should be in memory. See the docs for that in "GFX2" by KD. What the prop switch does is to scale the locations so that a 0-639 and 0-191 h/v in your commands to draw are scaled to fit a window with less than full screen active area, like one with scroll-bar borders. Nothing is impossible in OS-9, except maybe 20 mflops from a CoCo3. I haven't figured out how to put a 68040 in it yet. 8:) Cheers, Gene -*- 91439 17-JAN 22:48 Programmers Den RE: pixel palette info (Re: Msg 91431) From: DOMM To: LARRYOLSON LARRY--- Unfortunately (?), I'm using a GFX2 640-191 16 color screen. All I want to be able to do is scan the screen somewhere from top to bottom - column by column and depending on the pixel color - react. I guess I'll look into a scaled array as you suggest?? Sure would be nice to find an already made function that gets pixel info tho.. (my programing skills being what they are). I thought I ran across one once but have been looking high and low to no avail. (If anyone could supply me with such a beast...please let me know!) Thanks for the info, ---Dom -*- 91441 17-JAN 23:11 Programmers Den RE: pixel palette info (Re: Msg 91437) From: DOMM To: WDTV5 (NR) WHOA...Gene! My programing skills aren't too complex right now!(LDAXY function?) As I replied to Larry, all I want to do sca0 screen starting at some point top to bottom-column by column and depending on the color of the pixel - react. ??????????? Thanks, ---Dom -*- End of Thread. -*- 91386 14-JAN 00:31 Programmers Den MM/1 Color LookUp Table? From: PAGAN To: ALL Does anyone know if the MM/1 version of G-Windows use a CLUT? Stephen (PAGAN) -*- 91391 14-JAN 16:27 Programmers Den RE: MM/1 Color LookUp Table? (Re: Msg 91386) From: BUDDCAR To: PAGAN Gee Stephen - I would be guessing but I think it ha. The real reason for this message is to make it easy for me to reply tto you about Blackjack and the reason it wouldn't run on the TC70. Of course I should always read ALL! of thedocs file but... At any rate I can state positively that the TC70 does NOT have a CLUT. Took me quite a bit of digging to understand why my first attempts at programming in G-Windows just refused to display the colours I was attempting. For the moment that's the reason I am guessing. The lzh package gives me an executable with CRC $9C1930 size $9302 plus the cards file. Attempts to run come up with error 225 which is Bad Parameter. Have lots of fun with the differences between the tC70 and the MM1 ("fun"). Wish thay could have been just a wee bit more video compatible. Of course I am one version back in OSK as well. Bob P. -*- 91430 17-JAN 01:15 Programmers Den RE: MM/1 Color LookUp Table? (Re: Msg 91386) From: KSCALES To: PAGAN > Does anyone know if the MM/1 version of G-Windows use a CLUT? Stephen - The original MM/1 version shipped did not support a CLUT. However, there is an update (released several months ago) that I believe adds CLUT support. Unfortunately, I cannot positively confirm this, as the (SEVERAL) attempts to send me the update via email have been unsuccessful. It's been a real comedy of errors -- everything from InfoXpress failing the download because I had installed a new hard drive and didn't set up all of the necessary directories, to truncated archives. I've been too busy with work and other things to pro-actively follow up, though Frank, Ray, and Howard have all done their best to get the file to me. (Thanks, guys.) Regards... / Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES CIS:74646,2237 -*- 91432 17-JAN 02:47 Programmers Den RE: MM/1 Color LookUp Table? (Re: Msg 91430) From: PAGAN To: KSCALES Ken and all Most of the G-Windows stuff I'm posting will require a CLUT system so I hope the upgrade provides the support. I try to stay in the 16 color limit so even 4 bit color should work most of the time. I posted a small utility called 'colortest' that will examine the CRT descriptor on a G-Windows system and provide information about your system's color capabilities. The version in the database is for OSK. AKAIK, the OS9000 G-windows supports CLUT so I didn't post a 386 version. If anyone needs it, let me know and I'll get it compiled and posted Stephen (PAGAN) -*- End of Thread. -*- 91393 14-JAN 21:04 OSK Applications download From: MRGOOD To: ALL Ack! I was downloading the latest Tex archive and I lost carrier with only about 100K remaining to download (from a 2+ meg file). Has anyone used zmodem crash recovery successfully? Hugo -*- 91396 15-JAN 01:13 OSK Applications RE: download (Re: Msg 91393) From: WA2EGP To: MRGOOD Don't know. The same thing happened to me (y batch) so I just tried it again. Let me know when you get it running. I had a problem with it. -*- 91404 15-JAN 02:58 OSK Applications RE: download (Re: Msg 91393) From: JOELHEGBERG To: MRGOOD > Ack! I was downloading the latest Tex archive and I lost carrier with > only about 100K remaining to download (from a 2+ meg file). > > Has anyone used zmodem crash recovery successfully? Yes, it works on my Macintosh when I'm on Delphi. From what Paul Jerkatis mentioned to me, there is a difference in the way UNIX-variant zmodem crash recovery works that Delphi doesn't seem to understand, although Delphi did just recently upgrade their ZModem protocol. -- Joel. -*- 91428 16-JAN 21:53 OSK Applications RE: download (Re: Msg 91404) From: MITHELEN To: JOELHEGBERG The primary problem with current Unix/OS-9 rz/sz progams is, crash recovery has to be invoked from the SENDING end.... And Delphi doesn't have an option to enable recovery from its end... It is possible to hack rz to have a command line option to tell the sender to use recovery... I've just never gotten a round tuit. Really old version of rz did have the option, so that would be a place to look if you wanted to hack yourself... -*- End of Thread. -*- 91397 15-JAN 02:08 Users Group RE: OS9 UG renewals (Re: Msg 91183) From: DBREEDING To: THETAURUS RE: OS9 UG's "MOTD" > Joel's new > interview series is a good idea, and it's good to see 'From > The Horses Mouth' continuing, even if DCCS has been out for > months now. Yeah, *THIS* might have been a little outdated , but I, too would like to cast my vote in favor of this line of articles.. I thought it was *EXACTLY* the line MOTD should focus on. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 91402 15-JAN 02:58 Users Group RE: OS9 UG renewals (Re: Msg 91397) From: JOELHEGBERG To: DBREEDING > RE: OS9 UG's "MOTD" > > Joel's new > > interview series is a good idea, and it's good to see 'From > > The Horses Mouth' continuing, even if DCCS has been out for > > months now. > > Yeah, *THIS* might have been a little outdated , but I, too would > like to cast my vote in favor of this line of articles.. I thought it > was *EXACTLY* the line MOTD should focus on. Thanks for the votes of confidence, guys! -- Joel. -*- End of Thread. -*- 91409 15-JAN 15:27 General Information RE: Nitros9 joystick! (Re: Msg 88034) From: EARTHER To: CHARLESAM (NR) I don't know if your joystick problem was ever resolved. But I had a problem with using the High-Res Interface for my mouse, too. When I moved my mouse near the right edge or bottom edge of the screen, the cursor would simply jump off the screen. It's like the last few pixels at the right and bottom edges of the window were not accessable when using the High-Res Interface. My problems went away when I used a spare High-Res Interface that I had. Other people I knew had the same problems. Aparently, Radio Shack had made two versions of the Interface and was selling them both off the shelves. I bought 3 or 4 of them for about a $1 each. Half of them worked perfect. Shawn Driscoll Multi-Vue Borg -*- 91410 15-JAN 15:33 General Information RE: Nitros9 joystick! (Re: Msg 88039) From: EARTHER To: VE3DAC I wrote Shanghai OS-9 in such a way so that the mouse cursor would not have to be moved to the edge of the screen. Some users have the faulty High-Res Joystick Interface that freaks when the cursor approaches the right or bottom edges of the screen. -*- 91415 15-JAN 20:50 General Information RE: Nitros9 joystick! (Re: Msg 91409) From: DBREEDING To: EARTHER > problem with using the High-Res Interface for my mouse, too. When I > moved my mouse near the right edge or bottom edge of the screen, the > cursor would simply jump off the screen. I had the same thing.. got another Interface, might have been a _little_ better, but not much.. my first interface also had a solder bridge shorting between the 2 buttons, let's see.. when you started a new window, and pressed the button, the window would go away. I believe pressing the right button was supposed to do this, and of course you _were_ getting a right-button press.. Cutting out the shorting bridge solved this problem, but I had the "running mouse" problem, too. Apparently this was a common problem. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 91418 15-JAN 21:37 General Information RE: Nitros9 joystick! (Re: Msg 91409) From: HAWKSOFT To: EARTHER Hey Shawn! (and ALL) > I don't know if your joystick problem was ever resolved. But I had a > problem with using the High-Res Interface for my mouse, too. When I > moved my mouse near the right edge or bottom edge of the screen, the > cursor would simply jump off the screen. It's like the last few pixels at > the right and bottom edges of the window were not accessable when using > the High-Res Interface. My problems went away when I used a spare > High-Res Interface that I had. Other people I knew had the same > problems. > Aparently, Radio Shack had made two versions of the Interface and was > selling them both off the shelves. I bought 3 or 4 of them for about > a $1 each. Half of them worked perfect. Actually the problem is caused by the slight variations in parts. This problem can be solved by piggy-backing a very small capacitor (I forget the exact value off-hand ... .0001 uf?) on the capacitor that sets the timing for the voltage ramp that is input to the final comparator. The problem is that the ramp voltage increases too fast and ends before the voltage matches the input voltage from the joystick. Chris :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> Chris "HAWKSoft" <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: Delphi: HAWKSOFT Internet: HAWKSOFT@DELPHI.COM ******************< Uploaded w/ InfoXpress vr. 1.02.00 >****************** -*- 91421 15-JAN 22:58 General Information RE: Nitros9 joystick! (Re: Msg 91409) From: RICKULAND To: EARTHER Two hires boxes? Anyone have the details? I did some hires munging, and on my 'rip off' designs bumping the timing capacitor up and down was an easy way to change the space the mouse used- the larger the cap, the more of the mouse's travel was used to get a full count. For programs like multivue, reducing the cap to .015mmf gives a mouse that doesn't roam very far across the desk, but is a bit inaccurate. Much more than .025mmf and you can't cover the full screen at all. Right around .020mmf you use the whole wiper and get the best resolution, except the pots in these mice are a little irregular at the 'bitter end' just before the stop they jump around alot- I suspect the wiper actually moves off the resistance strip and touches the end terminal, for a sudden jump to 0. (full count to the coco). I tried to make an adjustable version, and found that a hires box set right on the edge would act up, depending on the mouse. Backing off a little bit so the count hit max before the mouse hit the stops always fixed it. It's entirely possible that tacking a small cap (.005mmf?) across the cap in the Tandy hires box would fix that! -ricku Rick Ulland CoNect 449 South 90th St. "Operating System Nine"- 268m Milwaukee WI 53214 -*- End of Thread. -*- 91411 15-JAN 16:06 Telecom (6809) UUCPBB 2.1 From: WILHITE To: ALL I am looking for UUCPBB 2.1. I saw them earlier this week in the new file, but I can't find them now. I checked the other databases without any luck. Thanks, -tim -*- 91412 15-JAN 16:49 Telecom (6809) RE: UUCPBB 2.1 (Re: Msg 91411) From: JMICHELSON To: WILHITE Check the OS9 Telecom database...they apparently just moved it there and I just's the very first listing. -*- 91436 17-JAN 21:48 Telecom (6809) RE: UUCPBB 2.1 (Re: Msg 91412) From: WILHITE To: JMICHELSON (NR) Thanks very much. -*- End of Thread. -*- 91413 15-JAN 20:39 General Information Usenet messages From: TEDJAEGER To: ALL I've been looking for a new SCSI chip for my MM1 - I have a WD33c93 and need a WD33c93A in order to get HAWKSOFT's audio CD software to work. I popped into the Amiga forum and was advised that some chips were likely available in the mask # I need and that I should put the word out on the usenet in comp.sys.amiga.hardware and comp.sys.amiga.marketplace. Now I am an internet rookie having access from my office but not here on Delphi. My question is how to I get a message off to these addresses? At my office the ususal procedure is to send to SMPT%"internet address" but these usenet addresses have a different format and I think the office VAX "postmaster" will return mail with such addresses. Thanks for getting me straight! Bests ---TedJaeger -*- 91422 15-JAN 22:59 General Information RE: Usenet messages (Re: Msg 91413) From: WA2EGP To: TEDJAEGER Can't answer your internet question but does your drive handle the audio CD. Mine doesn't (at least I think it is too old to). That seems to be my problem. BTW, I'm looking for the new(est) chip so that SCSI2 (or is it II) devices can be used. I understand that is the hardware change that is required as far as chips go. -*- End of Thread. -*- 91416 15-JAN 20:56 General Information RE: Dragon's Lair II (Re: Msg 91202) From: MREGC To: MITHELEN Paul, > Be REALLY cool to see Doom II for CDi though! Unfortunately the 68070/2VSCs combo just doesn't have the processing power needed for Doom/Doom II. I did pick up Mutant Rampage last week, and now I know why everybody speaks so highly of it. I haven't stopped playing it since. :) In fact, using the default settings (3 lives per Natural and medium difficulty setting) I'm up to Level 3 group 3 (Moscow) with 7 or eight lives left and, if this was my old Atari 2600, I would already have beaten the hell out of it it's upsetting me so bad. (I've never been a real good sport when it comes to video games, my MM/1 almost took a couple of poundings over some games of GR2 that I played. :) ) ..Eric... -*- 91424 16-JAN 02:01 General Information RE: Dragon's Lair II (Re: Msg 91416) From: LARRYOLSON To: MREGC (NR) > > Be REALLY cool to see Doom II for CDi though! > > Unfortunately the 68070/2VSCs combo just doesn't have the processing > power needed for Doom/Doom II. Eric, Don't forget the Digital Video Cartridge..... > Full Screen Full Motion Digital Video > Multi Risc Processor, 400 MIPs > Extended 1.5 MByte Memory for enhanced Player Performance -*- 91427 16-JAN 15:45 General Information RE: Dragon's Lair II (Re: Msg 91416) From: JOELHEGBERG To: MREGC (NR) Eric, > and, if this was my old Atari 2600, I would already have beaten the hell > out of it it's upsetting me so bad. (I've never been a real good sport > when it comes to video games, my MM/1 almost took a couple of poundings > over some games of GR2 that I played. :) ) You too? My Atari 2600 and a few of it's game cartidges are a little banged up after they failed to let me win a few times. Luckily for it, I've been much nicer to my Sega Genesis where "Continues" are the norm. :) -- Joel. -*- End of Thread. -*- 91417 15-JAN 21:26 General Information CD-i at Winter CES From: MREGC To: ALL The bad news is there wasn't really very much that Philips showed for CD-i at the Winter Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas last week that I found to be very impressive. The good news is neither did any of the other hardware manufacturers for their systems. There were no new landmark games on any home console system. If there was a clear winner at the show for gaming, then it had to be computers. There were some really nice new games being shown for home computers. Probably the most notable thing at the CD-i was that there was a player running Burn:Cycle, next to that player was a nearly life-sized standee of Sol Cutter, and then when you looked at the guy playing Burn:Cycle you realized that it WAS Sol Cutter. The had the actor who played Cutter there signing autographs. Kinda cool. Among the new things being shown at the Philips booth (besides some new Video CDs, edutainment titles, and conversions of CD-i titles to PC) were Chaos Control (the most impressive title at the booth, delayed due to a bug, it should be the next CD-i release sometime early this quarter), Thunder in Paradise (still quite a ways from being complete, though it looks decent), CD-i Lemmings (looks exactly like every other version), Flashback (only a quick and dirty throw together for the show, but it still looked just like every other version), some unremarkable looking role playing game which I don't remember the title of, DV clips of Creature Shock, Lost Eden and Micro Machines (these all, save Micro Machines, looked absolutely fantastic, particularly Lost Eden), NFL Hall of Fame, The Apprentice and Dragon's Lair II (these last three are all already available in stores). Oh, and I forgot about Clue, which has also already been released. Not much of anything new that we don't already know about from the last CD-i catalog or from CD-i magazine. There is also Kingdom: The Far Reaches coming out soon. Besides this we may not be seeing much new and surprising any time soon. ..Eric... -*- 91429 16-JAN 22:43 General Information RE: CD-i at Winter CES (Re: Msg 91417) From: JOHNBAER To: MREGC (NR) Eric, > ... and then when you looked at the guy playing Burn:Cycle you > realized that it WAS Sol Cutter. The had the actor who played Cutter > there signing autographs. Kinda cool. Now _that_ is way cool . And thanks for the information too! If you or anybody else here that has internet access, you can check out the new news group: ... that's where I'm heading after posting this . -- John - < Posted with Ved 2.3.1 & IX 1.2.0 > -*- End of Thread. -*- 91419 15-JAN 22:00 General Information gen From: COCOKIWI To: ALL ********************** FORTY NINERS ************************* *******************SUPER BOWL ************************** **************GO NINERS ************************* 95 from the land of Earthquakes,floods,etc..... Dennis...... -*- 91433 17-JAN 13:43 Telecom (6809) Internet snafu From: LARRYOLSON To: MISAL (NR) HELP !! I wonder if you could tell me what I have to do to stop a message that is being mailed to me over the Internet. For the last 3 days this message has been placed in my mail on the hour, every hour. Larry ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #34 16-Jan-1995 23:48 From: IN%"" To: IN%"" Subj: OS9 Sound Editor Return-path: Received: from by (PMDF V4.3-9 #7804) id <>; Mon, 16 Jan 1995 23:29:40 -0500 (EST) Received: by ( id AA096126923; Tue, 17 Jan 1995 04:28:44 GMT Date: Sun, 15 Jan 1995 17:47:00 +0000 (UTC) From: Subject: OS9 Sound Editor To: Message-id: <> Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT X-Genie-Id: 3324874 X-Genie-From: COCO-SYSOP@INET00# Item 1046793 95/01/15 12:47 From: COCO-SYSOP Allen C. Huffman To: LARRYOLSON@DELPHI.COM@INET00# Internet Gateway Sub: OS9 Sound Editor Star Merchant? Man, if that's on the disk it went in one ear and out the next. I used to _LOVE_ games like that. I'll have to dig out the disk and see if it's on there. I am still finding things from the last Fest. Next time (yeah, I always tell myself this) I'll have a special place for all the new goodies I collect. I finally found some of the disks I bought in the envelope that had my NitrOS9 update in it. Ugh. Well, more later. See you in Chicago if nothing else! Allen Huffman -/- Sub-Etha Software (Lufkin, TX) -*- 91438 17-JAN 22:47 OSK Applications Tex From: MRGOOD To: TIMKIENTZLE (NR) Tim, (or other knowledgeable people) I have installed the Tex system. There are some details I'd like to straighten out because I'm not sure the output I'm getting is correctly sized. I have an Epson Stylus 300 inkjet that has a resolution of 360x360. What mode should I use for this? There's an entry in for an LQ500 at 360x180. There's also an entry for an NEC laser at 360x360. Would the NEC mode be the better choice? In the file, I'm supposed to define the printer resolution. The default is 300. If I use a 360x180 printer for example, would I type 360x180, or 360 x 180, or just plain 360? So far, I've processed the sample.tex file and printed it using Ghostscript. The output looks a bit small. The left and right margins are 2 inches each, the top and bottom margins are 2 inches as well. The letters are tiny, maybe on the order of 6 points? Is that how it's supposed to look? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Hugo PS. I have to congratulate you for having the energy and perseverance to put this whole thing together. It's amazing. -*- 91440 17-JAN 23:08 Programmers Den printer From: WDTV5 To: MARTYGOODMAN (NR) Marty! or anyone else with the info I need, as follows: I've got an old *old* printer here that belongs to one of my employees which I need some help with. The printer is a u-82 Microline (OKIDATA) This printer has both seriel and parallel (centronics) inputs. The seriel port was diagnosed with a bad 75150 in the Busy circuit by me quite some time back, but I never ran across another of them & haven't remembered to add it to the order when I was ordering such things from Newark et all. That employee now has a KayPro 16 (yeah, I know, its Jurrasic too) and would like to use the printer via the parallel port/cable. Just one minor hitch in the git-a-long tho, I've done a quick move all the jumpers to the other side, (some are on A and some are on the B side now) and toggled all the dip switches to the other position one at a time to no avail. It still doesn't print. It does thru the seriel if the baud rate is <= 600 so the computer doesn't over-run the printers limited buffer. Can someone with the manual for this old dog tell me how to jumper it to make the centronics (parallel) input the active input? Many thanks. Cheers, Gene -*- FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit>