Archive-name: Bondage/njlist01.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 1 of 20 The List Prologue Dear Michael Who Has Great Puns, Thanks again for offering to post this for me. Nobody else even offered. In fact, all I got was a flood of E-wannafucks from people with nurse fetishes. Some of them were pretty icky. It was nice to get a letter from someone that seems normal. So you get the dubious honor of handling my tale ;-) Of being IN it even :) because this is the beginning of it. Yours gratefully, Nurse Jones Dear Everybody Else On ASB, I imagine that most prologues are the last part written. This one was. I wrote it at the last minute before sending this to Michael. If I can make this thing work, the next 12 files will contain a nearly true account of what happened to me during the Spring of 1991. I say "nearly true" because I have changed details that might identify us. I'll just be "M". Our physical descriptions are accurate. And I am really a nurse from Indiana, but everything else that might identify us is false. Please, as a favor to me, don't take it as a challenge to try and trace it back to me. I'm not ready to come out of the closet yet. I don't think J (I'll call him that) is either. Feel free to copy it (except for profit), but hey: give credit where it's due. Besides, I made a notarized copy last April. Then I sent it (on diskette by anonymoUS mail) to some ASB regulars that give real names in their sigs. I asked that they post it for me. It never appeared. Then came wizvax. I reread and rewrote it just for the hell of it and here it is. I don't have a spelling checker. J tells me I misspelled "embarrassment" all the way through. At the end of the diary, it appears that I left J to get my head back together. I'm back, and we're married now, so it has a happy ending even if it doesn't look that way. It is called "The List" and it is in two columns. This is Column One. We started Column Two before we got married. If you like column one I'll post column two. Sorry if this doesn't make sense. You'll have to read it to have any idea at all what I'm talking about. I tried to make it as readable as possible, recreating dialogue and putting in my own thoughts as I went along. You're probably tired of the undiluted screwing you read on rec.arts.erotica and anyway. And since what follows really happened, maybe you'll forgive me for writing about what went on inside my head as well as inside the rest of my anatomy. Also, mistakenly believing that hindsight improved the clarity of my vision, I couldn't resist going back and screwing up the spontaneity of the first writing. If I tell you it's a true story, you'll think, "Yeah, sure, right. Where have I heard that before." But it is. So there. If I tell you my top "made" me write it, you'll say, "that's how they all start," but he did. It was kind of a bargain that we made, J and I, before I even knew the news net existed. Before I knew a lot of things. The List Column One Item 1 He's at work now, but he told me to start writing this while he is gone. So here I sit, not knowing where to begin. So I made the big "H" at the beginning just for something to do. I want you to under- stand that I am doing this because J told me to, not because I think anyone should know what happened last night. He says I am to write it in the first person, just like I were telling it to a stranger, rather than to him. It is, ultimately, part of the bargain we made. Okay, I said that. What next? I just don't know where to start. Earnest Hemingway said always start with the first true thing. I guess I'll begin at the beginning, and when I come to the end, I'll stop. Hey, it worked for Alice in Wonderland, someone I have a lot in common with at the moment. Six months ago, we were living together in Chicago where I was working as a nurse. He got a terrific job offer and had to move. I didn't want to give up the security of my job, so we split up. We said it would somehow only be temporary, and I stayed behind in the windy city. Neither of us was particularly happy with the separation, and we wrote to each other almost daily. The letters got pretty steamy, and we began trading fantasies--fantasies we had never discussed when we lived together. We started with pretty tame stuff like being on a tropical island together, or in a snowbound cabin, but gradually we escalated to fantasies of being each other's slaves, B&D, and so forth. Every letter I wrote included comments on his last letter and a new fantasy of my own. He did the same. We became a two-person liter- ary critics circle. I think it was easier to write about these things than to talk about them face to face, maybe because broaching a subject like this for the first time requires such delicacy. You have to be absolutely sure you get the words right before you say them. You can't go back and edit a conversation the way you can a letter. The months wore on; he became assured of success at his new job and bought a house, while I began to feel more and more isolated and left behind. I was working three 12-hour night shifts a week, sleeping days, exercising less and less, reading his letters, and doing little else. I saw no-one, didn't even go to the movies. Our fantasy life--in letters--grew until, as I became more and more lonely, it occupied most of my waking thoughts and I came to want to act out those fanta- sies. I wanted desperately to get back together with him. Move in with him and live with him again. I could quit my job--I would be able to get a nursing job anywhere. But he didn't ask me to, and I couldn't bring myself to ask him. Midwestern pride, I guess. After we had explored our fantasy life pretty thoroughly he wrote a fantasy in which he came to visit me and we arranged to get back together and live out the fantasies we had written about. In my next letter I commented that I thought that was the one I liked best, and we began to write seriously about actually doing it, planning explic- itly to get back together. The character of our letters changed: we wrote more practical fantasies, things that we could actually do, and how we would do them. And we planned for the future. I was to quit my job and get a job where he lived. Nurses are in demand everywhere, although salaries are lower in the South. I was getting pretty tired of Winter in Chicago anyway. You could freeze to death on the way to stand in line to sort out the phone bill the company screwed up if it wasn't for the muggers being so tightly crowded onto the streets that you didn't have room to freeze in the first place. Besides, I was tired of being lonely. Once I had made the deci- sion, my mood changed dramatically. Suddenly, instead of being lonely, sexually frustrated, and obsessive about getting and writing letters, I was optimistic, lonely, sexually frustrated, and obsessive. We got together briefly before I left Chicago. J had written a letter telling me he would visit. Our last few letters had carried a long list of fantasies back and forth between us. We added to the list every time it changed hands. Ultimately it contained nearly everything we had written about and some new things we hadn't. In his final letter he told me he had a chance to come back to Chicago on a job- related trip and wanted to see me. About that list. Below is a part of the letter, copied verbatim (so I keep let- ters.): "I want you to understand something clearly before I arrive. We have been very close, but the last four months have put a dis- tance between us that our letters have only partly bridged. When you come [down here] we will be trying something neither of us has done before. The newness will perhaps be the best and most exciting part of it. We may be starting something new for us in a larger sense, too. When you come, I want you to feel that you are coming to something new, and I want to feel anticipation--maybe even a little apprehension? "For this reason, even though I will be visiting you in a few days, I don't want to just start up where we left off. I don't know if I can adequately explain this, but I don't want my visit to act as a transition from our old relationship to the new. Instead it should be a break. A point of demarcation. I don't want my visit to be 'business as usual' for us. "The fantasies we have written about are part of what is pulling us back together. I don't know if an active fantasy life is a sound basis for a relationship, but if we are going to do this, I want to do it right. Fantasies are killed by reality; fortunately the time we have spent apart has removed some of the reality from our relationship. Fundamentally, I know you are the person I love and trust. That is still the most important reali- ty. But almost as important: we have learned new things about each other through our letters, things that make each of us, to a certain extent, strangers. I want to meet you for the first time again, now that I realize you're not exactly the person I thought I knew. Can you understand that? And if I believe there is a large and mysterious territory to be explored inside your head--which I am beginning to suspect is the case--so much the better. Fantasies take root in the unknown, not the commonplace. "So I'm not going to throw you across the bed the minute I walk in the door, though we have both waited a long time and I will want to. We will take care of our plans, sleep apart, and I will come back here to wait for you. Can you stand that? Can you stand me being a stranger?" There was more, but that is the relevant part. When he arrived I forgot completely, of course, and went to kiss him. He pulled away from me. It was an interesting evening. We both knew we were horny as hell, and we covered some of the sexiest topics of conversation I have ever heard, but we didn't have sex. We barely touched. I was not happy about it. Instead, we got out paper and went over the list of fantasies and scenarios that we had accumulated. We cut the items out with scissors so each was on a separate slip of paper. It became a kind of game. We added to the list. Anything we had written about or read about-- anything. From feathers and g-strings to piercing, tatoos and bondage. Even hypnosis, although neither of us knew any more about it than we had read in a popular book on self-hypnosis. Things we wanted to do to each other, things we wanted done. Then there followed an hour of negotiation during which we paired up our slips of paper. If you wanted to do that to me, then I would get to do this to you; if I do that for you, then you do have to do this for me. The price of column 1 is column 2. The result was a two- column list of equal and opposite (re)actions. The deal was this: if one of us does something on the List, that automatically gives the other the right to do the corresponding thing from the other column. Fair is fair. His list ended up longer than mine: I wasn't able to come up with as many ideas as he did, so some things got left off. Still, it was a long list. There were things I really didn't want to do and things I really didn't want him to do on the List, but they were paired with fair retaliations and things I wanted bad enough that I would agree to his wants. Eventually it became clear that some things had no single equivalent, and that sometimes several scenarios had to be added together to achieve a balance. Any later changes were to be agreed on by both parties and balanced just the way the list was. Is. [Note from the Future: Writing and posting this on electronic mail was one of the things on the List, by the way. In my column, that is. At the time I had only a hazy idea what E-mail was.] We both got excited making up the List, but still he wouldn't make love. He took me out to dinner instead, and we talked. We had a booth, fortunately, because that conversation was a very intimate one. I told him in very general terms what turned me on, and he did the same; we kind of danced around, getting more and more honest with each other. We traded admissions that neither of us had ever thought we would voice aloud. It was by far the most open verbal discussion I had ever had about my inner desires. We told each other of fantasies that were so unrealistic they could never be made reality, but they did give us insights into each other's motivations. Things like experienc- ing what it would be like to be the opposite sex, or stupid little fantasies like mine about being an alien that is able to change the shape of my body and his in interesting ways and that comes to earth and has sex with him, captivating him with my alien biology. Our conversation got steamier and steamier, but still we acted, on the surface, like we had just met. We didn't even touch. It was actually very erotic, especially with all those people around us that didn't know what we were talking about. Imagine the excitement of a mysterious, sexy stranger abouth whose safety you don't have to worry (i.e. not a pervert or HIV positive) and whom you know you will eventually bed. Yet he is still mysterious. Safe danger. We made plans for the future. It would take me a while to quit my job and find a sublet for the apartment. Our part of Chicago is full of student rental property and the demand for apartments is seasonal. In the end, there were two more months of letters and frustration while I tried to sublet. But our plans, at least, were finalized that night. On a flip of a coin, while we were waiting for desert, he won first choice on the List, and he chose that I would be his slave for a month, to start the day I arrived at his place in [deleted]. Over desert, I asked what he wanted to get out of that month; I got some very interesting answers. So interesting that we sat there until the restaurant closed, talking about it. Actually I was trying to get him so turned on he would change his mind about waiting until I came south. Anyway, it was an education to learn what he wanted. I am tempted to say that there were layers upon layers of psychology to peel away, but it was really just very complex and convoluted. He wanted to control me--at least for a while, the month's duration of the List. But he doesn't want simple submission. I am supposed to resist, but it must be more than resistance against him; he seems to want me to resist something in myself as well. If possi- ble, I should discover that part of me that likes to be controlled and I should fight against that as well as against the more superficial physical control permitted by the list. As I say, it is convoluted. He wants me to search my own mind to look for these tendencies and see if I can bring them out, almost the way an actress looks within her own experience to find something to make a performance more convincing. It was clear from the turn our letters had taken that there is something there to find; he was sure of it. So am I, but I don't know what, exactly. (I have an inkling after last night.) But he didn't want acting; if what he was looking for just wasn't there, he didn't want me to pretend it was. Another convolution: Knowing that I was willing to do this for him became a kind of a second layer, a hidden backdrop to the more superficial physical aspects. Letting him know that I was doing this willingly--despite my superficial (but real) resistance (I told you it was convoluted)-- became another undercurrent. More than a second kind of submission, it was something akin to a gift that proved my love and trust, because it would necessarily be something voluntary that he could neither force nor control. Remember: all these psychological undercurrents are not reality; this is what he wants reality to be. I have no idea what it actually is. Maybe they are the same. Sort of. And of course, it has to be for him alone. He wants to know that. This is an ironic twist. My mother--and all my friends, too--always told me that the best way to keep a man is to make him think he might lose you: let him know that you can get another man any time you want. But I have learned something from J that he didn't mean to teach me. What he wants in our relationship can't be very easy to find; I mean, even bringing up the subject of bondage was an almost insurmountable obstacle in itself. It would be almost impossible for him to find anyone else that could be the kind of person he wants. If I can be that person, I will be irreplaceable. He'd never find another one like me, never. If, somewhere inside, I'm really like that, I'll have him trapped, tied (bound?) to me by the fact that I'm the only one that he will ever find that can give him what he needs. Maybe I am that kind of person. I certainly feel that way right now, after the first day. If I could feel this excited about our relationship forever, I guess I'd become that kind of person. So anyway, there we were in the restaurant. After all that talking, I felt like a little applied theory, so I asked him what he would do first when we started. I looked him straight in the eye and gave him my most brazenly innocent look across the table. I can wear my innocence at such a rakish angle it makes me seem positively debauched. He got the message. He told me he would wait until we were in a public place, like a restaurant (thrill), and would reach into his jacket pocket and take out a manila envelope. He paused significantly and looked me straight in the eye right back again. Then he reached into his jacket pocket (chills, excitement) and took out a manila envelope. My heart started thudding and my breath became short. He was going to do something right then, I realized. I don't know if he improvised this or not. Now that I think about it, he must have, because he took some papers out of the envelope before he gave it to me. "Go into the ladies room and put all your underwear in this," he said. I did. Bra, panties, pantyhose. I gave him the envelope. As I sat there, feeling increasingly sexy, he gave me detailed instructions for several outfits I was to make during the next few weeks while I was waiting to come to him. I know it's not a very good career move to be good with a sewing machine, but I am. And I am NOT a housewife type, as will become clear after you read about last night. First I have to fill you in on the rest. By the way, he kept his promise: he never touched me that night; the bit with the underwear was just him being him. It is a comfortable two-day drive from Chicago to his new house, though I could have made it in one. I arrived about four in the afternoon. Actually, it is not a new house: it is old. I can't tell you exactly where it is, but it is a really luscious house. [He also won't let me use the clinical names for parts of the body that nurses know so well, so if I seem a little victorian in my language, now you know the reason why. In fact, he gives a lot of instructions about everything, not just how to write this.] I can say we live in a very warm climate--almost Mediterranean. The house has high ceilings (twelve feet in the living room), tile floors, a red tile roof, and lots of stucco arches. And a fireplace with a magnificent mantle. It's one of those pseudo-Spanish houses that were so popular in the 1930's. It's still nearly unfurnished, even though he's been living here six months. Men are hopeless. There is a rather cavernous living/dining room, with two sofas (one large, one small) and an armchair clustered around the fire place, and a big oak table with two chairs in the middle of the room. There is a deep fluffy white rug in front of the hearth. No curtains, almost no other rugs, no pictures on the walls except in the (ahem) master bedroom. He carried my suitcases into the house; our footsteps on the tile floors echoed in the near-empty rooms. Half the light switches don't work and the place needed (still needs) sweeping: sand had been tracked into the house and made a scratching noise underfoot against the tile floors. In fact, with the exception of my bedroom, the whole place is only superficially clean. There are quite a few cobwebs and the windows are dusty. Dead roaches the size of small mammals. He put my luggage in the spare bedroom. My bedroom. It is spot- lessly clean and furnished completely in white. The bed is an old- fashioned single, iron, in a sort of early-hospital style, painted in white enamel. Walls: white, chest of drawers: white; simple chair and bedside table: both white. No rug, no curtains, no pictures on the wall, and nothing in the closet. A bright overhead light and a small nondescript reading light on the bedside table. That is the total contents of the room. I could feel like a nun if it weren't for last night. Somehow, it bothers me a little that he went to all that trouble to prepare my room for me. All in white, I mean. It's just a little odd. Normally, separate bedrooms would be something you would associ- ate with elderly conservative couples or people on the verge of divorce, but we weren't even married. We were SUPPOSED to be living together, so this was verging on weird and I wanted an explanation. Which I got. It was nothing more than an enforced continuation of the newly distant relationship he had written about and that we had formally started during his visit to Chicago. We had grown apart somewhat, he said, and he wanted to keep it that way for a while longer. Somehow it was nicer in theory than in practice. I guess the bedroom had made me feel a little alienated. "Besides," he said, "you are my slave now, and not supposed to ask questions." I had almost forgotten. Well, not forgotten, but I wasn't in the habit of thinking that way. It definitely made him feel a bit like a stranger. He said it like I was one. [Note from the Future: Near the end I was spending most nights in his bedroom, but we kept separate bedrooms to the very end. Somehow this made our relationship more exciting rather than less intimate. It had a special significance when one of us went to the other's room.] As I said, he had won first choice on the List. I am to be his slave for the first month. During this month he will do many of the other items on the List. By agreeing to the List two months earlier, I suppose I had already agreed to this, even though at the time I hadn't considered that the choice of one month of slavery would allow him to work through quite a few of the other items on the List before I even got my first turn. But it is enough that my turn would come. He must have wanted to put me off balance from the beginning. When my car was unloaded, he told me to change from my jeans and sweatshirt to a blouse and skirt with heels, nothing underneath. The act of changing my clothing, even in the privacy of my room, was somehow charged with erotic anticipation. I felt small and defense- less--almost like I was a prisoner in Dracula's castle. I know it sounds melodramatic, but the house seems so big after the studio apartment in Chicago. Even as I sit typing this in broad daylight the echoes make it seem a bit empty and spooky. And chilly. There is a desiccated bird corpse on the floor of one of the screened porches. At least I swept up the dust and roaches. Yesterday evening, when I came out of my bedroom it was getting darker; there was a shaft of late-afternoon sunlight slanting through the cavernous living room. He was waiting on the armchair; he told me to pour myself a glass of wine and sit on the sofa. There were even little sandwiches. He had never made little sandwiches before. Little formal ones. I was famished, but puzzled over the sandwiches. They were so uncharacteristic. "How do you feel?" he asked. "Okay," I said, "maybe a little chilly." A little attempted underwear-less humor there. Very little. He sipped his wine and watched me eat without expression. Between mouthfuls, I couldn't seem to stop talking. "So, when do we start?" I asked, in a cheerful, businesslike voice, as though we were going to paint the living room or something. "Now," he said in a neutral tone, still expressionless. I suddenly became aware that he was looking at me. I mean really looking at me. Most men are surreptitious when looking at women. They pretend they aren't looking and then sneak a peek when they think you aren't going to notice. This was different. His gaze was travelling over my body without regard to what I might think, as though he didn't care. I was abruptly aware of my lack of underwear; I crossed my legs and tugged at my skirt as though such adjustments could make my discomfort go away. He let his eyes rest on my chest and I crossed my arm in front of myself. "Don't," he said. "Sorry," I blathered unnecessarily. I unfolded myself and tried to appear casual. My damned nipples were erect, though. "So, what'll we do first?" I said brightly, now a summer camp counsellor. I just couldn't stop my mouth. He didn't answer right away. I don't know if he was considering what he would do or just letting the suspense build, but he waited until the silence stretched to its (my) limit. I stuffed another sandwich in my mouth to give it something else to do. Finally, he told me which item on the List would be first. He just told me the number, though. I hadn't memorized the List and didn't know what he was referring to; obviously, I hadn't done my homework. "You have your copy of the list, don't you?" he said. "Yeah, somewhere in my luggage." Then he gave me instructions on what to wear, and told me that I would find everything I needed in my bathroom, but he kept me in suspense as to what the list actually said I was to do. "Take your wine with you, he said. Suddenly I realized he meant "Now." Right now. I went to my room and tore through my luggage to find my copy of the List. The numbers on the List were only for reference; the order didn't mean anything. The item he chose, there- fore, by default, became Item One in this account. So here it is, Item One. As I said, he really did intend to put me off balance. Sort of like pushing me in at the deep end. After all the time we had spent apart I felt we were nearly strangers and needed to get reacquainted. Perhaps that's why he did subtle little things that put me off bal- ance, like make little finger sandwiches. Perhaps that is why he wanted me to come to him feeling exposed and near naked, but naked in a new way. A way that would make me feel naked, as though in front of a stranger. He wanted me to remove my pubic hair. I know many men think this is sexy, but I've never understood why. As a nurse I had seen nearly everything, but I never thought there was anything particularly erotic about shaving there, especially with the itchy stubble I knew would come later. Maybe I associate it with pre-op, too. Did I tell you I was a R.N.? But there was no razor in the bathroom. Just a tube of depilatory and scissors. At this point he has begun exercising editorial control over what I write. I wrote--and twice had to rewrite and expand--the next paragraphs until he was satisfied. I wouldn't otherwise have put in such detail. I had to be extremely careful, as the directions have all kinds of warnings about burning delicate membranes. I sat in the bathroom for a few minutes just looking at myself in the mirror, thinking: what am I getting myself into? But it was too late to change my mind, and anyway I didn't want to. So here goes, I thought. I pinched a curl of hair between my fingers and snipped it off close. Starting at the top, I worked my way down, not thinking about it, just snipping away until I ended up with one foot up on the edge of the bathtub and my head between my legs. When I finished and came up for air, the remaining stubble was almost invisible; I looked quite naked. I stood for a moment and looked in the mirror, wondering if this was really what J was expecting--hairless nakedness. The depilatory comes in a tube like toothpaste and is pink. It smells slightly reminiscent of the chemicals they put in a home permanent. I put the stuff on very carefully, using the round end of my nail file like a butter knife. I followed the directions and waited the requisite time with my legs held apart to avoid burning myself. Then I scraped it off with the nail file; if you are patient enough to wait for it to work, it really does the job. For some reason there were a few hairs that just wouldn't dissolve, so I plucked them with tweezers. At last I was done. I'm glad he didn't watch, because I had to get into some pretty embarrassing positions to do all this without being burned by the stuff. I went straight into the shower without looking at myself again. The faint but icky depilatory smell definitely required a shower and soap to get rid of, followed by a body conditioner all over (Even though he didn't tell me what the List item actually said, he was very detailed in his instructions as to how I should prepare myself for him). Unscented "Unicure" hair and body conditioner was already there in the shower. I was me not to rinse it off--just rub it in and towel dry. As I rubbed the creme over my skin, I began to see that maybe there was a point to this preoccupation with hairlessness. It felt like a whole new erogenous zone down there, so slick and silky and, well ... After I towelled myself dry, I felt really smooth and soft all over, especially Down There. When I finally pulled on the outfit I had made (on his instructions weeks before), I felt like a velvet hand slipping into a velvet glove. It was of a soft, sheer, muslin-like white cotton from India. It fit very tightly and it took a lot of tailoring to get it to fit right, since the material has no stretch. The bust is tailored to fit my breasts exactly, and "underwired" with elastic. I stick out. Long sleeves are just barely loose enough to squeeze my hands through and get my arms in; the front zips from the waist to a high lace collar that would look very demure on a top that wasn't skin-tight and practically transparent. The pants are also skin-tight, except below the knee, where they flare to bell-bottoms. Very 60's. The legs are so long that I have to wear heels--high ones--to keep from tripping over the cuffs. White open-toed high-heeled sandals go with it nicely. Nicely? Somehow "nice" doesn't seem to apply after last night. Last night, the crotch was the really embarrassing part. There's not even a seam in front to help conceal my sex. It's just tight, sheer and thin. A very tight g-string-like elastic in back holds the muslin close over my newly hairless sex and pulls the back of the pants tight against my cheeks and deeply into the cleavage of my buttocks. When I made the outfit I thought there'd at least be pubic hair to cover me, but last night I was so... visible. Still following instructions, I brushed my hair out and put on makeup. I was procrastinating: taking unnecessary care with my face and adjusting the outfit; examining myself in the mirror--anything to avoid going out into the living room where he was waiting. I really didn't want him to see me like this. We hadn't seen each other naked for six months, and he would see a lot more of me than I'd ever shown anyone before. Again, I have to add something here. He told me to. I wouldn't have written this at all, because I have always been a little ashamed of this, but as I said, he makes me put in details-- details I would rather omit, in this case. But here goes. Real soon now. (If you haven't noticed, I am procrastinating again.) There's another reason I didn't want to go out there and let him see me dressed like that. It's irrational, I know, because he had seen me completely naked before, but there it is. I have unusual nipples. They have always been a source of acute embarrassment to me. They are inverted. You have no idea how long it took me to type those three words; every time I have to deal with this I look for all kinds of ways to say it without actually saying it, but in the end I just had to type it and the hell with it. They're inverted. This is silly, because I'm used to them. It's not a big deal, really. The tips of my nipples are turned inward so that all that is visible externally is the areola, with just a little horizontal slit across the middle where the nipple should be. It's not all that uncommon; I have seen girls in P.E. classes that have the same condition on one or the other of her tits. It's just that both of mine are that way. It's not like they're repulsive or anything, and they would be perfectly functional if I had children. They even look normal when erect, it's just that when they aren't, I don't have nipples, just areolas. I haven't known very many men, partly because of shyness over this problem, and all of them have been surprised, and I think slight- ly repelled, by my breasts. All, that is, except J. Other men have made me feel like a freak, with questions like "What's wrong with them?" One even asked me, "Is there anything else you haven't told me about?" Asshole. Assholeassholeasshole. Sorry, I don't normally use language like that, but he was an asshole. Like maybe my day job is in a sideshow, or something? A real Mr. Sensitivity, huh? Before I walked out on that evening's entertain- ment, I told him to be fruitful and multiply, only not in exactly those words. He was a jerk anyway. In high school I was young and stupid enough to be impressed that he (at 20) owned (well, had a mortgage on) his own house (well, double-wide trailer). Imagine, at that age boasting he was a self-made man. He was an example of what can happen when you don't follow the directions. Sorry, I went off on a tangent. Anyway, J has never commented on my nipples except to say that I have the most beautiful breasts he has ever seen, all the more so because they are special that way. Special like the special olympics, but never mind. Still, I was reluctant to enter the living room, embarrassed for no good reason, trying to cover myself, one hand casually fiddling with my lace collar (and incidentally covering my breasts with my arm), while the other draped casually (I hoped) over my southern overexposure. The room was nearly dark, and his armchair was in shadow. I could tell he was fully dressed, but couldn't see his face or judge his reaction. I was feeling awfully exposed, and really needed some reassuring words right then. I didn't get any. There was a small sofa sitting under a recessed light in the ceiling. He didn't get up; he just told me to stand in front of the little sofa, under this very bright light. Like a spotlight. I couldn't see much of anything outside that little pool of light, and I felt awkward, as though my legs were different lengths. He told me to put my arms at my sides and stand up straight. Hesitant- ly, I did as he told me, uncovering myself. I was nearly shaking with nervousness. That afternoon I had been cruising along the Interstate, and now I was in a totally different world. "Hold your shoulders back and stop slouching," he said. I took a deep breath and tried to relax and regain some composure, some digni- ty. "Turn around. Bend over and lean on the seat with your elbows. Legs apart." I tried to lean on my hands. "Your elbows," he repeated. So much for dignity. My rear was up in the air for all to see. "Straighten up. Pull your waistband up so your pants are tighter in the crotch; smooth the front so I can see all of you better. Good. Now tell me how you feel right now." "Embarrassed," I whispered. My voice wasn't working. I cleared my throat and tried again. "Embarrassed," too loudly. I couldn't look up from the floor; I was not handling this well. It seemed a long time before he answered. "Tell me why." "Its these clothes," I answered. "I've seen you with less than that on before." "I know, but- not like this. I mean, not having any hair- there." I stammered, all the while thinking: dammit I should have more composure than this--nurses aren't supposed to be ashamed of the human body. Nurses are supposed to be cool and professional--in charge. I straightened my shoulders again. "No, the hair isn't it either, but never mind. Come over here." I walked over to him and stood by his chair. I tried to keep from slouching to show that I had kept my dignity, and I ended up feeling (and looking) like an army recruit trying to look military on her first day at boot camp. He ran his hand up the inside of my thigh. I couldn't help shivering. He slipped his hand lightly back and forth over the thin cloth that was held so tightly against my nether lips. His fingers became more insistent, and I could feel myself and the cloth of my pants becoming wet. I was still shivering with nervousness. I was, throughout the evening, acutely aware that I had no pubic hair. For some reason, whatever else I was feeling, that was on my mind. I just hadn't gotten used to it, I guess. I still haven't. I felt shaky and nervous. Not afraid, exactly, but terribly aware of my nakedness and uncertain of what was coming next. I knew he wouldn't depart from the List, but there was an awful lot on that list, and after all, I hadn't even kissed him for six months--had only seen him once in all that time--and he was practically bringing me to a climax in a strange house under very weird circumstances. I think he meant it to be that way, but I was not comfortable. He stood and kissed me. Finally. He must have sensed that I needed some reassurance. I could feel his stiffness as he pressed against me. This is what I wanted, I thought, feeling myself on surer ground. I ground my hips against him, suddenly getting more deeply into the scene. His kiss became more passionate, our tongues probing. Abruptly, holding my shoulders in his hands, he separated himself from me. Although he is slender, he is at least eight or nine inches taller than I and quite strong; I could sense a shudder of suppressed emotion despite the firmness of his grip on my upper arms. I stood there breathing unsteadily, my eyes shut. God, I was horny. He told me to go back and stand under the light. I could feel the wetness between my legs; I was sure it showed as a patch on my front. Again, I tried to cover myself with my hand. "No," he said. "Dont. You have nothing to be ashamed of with me, and you know it." He paused. "You do know that, don't you?" "Yes, I know," I whispered, looking down, determinedly ashamed. "Then why are you?" "It's the spotlight." "No, its not. Try again. I've seen you nude in full daylight before, and I've seen more of your body than I can see now, even without hair. And from closer up. Think about what's bothering you, and tell me." He waited silently while I thought; I finally came out with what it was I didn't want to tell him. "I don't just feel nude. I feel naked. I- I think it's because I haven't seen you for so long. It's a little like being in front of a stranger." He waited. And waited. "And because you're dressed and I'm not," I rushed ahead, "its not fair and its humiliating and I feel vulnerable and it's not like I imagined it would be." I covered myself with my hands again as if to say `so Yet I remained under the light, trying not to appear awkward, looking out at where I thought him to be, still unable to see him. Again the silence. Finally from the darkness he said, "Good. Sit down." My ears told me he had moved from the armchair to stand by the unlit fireplace, but I still couldn't see his face. I sat, relieved. At least I could hold my legs together while sitting and hide myself a little that way. With my prim little lace collar, my legs held tightly together, and my hands folded neatly in my lap, I must have looked like a caricature of the proper victorian virgin. Except that I was blushing through transparent clothing and my nipples were erect and positively aching. Sounds like material for a romance novel, I know, but they were. "I don't want you to feel humiliated. Believe that. But your embarrassment is something else. That I do want. As a kind of gift to me," he said. "Can you understand that? As a gift?" I'm not sure how, but I seemed to sense him in the darkness, staring at me, very intent on my answer. Maybe it was something in his voice. I hadn't considered the fine line between embarrassment and humiliation. Somehow, though, I could understand the idea of embar- rassment as a gift. Don't ask me how or why. "Alright," I said, and suddenly it really was alright. My embar- rassment surfaced; I stopped trying to suppress it, it all came out, but it was okay: I could show it. He wanted--even valued it. I lowered my eyes to the floor, blushing furiously, making no effort to hide my discomfiture. I took my hands out of my lap and let my legs part a fraction of an inch, deliberately letting myself feel more embar- rassed, really acting the part--only not acting, because I really was feeling exactly what I was acting out. Or at least acting out what I was feeling. Well, it was more honest than whatever I had been doing, anyway. "Now," he said, "what are you feeling? Do you like this?" "No. I don't," I said, truthfully, I think. I'm not sure. "Do you feel... excited?" "Yes." I realized that was definitely true, whether I liked it or not. "Do you want it to stop?" Another pause. "No," I said, "... no." "Remember, you're my slave. I'm going to tell you to do something now that you might find funny, but I don't want you to laugh. Take it seriously. While sitting there, I want you to do something--anything --that you think I will find sexy." As he said this he turned to the fireplace and lit the fire that was laid there. His back was to me. Act sexy? He made it sound so much like a homework assignment, I almost did laugh. I had no idea what to do. Pretend to be a porn star? Blow kisses? Pout and squirm seductively like they do in bad x-rated movies? I raised tentative hands to my breasts and fingered my nipples. They were already erect from the coolness of the evening and the excitement. I didn't know where to go from there, so I kept rubbing, even though the tips of my breasts were already sensitive, even though the areolae were puckered and hard, aching. I was still aroused, but didn't know what to do next. Then I had an idea. I would take off my top: do a strip tease. Yeah, that's it. My hands went to the zipper at my throat and pulled it halfway it down. "Stop." I froze. "Lean back against the arm of the sofa and close your eyes." I did. "Stroke yourself again." I did. I found it was a lot easier to follow instructions than to make it up on my own. I really wouldn't make a good stripper anyway. I don't know the moves. "Put your hand lower." What did he want me to do? My hand crept down to my waistband. "Lower." Did he want me to masturbate? I wasn't ready for that. I wouldn't. Not with him watching me. It was just too kinky. "Lower," he repeated, more insistently. I put my hand down, more to cover my nakedness than to do what I thought he wanted. I could feel the wetness from when he had caressed me, and for some reason was acutely aware of the hand resting on my sex. But I wouldn't masturbate, I just couldn't, not in front of him. And as I sat there, neither of us saying anything, I began to think maybe he wouldn't ask me to. He had pushed me right to the edge of what I would do, and seemed to know it. He let me sit there, covering myself, extremely aware of how insecure and exposed I was, wishing I hadn't gone as far as I had, wishing I hadn't removed my pubic hair, feeling, not exactly frightened, but very uncertain that this was something I wanted. And just a moment before, when he kissed and caressed me, I was at the edge of a climax. It was a real roller coaster ride. "I know this has been hard for you," he began, "but I have a reason. You remember the evening we made the List. We also discussed our motivations. I told you things about myself that I have never told anyone. And will never. And you told me some things too. Do you remember?" I nodded, uncertain where he was headed, but I said noth- ing. He flipped a wall switch and the spotlight went off. His face was lit from below by the firelight. I didn't move. My hand stayed where it was, my attention split between what he was saying and the focal point of my hand. "You said that one of the things that you sometimes wanted was to have someone else take charge. That sometimes you got tired of con- stantly having to deal with everything. I'm sure it was partly the daily pressure of your job that made you feel that way. You sometimes wanted to be the one who was cared for and protected. You wanted to belong to someone, to have someone you could depend on, someone you could be sure of. At this moment, you don't feel that way, I know. But I want you to. I want to make you mine. Completely. This is my way of doing that. I know you well enough to be sure you would be far too embarrassed to let anyone else see you with no pubic hair. When you removed it for me you took a step toward becoming mine." I was concentrating on my hand. You talk too much, I thought. He went on. "That's why your embarrassment is a special gift to me. It's something I know you wouldn't give anyone else. I don't want you to even be able to give to anyone else. I want you totally for myself, completely committed to me. Everything I do over the next few weeks will help make you into that person. I want to possess you totally." Something like that. I wasn't concentrating fully, but I got the gist. He seems to adopt a formal mode of speech when he talks about the psychology of our relationship. Almost as though he had rehearsed what he said. Still, I was beginning to see. It did give me a warm feeling to know that he wanted for me to belong to him. Belong with a capital `B'. Like a slave. I was beginning to realize that there were layers beneath the surface of this game--things he had thought about more than I. As he continued to talk, I began to understand exactly where we were going, what was happening. At least I began to relax a little and feel comfortable. Everything started to fall into place. When he said he wanted me to be his slave he didn't mean as a servant; he meant someone with unreserved and absolute commitment. I dismissed the thought that this had been in his mind from the beginning, six months ago, even before we started writing those steamy letters. As he droned on in the same vein (he does tend to over-explain things sometimes) my mind wandered off on a tangent. Ironically, what he wanted would give me a kind of power over him: it would be hard for him to find anyone else that would be willing to commit so deeply to him: the List contained some pretty personal stuff; not many women would go that far. And whatever he did to me, it was a measure of his commitment, because the List gave me license to respond in kind. However much he made me open up to him, he made himself just as vulnerable if I choose to exercise my rights. Vulnerable to me. My last coherent thought of the evening was: The List is my safety net. He would not go beyond its limits. It is also a direct and tangible gauge of our commitment to each other. I wasn't thinking with the clarity those words imply, but the ideas were there, and I gained comfort from the thought. I became abruptly aware of my hand, still resting There, where he had told me to put it, and I stopped thinking altogether. I couldn't concentrate on anything else he was saying. I could only feel the weight and warmth of my hand resting on my smooth, hairless mons, through the damp, sheer cloth. I could feel every thread of the material. I became aware of the tightness of the elastic between my buttocks, the tautness of my breasts.... The temptation was irresist- ible to press down slightly with my hand. My eyes drifted shut and my hips moved, seemingly on their own. Suddenly I was jerked to my feet. I found myself facing the fireplace; he was behind me holding my wrists tightly by my sides. I struggled feebly against him, to cover myself, but I couldn't move. "We could stop now if you say the word. Once again: do you want to go on?" he said. "Total commitment?" I understood what he was asking, but still I couldn't think. I didn't even understand why he was asking. It seemed so unnecessary to say anything. I know one should avoid cliches (like the plague?), but time really did seem to stand still. The fire crackled and flickered. I could feel the warmth on my front through the filmy cloth, his breath on my neck. I stared down into the fire, not moving, not breathing, suddenly at peace, serene, and, oddly, more in control of myself than he was. It's funny how such an important decision can be made with so little effort. I felt as if I had been fighting a war all my life and in the middle I simply decided to give up and wander off the battle- field. I wanted so much to give up. So, idly, almost carelessly, with a single word, I abandoned the fortress I had unknowingly defended for a lifetime. "Yes." -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist02.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 2 of 20 The List Column 1 Item 2 J told me to write this so that people will want to read it. For dramatic effect I should have stopped at the word "Yes", but that wasn't the end of last night. Besides, I have time to tell the rest: he won't be home from work for a while, and I don't have to get ready for him yet. He took my car keys and suitcases with all my clothing when he left this morning. All I have to wear is the sheer cotton outfit (you know about that one already--I wore it last night) and a lycra one that he also had me make while I was in Chicago. Neither one is practical or warm, or even very comfortable, and it's late February. It's warm here (compared to Chicago) but not that warm. He also left me all my shoes and boots, my fleece-lined knee-length overcoat (thank God--I'm wearing it now, and nothing else, as I write this), toilet- ries, and some books I had brought. The television is near-useless: the house is so rural that cable isn't even available. I can't start my car, even if I had clothing, so I guess I will read, and write. Maybe I will do a little gardening once I get my feet on the ground. There are ten acres of partly wooded land to grow stuff on, and I've wanted to try a garden of my own ever since I moved into Chicago. My mother kept one back home in Indiana. This is quite a change for me. A few days ago I was spending my last night in the old apartment, sleeping on a mattress on the floor after the yard sale; now here I am nude in an overcoat sitting at a PC wondering when planting time for vegetables is. Life's a funny ol' thing, that way. Best not to dwell on the incongruities. I laughed about it last night, and learned my first lesson the hard way. Last night, when I agreed to try this (by this, I mean This Whole Thing, not just the writing), I felt a weird combination of relief at having made a decision, apprehension about what would come later, sexual excitement, of course (why do I say of course?), and at the same time a kind of serenity: a sense of freedom that comes from not having to care what comes next. You wouldn't think apprehension and serenity would go together, would you? It was like I was outside myself, watching myself worry about the future and at the same time thinking: the apprehension is okay, I can "get into" the experience; it somehow doesn't bother me that I am apprehensive: I am floating above it all. Does that make sense? Reading back over it, I can see how you might think it nonsensical to achieve a completely relaxed state of nervous apprehension, but it was a very real sense of ... release, I guess. As the feeling fades, I wish I knew how to recapture it; last night I really had it going strong. Sorry about all the introspection. You probably want me to get to the "good stuff" but if I'm going to have to write this, I'm going to "do it my way." Ma own se'f. Besides, I know that if I just "tell it like it was" without any explanation, there's no way you could possi- bly understand why a previously conservative (in my social attitudes, not my politics) midwesterner would agree to do these sorts of things. My growing attitude of 'what the hell, why not' got me into all this that night when he visited me in Chicago and I agreed to leave and to go with the List. It led me to take the next steps last night, when I said to myself 'what the hell, what will it hurt to give him what he wants and remove my pubic hair,' and later, 'what the hell, I'll follow through with the whole bargain and live the part, what difference will a month make?' Besides, I really wanted so much to belong to him, and for him to want me to belong to him. So anyway, I said 'Yes.' Okay? At that word, I felt him relax behind me, and I knew he had been relieved to hear the answer. I relaxed too, not because I was re- lieved, but because I liked leaning back into him, letting him enclose me in his arms. Still standing behind me, he ran his hands over my body, up over my breasts, lightly caressing my nipples through the filmy cotton, down my front and between my legs. I moaned and pushed against his hand, trying to send him the message: I am ready. He caressed more firmly: I was getting wet again. He put one hand on my front between my legs and one behind, exploring both halves of me through the flimsy cloth. Again my breath was becoming ragged. I turned in his arms and asked, "Now can we...?" I had been in various states of arousal all through the evening. So had he, but he was in control and he wasn't going to let it end yet. "Not yet," he whispered, and that was okay, too. I was still floating, you see. I just went with the flow. But I remember feeling a secret glow of anticipation when I realized that at least he had used the word 'yet.' He caressed me again, this time slipping his hands inside the waistband of my pants, over the satin smooth heavily- conditioned skin, down to explore and excite me more. When I was once again on the razor's edge, he pulled away and said, "Strip." He sat down in the armchair again and just watched me. I stayed by the fire where it was warm; when I had collected myself, I unzipped my top. It's hard to take off without tearing because it's so tight and at the same time so delicate. I had to wiggle and shake to get it off my arms behind me without ripping it. That made my breasts bounce, and I felt embarrassment returning. I checked to see if he was watching, but he was looking into my eyes rather than at my body. He kept his eyes on mine as I kicked off my shoes and slid my pants down over my hips. They are so tight around the thighs that they don't just fall down by themselves, I have to pull them down, so I had to bend over (I don't believe I'm writing this!). I tilted my head up, all the while looking directly at his face. My eyes never left his. I could feel my breasts hanging down between my arms as I pulled the pants down to my ankles and then off. Funny the everyday things you can suddenly become acutely aware of. The tile floor was freezing on my bare feet. When I stood upright I was chilled despite the fire. I began shivering; I think it was mostly (but not totally) the cold. I held the clothes to the front of my lower body with one hand, trying to cover and warm myself. I hugged my breasts with my other arm. My nipples were erect again, and I was shivering with cold and, once again, embarrassment. He was still fully dressed, remember. "Drop the clothes," he said. This time, voluntarily, I put my arms at my sides, leaving myself uncovered. Suddenly the cold was real. I was shivering violently, but forced myself to stand erect and face him squarely, keeping my eyes on his. I had lost the sense of benign detachment. There is nothing like physical discomfort to do that for you. I was no longer a third party in the room, floating and watching two strangers act out a scene in a play. I was totally focused on keeping control of my shivering body. It was stupid. I should have given in and told him I was too cold, but I could see that he knew. I could have asked; he was probably waiting for me to, but I wanted to prove something to him--I don't know what, but something, and it meant standing there as long as I could. Silly. Silly and stubborn. He smiled a little; his eyes left mine and trav- elled slowly down my twitching body. My jaw was clenched to stop my teeth from chattering, because they would have. My hands were fists at my sides, arms and legs stiff, stomach muscles tense with effort. His eyes lingered on my hairless sex, which by now was covered in goose bumps: I'm sure I looked like a plucked chicken. His gaze travelled back up my body to my face. I was on the edge of losing control. Suddenly he stood, stepped over to me, and picked me up, cradling me in his arms. He carried me down a hall and into his bedroom. Blessed warmth! The room was such a relief! It seemed almost hot after the living room. He put me on the bed and told me to get under the covers. I got up on my knees on the bed and crouched to pull back the comforter; I was shivering so violently it took me two tries to grasp the covers and pull them back. There was a toasty electric blanket somewhere under me. God that felt great. While I was thawing out, I looked around the room--remember, at this point all I had seen was the living room and my bedroom, with a few glimpses of other rooms we had walked by. I could see an adjoining bathroom; the bed was in an alcove with mosquito netting hanging from an arch over the alcove. There is a sink right out in the bedroom, as though the bedroom had once been used for something else. He lit a candle and put it on a small shelf in the alcove. I could see some paintings on the wall that I didn't recognize, landscapes. I knew he hadn't had them in Chicago. We had slept on a heated waterbed in Chicago, but this was a futon. Quite a change. We'll be sleeping on grass mats next. There were speaker grilles in the ceiling, but no music was coming out. There were four metal eye-rings set in the ceiling, too, over the bed. New additions, I thought. There were crumbs of ceiling plaster on the floor. He pushed the heavy, old-fashioned oak door shut with an unnecessarily loud bang. He had my attention. I watched him from a warm, cozy nest; I was floating again, detached, but watching. He moved a chair to the foot of the bed, a heavy oak armchair; it looked like a piece of old office furniture. Then he came over and sat on the edge of the bed and stroked my forehead with his hand. "How are you? Warmed up?" I nodded. "Good." He leaned down and kissed me. His hand felt good through the covers. "I have a kind of test for you. But not if you're still cold." "I'm okay," I said, a little apprehensive. "What test?" "You have to sit in the chair. The room is warm, though. I think you'll be okay." "Okay," I said, looking at the chair. When I didn't move he slowly pulled the covers down to my waist. I sat up. The chair was facing me at the foot of the bed. It seemed ordinary enough. I really wanted to ask what he was going to do, what this test business was. He took my hand gently and stood up, waiting for me. He held my hand by my fingertips as though he were going to be gallant and kiss it, and when I got to my feet he held it as though I were Cinderella stepping down from her coach. The chair was ordinary, but seemed enormous when I sat in it. My toes barely reached the floor. It occurred to me that it looked a bit like one of those old-fashioned Hollywood electric chairs--the kind they executed James Cagney in so many times. He sat on the foot of the bed in front of me and showed me a roll of black tape. The kind electricians use. He peeled off about a foot and held it across my wrist. I could see he was going to tape my wrists to the arms of the chair. He didn't wrap it around, though, he just held it there and looked at me for a reaction. I was scared. I couldn't help it. Even though I trust him completely, we had never done anything like this before. I guess I was seeing a side of him that was completely new, and I immediately thought of hidden psychoses and serial killers and ritual murders with candles and Charles Manson and I was a million miles from home and nobody knew where I was and I was so far out in the country nobody would even hear me scream, and they would probably never even find the body parts. I stiffened. I didn't say anything, but I must have looked as scared as I was, because he stopped and asked me if I was still okay. I nodded, looking into his eyes for some sign of what he was really thinking. Up to this point he had been unreadable, but something in my expression must have touched him because he kind of melted. "Are you sure you're okay?" Something about his expression brought me back to reality. Concern for my feelings was clearly uppermost in his mind. "Yeah. Really," I nodded, still looking at him like a trapped rabbit. My heart was pounding. I had a lot of confidence in his character, but the consequences of misjudgment were unthinkably horrible. The very worst thing that can happen is when someone you love turns out to be a different person. That's what makes Invasion of the Body Snatchers and The Exorcist the two most horrifying movies ever made. I was scared, I admit it. He wrapped the tape around my wrist and the arm of the chair three times and cut it with his Swiss army knife. Both wrists. He walked around in back of me and bent over my shoulder to kiss me behind the ear. He taped my elbow to the back of the chair arm, and my upper arm near the shoulder to the vertical part of the back. He knelt at my feet and gently separated my legs. He paused again. "You okay?" Hesitant nod. He taped my ankles and knees to the legs and corners of the chair, opening and exposing me. Then he ran a band of tape across my breasts and around the back of the chair. It went right across my nipples and squeezed my breasts flat. Standing beside me, he bent to kiss me and put his hand between my legs. He didn't try to stimulate me, just rested his hand there. My nipples had been erect since I sat down. They were trying to be erect under the tape. He slid his hand up to my breast. I pulled with my wrists against the tape. He stopped and turned the chair to face the full length mirror. I could see myself, legs apart, exposed. I was grateful that the candle light was dim. He stood behind me and leaned over my shoulder. One hand went back to my sex, and he began gently to stroke and probe while kissing the side of my neck and nibbling on my ears. That really gets me going, the ears. It always does. I was still nervous, watching him, but I also responded to his hands and became wet. He continued, and I realized that this was his idea of torture. In retrospect I know it's illogical, but somehow my mind concluded that this meant he wasn't Charles Manson. I got more and more turned on, and finally I was fighting the tape out of horny frustration rather than fear. He kept me going, teasing me, until I was right on the edge again and stopped. I just couldn't seem to come, but I was extremely turned on. He cut the tape behind my back and released my breasts. He began peeling it off slowly from both sides while standing in front of me; he was watching my face closely, and as he pulled he made the two tugging, almost-painful points of detachment move symmetrically toward my nipples. My breath quickened as they zeroed in. I moaned and closed my eyes so that I wouldn't be embarrassed by him watching me. Funny how the mind works sometimes. He kissed me again. He's a great kisser. The average guy seems to have a theory that putting his tongue down your throat proves he's a passionate lover. Not that I have anything against tongues, it's just that they don't automatically impress me. J does, though. Impress me, I mean. "I guess you passed the test," he said. I don't know what test, but I suspect he wanted to know if I trusted him, and he wanted me to know I could trust him. At least I haven't been afraid since; if he were going to do something perverted to me he would have done it then, I figured. Anyway, he cut me free of the chair. I was still pretty hot. Relieved and aroused. Excitement, apprehension and foreplay are a deadly combination. I will admit I was afraid, even though I trust him more than anyone else--afraid to be taped to the chair that way. He could have done anything to me. I would like to be able to say that my trust was stronger than my fear, but I don't know. My panic was held in check partly by my reluctance to offend him with mistrust. A midwesterner is the only animal that will allow a sense of etiquette to overcome the instinct for self preservation. He told me to get into bed. I did, still turned extremely on. He released the mosquito netting over the bed-alcove; I thought idly: no mosquitos in February. The netting formed a curtain so that the alcove became a warm, candle-lit, intimate, private and secure little world. But those eye-rings. I noticed four more on the corners of the bed, but it just didn't matter. Floating again. He took some- thing from the bedside table, tossed it to me, and told me to put it on. I examined it. A blindfold. Suddenly visions of a man wearing a Nazi SS uniform hat, with a leather jockstrap and black socks held up by garters flashed through my mind, and I laughed. Snorted, actually. J looked at me impassively, pausing with his shirt half unbuttoned. His mouth smiled a very small smile. His eyes didn't join in the fun. I hadn't thought about it at the time we made up the List, but I was going to be one of Those People. It was just too, too ridiculous. True, as I had told J, I fantasize about being tied down and forced to have fantastic orgasms until I was too exhausted to cry for mercy, but somehow I didn't connect my fantasies with that ludicrous leather- scene reality. He asked me what was going on in my head, and I explained, still suppressing giggles and snorts. He nodded thoughtfully, paused, and flipped the comforter off my nakedness. Instinctively, my hands flashed to cover myself again, but I couldn't stop laughing. He took something out of the bedside table. Suddenly he rolled me over on my stomach and straddled my back. One at a time he pulled my arms to my sides and pinned them there with his legs. Still laughing, I twisted left and right to try and see what he was doing. I couldn't. Gently, he twined my hair in his hand and pulled my head back. He didn't try to hurt me, but I had to arch my neck back and lift my upper torso off the bed to relieve the pulling on my hair. "Hey, come on..." I tried to say. Something was forced against my half-open mouth. He held it with one hand and pulled gently but insistently on my hair with the other. "Open your mouth," he said, "all the way." I tried to say `It is open,' but it just came out a garbled burble and the thing slipped in a little more. I couldn't shake him loose or force it out with my tongue, and he couldn't get it in any further unless I opened my mouth more. We remained at this impasse for a moment more, until I foolishly tried to say something else around the object and he forced it in a little more. Finally, still smiling to myself, I capitulated and relaxed my jaw as much as I could. I decided to go along with it and make the effort not to laugh. He compressed the object with his fingers and pushed--gently, but enough. It went in. It felt huge. Suddenly it wasn't such an effort to stop laughing. I couldn't even smile. Or even move my lips enough to make it look like I would have smiled if I could have. I had never seen--or even heard of--a ball-gag. He took his hand away and it stayed in my mouth. I couldn't open my mouth wide enough to push it out with my tongue, and my hands were still held at my sides. It tasted slightly of rubber. Hey, I thought, beginning to wake up to what was going on. I felt him pull a strap behind my head; he buckled it in place. A click, and he got off me. The moment my hands were free, I reached up to pull the thing out of my mouth, but the strap held it securely. Beginning to panic, I reached around in back of my head to undo the buckle and my scrabbling fingers found a miniature padlock. The strap wouldn't slide off over my head. Again my hands went to the thing in my mouth. It wouldn't budge. It felt like a rubber ball about the size of a racquet ball. The strap went through the middle of it. It didn't matter that my hands were free, I couldn't budge it. Pointlessly, I tried to say something, I don't remember what. He turned his back on me, threw the mosquito curtain aside, and walked out into the bedroom. I got up and ran after him and grabbed him by the arm. I ran around in front of him so I could make eye contact, and tried to say "I won't laugh," but I just made a muffled "Ah, Ah, Ah." Looking up at him, I tried to make my eyes talk since my mouth couldn't. Hey, come on, I was thinking. You didn't really mean to do this to me, did you? This is a mistake, right? Right? "The answer is `no,'" he said. "This is lesson time." He walked out of the room, leaving the door open. I stood there bewildered for a moment, not knowing what to do next. Then I ran into the bathroom to look for scissors or a razor to cut the strap. When I turned the light on I caught sight of myself in the mirror. My face was grotesque. My mouth was held open--wide open--lips stretched around this thing and lipstick smeared. My eyes were round and frantic above it. My hair was wild, tangled around the strap. My shaking hands fluttered uselessly around the gag, feeling at the corners of my poor mouth and around the back of the strap. I banged medicine cabinet doors open and rummaged through the dressing table drawers, but there was nothing I could use to cut it. He knew there was nothing. That's why he'd left me alone. I ran back out through the bedroom to the living room. He was sitting in the armchair by the fireplace, looking into the fire. He even didn't look up. I ran toward my bedroom where my toiletries were--I knew there were scissors there. The hall door was locked. So was the kitchen door. I just stood there not knowing what to do next. I walked back to the living room and stood in the doorway. Obviously, I wasn't going to get around this without his help. I needed to get control of myself. I went to the desk and scribbled on an envelope: 'PLEASE TAKE IT OUT!' and handed it to him. Without looking at it he said, "Sit down." I sat. "Are you in serious pain?" I thought a moment, took a long shaky breath (in through my nose: I could only exhale, mumble, and drool around that thing in my mouth). "Ah," I said, shaking my head 'no'. "Is it on the List?" "Ah," I nodded, wiping saliva from the side of my mouth with my hand and wiping it on my naked hip. Bound and gagged, it was there on the List. "Then think about it until you know what to do," he said. "You don't have to be a rocket scientist." I sat on the sofa, knees togeth- er, hands folded in my lap, again the prim victorian except for... well, just about everything. I was helpless. He already had complete control, so he couldn't want that. I knew it all started because of my laughing over the blindfold. Really, it was as much nervous laughter as humorous. I often react to unfamiliar situations with a nervous laugh. I have embarrassed myself several times by laughing at absolutely the exact wrong moment, like when someone said his dog was dead and I thought for some reason that he was kidding, and he really liked the dog. I could have died. I've never gotten over having said that. Sometimes I twitch with the sudden embarrassment when I remember it. But it's not fair to punish someone for a nervous laugh. That's like punishing someone for a hiccough. Of course, I couldn't explain that to J. I couldn't explain anything. I looked at him again. He was still looking at the fire. He wanted me to do something, not say something. That was obvious, even to a non-rocket scientist. I wiped more saliva from the side of my mouth. I was getting cold again, so I got up to go into the bedroom for the comforter. I looked at him to see if he objected. He didn't even look up. I was at liberty to do anything I wanted. Sort of. While I was getting the comforter, I noticed the bedside table was open; it was where he had gotten the blindfold. The drawer had a heap of chains and leather and padlocks in it. I wrapped the comforter around myself and after another mournful glance in the mirror, went back out. God, I looked awful. He glanced up, but said nothing. I sat down again. My jaw was starting to ache a little, and I needed to wipe my face. He wasn't going to let me back out of this gracefully. I had to apologize? Anything to get it off. I picked up the envelope from the floor where he dropped it and wrote: I'M SORRY. He didn't even look at it. I moaned in frustration. Obviously action was what he wanted. I had agreed to be his slave, so I had better start acting like one. So I got down on my knees by his chair and waited. He looked at me. "Ah?" He had to know it was "Please?" He reached out and stroked my hair. He was remarkably tender for someone who had just done this to me. The bastard. For a moment I thought he was going to take it off, but he just stroked my hair again, and then stopped. I waited. That wasn't it, but I was getting warm. Then I had a bright idea: the blindfold. Duh. I wish I could tell you my real name. It's derived from an old Sioux indian word meaning "not-rocket-scientist." I got up and went into the bedroom. The blindfold was on the pillow. I looked at the open drawer again, and lifted out some of the stuff in there. A jumble of light-weight chains and four short leather straps with buckles and rings. They looked like extra-small dog collars with those buckle tongues that have a hole for a dog tag. Or a lock. There were lots of little tiny padlocks, just like the one that I was sure was on the back of my neck. They were all open, but no keys were in the drawer. The chains didn't look particularly heavy duty, but I knew they would be stronger than most people. Stronger than me. There was one large strap like the others. A collar. Well, I was supposed to be a slave. It seemed like a good time to start acting like one. I took the whole drawer out of the table and carried it into the living room. I got down on my knees again and laid the drawer on the floor in front of him. At least he was looking at me instead of the fire. One by one I took things out of the drawer and put them on the floor between us. He rewarded me with a faint smile, but didn't move. I picked up the small straps, and put one on each wrist. Then one on each ankle, hurrying against the growing discomfort of the gag. I kept looking up at him and fumbling with the straps, looking to see if I was doing the right thing. I had to wipe my mouth again. Then I put on the collar and buckled it. My jaw was really beginning to ache. I looked up at him again. At that stage I would have begged sincerely if I could have spoken. He glanced down at the drawer. The locks. I snapped them through the tongues of the strap buckles. I had trouble with the collar. I couldn't see it and my hands were trembling. He helped me. I sat back on my heels and waited. He motioned me to come closer. I moved over next to him, still kneeling on the comforter. He reached down again and stroked my hair, but didn't do anything about the gag. I was getting desperate. The ache had turned to real pain. I was starting to cry, which just made my jaw hurt more. I put my arms around his legs and through my tears tried once more to say "Please?" but I was crying and shaking from the cold and my nose was running, and my begging just came out as a kind of high-pitched whine. He reached down, picked up the blindfold, and handed it to me. With shaking hands, I put it on, at my absolute limit. "Pick up the chains," he said. Kneeling there, I felt blindly for the drawer and gathered the chains into my hands, still squeaking, whining, and sniffing. It really hurt. I was feeling what cynical doctors call 'minor discomfort.' He picked me up and carried me into the bedroom and put me on the bed. The chains rattled and I felt him pull my legs apart and lock my ankle straps to the chains. I could think of nothing but my poor mouth. Then he chained my right wrist. At last I felt him working the lock at the back of my neck. Then the buckle. The strap was loose. I reached to remove the gag, but he held my left wrist and forced it back, and locked it to the last chain. I still couldn't push the gag out of my mouth. I moaned, and remember thinking I probably sound--and look--just like those leather and bondage people. But I didn't feel like laughing this time. I was completely beaten. I would have given anything just to get that thing out of my mouth. Anything. "I'm going to take it out now. Don't say anything for the rest of the night." Gently, he took it out and let my mouth close. It hurt to close it after having it held open so far for so long. I had probably had that thing in my mouth for only ten or fifteen minutes, as I think back on it now, but it had seemed an eternity. The ache starts in your jaw and spreads to pain in your ears and throat. It hurts to swallow, like I were spraining something. My ears were ringing when he finally took it out. I heard water running in the bathroom, then felt him wipe my nose and face with a warm, damp washcloth; he spread the comforter over me, and pulled it up to just below my breasts. Then he kissed me gently, taking care with my mouth, which despite the extremity of earlier pain, had almost stopped hurting. Certainly kissing didn't hurt. He kissed me again, through the blindfold, near the corners of my eyes. He can be so tender. When he wants to be. I felt him sit on the bed beside me. He stroked my face gently with the backs of his knuckles. Chained the way I was, I should have felt exposed, helpless, and naked, especially with the blindfold and not being able to see what he was going to do next, but somehow I didn't feel the nakedness as acutely; oddly, that was because I was blindfolded. I wonder if ostriches really hide their heads in the sand to feel safe. Of course not. Silly. My first and middle names together translate roughly as "Not-rocket-scientist-who-is-stupider-than- ostrich." Safe is different from helpless, though, and I was helpless. Safe and helpless. His kisses and caresses were nonsexual at first, and comforting. I was warm and toasty, and realized that nothing was required of me but that I keep my big fat mouth shut. Anyway, I couldn't do anything in this position but passively accept whatever he chose to do. I was not responsible for anything. His kisses became warmer and I became more and more detached. Let him kiss me, I thought. Let him do anything he wants. After what just happened I don't have to do anything but lie here. My lips won't respond to his. And they didn't. It was like I was there in the room watching this happen to someone else, someone numb. He got under the covers with me and his hands began to move over my body, his caresses more sexual. He had undressed sometime after I was blindfolded. His hand slid down my stomach to just below my navel. And ever so lightly, lower still, to where my skin becomes silk. My breath caught and the stomach muscles betrayed me by tightening involuntarily, as though I had been tickled. His hand slid lower still and cupped my hairless sex, stroking gently. I was determined not to respond, and again my detachment returned. He continued to stroke. My skin felt so smooth down there; I could see the point of the hairlessness, I thought for the second time. But I was determined not to respond. Not to move. I could have an orgasm and he would never know, I thought. I was becoming more and more detached; floating, almost dreaming. His caresses became more insistent; his fingers entered me. Still I didn't respond. I deliber- ately relaxed. This is hard to explain. As he continued to stroke and kiss me, I remained detached, but my body began to move without effort on my part. Sounds like I'm making this up, I know. It was as though I were watching from outside, still completely relaxed, and my body was acting on its own. I watched my body's hips move first, ever so slightly, pushing against his expert hand. He stroked more gently, searching and probing, finding exactly the right spot. My hips began to move rhythmically. His hand left my sex and moved up to my body's breasts. A gentle stroke and their nipples wakened. They were erect, hardened. I felt his lips on my nipples, sucking and nibbling gently. He continued, becoming stronger, more insistent, until they began to ache. Suddenly his hand was at my sex again. My body gasped and arched, pulling against the chains. My knees lifted up, my legs bent as far as the chains allowed. I stopped, frozen and heard my body's breathing grow ragged. I watched him position himself over me and slowly--very slowly--enter me. My body was already shuddering on its own. He supported his weight with his arms so that he was almost suspended above me. My spread- eagled body floated weightless, penetrated and quivering with excite- ment. He began moving ever so slowly and gently with what felt like enormous but controlled strength--strength held in reserve. My body was gasping and panting involuntarily, drawing in great gulps of air and making the same incoherent whining noises I had earlier when I was crying, gagged. Then my back arched off the bed, my limbs pulled all the chains suddenly taut, and my body held itself rock still, almost vibrating, not breathing. My throat made a little squeak, and he made one more powerful, expertly timed thrust, the slowest of all. I don't think I was even climaxing yet, but it was as good as any orgasm. He stroked me again, slowing the pace until it was almost imper- ceptible. I was on the very edge. My body had to start breathing again: suddenly I started panting frantically and spasming uncontrol- lably against the chains. His weight descended on my body, pinning me to the bed. Spasm after spasm wracked my body, but he held me immo- bile. The chains tightened rhythmically as I pulled at them, and my head tossed back and forth. He slipped his arms under my shoulders and held my head immobile between his two hands. His mouth came down on mine, hungry. His hips moved rhythmically now, no longer gentle. Finally the dam broke. My orgasm seemed to last forever and ever and ever and ever. As I lay there exhausted, almost getting my breath back, I felt him inside me, still hard. As soon as he felt I was ready, he began again, this time for himself alone. Slowly at first, then, keeping himself on the edge, slowly, ever so slowly, with pauses to prolong his pleasure. I built to a second orgasm, and a third, while he had his way (Listen to me! I'm even sounding like a victorian midwestern- er. Had his way.... Sheesh!) with me, but he didn't notice. He used me until he was shudderingly, gaspingly, done with me. I wish I hadn't been blindfolded. I would have liked watching his face. But on the other hand, all things considered.... Well, why fix it if it works? as granddad used to say. Not in exactly this context, though. I drifted off and vaguely remember him cleaning me up, unlocking the chains, and carrying me back to my bedroom. When I woke up this morning, I was in my own bed, and the leather cuffs, anklets, and collar were still on. It was just barely sunrise, and I ached deliciously almost everywhere. I went to the bathroom. I was a mess: my eyes were two big smudges where my mascara had run under the blindfold last night. After a quick pee and a wash, I dashed back to a warm bed just in time for him to come into my room with coffee and hot english muffins. He was fully dressed already, and after a quick kiss and a few instructions, he was on his way to work. The instructions were to start writing this. After a good lie-in, I got up and poked around the house. His bedroom was locked, but the rest of the house was open to me. It wasn't until I noticed that my suitcases were gone (cute trick) that I realized I hadn't considered leaving him--even during the worst part of last night. He didn't need to take my clothes to keep me here, but still, it gives me a kind of warm feeling that he did. He should know better, after last night. I'll stay. Well, that's enough for now. I have to get ready for him and I'm tired of typing anyway. Wordstar says I did 27 pages. Stream of consciousness writing and Mrs. Cooke's typing class, I guess. He'll be home in another hour, and tomorrow is Saturday. He seemed satisfied with what I wrote Friday. It's Sunday now; I don't have time to tell you about Friday night and Saturday now. Later, though. It looks like this is going to turn into a diary. In fact, he said he was surprised I wrote so much. Still, he had me go back and add in some stuff, like the part about my nipples. I hated that. And some other stuff, too. I had to change the names, places, etc., "to protect the innocent" (the guilty, actually) so it couldn't be traced to us. So if anyone ends up reading this, it has been edited. But not bowdlerized, so don't feel cheated. He makes me put in stuff, not take it out. I'm supposed to tell you more about myself, what I look like, why I'm doing this, what motivates me. I only have an hour, so today's entry will be short and factual. I am five feet two and one half inches, one hundred and eight pounds. So for my adult life I have had a choice between "short" and "petite"; I don't like either. Altitudinally challenged? I wear a lot of high heels. Old fashioned, I know, but I'm a midget without them. When I wear running shoes, people say "Wow, I didn't know you were so short." Wow. Thanksalot. Light brown hair, longish, but to be honest the quality of my hair leaves something to be desired. It is kind of coarse and kinky with lots of little tight curls. It looks like I've had a bad perma- nent and need another, but I haven't and I don't. My hair will never be smooth and shiny like in the TV adds. Every time I wash it, it bushes out like an afro and gets unruly. It was down to the middle of my back in high school, but since then I have been shortening it until it is a little longer than shoulder length. It's really inconvenient to keep it pinned under a nurses hat, but J doesn't want me to cut it, and I haven't since we met. I would like to try it short, though. My complexion is clear, my eyes are blue-grey, and together I think they are my best features. My eyes are large, and I enhance them a lot with makeup. I am not beautiful, but I'm certainly not unattrac- tive. I think somewhere between pretty and "handsome" (definitely not butch, though) might fit me. Despite my size, 'pert' has never been said of me, thank God. I'm also definitely not the cheerleader type. My friends all say I am unconventionally attractive. Back home in Indiana, I never had trouble attracting men, even men who like conven- tional movie star-type beauty, but then, most of the boys in my home town were such jerks I didn't bother much. And all the conventional movie star type beauties left as soon as they could. So did everyone else. So did I. Even an ostrich would have left. In my home town three bowling shirts is considered a complete wardrobe. The guys were more interested in cars and beer. It was unmanly for these types to actually talk to a woman; getting the attention of one of these specimens just wasn't worth it, believe me. Sort of like saddling a cow: it can be done, but it's a lot of work and what's the point? These bucolic wags would stand around the back of a pickup and belch witticisms like "No man should plant more garden than his woman can hoe," and then guffaw. Then some buffoon so dim he hadn't heard that one before would laugh and spray beer out through his nose. That would be the evening's high point. Do I sound bitter? So through most of my high-school years I kept that wholesome "don't-touch-me-there farm girl look" and didn't wear much makeup until my last year. Then I met an older guy I thought I liked and started wearing makeup to be more "mature". That lasted two weeks until at a critical moment I discovered he had a mirror over his bed. Talk about tacky. It should have had a sign: Objects Appear Larger Than They Are. Besides, he didn't like my nipples. So when that didn't work out I decided to go to college. So I was a virgin until I was nineteen, and then again until I was twenty-two (so I'm a little slow). That was when I met J. I read a lot, exercise a lot, and keep fit, but I haven't yet achieved that lean, hard, sinewy look that many of the women at the exercise spa "up north" had. I still have smooth rounded curves, but I'm working on a "hardbody". I'll have to join a spa here. Okay, okay, my measurements are 34-23-34, and I wear a B cup. Happy now? (Thank- you-so-much for reminding me, J.) My shoulders are narrow, and my upper body strength needs a lot more development. I have good legs; in heels, great, in fact. Long for my size. My hips are rather wide, but that is because my legs are set further apart than one finds in most women; actually my thighs are slim. There is just a wider space between my legs than most women have. I don't know why I have to tell you this--I never even thought about it until J had me add the last few sentences. J says it makes me look great in jeans. I guess he's thought about it. The space between my legs, I mean. I hadn't until now. I tan easily, but don't go in for it, it's so hard on the skin; also, where I come from, a tan means you are a farm hand. I suppose some would describe me as pale. Others might describe me as very pale. But I have good skin, so I'm not pasty and pale, just pale. I try to keep my skin as perfect as possible (no junk food). It is very fine (small pores), and I am proud of my complexion. I do wear makeup, though, maybe a little more than I need to. I just like putting it on, okay? Still a little girl playing with mom's makeup, I guess. I'm nearsighted enough that I definitely need glasses when I drive, but I wear contact lenses instead most of the time. I have a pair that makes my eyes look very blue, but they looked so artificial I got another colorless pair. Too flamboyant for a midwesterner. Someone might think I was trying to be different, God forbid. So I'm just a midwestern farm girl--except for the makeup. You've seen women that have absolutely perfect makeup? You know the ones: lips crisply and perfectly outlined, the corners of their mouths painted sharp, eyeliner neat with sharp corners, eyeshadow a perfect blend of shades, mascara unclumped, eyebrows neatly lined, skin smooth, uniform, and powdered. They look like they spend too much time on their faces. Well, they do: I'm one of them. On the other hand, there are a lot of women out there who could take a little more care with their appearance. J thinks I spend so much time on my makeup because I like to keep everything under perfect control. He thinks I use makeup to compensate for what I perceive to be other out-of-control imperfections. I suppose he means my hair. Or my nipples. They have been an embarrassment, but I don't think they have shaped my life. Maybe he's right. I just haven't been able to convince myself that he is telling the truth when he says he actually prefers them the way they are. Hell, he says he likes me without makeup, too. He just thinks he does. Or likes to think that he would. Men. My friends tell me I'm a typical midwesterner in my attitudes. It's true. My family never ever discussed sex. I was never told the "facts of life." In the midwest, embarrassment has been promoted from an emotion to a way of life. We just don't discuss these things. Thank God for sex ed. in school. Hey--I'm multiorgasmic. I wish that meant something important, but it really just means J is a sensitive lover. I never thought much about it before, probably because I wasn't that way with any other guys. My orgasms are almost predictable (not boring, though). With J I nearly always start with a small fluttery frissant near the beginning and then have a major one in the middle. He works to make that one enjoyable and always waits for me before he has his. About half the time I have a third one, but the second is almost always the best. Sounds predictable and boring, I know, but I know (knew) so many girls that don't have them at all, I feel lucky. Things might change now, though. We are definitely exploring new territory. I have to add something else here. I don't even believe it, but he says put it in anyway. He says I have an aloof and almost cruel looking face. Something about the shape of my nostrils, for God's sake. Cruel aloof nostrils? Come on. He says it's one of the things that attracted him to me initially. I'm neither. Really. Motivations. We've talked about this a lot. Being in charge of the nurses on an entire floor usually means I have to organize and direct the people around me. I'm really not cut out for that: it's a part of my life that's genuinely not under my control, and yet my job demands that I be able to exert control and I get caught in the middle. My personality just doesn't carry the necessary weight. I guess we all have aspects of our lives and jobs that require we be forceful. I fake it well, but still I am faking it. Maybe that's why I have this dual urge to give up and get out from under responsibility on the one hand, and to exert complete and unquestioned control on the other. Hence the two- column List(?) It seems to express the same duality. J feels the same pressures in his job, and in many ways the two columns reflect these two sides of our personalities. Here's my theory: It seems certain that the differences between male/female (dominant/passive, whatever) roles and behavioral patterns are the result of social--maybe even biological--evolution. If so, it follows that they are a socio-biological adaptation imposed on a pre- existing background psychology that is almost certainly more gender- intermediate than either of those two stereotypic extremes. It then follows that there is an unexpressed "more feminine" side to males and an unexpressed "more masculine" side of the female psychology. Both of these sides are perfectly "natural." Perhaps much of what is regarded as deviant sexual behavior (that is, deviant from the acceptable stereotypic extremes of the male-female spectrum) is the unguarded expression of those natural but sexually intermediate feelings. On the other hand, I had a younger nurse working on my floor once that was 6'1" tall and would have been gorgeous but she wanted to be petite. She slouched, and was shy, and managed to look unattractive just because she wasn't comfortable with herself. I would have killed to be six feet tall, so I was always trying to seem taller: I adopted good posture as a way of life and tried to project confidence rather than diffidence. Odd that our lives can be more affected by what we want to be than by what we actually are. Anyway, I'm required to be more dominant in my job than comes naturally to me. I hate that, and would often prefer to be passive and not have the responsibility. At the same time, because I am sometimes (being female and short) unable to exert a strong dominant influence, I would like for just once to control someone or something without being challenged. I want both, I guess. I've only felt that sense of control when downhill skiing. I'm a pretty good skier, and really feel an exhilarating sense of domination over the mountain. I wonder if it could be that good to dominate a man.... Or maybe I'm just justifying my fascination with the List by inventing complex pseudo-psychological excuses. Publicly, I have always claimed to be repelled by such things, but privately I'm drawn to "the dark side" of my own nature. If I see erotic literature on a bookshelf, I am embarrassed in case anyone I know should see me looking at it, but simultaneously I want to find out what is in it. Repelled and attracted. What a mixed up prude from Indiana. After reading this manifesto of a hyper-prude, if you could see the outfit I'm wearing right now, you'd wonder if I was the same person. But I vas only followink ordersz, mein Fuhrer. I'm wearing what he told me to. Oops. J is driving up the driveway. Time to go. I'll fill you in on the weekend while he's at work tomorrow. O.K., I've admitted all. No more pop-psych. And that's it for today anyway. Fun and games time.... -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist03.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 3 of 20 The List Column 1 Item 3 It's Monday. I'm sitting at the computer wearing the second outfit he had me make. Actually, I didn't make it from scratch, I modified it from a spandex exercise leotard. Black, naturally. Why is it men like black so much? It's one of those french cut "thong" designs with just the thinnest behind in the cleft between my cheeks. He had me modify it to show more of me on either side of my sex in front. I guess even then he was planning on me being hairless down there. This is going to take some getting used to, I guess. Anyway, the thing is made a little more comfortable by wearing pantyhose underneath. Of course they just have to be charcoal gray sheer-to-the-waist. More instructions. It unsnaps under the crotch, too, for easy removal--and access, too, I guess. I had to lower the scoop neckline, front and back, and enlarge the armholes so that my breasts are all-but-completely exposed. A half-inch either way and a nipple would peek out. Men really go for the obvious, don't they? I was wearing this Friday evening when he came home from work, although without the pantyhose, because they looked funny over the leather ankle cuffs. I actually could have cut the cuffs off, since I now have the run of the house and could get at the scissors. But why bother: I don't want to escape from anything now anyway. That sounds suspiciously like the old joke about not needing to fix the roof when it's not raining. Idle thought: I think he likes my makeup the way it is despite what he says. (I described it in my first entry about a century ago.) He hasn't told me to change it, and when he kisses me hello, he is careful not to mess it up. That comes later (messing it up, I mean). By the way, he has a business trip to San Francisco scheduled for later this week. He's taking me along! He told me on Saturday when he took me shopping for some new clothes. But I haven't told you about Friday night, yet. It was a warm night, warm enough to leave the windows open, but we had the sinful luxury of a fire in the fireplace anyway. Early Spring breezes and a fireplace in February... I could get to like the South. Just now, as I was typing, my mother called from Indiana to find out if I survived the move from Chicago. Her only exposure to the Deep South was watching the movie Deliverance, so she was worried. It felt weird sitting at the kitchen table chatting on the phone with my mother while wearing this outfit. If she could have seen me, I don't know which one of us would have been more embarassed. 'Dueling prudes' would have been the theme song if Deliverance had been made in Indi- ana. She wants me to get married. I guess all mothers nag about that. Mine seems to have plans about how my entire life should be, and what I should be like. She lays me out on this pattern--like a dress pattern, but of herself--and worries and snips and prods away at any bits don't fit the pattern. Her strategy is to wear you out. We're too embarrassed to actually come right out and argue in Indiana. We shut oven doors a little more noisily than is absolutely necessary. Or I read a book and turn the pages pointedly. A New Yorker could be in the middle of a war in Indiana and not even realize it. Anyway, I was going to tell you about Friday. It wasn't nearly as traumatic as Thursday night had been. No gag, or anything like that. We made love on a big fuzzy rug in front of the fireplace. No, not a bear rug, some kind of Greek thing, made of white wool, with about an eight (yes, 8) inch pile. It's like a cloud. When it gets dirty, you just wash it in a washing machine and let it shrink. Anyway, we made love on the rug there by the fireplace. I can see it now over the top of the monitor. Remember that I had not seen him naked yet? At least not for six months. He still hasn't let me. Not that he has anything to be ashamed of: he has a terrific body. One of the world's great asses. No, he's not hiding his body: he wants to prolong my embarrassment and discomfort at the inequality of the situation. There's nothing more unequal than being naked when your partner is fully dressed, especially the way I am naked and exposed Down There. First, from my bathroom, he had me bring the blindfold and some unscented talcum powder--why is it that men don't like pretty smells? Then I had to strip again for him. I tried to make it more seductive this time. I'm determined to learn to do it like a pro, but privately. But I think he likes embarrassment more than a smooth act. He got both: I was doing my clumsy best to do a seductive strip. I felt like a total ass, trying to pretend I wasn't blushing furiously. It may never feel natural to be so naked when he's so dressed, but then maybe a true pro is one that knows how to keep her amateur status. When I was through, I knelt in front of him. He had me put on my own blindfold again. No hassle this time. I was a good girl. At his direction, while still kneeling and blindfolded, I began undressing him. I was getting excited. This was more like my good old soft-core fantasies. When I had him naked, I took him in my mouth, still kneel- ing. As deep as I could take him without gagging. That is something else I wish I could do. I think. If it's not bad for me. I bet there aren't many who can do the Linda Lovelace routine. Unfortunately I'm not one of them. Oral sex is something that I am trying to like. So I tried, and gagged a bit; he noticed and gently tangled his hand in the hair at the back of my head and pulled me away from his erection. Still holding my head back, he knelt in front of me and bent to kiss my exposed throat. I shivered as his hands traversed my flanks. If it bothers me he doesn't want me to do it. Sometimes. Gently, he laid me on my back and began to massage my body with the talcum powder. From my neck to my toes he spread and rubbed, relaxing and kneading me. I went totally limp, turning into jelly in his hands. Powdered jelly. My legs, which I had been holding together instinctively in the approved midwestern fashion, drifted apart a bit. He put the talcum powder everywhere. Over my breasts, between my legs, over my already-satiny and hairless mons. Then he rolled me over like a sack of flour and began on my back. After covering and deeply kneading my back, arms, and legs, he finished with my backside. Gently he caressed the soft powder into my rear crevice. Deeper and deeper. His fingers did everything but penetrate me there. My body was completely covered in talcum powder from the neck down. In my mind's eye I looked like a blindfolded marble statue. His hands still worked on my crevice, relaxing me, probing without penetrating. I wasn't ready for that, and I think he knew, because he didn't try to force me. At first I was nervous that he would, and contracted invol- untarily at his touch, but as he continued to massage with the talcum powder, my trust grew and I relaxed completely. I deliberately concen- trated on relaxing my rear opening. That's pretty daring for someone like me. I'm not even sure it's LEGAL to relax those muscles in Indiana. Still he continued to tease and stroke. Preparing me physically; I was completely ready. My buttocks rose to meet his hand, clenching to grasp and draw him in (more daring still), but he told me to relax. I tried. The anticipation and nervous excitement I felt were mixed with more than a little apprehension; I had never tried this before. It is one of those things that fascinate and repel me simultaneously. But still he teased, and did not attempt to penetrate me. My heart beat faster but he kept telling me to relax. It is a funny feeling, concentrating on letting your body become mush while your heart won't stop thumping. Finally I settled down. I had no muscles whatever, just a tiny core of expectancy. I was jello. Melted passive jello. He could have done anything with me. I wanted him to. "Get up on your hands and knees," he said. I did. I was disori- ented, coming back to reality blindfolded from such a physically relaxed state, but I managed to wobble to all fours, and knelt there swaying. His hands continued to work on me, both sides, under and above simultaneously. I began to moan and thrust my buttocks against his hand again, trying to grasp his fingers to signal my readiness. And I was ready. Even eager to try it. IT. That is further than I had ever dreamt I would actually go. And I wanted to go further! But it was not to be. He just wanted to show me how far I could be persuaded to go. I was dripping with anticipation. Literally and figuratively. "Straddle me," he said. He was on his back beside me. He helped me, half lifted me, onto him. I could feel his erection between my thighs. I was on all fours again, but he was guiding himself inside me. I was really ready now. I slid onto him slowly, carefully (I am small there), gradually accepting all of him inside my now-quivering body. He held me still, preventing me from rubbing against him. My vaginal and stomach muscles were twitching and contracting involun- tarily, and it took several moments for me to regain control of myself. Eventually, I was able to sit there with him inside me without going completely crazy, although my breath was not at all steady. What now, I wondered. "Take this," he said, "give me a rubdown." I reached out and fumbled in front of me. My hands found the talcum powder container. What a time to pick for a rubdown. My mind was on just one thing, and it wasn't talcum powder rubdowns. I sprinkled some on his chest and began massaging it in, spreading it over his upper body and arms. As I rocked back and forth, rubbing his chest muscles, I felt a warm glow begin to spread from my center. I spread powder over myself, too, massaging my own breasts, something I wouldn't have done if I hadn't been blindfolded. However natural it might be, it seems so narcissistic--almost masturbatory--to stroke one's self, especially if someone else is watching. I wouldn't do it on my first night, but this time the blindfold somehow freed me from that inhibition. Since I couldn't see his reaction, I wasn't responsible for responding to him; I could do what I liked. I imagined him watching, and I was aroused by my own exhibition- ism. I didn't have to guess how he felt about what I was doing: I could feel him huge inside me, and I deliberately made my little show more provocative, until I was stroking the entire front of my body, crotch to blindfold, and panting theatrically. While I was busy showing off, my first orgasm caught me by complete surprise. With a sharp intake of breath, I dropped the talcum and steadied myself with my hands on his shoulders while I convulsed on his hips; I started rocking wildly back and forth, trying to reach for another orgasm. But as great as it was, an orgasm in that position still isn't as satisfying as one with full frontal body contact. He pulled me down onto his chest and our fronts were suddenly one long satin interface. The talcum powder gave our bodies the feel of living velvet melding together, each sliding luxuriously against the other. I felt so silky and smooth! All over. It was like the satin-smooth, sensitive surface of my hairless sex extended over the entire surface of my body, enveloping him. Us. I enclosed and enfolded his body in mine and we came--slowly--to the first simultaneous orgasm that we had ever had. This is not something I can write about. I have deleted several inadequate attempts, and have decided that an orgasm is hard enough to describe. Simultaneous is perfection, and I am not a writer capable of perfection. Still, you may applaud at this point if you wish. -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist04.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 4 of 20 The List Column 1 Item 4 The next day, Saturday, we went shopping at the Mall. Sounds mundane, right? Well... Around ten in the morning, he took off my collar and wrist and ankle straps, and told me to put on my makeup and the same white high- heeled sandals I had worn the first night--nothing else. I did as he asked, not knowing what was coming. Then he held my fleece-lined coat out for me. I slipped into it. Standing behind me with his arms around me, he hugged the fleece lining against my bare skin and said over my shoulder, "Time to go shopping." "Like this!?" I said, hoping he was kidding. He wasn't. Jeezus, I think. He's taking me out in public like this! It wasn't cold, but I didn't know if I could handle it. It sounded titillating and exciting on paper, on the List, but now... "Don't button the coat," he said. We walked side by side to the car, my coat flapping, exposing my extreme nakedness. I looked down at my body. It was too much. I balked at the car; I knew that if I got in, I wouldn't be able to stop this. I just stood there undecided, looking at him as though he would tell me what to do to solve this problem. "Are you refusing to go?" he asked. "We agreed to no public humiliation," I said, "it's not fair to keep my coat open." "If you do as I say there will be no public humiliation," he said, emphasizing the word 'public.' "You have to trust me. Are you trying to bargain with me?" he said with that same look that he had just before he put the gag in my mouth last Thursday. "No," I said hurriedly. "It's just that I...I..." I got into the car, hoping it wasn't too late to avoid whatever he had in mind. I could see it was something. It wasn't worth breaking the bargain over, though. I got in. You have to trust. He told me to pull my coat up around my hips so my bare skin was on the cold seat. I did, and tried to pull the coat around me as best I could to keep the rest of me warm. We really drove to a shopping mall, and he got out of the car, came around and opened my door and told me to get out. I did, holding my coat closed. Then he told me I could button it, thank God. I looked around the immense parking lot--only a sea of cars, no people in sight--and said, "I can't believe I'm really doing this." Then we really did it. We went into the mall. I felt all eyes were upon me, that every- one knew. He put my arm through his and led me into a dress shop. We wandered around looking at dresses (he looked, I pretended to look while I worried about people unmasking me--as though, even if someone did somehow know, they would whip off my coat and have me arrested). A shop assistant came up and asked me if she could help. Somehow I was expecting him to answer for me, but he didn't. He just looked at something on one of the racks. I stammered "Just looking, thanks," and as she walked away I realized with an idiotic thrill that she didn't suspect anything. Of course she didn't. Idiot. J had found a dress in my size. It was a long-sleeved mohair-like knit turtleneck in white, not really a mini, but well above the knee. He knew my size. He handed it to me and told me to try it on. The assistant came up to us again and showed me to a changing room. "May I take your coat?" Oh God. "No, thank you," I said, praying. Fervently. "Well, just let me know if I can help you." ThankyouGodOThankyou. I swear, if she had asked me why I wanted to keep my coat, I would have said `Oh, for sentimental reasons.' I couldn't think of any other reason. Total blank. Idiot. In the changing room I slipped the coat off, the dress on, smoothed it down and looked at myself in the mirror. It was obvious to me that I wasn't wearing anything underneath it, but I didn't know if it would be to anyone else. The dress was (is) very form-fitting. At least I couldn't see through it. Or at least I thought I couldn't. My nipples aren't dark enough to show through, and, of course, no dark pubic hair. If my nipples didn't become erect--which of course they did immediately--no one would notice a thing. I look okay without a bra. I mean I don't sag much. J says I sag just exactly the right amount, whatever that means; I always thought ANY sag was too much, but he insists that's not true. Something about the way they slope, or something, he says. Men. I waited and tried to concentrate on other things until my nipples stopped performing. I came out and modeled the dress for J, expecting the shop assistant to show up any moment with a security guard: "That's the one, Officer." When she did show up, I was afraid to even look at her in case my guilty expression gave me away. I really don't think she could tell, though. At least she kept a straight face while she told me how nice it looked, trying to make a sale. Of course, my nipples betrayed me immediately, erect and screaming, "Here we are! Look! Over here! No underwear at all! Call the police!" She probably would have had me arrested if she hadn't been on commission. She rang it up and took J's credit card. "Would you like me to box it for you?" "Uh," I said wittily. We Hoosiers are known for our wit. "Why don't you wear it?" said J. Then to the shop assistant, "Would you get the lady's coat, please?" My eyes bugged out, and when she had gone I whispered fiercely, "She'll see I wasn't wearing anything!" He smiled benignly. "There's no other dress in the changing room!" I explained, thinking he didn't understand, that he was the stupidest person on the planet. He just smiled. I wanted to hide. I hit him. He smiled some more. Somehow, without resorting to any logical thought process, my mind had conclud- ed that this must be a crime like shoplifting, except that instead of leaving with three dresses on under your coat .... Well, there has to be some rule about leaving with the right number, right? Anyway, I was about to be apprehended. "I'm sorry, madam but you must leave the store with a minimum of TWO dresses. It's the law. You should know that, you're from Indiana." As she came back out with the coat and a worried look, he took it smoothly and thanked her, took my arm, and strolled out the door. She was about to say something, but instead she looked back at the chang- ing rooms with a puzzled expression. I don't think she figured it out. As they say about the South, "It ain't the heat, it's the stupidity." I think this one actually WAS stupid. Maybe she was from Indiana. Also-not-rocket-scientist. We'd done it! My nipples sprang up again. I asked for my coat. "Are you sure you want it," he says. Sure? Of course I was sure. I whispered, "I'm still naked under here, remember?" Talk about stupid. He looked at me without saying anything. I thought over what I had just said, and realized it sounded ridiculous. Everyone is naked under their clothing. For some reason that sign you see on restaurant doors comes to mind: "No Bare Feet." I have an okay body, and I have gone without a bra before. What the hell, why not? I took his arm, leaned against him, and we strolled slowly out of the mall. And I mean strolled. I could feel the soft fabric shifting against my skin, and the thrill of what I had just done made me feel on top of the world. Floating. A man walking with his wife watched me go by, and I knew he was admiring my body, not gaping at a naked person under a dress. Well, maybe he was at that. His wife watched me too. When we had started out for the mall, I couldn't believe he was really doing this. Then we did it. Then I couldn't believe we had really done it. I still can't. But we really, really did it. At the car J said, "Do you want to have lunch somewhere?" I looked him straight in the eye and said, "If you like, but what I really want is to go home and change into my everyday clothes." He smiled, knowing what I had to wear at home, and unlocked the door. He opened it for me, and I got in, this time pulling my dress up around my waist without being told. The last half of the drive home is on a two lane rural road. When we were out of the city traffic, I pulled the dress off over my head and said "I don't want to get my only dress wrinkled, do I?" I rode the rest of the way nude in the car beside him. Pure devilment. And when we got out of the car at the house (which is safely isolated in the middle of the ten wooded acres) I left him at the car and strode ahead to the house in nothing but my shoes. I waited by the door for him to open it. I was so full of myself. Idiot. I'm thinking of changing my name to Definitely-not-rocket- scientist. The List Column 1 Item 5 I don't know what had come over me. I had suddenly become daring, deliberately doing outrageous things on my own, without being made to. It felt great. Dangerous, but safe at the same time. I felt I could handle anything on the List and maybe even a few things that weren't on it. When we were back in the house, he mentioned that he, too, had noticed a change in me. I just smiled and went to get my collar and cuffs. I call them cuffs, but they aren't handcuffs, just brown, polished cowhide with little holes to lock on the buckles. He has done some leather work as a hobby. In fact, he's quite a handyman: he can do electronics, cabinetwork, carpentry, plumbing, body work (on cars, on cars) and stuff like that. The garage is a regular workshop, full of tools. He says he's been waiting years to have a workshop. It must be nice to have a real salary after so many years of school. Nurses don't get real salaries. It only sounds real to high-schoolers. I digress. After I had gotten the cuffs he told me he had some- thing special in mind for after lunch. We ate, I naked, he fully clothed, then left the dishes on the breakfast nook table. "Do you think that by 'strutting your stuff' you have somehow made up for questioning me and hesitating at the car door this morn- ing?" he said. "Now put on your cuffs," he said, striding toward the living room. He seems to enter this artificial 'master mode' when he's about to do something to me. Like he's reading from a script or something. I ran along side him, fumbling with the cuffs, playing along. "I thought you would be pleased," I said, "I did it for you." "And I sensed a little more than the desire to please in your actions. There was pride and a touch of rebelliousness. You were playing today's game to win." He really talks that way when we're ... well ... doing this kind of stuff. "No, really!" I protested, unconvincingly. He took my head between his hands and held my face so I had to look him in the eyes. He said nothing, just looked skeptical. Okay, so taking off my dress unasked and then leaving him stand- ing by the car was, maybe, more than was strictly required of me. "Well ... maybe ..." I hedged, not really admitting it, my eyes sliding away from his. "Besides," he said, releasing me, "you were fully dressed the whole time, and nudity in a car with tinted windows on a country road or in an isolated woods isn't really all that daring. You know what they say about a tree falling in the woods when there is no-one there to hear it..." He was right. I was only brave when I was safe. But still, it felt ... exciting. I was hopping on one foot trying to buckle a cuff around my ankle and convince him at the same time. It didn't work; he ignored me. He told me to take out my contact lenses and lie down on the dining room table and wait for him. The table is a heavy oak refectory table. The top is three inches thick and made from a single piece of wood from the trunk of a large tree. Long and narrow, it weighs a ton, and is a beautiful antique. It was also cold on my back. I laid myself out on it, legs together, fingers intertwined on my stomach, and waited, like in a doctor's office, staring at the ceiling. He came back with a tool box from the garage, and a soft nylon rope. He tied my wrist cuffs together under the table with my elbows hooked over the edge. My legs hung over either side of the table and were similarly tied, my feet pulled nearly together under the table by a rope tied to each ankle. It was a very awkward and ungraceful position to be in. Despite my newfound inner 'coolness' (read cockiness), I was becoming very embarrassed again. By lifting my head and looking down the length of my body, I could see my badly out-of-focus reflection in the mirror over the fireplace. The table was wide enough to hold my legs well apart, and with my knees hooked over the edges of the table, I really couldn't get into a position to pull them together--which I really wanted to do: even though I am nearly legally blind without glasses, I knew the view was grossly, GROSSLY embarrassing, and I was grossly embarrassed. I have felt far less exposed and vulnerable in front of my gynecologist. He was standing behind my head, so I had to watch him in the mirror or try to lift my shoulders and twist to the side to see what he was doing. Rattling noises. Metallic scraping and a hissing noise. In the mirror, I could see well enough to tell he was lighting a blowtorch!! [After he read this, he told me to correct it to propane torch, as if such details would have made any difference to the way I felt.] "What are you going to do to me!?" I cried, my voice cracking, suddenly on the edge of hysteria. I wasn't absolutely sure if I should actually BE hysterical or not, but I was not going to pretend to be cooler than I felt. He looked at me impassively, a look I had seen before. "You haven't learned yet, have you? You're going to have to learn to trust me," he said, and left the room. I DO trust him, but Jesus, a BLOWTORCH! That's REAL scary stuff. I was entitled to some kind of reassurance, wasn't I? Some explana- tion? Well, I had already had all the explanation I was going to get: "You have to trust me." I clung to the fact that he seemed to care whether I trusted him, since in my position he could have done whatev- er he wanted regardless. He came back with the gag and stood beside me at the head of the table. He put his hand on my chin, holding my lower jaw. "Open up," as though he were about to give me a tablespoon of castor oil. "Please don't.I won't talk." I was scared. "Open up." "But I-" Gently, he put the gag against my lips and waited, patient but implacable. What did it matter? No one could hear me anyway. I could- n't get loose, so I could either go along with this gagged, or could just go along. I looked into his eyes for a long moment, trying to find reassurance, feeling a little scared again. Imagine Bambi caught in your headlights: that's how I felt. I stretched my mouth open, keeping my eyes on his. My lips would have quivered if the gag hadn't been pressing against them. In it went. He didn't even bother with the strap this time. I couldn't get it out without a free hand. A small, heavy bag plopped onto the table next to my head. I twisted and rolled my eyes to get a look at it, loose ends of the gag strap flopping. He folded a wet towel and laid it on my abdomen (Josef Mengele/operations/scalpels/Charles Manson/body-parts-found-in-the- woods-by-hysterical-campers flashed through my head. I have an unfor- tunate imagination.), and out of the bag poured a small heap of gold- colored chain. (I asked later: It is only gold-plated steel; otherwise I would be worth a small fortune right now.) The chain was "Y" shaped, the three pieces joined in the middle to a ring about an inch in diameter. He lifted my lower back up and passed the chain under me, adjusting the ring under the center of my back. I wasn't thinking very clearly or I would have been relieved at the sight of chains. It could have been plastic garbage bags and a meat cleaver. Well, knowing J it couldn't have been, but my imagina- tion was in overdrive. He pulled the ends of the chain together. They overlapped and he adjusted them until there was no slack at all, fastening them with an open link of the same chain. With some large pliers, he bent the open link back into shape, and went back to lighting the torch. I twisted my head this way and that, watching everything, bug-eyed. The noise was what startled me. I had never been that close to a blowtorch before, and loud noises scare me. It popped and made a kind of hissing roar. Actually, it wasn't that loud, but the fact that the roar was made by a very hot flame was not a reassuring thought, believe me. You can imagine what I thought. Oh, he doesn't need a meat cleaver, he's got a blow torch. I'm such an idiot. I can say that now.... Then I was hanging by a thread from the fact that he cared whether I trusted him even though I was totally helpless and he didn't need to pretend to care. Somehow, that meant he wouldn't betray my trust. He propped the torch up in his tool box and put a couple of blocks of wood between the chain and my abdomen, lifting the chain away from me over the towel. He brushed some gooey stuff on the open link. Up to this point, I was watching every detail with a great deal of interest. Believe me, I was paying attention. But when he bent over me with the torch, I couldn't make myself look, I was so afraid I would get burned. I just sucked in my stomach and prayed. I was also relieved that it was the chain and not me. It must have taken less than a minute for him to finish. Suddenly the noise from the torch stopped. For a moment the only noise was my own rapid breathing hissing noisily in and out through my nostrils. But I couldn't even feel any warmth, not to mention heat. I looked down; J was fanning away an acrid smoke with a magazine. He took a corner of the wet towel and dabbed at the link. Pssssst. More swipes with the towel and the hissing stopped. Soon he was able to gingerly touch, and then hold the link. I was getting tired holding my head up to watch, but I couldn't control my horrified fascination. I tried to follow him with my eyes as he put away the blowtorch and came back into view with some enormous plier- like things. He clipped away the spare links of the chain as easily as if he were pruning a plant. I had a seamless belt with no buckle. The List Column 1 Item 6 "Lift your backside," he said. I did. He reached between my legs and pulled the third length of chain down from in back. As he pulled on it, I could feel it tugging against the belt at the center of the back. Again he left the room. He came back with something in his hand, but again he was standing behind my head and I couldn't see what it was. Still hiding the object below the edge of the table, he walked to the side of the table and stood there. Straining to lift my shoulders, I could see him doing something between my legs. He was inserting something into my vagina! Straining, I glimpsed white plastic. I could feel it was lubricated and smooth, but he was definitely inserting something! I tried to resist by clenching my muscles and squirming, but it was too slippery and my legs were too far apart and he was too insistent. It was past my portals. I made noises behind the gag. I couldn't stop it from going in. He continued, sliding it deeper, until it was as far in as it would go. It wasn't impossibly big, probably smaller than he is, but it was so hard and unyielding it felt like an enormous intrusion. He moved it out again, a little, and back in. And out. Of course, it was a dildo. Something that my midwestern little mind has had some trouble adjusting to. I had, of course heard of them, but believe it or not I had never actually seen one until that Saturday. Where would I have seen one in my home town? People drive to the next town to buy condoms. People in the next town drive to ours for them, too. That's not a joke, by the way. It's an invitation to think about where I'm coming from. He pushed it back in, watching my face. He could see that I wasn't reacting sexually. I wasn't. It was too artificial, too per- verted for my midwestern mind. Sorry, if that isn't the sex-vixen reaction you had in mind, but that's the way it was. He did something with the chain, and locked the end of it to my waist with another miniature lock, this one small and gold-colored. But functional. Where does he get this stuff? He went back to my head, lifted it gently, and locked the gag in place. As soon as he let go of the device, I squirmed, trying to expel it. No dice. Then he untied my legs. I lifted them onto the table and gingerly brought them together. I had more freedom of movement, but still couldn't get rid of it. Then he freed my arms. Instantly my hands were between my legs, pulling. Again, no dice. I went to jump down from the table, but quickly realized I had to be very careful of how I moved. It was awful. My only thought was: What has he done to me? But I already knew, really. Gingerly, I got down from the table, and with trembling fingers felt myself to see if there was anything I could do to get it out. The chain went through a ring in the end of the ... device. Sorry, but the word 'dildo' sounds so perverted to me. Nazis in dirty socks and all that. Experimentally, I took a step. I could walk, but not quickly or gracefully. I crept gingerly to the bedroom to get a close look in the mirror. Again the grotesque face, the stretched lips, mascara running. I didn't know which end to worry about most. The thing was a g-string made of chain. I turned my back and looked over my shoulder. The waist band joined a seamless ring in the center of my lower back. The crotch piece was joined to the same ring. The chain was tight in my rear cleft: I could feel it against my ... orifice. [He's really strict about this. Asshole and anus are right out. He makes me change this kind of stuff every time]. By pulling down on the waistband, I could loosen the chain enough to push it aside for ... bodily functions ... but not nearly enough to get the device out. Pissing could be messy. The chain itself is unassailable without the right tools. And of course ... they're locked in the garage ... do I have to explain? My jaw was beginning to ache again, so I went out to look for J. He was coming in the side door after putting away the tools and said, as though everything was completely normal, "Put on your shoes and clear away the lunch dishes." Was he kidding? Wash the dishes? In the state I was in? I stared after him, and started crying again, which, again, only made my jaw hurt more. But I did as he said: put on my heels, tottered unsteadily into the kitchen, and stood there over the sink, sniffing, with mascara running down my cheeks and saliva leaking down my chin again. There wasn't any way to argue. I finished the dishes--there weren't many anyway--and wobbled back out to the living room. He was standing, looking out the picture window. He turned to face me. I stood there in front of him, eyes down, every inch the obedient slave, doing my very best to play the part as he wanted. "Are you beginning to understand?" he said. "Ah," I nodded enthusiastically, not beginning to understand. "We'll see," he said, glancing at his watch. He turned back to the window. I went to put on my collar, thinking that might help convince him. Of course it didn't. I had to wait. I just stood there, trying to focus my mind on not letting my jaw hurt. The other device in me wasn't really a bother if I didn't move around much. I hadn't had to piss yet. He went to the armchair and sat. I just stood where I was in front of the window, legs apart, looking down at the floor, waiting. Despite my best efforts, the gag still got to me. It is the worst. I gave up trying to stop the saliva from leaking around it, and let it drip on me and the floor. It's so hard to swallow with that thing in; I feel like I'll sprain something. I controlled myself for as long as I could, but finally a sob escaped me. Well, it started as a sob, but came out as a squeak and a sniff. I looked at him, implor- ing with my eyes. Gingerly, I walked over again and carefully knelt at his feet, holding the sides of my jaw between my hands, and not just for effect. Again he stroked my hair. Tenderly. "Turn around," he said. Painfully, still on my knees, I did. I felt him take the lock out. My hands went to the buckle at the back of my head and hesitated. He didn't say anything. I put them back at my sides, making fists to help control the pain. After waiting a moment, just long enough to acknowledge that I had learned another lesson, he said, "Take it out." I did. Relief. "Stand up," he said. I wobbled unsteadily to my feet, my back still to him. I thought he was going to take out the other, but he didn't even tell me to turn around. Instead, he went into the bedroom. I followed silently, not knowing what else to do. I passed the full-length mirror in the bedroom and stopped. I was a sight. Mascara and eyeliner mixed with saliva were smeared all over my face from my eyes to my chin, even drops on my chest and thighs. My lipstick was smeared; on my stomach was a smear of that gooey brown stuff he used while putting the chain on, and my hair was an explosion of straw, partly matted with more miscellaneous goo. I stood with my legs apart in a most unladylike position. My hand strayed to the chain; I gave it a desultory tug. Hopeless. My shoulders sagged. As I say, a mess. And that thing in me. In the mirror, over my own shoulder, I caught sight of him looking at me. He had his shirt off. With both hands, I covered my ... self ... and the thing. "The chain is silver-soldered around your waist. It's as strong as a weld. It won't come off." As if I might think it would. My hand dropped to my side again. "Come and undress me," he said. The List Column 1 Item 7 This was something new. Remember, I hadn't even seen him naked yet. I hobbled over to him, still holding both hands in front of myself (don't ask me why, after what he had just seen). He had a small gold key on a chain around his neck. I knelt, undid his belt, and unzipped his pants. He stroked my hair gently, then left me kneeling there and sat on the bed. I knee-walked to him and went to work on his shoes while he lay back on the bed. When I was through, I sat back carefully on my heels with my hands covering my lap. Without rising, he said "Start the shower." Despite the age of the house, his bathroom is a large modern one, I think added to the house recently. It is much larger than the other (my) bathroom. There are two windows and a third one inside the walk- in shower. The shower is huge, tiled, with a glass door. The walls of the bathroom are tiled part way up and stucco the rest; there is an old cast-iron claw-foot tub, a modern john and sink, and a small table and chair. I ran the water until it was warm, and told him it was ready. He walked in, past me. I waited. He said, "Take off your shoes and come in here." I did, still covering my front. Gently, he washed my face, chest, and stomach. I didn't think anything would ever make me forgive him for putting that thing inside me, no matter how gentle he was afterward. Mostly I was befuddled, but there was a residual core of resentment. I kept myself covered until he gave me shampoo and I had to use my hands to wash my hair. With the glass door shut, the shower enclo- sure became like a steam bath: it was almost hard to breathe. He told me to wash him, but really we washed each other. Then we put on the same all-purpose unscented hair/body conditioner I had used before. You're going to think I own stock in the company. It's great stuff, though. We kissed under the shower with the water, soap, and condi- tioner running between us, and I could feel him hard against me. I began to melt a bit myself, but that THING was still uppermost in my mind. I wasn't going to forgive him. My eyes stayed on the key around his neck. I wanted it out of me. He edged me away from the showerhead and began spreading condi- tioner over the front of my body. All over, even around the device in me. Having him feel me there when I was like that was degrading. Embarrassing. And exciting. My heart began to race, partly from the excitement, partly from the stifling steam. I felt almost faint. He turned me around and I leaned with my hands against the tile wall with my legs spread as though I was being searched by a policeman. He covered my back and legs with the conditioner. Then he went to work on me from both sides, like he had before with the talcum powder. His left hand on my hairless and still- violated front, the other explor- ing every millimeter of my rear, slipping under the chain, closer and closer, teasing. Every time he pulled the chain or moved the device, I felt a delicious shock that drove the breath from me, and I made a little "hunh!" noise. His right hand slithered under the chain at my rear, pulling against the device. As before, I wanted him to penetrate me there. Anywhere. I grasped at his finger with my buttocks. He pulled me upright away from the wall and held my trembling body against his, his erection pressing against my rear cleft. Over my shoulder, into my ear he said, "Do you like that?" "Mmmm," I said, not wanting to admit it, unable to say no. He returned me to my stance against the wall. While he slowly manipulated the device with his left hand, a finger from his right caressed my rear, on the very edge of penetration. He asked again. "Oh," I said, squirming against his hand, hoping he would get the message. That in itself is a very risque thing for a midwesterner. "Say it," he said, "tell me what you want," penetrating perhaps a half inch and continuing to manipulate me. "Can't you tell?" I whined. "Say it," he repeated, withdrawing the half inch again. "Yes," I whispered, hanging my head between my arms. Looking down, I could see his left hand caressing between my legs, feel his right poised to enter my rear. "Louder," he said, "Tell me what you want. You'll have to tell me." He continued to tease, stroke, and manipulate. My knees were near buckling. "I want you inside me," I cried. "I want you to fill me up." My voice broke. With all the water, steam, sweat, and conditioner, he couldn't see that I was crying. I'm not sure I actually was, but I wanted to. Or at least I was trying to. I felt like I should be. "Where?" he said, insistent. "Anywhere," I sobbed. "Anywhere you want. Please!" "Cover me with the conditioner." Hands shaking, I did. I covered his chest. The key was gone. In his hand? When I got to his legs, I got on my knees and caressed his erect member, underneath, even in back where he had just (almost) penetrated me. I'd never done that before. I covered him everywhere. He guided my mouth to him. The conditioner tasted awful. I rinsed it off and tried to take all of him in; I began sliding back and forth. I had never done this for anyone else. I never really wanted to do it even for J, although I did. But I always thought it was so ... well ... unhygienic. Somehow the cleanliness of the shower made it all right this time. I continued to caress him with one hand, but my other hand slipped down to the device in me. I began to masturbate in someone else's presence for the first time in my life, although the device in me was a bit of a hindrance. I guess it's a male myth that penetration is somehow essential to the female orgasm. It's not. But it's kind of nice to be penetrated while having one. Anyway, he was too engrossed to notice what I was doing. I think the first time he knows will be when he reads this. Unknowingly, he stopped me before I brought myself to orgasm by telling me to get up. He turned down the water to a gentle fine spray, as hot as was comfortable, and the steam abated enough for us both to catch our breath. He unlocked the chain at my waist, and keeping the tension on the free end with one hand, slowly pulled on the chain from the rear with the other hand until it was free of the ring on the device, link by jarring link, rubbing against both openings at once. It pinched me a few times, enough that I gasped, but he was watching my face so closely and pulling on the chain so slowly and carefully that he controlled every pinch, every nuance of sensation I felt. Every time it pinched, he slowed and let the pain become almost-pleasure. By the time the chain was out, I was panting, nearly hypervent- ilating. He let the chain dangle from the waistband, but held the device in me with his hand. Slowly, he inched it out. "Hurry," I whined. "Please!" I wanted to reach down and take it out myself. But he continued to manipulate and stroke both of my openings. His other hand, lubricated by the conditioner, worked at my rear, penetrating slightly, loosening, penetrating again, more each time, while the device continued its work in front. Finally he took the device out altogether and went to work with his hand. I was about to have an orgasm, and could not continue to stand. I sagged a little; he supported me by holding both sides of my slippery and hairless crotch cradled between his hands as I slid to my knees. Still leaning with my arms up against the wall, I was on my knees, and his fingers resumed their work. At last, one of his fingers penetrated my rear fully. I contracted against it, but it was insis- tent, continuing to probe and stimulate. I couldn't stand it any more, and began contracting both openings against his fingers. I couldn't come. I got more and more frantic, squirming. I was so close. His rear finger left me. Then it was back, but it wasn't his finger. It was warm; I thought it was his erect member at first, and I tried to relax for him. But it wasn't. He was inserting the device, still warm from my body heat, into me, this time searching gently for my rear opening, and God help me, I relaxed and spread wider to help him even though I knew what it was. I am admitting this now, but then I pretended--half believed--that at first I thought it was he that was entering me instead of that ... thing. Once it was started in, though, I rebelled. It was stretching me too much. I tried to avoid it, tried expelling it, anything to just get rid of it. But I couldn't. He held the chain around my waist as I tried to crawl away, and forced me face down onto the shower floor. I slithered forward on my stomach, trying to squirm away, but I came to the end of the shower; with my face turned to the side and my cheek pressed against the tile, I could go no further. Slowly, gently, inexorably, he continued. It felt huge. I don't know if you've ever had this done to you, but the first time was a bit of a shock for me. I knew by the way it had felt in my vagina that it was smaller than he was, but it was so unyielding, so hard. It stretched me terribly, and it felt so much bigger than it had before in my other opening. The conditioner contin- ued to lubricate it, but I had never done anything even remotely like this. It was forcing me open, violating me, filling me even after I felt full. This was pushing me close to the edge. I begged him to stop. I don't know if he would have if I had been more sincere. I felt pretty sincere. There was still a small part of me that was curious and excited, but it was a very small part. I told him I would do anything if he would just please take it out, but eventually, rather than continuing to fight it, I found it hurt less--or felt better, I'm not sure which--if I relaxed and helped him. Still it continued. Suddenly, by relaxing, the feeling became one of simply being penetrated and filled up. I found I was able to accept it, and, I realized, able to almost get into the sensation--if not exactly enjoy it. He was so gentle that it got better, though. Much better. Ultimately, I was rubbing my front against the shower floor, trying desperately to climax. "Up on your knees," he said. I could barely do even that, but once I did, the device continued its penetration until it was com- plete. My hand went to my crotch briefly, perhaps to masturbate again, perhaps to feel what he had done to me, I'm not sure which. A little of both. He told me to keep my hands on the floor. I felt him slip the chain through the ring in the end. "Straddle me," he said, lying on his back on the shower floor and sliding under me. He held the end of the chain underneath, holding the device fully in me while I lifted my leg over his hips and sat astride him, but without his erection inside me. Once again, slowly, he pulled the chain out, letting the entire length of it slide between my swollen lips, each link tapping the ring in the device. At the same time, he was stroking me in front, masturbating me. I was wild. When the chain was once again out, I could wait no longer, and I slid down on him, enveloping him, thrusting him deeply into me in one smooth motion. I lay prone on top of him, plunging him into me frantically, grinding against him. He was letting me do all the work. The water from the shower head was falling on us from my shoulders to my knees, and the end of my chain dangled between my legs and rattled on the tiles. He grasped the ring on the end of the protruding device, and began to pump it gently in time with my own movements. He gradually picked up the tempo, thrusting with his own hips. I'm normally not very noisy, but my pants and whimpers echoed in the shower, and at first I was tempted to ham it up a bit, but by the time I approached my first orgasm, which was almost as soon as he started moving his hips, I was crying out genuinely. The tiles in the shower made my cries seem louder. My second orgasm came almost immediately, a long, shuddering continuation of the first. Being penetrated twice that way is inde- scribable. When he had his orgasm, and I my third, I think I had one in each opening. Is it possible to have a triple simultaneous orgasm? Sounds like one of those moves that figure skaters or olympic divers do. Well, I don't know what the doctors say, but I think we got all 10's, even from the East German judge.... After my third orgasm, I lay there unable to move, panting, the sound of hissing water in my ears. He began to remove the device. Immediately I gasped and reacted with a fourth convulsive orgasm, beyond my ability to control. It kept on as he continued to slide it out. He was torturing me. He would pull a little and twitch his hips a little, and I couldn't help myself; I just kept spasming and convuls- ing every time he moved. I was utterly exhausted, unable even to flex my thighs as I normally do during an orgasm. Weakly, I tied to say "No more," but I was too weak to even get that out in the face of the continuing spasms. It just came out "Unh." Finally, thankfully, I felt the last of the thing slide out of me. I felt myself contract again to normal size, and, too weak even to twitch in response to this final stimulation, I came to the end of the last orgasm. When I had recovered enough to stand being moved, he helped me to roll onto my side where, once more, he washed me. He turned off the water and knelt by my side. I was flat on my back as the last of the water gurgled down the drain beside me. The shower was silent except for dripping water. I swear I couldn't move. I lay like a puddle of pink pudding while he spread still more conditioner on my flushed skin. Again he covered me, missing nothing, not the tiniest crevice, hairline to toes. Finally, he helped me into a sitting position. The steam cleared a bit when he opened the shower door; cold air replaced the warm, but I still couldn't move. I sat, eyes shut, head back and leaning against the shower wall, unable to stand. Hands under my armpits, he lifted me to my feet. I couldn't support myself. Well, I probably could have, but I was really wobbly. He propped me against the shower wall; my chain had slipped to the side, and the underneath part dangled on my hip. Letting me collapse into his arms, he carried me into the bedroom and sat me on the edge of the bed. I immediately flopped to my back. As I lay there on the bed, he dried me--not with a towel, but with a hair dryer. I remember vaguely thinking it odd, but said nothing. As he worked over me the noise of hair dryer droned, cutting off all other sound, and I drifted off to sleep. The last thing I remember was being gently rolled over, and feeling his fingers in my hair as he began drying it. When I awoke it was dark. I really just drifted back awake: I can't sleep very deeply when I nap in the afternoon. He had covered me with a comforter, and I was nude under the soft cotton. My skin was unbelievably soft: I felt like satin all over. Drying me with the hair dryer had left me coated in the softening conditioner. I can't de- scribe the luxurious feeling of awakening this way, completely squeaky clean all over, warm, dry, satiny sleek-smooth, muscles a little sore, as though I'd had a good workout at the spa ... heaven. I spent more time than I needed to wake up, pampering myself just soaking in the soft luxury of the bed and remembering the preceding hours. I began to feel a tingle of excitement as my mind wandered sleepily over what he had done to me. No. I couldn't again, I thought. Not tonight anyway. No way. Absolutely, positively ... probably ... not. I got up gradually, first stretching, then sitting on the edge of the bed and focusing my thoughts. I could hear kitchen noises. He was fixing something to eat. He had reduced me to a mindless puddle of overstimulated proto- plasm, degraded me, embarrassed me, and made me admit I wanted it. And then he did an equally expert job of putting me back together again afterwards. The only thing he makes better than the wound is the bandage. I got up and looked in the mirror. I looked pretty good. A little pale, maybe. I looked (and felt) like one of Dracula's victims: pale, weak, used, kind of ethereal, but I didn't look tired. And my hair was a huge frizzy cloud around my head; drying it without brushing and conditioning creates an unmanageable near-afro. Still, I looked great. Even without makeup. He had relocked my chain, this time without anything inside me. That looked great too. The form-fitting white cotton outfit was laid out on the bed. I put it on over my chain, put on some sandals, and checked myself in the mirror again. I strolled, almost dreamily, to my bedroom to get my thin gold necklace, and the feel of the clean, soft cotton against my satiny skin was distractingly luxurious. Seriously--this body condi- tioner is great stuff if it is overused properly. [A Note From the Future: [Through the miracle of word processing, you are now looking forward in time to the end of this account; it has been a month, although it seems like a lifetime. After reading this over, I can see now that this was a turning point. I unknowingly (maybe not so unknow- ingly) decided, in the moments you have just read about, that I wanted ...well... more. We continued, from time to time, to have sex in ways that I used to describe as "normal". But I do know now that those times of normal sex were unsatisfying for me. There'd been two years of normal sex before we left Chicago. I thought I enjoyed it. I did. I'm sure I did. He was a sensitive and thoughtful lover, and a wonder- ful day-to-day companion. Really, I had several orgasms almost every time we made love. Not a record to sneer at if the women's magazines are to be believed. [But if I were to relive those days now, it would be like a diet of rice pudding after acquiring a taste for raw steak. J had started me on a path that I now know is one-way, although at the time I was sure I could--would --stop and go back. Gradually, and in carefully choreographed steps, he forced (led?) me to first acknowledge that I was fascinated and titillated like a dirty-minded schoolgirl by the things he was doing to me, and later to like it so that I had to justify myself by pretending it was just sophisticated sex. But I ended up way beyond all that. I acknowledge a need akin to addiction. I fought it, to be sure, but I fought because resisting is participa- tion in the process rather than an attempt to end it. A few days ago I was willing to give him my absolute and utter voluntary acceptance of his control over me. At least until further notice. [That weekend a month ago was only the first tottering step of a babe in the woods. A babe with a long way to go. [The word 'slave' sounds so theatrical and phony, and most of the literature I have since read about B/D, S/M etc., make it sound so lurid and juvenile and, well ... pornographic, and as much as I don't want to be identified with that kind of lifestyle, I have to tell you: If I wasn't a slave in the literal sense of the word (that is, a servant, which I'm not), I was at least a voluntary, self-confessed, incurable Addict. I want(ed) to dive in headfirst, forget caution, and be owned. I wanted to know what it would be like to give everything up for it. Isn't there a kind of freedom in giving everything up? [And yet there was a worm slumbering at the root of my addiction, and as that addiction metamorphosed into a way of life, the worm began to waken, and a duality developed in my personality. I reacted to the events you have just been reading (and others like them) in two mutually inconsistent ways: I wanted revenge, and I wanted to submit. I wanted more of the degrading treatment I had been getting; I resent- ed the fact that it wouldn't continue since J has--and does--steadfastly hold to the one month time limit. Since the List was a contract that entitled me to eventual repayment in kind, the more I got, the sweeter I thought my revenge would be. But I wanted the treatment I was getting, too. I actually ended up begging for more, and at the last, revenge was not necessarily uppermost in my mind. It might never have been if J hadn't stopped Column One himself. I would have exceeded the List, and gone on exceeding it as long as J did. Ultimately I wanted to go further than he did. I think he found it unsettling, as if he had created a monster. [And he had. I had told myself that my motive for revenge was repayment for what he had done to me. I was kidding myself. It ended up with me, like a spoiled child, wanting to punish him for stopping, in effect, for holding to the contract. If I actually go through with it (Column Two) I will punish him as much for having stopped as for what he actually did to me before stopping Column One. [As I write these words I have arrived at the moment when I must decide whether to go on or not; I've come back to read the earlier parts of this account to help me decide (also because it turns me on to read over it), but I'm taking the opportunity to fill you in a bit so you will understand some of what follows, insofar as I can under- stand it myself. Most of the justification, excuses, and explanation you will read will be a load of bull: the shallow self justification of a silly prude from southern Indiana with less understanding of her own motivations than a dog in heat. You ASB regulars (yes, I am a reader of ASB now, in the "future") will recognize the self deception. You've probably been there before). Oh, the facts are accurate enough; what you are reading is not fiction: it happened as it is written. Embellished dramatically, to be sure, and the dialogue may not be verbatim, but it is basically true, nonetheless. But the psychological interpretations are, for the most part, nothing but the pathetic self- deception of a schoolgirl mentality that felt it far safer to keep a firm anchor in adolescent nonsense than to put out on the troubled seas of growth and introspection. As though I was entitled to stop growing when I graduated from college. [But then, I have an advantage: I am a different person now, looking back from the end of this little tale, so I know how it comes out, or at least how Column One ends. This duality that developed in me means there are two bottom lines: They may seem inconsistent, but believe: I was, and am, his. He possesses me completely. BUT. Since he insists on ending his turn, I want my turn. I'm tempted. I'm sure I would be good at 'topping' in a technical sense. Maybe better than J. [After all, I'm a registered nurse. [It's quite a dilemma: I don't want to change either my status or his. Switching roles might destroy my image of him as the dominant one--I'm not sure I want to do that. But I have the option because of our agreement over the List. [Anyway, this moment in the narrative was the fulcrum on which all subsequent events turned, and the crossroads that led to my present indecision. After that point, as near as I can estimate, I didn't want to go back, I didn't want to undo my new psyche. Another cliche, but I guess I discovered myself. I hate it when I can be reduced to a formula and the formula turns out to be a cliche.] The List Column 1 Item 8 The next day, Sunday, we went to the exercise spa. He had brought my old leo's from my bags, with my shorts to wear over them to hide my chain which would otherwise have made lumps. There's not much to relate, and besides, I don't have a lot of time since I have to get ready for San Francisco. J is going to let me go shopping on my own tomorrow, and the next day we leave. Today, I have to depilate again. So, a short note on the spa. I went as his guest. The exercise machines are arranged in two parallel rows. We went down the two rows side by side, each of us doing our own weights, and he absolutely wore me out. I was sweating by the time I got to the end of my row, and he made me start the stair machine with him. When I thought I was all through, we did another round on the weight machines. By then, I was absolutely drenched in sweat, my hair sticking to my head, my leos to my body. He had completely exhausted me on purpose. I need to get into a regular exercise routine. We drove home and showered together, but this time no hanky- panky--well, a little hanky maybe. I wore one of his sleeveless tank- top t-shirts; it was more comfortable than anything of mine. He wanted to talk, and he wanted me relaxed. After lunch, tired out and with a meal and two glasses of wine inside me, I tend to get sleepy. He sat me down on the sofa (I have to sit gingerly these days, settling around my chain to keep it from pressing on my coccyx. This is espe- cially a problem on the exercise machines. The exercycle is out of the question. "I want you to understand something clearly," he said. "I am going to continue as I have been. At the end of the month I will possess you like a piece of property. Everything I do to you is directed toward that goal. I'm not going to ask you to like what I do, but I'm asking--correction--ordering you to tell me: do you want to be possessed in this way? You haven't said so yet." I didn't know how to respond. On one level, this whole routine sounded like I had always imagined a grade z porn movie to sound. He sounded like he was reading from a script again. But the reality was so ... Well, the reality was what went on in my mind and that wasn't grade z. Even _I_ have to admit that last bit of dialogue is grade z, but that's what he actually said, more or less, so that's what I wrote. I wonder if he rehearsed it. I adopted an equally formal and artificial conversational tone. I told him I liked the idea of belonging to him, that I wanted that but the things he had done were too much for me. I needed time to get used to this. It was all too new. Anyone listening would have thought we were bad actors. "You understand that won't change what I do," he said. "What are you going to do to me?" I asked, suddenly suspicious. I had the feeling he was planning something. "You already know: I'm going to make you mine." "I mean what things are you going to do to me? Specifically." "You have the List. Beyond that you're going to have to live with not knowing." -*- That first week had been a very intense week for me. I think that if I had encountered new sexual experiences at that rate for much longer, I would have been unable to continue. But things slowed down during the next week, and J didn't introduce anything new into my life, just variations on the same themes he had already established. Once he tied me gagged and immobile in a wooden armchair so I could do nothing but turn my head; he teased me unmercifully with feathers and fingers until I was exhausted. At the end, behind the gag, he couldn't tell if I was laughing or crying. I couldn't either. And once he had me hanging by my spread ankles with my wrists tied by ropes to the same overhead rings so I was doubled up and looking down at my own crotch (I'm pretty flexible--yoga and all that) My bottom was just resting on the bed enough to take my weight off my arms and I had to watch helplessly while he put ...things... in me. You know what things. I had no choice but to watch. I'm getting used to this more cosmopolitan and liberalized attitude toward sex. It IS sex, I think, even when he just watches me walk around the house in my chain and nothing else. I know it doesn't sound like it, but I get turned on by the restraints and control. One new thing happened, though. He said he was "totally charmed" by my inept attempt to strip seductively, and asked if I would, to please him, learn "the moves." I said yes, and on Monday evening, he came home with four video tapes: three x-rated ones that had profes- sional strippers doing their thing, and one "how to" tape with lessons on exotic dancing. I have been practicing. Not the tassel-twirling kind of stuff that people with names like "Boom-Boom" and "Treasure Chest" (Bang-Bang LaDesh, Marsha Dimes, Irma the Body) do, but more seductive stuff. I feel silly at home alone, writhing on the sofa, grinding my hips, wiggling my chest and peeling my clothes off an inch at a time, but right now, I would feel still sillier if he were watching. Soon, maybe I'll be able to do it for him. The belly dancing is more challenging and fun to learn. It takes a lot more coordination than I would have thought. That Sunday night, though, I was spread-eagled on the bed, blindfolded and gagged--not with that awful ball-shaped gag, he just uses that for punishment--while he teased me with half-melted ice cubes. While he was driving me crazy this way, he whispered in my ear that the time would come, before the end of the List, when he would make me a proper slave, and I would voluntarily call him "master." He knew I wasn't ready then, but he told me to think, as an exercise, once a day, of the circumstances it would take. He knew instinctively that I would associate that word with the kind of B&D scenarios that had already made me (to my immediate regret) laugh. He knew I hadn't gotten deeply involved enough to use such a word and mean it, even within the limited context of the List. But what he said registered. I'm still thinking about it. I fantasize about the circumstances in which I could say it, but would still not be able to SAY it without thinking it faintly ridiculous, like Nazis in black socks with dust on the soles of the feet. I haven't talked about one aspect yet: the limitations set by the List. Of course, he won't do anything that's not on the List, but there is a lot of latitude in HOW he does what IS there. (Witness how he put on my chain: that blowtorch was very scary.) It is in this grey area that I have to trust him to be sensitive enough to approach and even exceed my verbally admitted limits without exceeding my true threshold. I'm beginning to learn that this takes enormous sensitivi- ty. And I thought the primary requirement for the dominant figure in this kind of relationship was that he/she be Insensitive. The other limit for the List is a long-term time limit. We agreed to a strict limit of four weeks for each column. Sounds like a couple of lawyers, I know, but we decided that it couldn't be shorter and be still be meaningful: I wanted the feeling I was really plunging in to something serious. Somehow, in my fantasies about this, it was seri- ous, not play. And a strict time limit gives me something to cling to as an "out" without letting me frivolously interrupt the process. There is comfort in knowing there is nothing on the List that can do me any real physiological damage, but I know that the cumulative discomfort of that gag (it is by far the worst) adds up to actual pain, and I trust him not to overdo it. At some point you have to trust, I guess. We leave for San Francisco tomorrow. -*- Well, we're back from San Francisco now, and do I have a story to tell. It's Saturday morning, and we got back late last night. He had to take my chain off for the plane trip, and for a few minutes it actually felt strange to be without it. Not naked, exactly, but like something was missing. He had me wear my tight knit dress with nothing underneath, and once we were in the air, he took a collar and lock out of his hand luggage and told me to go into the restroom and put it on under the turtle-neck of my dress. I couldn't have worn my chain through the metal detector, although he said he thought about making me do that and letting the female guard search me to find out why I set it off. That would have been crossing the line between embarrassment and public humiliation, I think. Still, what could they do? Arrest me for chain smuggling? Once we were in our hotel room (it was pretty nice: someone else was paying for it), he put the chain on me again, this time locking all three loose ends with the little padlock. I could have put the chain on while on the plane, I suppose, but it would have showed through that knit dress, even with a belt to conceal it. Trust me, that dress is form-fitting everywhere. The plane trip was uneventful. We arrived at the airport, rented a car, and he went to his meeting while I had a few hours of almost- freedom to drive around town, buy lunch and pick him up again. I was wearing jeans and a sweater, so my chain didn't show. That evening, chain off, dress and collar on again, we went to Sausalito and had a great dinner in an intimate little restaurant right on the water. We had great sex that night, but only great. I wore only the collar; somehow a hotel room, no matter how luxurious, is just not the right setting. And the collar wasn't enough, somehow. It seemed out of place, a weak reminder, a tenuous connection to something stronger elsewhere. My nesting instinct has been perverted to a longing for the familiarity and safety of a dungeon, I think. I wanted to be back "home". I almost felt like that big empty cavern of a house was waiting for me. It was afterwards, after we had showered and he had relocked my chain, that he broke the news to me. The next day, I was to get my nipples pierced. We had put this on the List, but I had considered it more as a theoretical possibility, since I have inverted nipples. Not so. He had talked to the woman that runs the business and she said there was nothing she hadn't seen, including my problem. I have pierced ears (one three times, the other twice) but the thought of piercing my nipples made me cringe. J was careful to explain to me that he didn't want me to do this to inflict pain on me, rather he wanted me pierced as another way of binding me to him. It would mark me as his, like removing my pubic hair. I could have a local if I wanted, even. Reminding me of that helped calm me down a little, but I was still nervous. I had heard of this kind of piercing, and admit I was curious--maybe more than curious about it. I had thought about it on more than one occasion, and as a matter of fact, I was the one that suggested it for the List, partly to see his reaction to something I had been thinking about. But still, I was nervous. Both nipples at once was really jumping in at the deep end for me. The front room of her home in the (to me) famous Mission district had lots of jewelry on display, some of it custom, and she had a little clinic in the back where she did it. She was very careful about hygiene, and I could tell right away that she had lots of experience. She had a ring in her nose, in her lower lip, several in each ear, and, she said, a surprisingly large number elsewhere. Twenty-something in all. I was curious, okay? It took a lot of self control for me to make myself watch, but I wanted to be sure I knew what she was doing--and that she knew too. She was very gentle and reassuringly efficient. Obviously, my nipples will protrude even when they aren't erect if they are held out--which they were. Since even normal nipples have to be held during the procedure anyway, it didn't really matter that mine were inverted. They went erect and stood out on their own anyway. I think they were cringing. I wanted a local anesthetic, but she said that would sting at least as much as the piercing needle. She also said that for some people the act of piercing itself was more important than the jewelry they wore afterward. Some customers deliberately let their piercings close so that they could be re-pierced. She convinced me. She had an instrument I had never seen before, a sort of forceps with slots in the jaws. She held me from the sides and this hollow needle went right through both me and the clamp. The rings followed through after the needle. She let J stay with me, holding my hand. It was over quickly with almost no bleeding. Just seconds for each piercing. It did sting a little, but less than an injection of local xylocane to remove a mole. Really it wasn't much different than getting my ears done. It was nothing compared to the gag. I wasn't wearing a bra, so she put band-aids on. Aspirin was enough to make me comfortable, she said, but I didn't really need any. I don't think this is something I would do myself. I have thought about it, and I think I could--as an RN I suppose I am qualified, but there is nothing like experience. We had time before going to the airport to do some shopping, and J took me to a place that specializes in the kinky appliances and stuff he has been using. He had me try on some shoes and boots, and then told me to wait in the car. He had a couple of pretty big bags of packages when he came out. I wonder what the x-ray security monitor at the airport thought of the contents. She probably figured we were just more midwesterners on our way back home from San Francisco. We drove to the airport and waited for the plane. The flight back was uneventful. When we finally arrived home it was late, and we both went straight to bed. I took aspirin to help me sleep, more to coun- teract the coffee I had on the plane than because of my nipples (aspirin puts me to sleep). This morning, I inspected myself. The band-aids were the "ouch- less" variety, thank goodness. I am a little swollen, and the swelling makes me look a little deformed. Maybe I should say deformed in a different way, since inverted nipples are not exactly normal anyway. But at least before, my nipples were identical; now they are swollen in different ways, so that one nipple partly protrudes from the areola, while the other is less swollen. This makes me nervous. I don't want to be permanently this way. I can only wait for the swell- ing to go down, though. I heal quickly, and then we'll know. I guess I can always remove them. I disinfected myself again and put on some of the Neosporin she had given me, and fresh band-aids. The rings are small circular gold ones. She said they were a fine gauge, but I don't remember what size they are. She also said I could enlarge the holes easily later. I don't think I'll want to. Well, maybe. We'll see. J is very sympathetic and caring, and it makes me think maybe he really does like my nipples the way they are. I know that sounds funny, since he had just changed them, but he wanted to decorate me there, draw attention to them, not hide them. It's a very private kind of feeling, since I am still not publicly proud of them, but if this works out I think I will be proud to show myself off to J. In the meantime, I am practicing my exotic dancing. I hope the swelling goes down soon, though. -*- Sunday: J has just told me an interesting bit of news. He says he's going to send this to a computer bulletin board or something. I don't know how this works yet, but he says the people in his depart- ment are tied into it and read it. Thank God I've left out anything that might connect us to this story. He d****d well better be right when he says he can send it in so no one finds out where it came from! I'm going to have to go back over it and make sure I didn't leave any clues. Computer nerds are usually pretty smart fellows. Maybe I should say "You guys (maybe gals too?) are..." since I now know who my audience is. I know you aren't ALL geeks. I remember some pretty cute guys hanging around the computer center when I was in school. I am living with one, come to think of it. And he is effing smart. And maybe I'll spruce up the literary style a bit while I'm at it. He suggested the format for the chapter headings, so you now know where that came from. Also that I capitalize the word "List". Already I have a sense of power. But, folks, I won't make anything up. Prom- ise. Besides, he wouldn't let me. Well, well. An anonymous audience. Enjoy, people. -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist05.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 5 of 20 The List Column 1 Item 9 Monday again. The swelling has finally gone down on my nipple. There was a slight infection but Neosporin antibacterial ointment took care of it. I'm symmetrical again, but I'll keep treating them until I don't feel any unusual sensitivity when the rings are disturbed. It's probably not necessary, but I still cover them with band-aids. J can even make a band-aid a sexual thing. Those round things that look like nipples were too small, so he had me make larger circular ones of flesh-colored "ouchless" plastic surgical tape with sterile gauze stuck in the middle. They cover my nipples completely, and from a distance he says it looks like I don't have any nipples at all. Like a department store mannequin. Interesting concept. They don't bother me any more, though. As I look back over this account, it appears that the only thing we do is have sex. That's not true. Sex may be the only thing I write about, but we do lots of other things together, and I have lots to do during the days when he is at work. Cleaning up this gawdawful barn of a house, for one thing. And I have made curtains for my room, done some weeding, normal stuff like that. I sound terminally domestic, I know, but I'm used to a long and busy work day. I'm still adjusting to not having to eat over the sink or in my car. I get hyper and have to do something, so I made curtains, okay? I exercise on his weight bench in the garage almost daily: he has moved a big full-length mirror in there for me; one end of the garage is like a little carpeted mini-spa. And of course I read--and write this. And check out the usenet. It's nice to feel I have a pipeline to the outside world. So after working at St. Hectic and living in a big city, the restful pampered schedule is welcome, and the sex is pretty powerful. Overwhelming, but in a good way. Well, maybe "good" doesn't describe it. I don't feel like a good little girl anymore (small loss). Maybe fantastic is the correct word, because I am living out a fantasy. I could almost go for the life of a full-time "kept woman." Almost. But our slave/master relationship IS full-time, for now. We don't turn it on and off, and it gets a little tiresome sometimes, even though I asked for it to be real. He doesn't push it by making me scrub floors or do degrading things. What I'm trying to say is he doesn't use me for slave labor to do things he doesn't want to do. But I do have to cook almost all the meals and wash the dishes. He says that is my reminder of my (temporary) status. His turn will come, he says. When we were both on tight schedules in Chicago, we shared the household stuff 50/50, so I don't mind. We were a little ginger with sex right after I got pierced: Either me on top being careful or rear entry. It wasn't really neces- sary, but J thought it was, so we did. Being entered from the rear is a position we had previously almost never used since I found it relatively unsatisfying, but J has fixed that problem. First we tried it with me on all fours. He had taken foreplay to his usual extreme again, teasing me until I was a babbling nymphomaniacal bundle of uncongealed nerve endings. I felt like a dog in heat; on my hands and knees with my collar on, I even looked like one. When he penetrated me, though, it still wasn't satisfying. I just couldn't climax. It helps me to have an orgasm if I can straighten my legs and flex my thigh muscles, and you can't do that on all fours. Also, my clitoris isn't stimulated as much in that position. Then he tried a variation: with us both on our left sides, kind of propped up by pillows, still penetrated from behind. I was able to lift my right leg and spread myself open in front, so that he could stroke and caress all of me (even my breasts, carefully), and more importantly, so could I. In fact, he TOLD me to stroke myself while we were making love this way. You can't do this in the missionary posi- tion, so this was new to me. He took my hand in his and guided it to my clitoris while he continued thrusting from behind. As I have said before, I am reluctant to masturbate in front of anyone else, even J. I was still reluctant this time, and withdrew my hand, but he whispered over my shoulder, "I can't force you to enjoy this, but there are other things you can be made to do." He guided my hand back. "If you don't..." A thinly veiled threat was all it took. His control, my body. There was nothing I could do. The implied threat of that gag is enough, and I'm sure his imagination isn't limited to that particular "minor discomfort". So I did it. He continued stroking from behind and caressing in front, but I was in complete control of my own orgasm; it was almost as though I were in complete control of his lovemaking. I brought myself to the edge and held myself there, and all the while he contin- ued to plunge into me and caress my front. It was like having four hands to caress myself with. This time I drove myself crazy, teasing and hesitating on the very edge. My nipples became erect under the bandages. They ached deliciously already from the excitement, and now the ache was even more intense--almost a stinging sensation as they hardened. Which made me even hornier. We'll have to try that position again after my nipples heal. -*- Yesterday he had me pluck my eyebrows until they were pencil- thin. I did this my last year in high-school and my first two years in college, but fashions change and I let them grow out full again--until yesterday. But I always preferred them thin. Anything goes these days anyway, so I don't mind. I think I look better this way. I'll leave the heavy eyebrows to Brooke Shields. I understand she is popular in Russia. She probably reminds them of Brezhnev. I need depilatory again today, too. This will be the third or fourth time. I know it sounds like I'm self-absorbed, but I have always liked "working" on myself, whether it is with makeup, eyebrow tweezers, shaving my legs, brushing my hair, exercising, or whatever. You would think that after a while I would get tired of self-mainte- nance, but I still get a kind of sensual pleasure out of it, even now. I don't think I'm narcissistic, because I enjoy the physical act of doing these things rather than the results. Sounds like I'm justi- fying something, I know, but the preparation is more important than the finished product. Maybe a bit like a craftsman who likes his job. I take a lot of time with it, and try out new and different variations whenever I can. I have a tendency to make myself look too artificial, although a little artificiality is attractive, I think. Needless to say, I have about a ton of partly-used experimental makeup. Several times when things were slow on the night shift at the hospital (a rare thing, believe me) I even removed some of my own moles: I anesthetized the area with topical benzocaine, then injected subcutaneous xylocaine and burned the little suckers right off. Did as neat a job as any dermatologist, too. That's partly why I have such perfect skin. I got nearly all of them. I guess the point is that I like "working" on myself, and don't see decorating my nipples, depilating, and plucking my eyebrows as a burden, but rather another aspect of self improvement and maintenance, just like doing my nails; until I go back to work, I will have plenty of time for this kind of thing, so why not indulge? Besides, it's a turn-on knowing I'm getting ready for sex. It's not just polishing and perfecting myself that fascinates me, though. I like being able to change myself, too. I have experimented with just about everything about me that can be changed: my hair, my makeup, my clothing styles, everything. It's almost like a compulsion to try something--anything--else. I get a thrill out of being some- thing different than I am, I guess. It's a good thing "do-it-yourself plastic surgery" isn't a reality: I would probably do it. Really. It doesn't sound like a very healthy self-image now that I write it down. When I got back from the spa the post office had left a note that my sewing machine arrived at the local post office. I shipped it and some other stuff from Chicago before I drove down here. I'm going to pick it up myself tomorrow. I should have used U.P.S. I would have done a better job with the curtains if I had waited for it to arrive, but I was antsy. -*- Tuesday. J has started on some kind of project. You're going to think this is weird. Even I do. I didn't know what he was doing at first: yesterday evening he tied me on the oak table again, the same as before, but with my legs straight on the top of the table, ankles tied at the edges, and with a plastic drop-cloth under me. He scotch- taped saran-wrap over my sex and then covered me from just below my breasts to my upper hips with petroleum jelly. That part was a little sexy, but I was mostly mystified. Then with me craning my neck to watch, he mixed plaster of paris in a big bucket on the floor by the table. At that point I had figured out that he was going to make a plaster cast of my front. I was half right. Anyway, tying me down was just to keep my attention. When he smeared the plaster over my lubricated torso, it was kind of an interesting feeling, cool and slippery at first but warmer as it began to set. He had imbedded strips of cloth in the plaster partly to strengthen it, and partly to tie it into the other sections of the cast when he added them later. When he pulled it off it was an unbro- ken and faithful copy of my lower body. He freed me then, and told me to wash myself off. I had been dismissed. While I cooked dinner he sawed and filed the edges of the cast smooth, and after we had eaten he told me to get my shower cap and come to the garage. While I watched, he covered the edges of the mold with wax and had me stand. He fitted the cast against my front. Naturally, it was a perfect fit. He strapped it tightly in place with old belts, and had me help support it with my hands. He covered my breasts, neck and shoulders with petroleum jelly, band-aids and all, and mixed more plaster. He explained that he wanted my breasts to hang naturally for this part of the cast, so I had to do it standing up. The shower cap was to keep my hair up out of the plaster. He built up the already-finished mold of the lower front of my body by adding on to its upper edge until he had a mold of me from my upper thighs to my uplifted chin. I kept asking him why he was doing this, but he just told me I would find out. Finally, he said he would use the gag if I didn't just stop asking questions. The mold was quite heavy at this point, and it was only half done. He sawed and filed the rough edges until he had a complete impression of the front half of my torso, and again he fitted it to me. It required a little squirming, but it was still a perfect fit. Then it was back to the oak table, where he put the mold with the interior up and had me lie face down, fitting myself into it. He supported me with pillows under my forehead and legs, and then plas- tered my entire back then, neck to hips. After it had set, the two plaster halves separated neatly where he had wax papered the edge of the front half. The final product was a huge and cumbersome mold of my torso. I can't figure out why he made it. He still hasn't told me. I don't even know why he had me write about it in such detail. It wasn't really an erotic experience. I told him it would have been much easier if he had used the water-activated cast material they use for broken bones. You can get it from any medical supply store. -*- Wednesday. My sewing machine arrived okay. I picked it up today. He put my chain on again last night after he came home from work. I don't mind, except that during week days when I'm not at the exercise spa or out shopping I like to put on what few clothes I have (total clothing: the knit dress, the black thong, my exercise outfit, and the sheer cotton) and now the knit dress doesn't look good any more with the chain under it. Besides, it's too nice for around the house. I can slip the thong through the waistband of the chain and wear it under- neath if I want, because it unsnaps at the crotch, but it's not very comfortable; the dress and the pants present problems in topology if I try to wear them under the chain. He didn't tie me down this time when he put the chain on. I suppose I knew what was coming though, so it wouldn't have mattered anyway. Certainly I didn't fight it. In fact I held the torch for him, like an assisting nurse. If he would just leave the crotch chain unlocked, I could wear those sheer cotton pants under the chain. The waist would still be welded on. Oh well. Now that my sewing machine is here, maybe I can make some more clothing. As it is, I have to wear my exercise leos with shorts and a t-shirt everywhere I go, and pretend I just came from the spa. Anyway, I got some material and patterns. I'll get started this afternoon. -*- As soon as he proofed this, J "forbade" me to make any clothing without his approval.(!) Of course, he prefers it when I have to wear sexy clothing--which is all I have (except the exercise stuff). I have a really sexy short black knit dress in my luggage that I could wear if he would unlock the crotch chain (yes, that's a hint). My period is due soon. I have to get him to unlock the chain for it. I'm not sure he would if I just asked. After all, it would be for convenience rather than necessity. I can perform all my bodily func- tions by just pulling the waist chain down and the crotch piece to one side. Listen to me. People in the midwest don't discuss bodily func- tions; I don't think my mother even HAS any bodily functions, and here I am discussing "feminine hygiene" on public (pubic?) TV. Monitor. Whatever. I still have to learn computerese. At the hospital I really just followed a cookbook when I learned the computer at the nurse's station. But I'll learn more. Several times I've wanted to post something on ASB and didn't really know how. Anyway, my period might be a problem with the chain. I have an idea that might work. I have been saving it for when I really need something from him. I'll tell you if it works. -*- Thursday. Well, it worked, sort of. I am not sure it was a great idea, but I'll put it down here anyway. I have never been terrific at oral sex. I am reluctant to do it in the first place (due to a vesti- gial but typical midwestern conflation of hygiene and morality), and have never been able to make it very satisfying for him. Plus I gag reflexively if I hold even half of him in my mouth. So anyway, last night I put on my black thong (under my chain), and some formal black heels. I made myself as stereotypically sexy as I could. I couldn't put pantyhose on with the chain and ankle cuffs, but I put body makeup and powder on my legs and behind, right up to the thong, to make my skin perfectly smooth and even. I fixed a great chicken dish with desert and fruit; I gave him the works. I even ate by myself earlier so I could wait on him hand and foot before and during the meal, pouring his wine, bringing the courses one at a time, everything I could think of from candle light and incense to little touches like brushing my breast against him while serving his food. Afterwards, dishes cleared, with him sitting on the sofa by the lit fireplace, I by his feet, I made my well-rehearsed pitch in that same artificial style that marks all our master/slave conversations. I guess it's role playing. "J, I have a favor to ask of you. Before I ask, I want to do something for you that I haven't been able to do before. It isn't an item on the List; well, it is, but I want to go beyond the List for you in this. "You know I can't control my gag reflex when I try to take all of you in my mouth," I continued (too embarrassed to look him in the eye), "but I think I might be able to with your help and patience." Actually, didn't need much help at all to do this, but his patience was essential. Without telling him what I intended, I started undressing him. When he was nude, I told him I had to go into my bathroom to prepare myself. I had filled an old perfume atomizer with an OTC liquid topical oral anesthetic, twenty percent benzocaine (which is a pretty potent percentage). I looked myself in the mirror, calming myself for a few seconds before I went ahead. I had practiced the day before, so I knew it worked. I just didn't know if it would work well enough. I sprayed the back of my throat while, with my mouth wide open and tongue depressed, I said the magic vowel, "EE". Of course with your tongue depressed it doesn't come out "EE", but your vocal cords are best positioned for exposure to the spray, and if you take a deep breath first so you don't have to inhale the vaporized anesthetic, and try not to swallow while your salivary glands go into overdrive, the anesthetic will stay on your throat lining long enough to numb it. You learn a few tricks working ENT and internal medicine. After several applications, each time spitting out the residue rather than swallowing, the back of my throat had that thick feeling that accompanies numbness. The rest of my mouth was beginning to feel tingly, too. Now I could apply the anesthetic directly to the back of my throat with a cotton swab without triggering a gag reflex. I rinsed my mouth well with water so I didn't reduce his sensitivity (that would defeat the purpose for sure). Almost as an afterthought, I brought the hand mirror. I wanted to see what I looked like while doing this for him. You have to under- stand: this was a very daring thing for me to do. He is the only person I have ever done oral sex for (no-one, not even J, has ever done it to me. In case I didn't tell you, he's a midwesterner, too.) and I have only done it a few times for him, and not well even then. My heart wasn't in it. I have never really gotten over the feeling it is unhygienic, and I've never given him an orgasm that way. But I'm working on it. When I went back out to the living room and told him I was ready, my voice was different, or maybe because I was excited it just felt different, kind of husky and low. No... it definitely sounded differ- ent. A single touch of my hand and he was ready. He didn't even know what he was anticipating, but he obviously knew it was something. He leaned back on the sofa and I knelt between his legs on the fleeced rug. I took him into my mouth and sucked on the end of his penis, rotating my head around and pressing my near-numb tongue against the underside. With every heartbeat I could feel him pulse larger and larger in my mouth. Tentatively, I slid forward. When he reached the back of my mouth, I didn't gag. I almost did, but it was so easily controlled it was forgotten in seconds. So far so good. I stroked back and pushed forward again, this time a little deeper. He was in firm contact with the very back of my mouth and I was still in control, so I went with that for a while and experimented with trying to relax my throat and get the feel of it. He felt larger than I had hoped he would, but not too large that I couldn't slide forward a little more. Finally he was in contact with the back of my throat, and my breath was shut off. I backed off, gagging slightly but unnecessarily. I needed to learn to coordinate my breathing. I took a few deep breaths, inhaled, and tried again. Again, I took him to the back of my throat a few times experimentally, and tried contracting my throat around him. He gave a slight moan. Good sign, but I had my own prob- lems to concentrate on. I pushed a little more, getting the feel of going even deeper. I could tell he wanted to push, but was keeping strict control of himself. I kept this up for a while, getting accus- tomed to the feeling. I was too slow and tentative to give him an orgasm, but one step at a time. I even tried swallowing motions, although I couldn't really complete the action. I actually had him all the way in! I was secretly exultant. I had propped the mirror against the arm of the sofa so I could reach it and look at myself while I had him inside. I had to open my mouth very wide, and had to use my lips to keep my teeth from scraping him, so I looked a little funny, but no more unattractive than with that gag (I don't believe it, but J tells me I look beautiful with that gag in). When I take him all the way in, though, my throat is distorted: kind of distended like a croaking frog. It looks weird, like I have an iodine deficiency or something. You can tell he's in there even from the outside. Not to mention the inside. I continued experimenting until the anesthetic began to wear off. It doesn't last long. But even then I was able to take him all the way in. So I kept on. It's really just a knack. My gag reflex seemed to be under control enough for me to continue, but my throat finally began to feel weird, so I ended up stopping before he had an orgasm. J was pretty turned on, though. Basically I had worked him into quite a state, but hadn't given him release. I could see he was almost in pain. It gave me a secret feeling of power. And pride. I was delighted with myself. He was delighted with me too: he recognized that what I had done was quite an accomplishment for me, and made our subsequent lovemaking particularly tender and special for me. He seems to know all the right things to do, when to change the tempo, shift positions, everything. This morning when I got up I was a little hoarse, and I'm afraid I hammed it up a bit more than was necessary to get sympathy I didn't really deserve. I think I could try it again, maybe this time with no anesthetic. I discovered that caressing the end of his penis with my lips and tongue, and only occasionally engulfing him completely has the best effect. J says a mouth is not designed to be a substitute for a vagina, but it can be very interesting nonetheless. The oral sex is incredible, he says, but even so, it's not as fulfilling as normal frontal sex. Whatever that is. I haven't had normal sex since we got back together, although a lot of it has been frontal. Anyway, he unlocked the chain for me. Now it is just a belt with the crotch piece hanging down, which I wear to the side. It looks kind of pretty. I like gold. The link where he welded it is kind of burned looking, though. I wish it could be re-plated. He told me I didn't have to do the "deep throat" routine just to persuade him, though. He would have unlocked it for my period if I had asked. -*- Friday. My period is here, and neither of us likes sex during this time. I know some don't mind, but I do. Thank goodness he gave me some panties from my suitcase, too. My nipples aren't healed yet, but now I can see how they will look. I love them. While they are just resting, inverted, the little rings half protrude from their hiding places. I haven't shown J yet. I'm really excited about them. Can't wait until I can put other jewelry on them. Small pendants and such. I wish I had thought to get some while we were in the piercing clinic in San Francisco. -*- Saturday. I'm in big trouble. Or at least I will be when J reads this. I bought a package of hacksaw blades on a shopping trip in town after we got back from San Francisco. I don't know what possessed me, I suppose I thought of them as insurance in case I really needed to get out of this situation I'm in. My feelings oscillate between a temptation/fear to explore bondage more deeply (at least I can call a spade a spade now: Bondage. Bondagebondagebondage) and a feeling of shame at what I have done and what he might make me do. I'm a sort of combined midwestern fool and an angel, wanting to rush in and fearing to tread at the same time. Anyway, I thought of the hacksaw blades as insurance. And a personal proof that I have at least a vestigial intention to resist this ... process. I was going to say experiment, but it's more than an experiment. But I've decided to let J find them. (They are laid flat under the rug in the living room, J, behind the big sofa. There are three of them) I'm doing this because not betraying you is more important to me than insurance. Besides, the only times I have considered escaping were when it was clearly impossible for me to use a hacksaw anyway... ++++ Note from the Future ++++ This is a load of bull. I wanted to show J I was committed to him. That's why I told him about the hacksaw blades. And I wanted to give him cause to take the next step--to punish me. That's why I bought the blades in the first place. I could have just buried the blades in the woods while he was at work and he would never have known. But I didn't. I was in a rush to descend to greater depths without having to admit to myself that this was what I wanted. I've got all that sorted out in my mind now. At least I know what I want. ++++ End of Note ++++ ... So tomorrow you will know, J, but before you punish me I want you to remember why I told you this voluntarily: I love you and am yours to do with as you please. I think my nipples are almost healed now. I can move the rings with only a little tenderness, and they've stopped exuding fluids and crusting up. One or two more days of antibacterial ointment should do it. -*- Sunday. J didn't read yesterday's entry, so I have a reprieve. I've been extra good. Last night I told him I wanted to make something really sexy to wear for him. He told me to make a body stocking. What he means is a unitard. It will be easiest to modify one from [store name deleted] rather than make one from scratch. It has to be black, and cover me completely. The instructions were detailed. I guess this is our week for arts and crafts. In addition to the body stocking, J has been fitting me for something. I'm not sure what, but he has measured my thighs, waist, hips, upper and lower arms in several places, inseam, sleeve length, neck, everything. He then disappears into the garage where I hear pounding and scraping noises. And machines. I'm not allowed to watch. I think he's too preoccupied to proofread my latest entries. Maybe he won't read them at all. I wish he'd hurry up and finish his project, though. Actually, he says it's three projects, all to do with me. Anyway, I miss using the weight bench, since it's locked in the garage while he's at work. I've been practicing my exotic dancing religiously every day. I even think I'm getting pretty good. I can make my stomach undulate in a very interesting way, although it looks a lot sexier than it feels. J has unlocked my chain so I have more freedom of movement, although it wasn't really a hindrance. I loop the loose end and lock it at my waist, letting it hang at my hip. It looks kind of nice that way. Of course I can't get it off, since it is still welded (or whatever) around my waist. -*- Monday: This morning I went out and bought a black unitard body stocking and a yard of lycra. Finding black gloves was pretty diffi- cult. They aren't lycra, and all of the black material I bought is in different shades of black. It's surprisingly hard to match black. But I will start on it later this afternoon. I am to be covered from my toes to my fingertips, with a zipper from the middle of my back, down between my legs, and up to my front neckline. The neckline will be a rollover turtleneck that, when unrolled, has a zipper along the top edge under my chin, zipping to a hood--a ski mask with no openings. It will cover my head completely. He says to make it very tight, so I bought the body stocking a size too small. All I really have to do is sew the gloves to the sleeves and make some feet to attach to the ankles, then work on the hood. -*- Tuesday. My period will be over tomorrow. He STILL hasn't read the latest entries (about the hacksaw blades). Normally he sits at the computer and proofs them while I cook dinner, but now he is working in the garage every evening. Sometimes he lets me exercise while he's working and I can watch what he is doing, but I can't really tell what he is making. It involves leather, and I have a pretty good idea what it is for. I'm not a complete idiot. But he also keeps two things covered up with old sheets. One is three feet tall and sits on his workbench. The other is on the floor. Sometimes the smell of leather is strong on his hands and in the garage. Sometimes it is solvents of some kind. I think the plaster mold of me, whatever it was for, was a failure, though. I saw it all broken up in a cardboard box last night. Today it is out by the garbage cans. I've been having trouble perfecting a design for the black hood. It's a kind of Catch-22: It doesn't quite fit right, and I can't see to correct it while I have it on. J said cut slits for the eyes and sew them up last. He also said I should leave small holes for my nostrils. I said that I can breathe through the material, but he said to do it anyway: I might need to breathe more quickly, he said. Hmmm. I also had to cut off the thumbs of the gloves and sew them up. And he doesn't like the way the leotards squash my breasts. He wants me to build shaped, conical cups into the front to cradle me like a bra. I'll look like Darth Madonna. Won't be able to hitchhike, though.... As one of the witches in Macbeth says, "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes..." Wasn't that the title of a good Ray Bradbury novel? Something about people made into sideshow freaks by the circus owner. 'Something Wicked' was the title, I think. Good yarn. Another one for you SF B&D fans on the net: 'The Real Story' by Stephen R. Donaldson. I found it on the bookshelf here in the house. The rest of his stuff seems to be rather dull dungeons and dragons fantasy but this is about 80% B&D. Don't miss it if you can, as Samuel Goldwyn didn't say. -*- Wednesday. Last night I told J that I thought my nipples were healed completely and showed him. They really have healed perfectly; a little sensitive, still, but healed. The tiny rings that pierce them are barely bigger than the nipples themselves. When they aren't erect, only half the ring protrudes from the little folds in my areolas. He had been saving a small surprise for me, the dear. He'd bought a pair of very small pendants for me. They are gold with tiny garnet tear- drops at the ends. They are sweet. I remember them from the shop in San Francisco. He put them on for me. They dangle and brush against my areolas when I move; they make me feel sexy--more aware of myself. He said he still thought the band-aids were sexy. Hmmmm. Then he put something else on me. It was a kind of a leather g- string, but the strap between my legs was much wider than a string. It smelled strongly of leather. Actually, it is neatsfoot oil and wax, he says. It has two belt buckles in front, although it really doesn't need more than one, with a central wide strap between my legs. Very wide. The end of the strap buckles to the waistband behind my back. He pulled the strap very tight between my legs. Very tight. I think he was just trying it on for size, though, because he let me take it off after a few minutes. We made love afterwards, and it was satisfying (three orgasms, countthemthree) but not quite as fulfilling as the first few times after I came here. I wonder if bondage can become boring. He has all of next week off, and says he will spend it all with me. Depilation time again. -*- Thursday. He proofread last night. My God. What have I done. I've never seen him so remote. I wonder what he's going to do. I'm only half looking forward to it. I mean, everything he has done to me so far has been a turn-on. But I'm a little nervous now, the way he's been acting. Usually there are hints that he's just kidding. Well, not kidding, exactly, but playing a role. Not any more, though. He told me to follow him out to the living room, where he made me pull back the rug and give him the three hacksaw blades. He took them, then locked me in my room. At bedtime he came back and told me to use the bathroom. Then he relocked my chain, pulling it up so tight in back that he had eight links left over beyond the lock. It was compressed tightly --not quite painfully but certainly uncomfortably--between my labia, forcing them apart and pushing them to the sides. The chain was held taut and rigidly in the crevice of my behind; I could feel it against the hip bones at my waist, it was pulling down so hard on them. I couldn't even get a finger under it very easily in places. He locked another length of chain to the leftover loose links at the center of my back and with another lock, attached a some heavy weights from his weight bench. A ball and chain. He left me that way all night. I barely slept. I wonder if he really thinks I trust him so little I have to keep hacksaw blades around. That's really not the reason. This morning he loosened the chain, but left the weights on. At least I can move around, but I have to carry the weight with me wherever I go. I haven't heard the last of this. He didn't say a word to me this morning. I'll keep working on the body suit. All that is left is the hood and the zippers at the neck. It's not going to be easy working around my chains. I can put the bodysuit on over them, but the chain will have to protrude from the neckline while I am trying it on. Before he proofed the last entry I had asked if I could make an exotic dancer's outfit. He said yes, but I don't have all I need to finish it. At least I'll get started. Maybe he'll be pleased if I dance well for him. Sorry if this is disjointed, but I'm a little preoccupied. I don't know what he's going to do to me, but the tight chain isn't the last of it. The List Column 1 Item 10 Friday afternoon. Well, I knew he'd do something; now I'm a platinum blonde. How's that for an opener? I don't believe I let this happen. It's really my fault. I did it to myself. I objected, sort of. Well, I begged him not to make me do it. I could have just put my foot down, and said no, but it would have ruined everything. I knew deep down it was fruitless to try and change his mind. Somehow, he persuaded me to go through with it. Besides, it's an interesting change. I look really different. Changing my hair color is on the List, after all, and J is right when he says that I can always dye it back. I guess I was mostly worried about getting a job, which I'll have to do fairly soon. Platinum blonde hair is not the conservative kind of image a nurse should project. Would you let Madonna inject anything into your bloodstream? Don't answer that. You probably would. I think patients feel more comfortable trusting their lives to Florence Nightingale. Not that I look remotely like Madonna, but if it weren't for having to get a job, it actually looks pretty good. Still bushy, though. It's not the total disaster I thought it would be. My hair is frizzy enough without being weakened by bleaching, though. Now it's even frizzier. I thought at first that having my hair bleached was my punishment for buying the hacksaw blades, but now that I think about it, it couldn't have been, since J had made the appointment well ahead of time, which means he had planned this--maybe from the beginning. He told me that I might have to convince the hairdresser to make me a blonde, since it was a big change, so I actually had to cooperate in doing this to myself. I had agreed to it as part of the List, and he has always been very persuasive, so I agreed to go along with it (secretly, I've always wanted to try being a blonde, although not necessarily a platinum blonde). As it turns out, it was a kind of avant garde place where all the hairdressers are punk. The guy didn't even blink an eye when I told him what I wanted. He would have given me a purple mohawk if I had asked. They had scheduled nearly the whole morning for it when J called, and it took that long to do. J had me go without my contact lenses, and he told me not to look in the mirror while the hairdresser worked, but I couldn't help it. I had to look when he asked me how I liked it. So I had an out-of-focus glance at myself, but that's all. When we got home, the first thing he did was to pull out more chains and small locks. The chains aren't particularly heavy--not like the dramatic clanking iron ones you find in dungeons in the movies--but there are no seams in the links and they are plenty strong enough. I've tried to break them. And I am positively festooned with chains. First he put real handcuffs on my wrists, but joined by a one- foot length of chain with a ring in the middle. Then "handcuffs" (I guess they are leg irons) on my ankles, joined by a slightly longer chain. A length of chain joined the ring between my wrists to the chain joining my leg irons, but it passed through a ring on the waistband padlock of my ever-present chain g-string. I can take short steps, and since the chain slides through the loose ring at my waist, I can lift my hands as far as my face if I'm not walking. By crouching I will be able to wash my hair. I don't know how long I'll have to stay like this. The various cuffs chafe if I move around too much and it's boring, sometimes, being in the house alone during the day. But other times my nipples go erect while I'm hobbling around the place and I think about him coming home and I wonder what he's got planned for the evening. He had taken time off from work for the hairdresser's appointment and chaining me after. After putting these chains on, he left me like this and went back to work. It's slow going, typing with chains hanging from my wrists. I make a lot of mistakes, and it rattles against the printer under the table. Before he left, he said that neither the bleaching nor the chains were my punishment for the hacksaw blade episode. They were just preventative. The punishment is still to come. I can't even really practice my exotic dance routine in this getup. At least I can sew and read. I can't see myself going to the exercise spa anytime soon, even without the chains. I've gotten to know a few people there on a casual basis, but not so casual that I could show up with platinum blonde hair and not raise eyebrows. I know, Madonna has platinum blonde hair, so what's the big problem anyway? What's so special about that look? She puts her cones on one at a time just like the rest of us, right? I don't know. I guess I'm just not Madonna. Maybe I could have gone out, but I didn't get the chance, really. I certainly couldn't go out now. -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist06.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 6 of 20 The List Column 1 Item 11 It has been a long time since my last entry. I hope I can remem- ber it all. I'm not even sure what day it is. I'm way behind in keeping this up to date, but I was busy during the week that J had off. Really busy. I don't believe what he's done to me. All in good time. When J came home last Friday, he wanted to talk. It would have looked to anyone like a typical casual evening at home for an average couple, except that I was wearing nothing but chains and had to take short little steps to keep up with him. And of course I was a platinum blonde with no pubic hair. He told me to fix drinks for us and to follow him into the yard. He was sitting on a low brick retaining wall by the garden; I joined him and we chatted. I crossed my legs and sipped my drink as though I were at a cocktail party. The air was still warm, even though it was near sunset in March; Spring smells and gentle breezes. I could really love the South. For some reason I felt perfectly safe being nude outdoors; I guess it is the feeling of isolation, being surrounded by the woods. It also helps to have J there. All this notwithstanding, feeling safe isn't the same as feeling relaxed: I was not completely at ease having a relaxed conver- sation under these circumstances. Besides, the bricks were cold and gritty. And an ant bit me. The conversation opened with inconsequential remarks like "How was your day?" and "The breezes are beautiful after winter," and "Have you finished the harem outfit?" My God, I thought, we're talking about the weather and I have to lift both hands to sip my vodka and orange juice because they are chained together. "You are beautiful, you know," he says out of the blue. He doesn't talk much at all, and as a rule he says even less about my appearance. "Really beautiful. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?" Of course I had, continuously. I had changed my makeup twice that day. I look like a different person, and I'm still getting used to it. I do like my eyebrows thin, though. I shaped them into high arches like the show girls of the 1920's. They look kind of artificial, I know, but still I like them. And my nipples. I have really become proud of them. I want to show them off, at least in private and for J. That sounds like an oxymoron, I know, like "locally famous", but showing off in private is all I could handle comfortably. I am nearly convinced, though, that J really does like my body. All of it, even my nipples. Maybe especially my nipples. Actually, I have a pretty good body. It's just the nipples. Of course my hair is a trip: a fluffy platinum blonde near-afro. The color looks intensely artificial, too, but for some reason the artificiality is a turn-on for me, like badge that I wear that says to J, "See what I will do for you." And to others, "See what I will do for him. I'm his. Nyah, nyah, nyah." Although only a few strangers saw me that way. More on that later. My entire appearance is a constant symbolic reminder of the fact that he has done something to me, put his stamp of ownership on me, and that I like--want--to be owned this way. I would call it a kind of inverted (reverse? involuted?) "pride of ownership", but it is not a pride that I can yet show comfortably in public. I would be embar- rassed; but even that potential public embarrassment is a gift, a symbolic measure of what I will do for him. I guess that is what he meant when he asked for my embarrassment as a gift. I think too much about this stuff. I can barely go into public as it is, and not at all in these chains. Again, why should you be embarrassed, you say? I think it's because I know what's going on, why I look the way I do, even though people on the outside wouldn't know. Or it could be because I'm from Indiana, where they secretly don't even approve of natural blondes. And I nearly look like an albino. Why should I even care if someone else knew? The idea of other people--people I don't know--reacting to the revelation that I am J's willing slave is somehow exciting; I'll admit that much. But if anyone I actually knew found out it would be awful. If a stranger knew, I would be embarrassed too, but I could get into that kind of embarrass- ment. Maybe. Anyway, he took special pains to tell me how beautiful he thought I was--especially in chains. I go all squirmy sometimes. And I like being constrained if it is by him; I'm not just writing that because he'll read this either. There was genuine admiration and warmth in his eyes when he spoke; I believed him, and, well, sometimes he just makes me go all squirmy, that's all. The things he says. He told me he wanted me to belong to him--even more than I already did. But he also told me I hadn't paid for the hacksaw blades yet, and there was a sudden remoteness in him then, a remoteness that made him hard to read. A bit like a parent that I had disappointed but that still loved me. There was something he wasn't telling me, though. I also think he was a bit pleased I had broken the rules, too. I didn't know what to expect as punishment. I wish to God I had known, but at the time I just felt a flush of warmth and nervous anticipation at the implications of what he said. Okay, so I'm a traitor to the midwest.... But if I had known. Jesus. I still can't believe what he did to me. When he asked if my sewing was finished, I explained that I needed a few things from the fabric store for the exotic dancer outfit and a few hours work, but that I knew he would like it when I finished it. The other, the bodysuit, was done and I would be glad to model it for him. I was being as careful as I could to not remind him of the hacksaw blades, but he was still holding himself distant. The warmth left his eyes when he lapsed into his formal 'master mode' and said "Stand up. This discussion is over. Step back, I want to look at you." And look at me he did. I stood in front of him, my chained wrists hanging in front of my thighs. I have gotten used to these sudden changes during our conversations, and have learned to change my attitude and react instantly. His eyes travelled over my body, linger- ing on my pierced nipples. I was wearing the tiny garnet pendants. My nipples became erect as he looked; I embarrass so easily, even now. But then embarrassment has become a sexual thing for me; somehow I enjoy it. Perhaps enjoy is the wrong word, but if you don't understand by now you might as well stop reading. I can't explain it any better than I have. -*- Saturday morning we went to the fabric store. I literally haven't left the house since (nearly a week, I think). Nor have I since had a single moment when I wasn't hopelessly trapped by chains, those damned little locks, etc. Not a single moment. Except for once, briefly. Since he gave me my car keys (did I tell you that? He has since taken them away again. It's so hard to keep you consistently filled in on the relevant stuff), I wore my exercise leotards nearly everywhere, and I wore them that Saturday to the fabric store, except that he put that ...device... inside me again, held in with the chain under my shorts. He drove me to the store, and we went in together. I was so embarrassed by the way I looked that I wore sunglasses as a disguise. Stupid, I know, but I felt protected by them, somehow. I had to walk slowly, like an invalid, and it was almost impossible for me to concentrate on buying the elastic and stuff that I needed. I had to pretend I was dawdling along, looking at everything on display so that no-one would notice how slowly I had to walk. I stupidly asked the shop assistant to help me find what I needed, and she went dashing off to some far corner to find it. When she came back she must have been wondering why I was tottering after her like an old woman. "Where did you go?" she says, "I thought you were right behind me." "Uh," I quipped. We hoosiers are widely known for our rapier wits. It was bad enough having platinum blonde hair. I felt like everyone was looking at me. Of course they weren't, but I still don't know if they were just being polite. Especially the shop assistant. I think she suspected that maybe I had forgotten to take my medication or something. Finally, I had what I needed, and we left. I thought we would go home then, but he made me sit through lunch at a yuppie health food brass-and-fern-bar. Sit is the operative word. Over lunch he told me my chain was coming off soon, for good. My feelings were mixed. At that particular moment I would have been glad to get it off for even a few minutes, but permanently? Did that mean J was ending our relationship? Over the hacksaw blades? I asked him. He didn't answer, he just smiled in a way that said "Of course not, silly." When we got home, he cuffed my hands in front of me and had me lie down on the bed while he cut the chain from my waist. Slowly, he removed the device that was inside me. He told me to run a shower. In the shower, he washed me all over, my hair, everywhere. His fingers probed everywhere, slithering into every crevice. I got extremely turned on within minutes, and pressed against him, sending body-language signals at every opportunity. He rinsed me and went over me again with the conditioner. I don't think I'll ever be able to smell that conditioner (even unscented, it has a smell) without getting a little turned on. If you'll forgive the pun, I guess I was being conditioned. Sorry. Does the name Pavlov ring a bell? Sorry, sorry. He deliberately excited me as much as is possible short of orgasm. He inserted his fingers into both my openings at once, stimu- lating until my legs gave out and I sank to my knees. He supported me and sank to the floor with me. When I say I was gasping, it sounds like cheap pornography, but I was--and rather theatrically, too. Still he continued, and I collapsed back, sitting on my heels, my pelvis squirming against his probing hands. I wanted him inside me so much. "Do you want me to beg?" I said, "I will if you want...." No answer. "Please stop. I can't stand any more!" No answer. He contin- ued. Soon I was making animal noises as I pushed against his hands, grasping with both orifices at once. I began to shudder into my first orgasm and suddenly he stopped. My hands went to my front to finish the job, but he caught the chain between the cuffs and held them away. I was squirming and twisting, rubbing my legs together to no avail. He stood, holding the chain at my wrists, and pulled me to my feet. He led me into the bedroom, leaving the shower running, and locked my handcuffs to a chain attached to one of those overhead rings. My hands hung loosely just above my head. He turned off the shower and began to dry me with a hair dryer, pausing to kiss, caress, and otherwise tease me with his fingers. Under the hair dryer, my hair frizzed into an total mess, while I continued to squirm, trying to masturbate myself with my thighs. It doesn't work, no matter how motivated you are. I was motivated. He reached into the trunk and pulled out the boots I had tried on in San Francisco. They came up to my knees, and were the tight black leather ones with zippers on the sides and four inch stiletto heels. I remember they were enormously expensive, but then we're not starving graduate students anymore, so why not indulge? He put them on me, pausing between boots to caress me again, keeping me at the edge. After he zipped the boots, under each instep he passed a small chrome chain, crossing it over the top of my foot and pulling it behind my ankle, where he yanked it snug and padlocked it. Those boots weren't coming off without the key. He freed my wrists from the overhead chain, leaving the cuffs on, and put my hands behind my head. With my arms in this position, elbows bent as much as they would, he passed electrician's black plastic tape around and around my bent arms, binding my wrists to my upper arms so I couldn't straighten my elbows at all. He took off the cuffs then, but I could touch only the lower part of my face and head and my breasts. He pushed me back onto the bed and, one at a time, he did the same thing to my ankles, bundling them against my upper thighs so my heels were held tight against my buttocks. I couldn't straighten my legs or my arms. I suppose I could have crawled with difficulty on my elbows and knees, but I would have had problems even getting off the bed without falling. He continued to stimulate me. I was frantic, panting and begging for release. He rolled me over and lifted me to my knees, letting me sit back on my heels, legs spread, while he continued to stimulate me. I would have had difficulty coming with my legs bound like that, even if he had been trying to bring me to a full orgasm, which he wasn't. He was just teasing. He went to the garage, leaving me kneeling on the bed and panting with need again but unable to satisfy myself. I actually tried masturbating with my elbow. Almost got off, too. When he came back he was carrying what looked like a full-size model of my torso. It was (is) made of polished black fiberglass. He has done body work on his own cars (he even built his own kayak), and had used the same techniques to make a mold from the plaster cast he had of my body. It is actually quite beautifully made. Almost a work of art. It is shaped a bit like a thong-bottomed turtle-necked sleeve- less leotard except it is smooth and polished (inside and out) with steel rings hanging from it in various places and lockable latches all around the edges, under the crotch, everywhere, holding together the two halves, front and back. I was still practically vibrating from the earlier stimulation and wondered if this contraption was somehow designed to give me release since I couldn't. He leaned the body suit(?)--I don't really know what to call it--against the mirror in front of me at the foot of the bed. It isn't an exact model of me: the stomach muscles have more of a washboard appearance than my own. The nipples aren't inverted--quite spectacu- larly the opposite: they are sculpted to look erect and tumescent. It is an idealized torso, like the ancient Roman armor you see in the movies, but female. The inside is shaped exactly like me. He unlatched it and fitted the front half against me, moving it about until my breasts slipped into the cavities in the front. I had to straighten my posture, spread my legs, and lift my chin over the high collar. It was especially tight in the waist and crotch. Although my thighs are naturally wide-set, the piece that goes between my legs is too wide to fit comfortably; and when he fitted the back on, it was far too tight between my buttocks. I had to squirm and draw in my stomach and wiggle to avoid being pinched in several places and he even had to use conditioner as a lubricant in spots to slip it shut. I almost didn't fit into it; he barely got the latches to shut without pinching me. After my upper body was encased in this hard black plastic shell, he snapped those tiny padlocks at every latch. He cut the black tape and freed my arms and legs. It actually hurt to straighten my legs after having them cramped in that position for so long. Electrician's tape doesn't hurt to pull off, though. He threw my wrist cuffs on the bed with two padlocks and told me to put them on. He left the room without checking to see whether I obeyed. Jesus. It took me a minute just to figure out how to sit up. You have no idea how awkward it is to try to do simple things like get out of a bed and walk when you can't bend your back or even turn your head much. The collar of this thing (he wanted me to be wearing it while I typed this part, so I am) is so high that I can't look up or down, I can only turn a little to the side. I'm looking down my nose now, just to see the monitor. I teetered to the mirror on the four inch heels. I have small feet, and four inches puts me very nearly on tiptoes. Strangely enough I thought I was beautiful. In a campy Barbarellaesque sort of way. The sleek black plastic is highly polished, and shaped to flatter my every curve. My face was flushed with the stimulation and excitement of a near-orgasm. I was still extremely aroused, and seeing myself in the mirror made me more so. The high, almost orthopedic collar held my chin tilted into the air in a kind of regal but unnatural posture. My hair was a huge white curly cloud around my head and behind the black collar. It held me in tightly at the hipline, pressing against me just above my hips and compressing my waist, a bit like a corset. It pinched a bit until I had moved and wriggled about a bit and settled into it. It never actually got comfortable, though. As I have already said, my legs are wide-set, so there is a space between them as I stand naturally, unless I squeeze them together. The plastic between my legs widens and accentuates that space unnaturally, almost grotesquely; a small padlock dangles in the gap. I felt round the rim of the torso. I could (can) just barely get my fingers under it at the crotch, but not enough to touch myself there. With my hands, I felt my buttocks bulging on either side of the crotch piece in back. Heels clicking on the tile, I teetered to the bathroom and got the hand mirror to look over my shoulder. My buttocks were separated and pushed far apart by the black plastic. In fact, they are made to positively bulge out, even though I don't have a large behind, I am squeezed so tightly by it. I haven't decided if that is attractive or not. The crotch strap is wide and it presses very deeply into my rear cleft. J likes it, though. He tells me I am thoroughly stunning all over, and getting more so at every step. He says this even after what he did to me later in the week. Jesus. Just thinking about it makes me feel ... oh hell. I feel like I should just cut to the chase and tell you what he did to me. Later. First things first. I'm not sure I can even write about it yet. On with the show. I want to finish this part so I can take off the torso thing. Before going out to him, I put on my makeup. I can sit at the vanity, but sitting is not comfortable in this thing. In fact nothing is comfortable in this thing. It pinches now and then, and constrains always. The worst part, other than being unable to touch my own body, and having to wait to pee, is not being able to turn my head or bend my back. It's not easy to keep my balance. I have posture worthy of a queen, though. He was seated in his armchair by the empty fireplace as I came out of the bedroom; he looked at me appreciatively, and nodded slowly to himself as though he were satisfied with what he saw. I didn't say anything, just stood at the end of the hallway and tried to sense what he wanted. I sometimes feel like a small and vulnerable nocturnal animal that relies on subtle smells and tiny night noises for surviv- al. At that moment, all my antennae were out and testing the air. Hoping my instincts were right, I turned slowly, holding my arms away from my sides so he could see all of me. The scrape of shoes on the tile floor echoed in the near-empty room. I paused when I had my back turned, and after a moment ran my hands over the exposed parts of my buttocks where they bulged, compressed by the fiberglass carapace. I was feeling extremely sexy, and hoped I looked as seductive as I felt (I still wasn't sure about the back view). Goose flesh rose where I touched myself. I sensed him close behind me. He took my hands and held them by my sides, leaning over my shoulder to whisper in my ear, "Touching like that is my prerogative. Remember you are my property." He didn't want me to touch myself, although I could tell by the suppressed emotion in his voice that he was turned on by what I had done. I let him unlock the leather cuffs on my wrists. He relocked them to a ring set in the center of my back between my shoulder blades. He turned me around and kissed me deeply and tenderly, hands exploring my buttocks, the only exposed part of me that even remotely resembled an erogenous zone. I trembled; it had been only minutes since he'd had me on the edge of an orgasm. It takes me a long time to cool down when I am that close. I felt shaky, swollen, engorged, oversensitive, and tender--almost bruised--and frustrated. He sat back down. Still trying to sense his mood, I walked over to him and, with serious difficulty, tried to kneel on one knee in front of him. I ended up doing a clumsy curtsey and he had to catch me when I fell against him. He asked what it was I wanted, as if he didn't know. I thought to myself that the one thing I wanted was to have him inside of me. But he obviously knew that. "Would you like me to try on the black lycra bodysuit for you? It's finished, hood and all," I said, thinking that the first step to orgasm would be to get out of this torso. No matter how sexy it looks, it is ultimately erotic only for the observer, not for the wearer. Thinking objectively, almost everything else he has done to me is more erotic than wearing this damn thing. But it does look sexy. And for short periods it feels sexy. Sometimes. Like now. A moment ago I was just miserable, and I will be again. It comes and goes. But then I had to go to the bathroom. Not a sexy motive for getting the thing off, but there it is. He made me wait, though. Not that he was torturing me or anything, I just didn't tell him I had to go. I think he just wanted to keep me on the edge a little longer. He helped me teeter out to the garage, gently holding my upper arm and guiding me as though he were politely ushering me into a posh restau- rant (that image flashed through my mind for some reason)--except that my wrists were pinioned in the center of my back and my posture was unnaturally perfect. And of course I wasn't exactly dressed for formal dining. I had to roll my eyes and turn my entire torso to the side just to watch him as we walked side by side. Standing on the workbench in the garage was a white plaster model of my body. He told me how he made the fiberglass torso. I think he enjoyed explaining the technical details. He had waxed the interior of the two halves of the mold he made of my body, reassembled them, and filled them with plaster, leaving a core of styrofoam to save weight and plaster. After it hardened, he broke away the outer mold and discarded it (I had thought those discarded pieces meant the project was a failure). The remaining torso was an exact copy of my body. He sculpted away parts of the plaster to shape the interior (that's why it is smaller in the waist and crotch than an exact cast would have been) judging how much he could remove by the fit of the tight leather g- string (g-strap?) when he put it on and pulled it so tight in back. Remember that? He just sculpted the lower part of the plaster torso until the leather fit it. Later, he knew the torso would compress me the same way. I really had to pee. He went on and on explaining how he had sanded it smooth and sealed the pores in the plaster so he could build up something called a gel coat, blah, blah, blah. Whoopie, I thought. Three layers of epoxy-impregnated fiberglass with the latches and d-rings and steel reinforcing imbedded, and he could cut it off and shape the edges by adding an interlocking flange. Swell. I still had to pee. Several additional finish coats on the outside with sanding between, polish- ing, and I still had to pee. Frankly, I think it was too much work for what you get. I may have missed some steps: my mind was on my bladder, and my attention had wandered to the other object in the room, still covered with a sheet. "You'll learn about that some other time," he said. He led me back to the house. "Besides, it's time to finish you off," he said. "This is really for later," he said, tapping one plastic-coated breast, "think of this as the first fitting." As we went back to the house, he commented that he was going to save the plaster cast of me. He had more ideas for it. Hmmm. So anyway, he led me into the bedroom again, unlocked my arms and taped them the same as before. I finally had to tell him before he taped my legs that I HAD to pee. He unlatched the torso, telling me that he's not into that particular form of torture, and that I should have told him sooner. But he left my arms taped, and I couldn't wipe myself. He knew that, and when I was through he came in and did it for me. Slowly. It was demeaning and I looked away while he did it, but I think it put my attention back where he wanted it. He led me to the bed and taped my legs. Once again, I was help- less: I could straighten neither arms nor legs. He stripped off his clothes as I watched, and got into bed beside me. Stroking and teas- ing, he brought me to a near climax again, but again my inability to straighten my legs held me back. I was groaning and pleading for him to cut my legs free, but he wouldn't. Finally, kneeling between my legs, he spread my upraised knees and slowly, with maddeningly great control, penetrated me. Within moments I was flapping my pathetic, folded up limbs and crying in frustration. He began thrusting quickly and powerfully. At that rate it would normally have been a quickie for him and left me twisting in the wind, but I was so close to climaxing that he drove me over the edge. My dam burst, releasing a full day's worth of pent-up sexual frustration. I made pitiful efforts to grasp and hold him with my bound arms and legs, but it was hopeless. My pelvis contract and spasmed of its own accord. I was ready for more: at least two more orgasms were waiting in there somewhere, and he knew it. But he didn't let me have them. Just almost. He left me there, twitching and moaning, and got a damp towel to clean me with. Tenderly (he is so gentle afterward) he lifted me to my knees and damp-towelled my still-vibrating body, soothing me into a marginally relaxed state as you might an excited horse. But my frus- tration wasn't at an end. He slathered my torso, neck to crotch, with conditioner. I thought he was going to make love to me again--I was sure (knowing what I know now, I'm absolutely sure) he would have been able to--but just as I was getting excited he put the plastic carapace back on me. I whimpered in frustration when I saw what he was going to do, and begged him not to put it on, but he didn't listen. I had to cook dinner that way, marinating in gooey body condi- tioner inside this damned plastic torso and feeling extremely... ready. All during the romantic candle lit dinner that followed, he ignored my rather eloquent body language--body language that, if it were braille, a one-armed blind man in a dark room could have read through a concrete wall. I was reduced to squirming in my seat, (the padlock between my legs gouged the wood--the torso sits directly on it) stroking my encased body sensuously (but pointlessly: as though I could feel it through the plastic) and casting what I hoped were smoldering, lust-filled looks his way. I could see I was having some kind of effect, and I hammed it up a bit. I know he was aware that I was excruciatingly horny, (I was only half kidding when I was hamming it up) but he just ate his dinner as though we were in a formal restaurant. He kept up a cheery but subdued banter, refilling my wine glass, deflecting my heavy-handed innuendos and turning them into jokes. He seems to delight in the incongruity of putting me in an outrageous predicament under the most ordinary of circumstances. He kept me "conditioning" in the torso all that evening, finally releasing me just before bed. He watched me dry off with a towel and, after I had one last pee, cuffed my hands together and chained them to my neck up under my chin so I couldn't reach my sex to masturbate. Just to make sure, he made me sleep next to him in his bed for the first time since I had arrived. The next morning I woke still horny. No relief, though. I usually wake up feeling sexy anyway. I guess I've conditioned myself to feel sexy in the morning: I like to fantasize when I'm half-awake. J often wakes up horny, too, but I think that's more common in men. He thinks it is caused by a full bladder pushing against his prostate. He also tells me he can't urinate with an erection, which makes a lot of sense biologically. I've never worked for a urologist, but I'd be interested to know: When a man wakes up with a full bladder and an erection, how the hell does he solve this problem? Can't piss until the erection goes away, erection won't go away until the bladder is empty.... J says the erection just goes away if he doesn't use it for anything. Which of course he does, now and then. Anyway, he kept strict control over me until breakfast was over. Then, after admonishing me not to touch myself below the waist at all, he went out to the garage. By then I was out of the mood anyway. I went back to finishing the harem/slave girl outfit while he fiddled around in the garage. Are all men hobbyists? Jeez. Couldn't he have worked on me a little? Even in the garage? Of course, I was chained, wrists and ankles connected as before, like those convicts you see being led out of courtrooms on the news but with a little more freedom of movement. I actually hurried the costume in the hope that I would have time to impress him with my dance routine before he decided to punish me for the hacksaw incident. No such luck. After lunch he told me my punishment would begin that day. I'm still not over the shock. No kidding. Look: I'm not a racon- teur; I'm not a writer; this isn't literature. So far I've tried to make this more than a "What I Did on my Summer Vacation". Call it "attempted literature"; I'll be the first to admit my success has been limited. Partly because I was constrained to tell it as it happened, and it didn't happen in a way convenient for fiction. I've romanti- cized. I've glossed over the boring parts. Sometimes my inept attempts to be a writer have gotten in the way of even basic communication. BUT. I have NOT gotten over what comes next. It may come out a bit muddled. I still feel bitter about it. I alternate between anger, frustration, horniness, and a feeling of "What in God's name have I gotten myself into?" Several times I have stopped typing just to go and look in the mirror and I don't believe it. But it is right there on the List. I don't know how I could have been so God. Damned. Stupid. Okay, here goes. The List Column 1 Item 12 Late that afternoon he took off all the chains. He told me to put on the black bodysuit and bring the hood to his bedroom. I had looked at myself many times in the mirror while making the suit. It shows off my figure well, especially my breasts, although it changes their shape by making them unnaturally pointy. And it is TIGHT. So tight there isn't a wrinkle or fold anywhere in the material. It pulls up into my crotch quite uncomfortably. Exactly what he wanted. He had me take out my contact lenses, too, and put on the stilet- to boots again, with the chains that hold them on. And my wrist cuffs. He had me bend over and hang my hair down into the hood while he pulled it on over my head and zipped it from my chin to the base of my throat. He zipped the hood to the collar, too. I was completely enclosed in the suit. I could breathe and speak, but I couldn't see a thing. Of course I know what it looks like, since I had tried it on before sewing up the eye holes. I will leave it to your imagination. He had me stand. I was disoriented, on four inch heels and unable to see, but he rectified my inability to balance by chaining my wrists overhead at the foot of the bed and my ankles apart at the ends of a three-foot pole, a spreader bar, if my understanding of ASBese is accurate. Although spread-eagled, I could stand fairly easily, even on four inch heels. I wasn't hanging by my wrists or anything drastic like that; in fact, I might have fallen if my wrists hadn't been chained above my head. He left me standing there for a moment while he left the room. I didn't know it at that particular moment, but shortly I would learn that he had gotten his heavy oak armchair and put it in the bathroom. God, I still can't BELIEVE what he's done to me, even now, a week later. And that morning was only the beginning. But one thing at a time. I have to tell it as it happened. He unzipped the front of the bodysuit then, from neck to crotch and up to my lower back. His hands were inside the suit, stroking me, arousing me. I couldn't see what he would do next, but I was listening intently for any clue. I was still on edge from the previous night's unresolved teasing. He stood beside me. I felt chilly and exposed where the zipper was undone, and I felt the lubricated fingers of one hand working into my rear portal while his other hand stimulated my front. First one finger, then two went in, loosening me for three. I tried to relax and help him. Usually, being nervous is a hindrance, but this time it made me wet in seconds, very ready, and very horny. Of course, I didn't know what was coming; so far it was just another exciting and mysterious bit of bondage. I grasped and squeezed with both openings, my thighs quivering with the tension and my hips grinding in both directions at once. I guess gyrating is the word. A few more minutes and he had me on the edge of an orgasm again, and he stopped. I heard a buzzing noise. Then two buzzing noises. I could feel vibration against both sides of me and knew instantly he had two vibrators. I squirmed halfheartedly, and tried to clench both open- ings, but I knew I couldn't have stopped him. [...and I didn't want to stop him, either, but was ashamed to admit it ... Note from the Future] He continued to penetrate me from both sides at once, until both vibrators were buried deep inside me. Each of them had some kind of stop or flange on the end to prevent them from disappearing completely inside, but he pushed until they were pressed tight against me. I thought he was going to use them to bring me to orgasm, but instead, he held them in me with one hand while he zipped the body suit back up my front to my chin. He put the plastic torso over the bodysuit. I had to wiggle and squirm again to keep from being pinched. He latched it into place, and I heard the familiar rattle of tiny locks. I was getting frantic. The bodysuit gave me something to thrust against, but the critical vibra- tor, the front one, wouldn't touch the right spot no matter how I squirmed. I was being stimulated constantly, but the vibrators could- n't make me climax. Sometimes, I could make it touch my nasty bits, but the vibrators buzzed against the fiberglass like a sounding board. I know he could hear what I was doing. Dimly I became aware that he was unlocking my legs. I could bring them together as much as the torso would allow, but it really didn't help. Then he freed my arms. I nearly fell, but he was ready and caught me and half-carried me into the bathroom where he sat me on the armchair. I helped ease myself down onto the seat, supporting myself by my arms while I tried to settle onto that rear vibrator, not knowing what was going on. By the time I was able to sit I was distantly, through the haze of the building stimulation, aware of him working at my wrists with tape (more electrician's tape), wrapping around and around both my wrists and the chair arms. The same with my elbows, my upper arms, everything. My ankles and my shins were taped to the legs of the chair, a chain locked to both sides of the chair and to the rings on the torso. Something--a belt I think--went around my thighs and the seat of the chair. I was frantic over the vibrators, and almost unaware of what he was doing. I had to partly lift myself with my arms to keep the rear vibrator from becoming uncomfortable, but at the same time I was squirming against the front of the carapace with my sex. He must have worked very quickly. I was completely immobilized in what must have been less than two minutes. The torso kept me from even turning my head. But I was rubbing myself harder and harder against the inside of the torso. Off came the hood. I was strapped into the chair, sitting looking at my out-of focus reflection in the full-length mirror on the back of the bathroom door. He stepped in front of me. He was holding the gag. THAT gag. It barely registered, I was so disoriented. I rolled my eyes up at him, tilting my head as much as I could. I was panting, my breath coming in short gasps, my face flushed. "Wha- What are you doing to me?" I asked, trying to gather my wits. I was becoming more disoriented as the sensations continued to build inside me; without my contact lenses the room looked fuzzy and I felt like I was under water, everything moving in slow motion, but still out of control. He held the gag against my mouth, saying noth- ing. I couldn't think. I just opened up and he put it in. He didn't even bother to buckle it in back. He stepped to the side, revealing my reflection: eyes wild and wide over a mouth held open by the gag in a soundless scream, face framed by a white mane-cloud of platinum hair. The rest of me was a study in textures and shades of black: polished black plastic, black lycra, black leather boots, my upper arms compressed by bands of black electrician's tape. Even my mascara and eyeliner were black against my pale skin. Only my lips were red. My chin was held high in that rigid, regal pose, my neck unnaturally long. Black tape was around my plastic-encased neck, too, holding me immobile against the top of the armchair's back. I was an absolute total knockout. A slight pulsating movement of my thighs and a slight straining of my neck against the high collar and the occasional squeezing shut or fluttering of my eyelids were the only outward signs of the tempest raging inside the torso. And the puffing noises escaping around the gag and through my nostrils. I rolled my eyes to follow his motions. I blinked and tried to focus my myopic attention on him despite what the vibrators were doing to me. I was starting to slide into an orgasm. He stepped behind me; I could see him in the mirror. He smiled in a way that I can only describe as compassionate, and fluffed my hair out with his hands like a hairdresser might have, but he was looking straight into my eyes, gauging how close to orgasm I was. He didn't say anything. He just nodded to himself as though he had made a personal decision when he saw I was ready. He should have said something. I had a right to some explanation, some words, something. My orgasm started even as he was making his decision. There was a pair of scissors in his hand. -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist07.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 7 of 20 The List Column 1 Item 13 Exactly in the middle of my orgasm he took a handful the hair on my forehead and snipped it off. I screamed against the gag. He was cutting my hair off! I strained against everything that was holding me. I heaved against the chair, trying to tip it, the vibrators forgotten in my fear, but I could barely move. I twisted frantically inside the torso, my movements made uncoordinated and spasmodic by the ongoing orgasm. I couldn't even stretch the tape. I could turn my head a few inches to the side, but that was all. I tried to jerk my head away from his hands, but he easily took another snip, again from my forehead. And another. In my panic, I actually forgot about the gag and continued futilely to scream at him to stop, even though I could hear I was just making squealing noises. My heart was racing. How could he do this to me? My orgasm wound down rapidly, leaving behind a near-hysteria. I hadn't really meant this to happen. At all. He worked across my forehead, from my ears forward. I stopped fighting it for a few breaths to try and catch his eye. If he could just see the expression on my face, I thought, he would have to stop. I looked at my forehead in the mirror and went back to futile hysteri- cal struggling when I realized it was too late to stop him. My scalp was showing through; for a distance of three or four inches back from my hairline, my hair was less than a half-inch long. Over my entire forehead, in a line from the fronts of my ears to the top of my head in front, I had a crewcut. He stopped snipping and I tore my eyes from what he was doing long enough to look at the rest of me in the mirror. I was crying. Mascara streaks ran to my chin. Air was hissing through my nostrils like a steam engine, cheeks puffing out, nostrils dilating; my nose was running down to my lips and over the gag, mouth leaking saliva that dripped on the black plastic neck and breasts of the torso. My breath was ragged, my eyes red-rimmed and round. I was making little whining noises through the corners of my mouth around the gag. He smeared shaving cream on my forehead --my new forehead-- and began shaving me with a disposable razor. Funny, the scraping noise of the razor was the only sound I could hear--even my labored breathing faded into the background of my awareness. In shock, I thought, stupidly: "At least it isn't all of my hair," as if it mattered. I can't go out in public the way I am now. It will be months and months growing back. As the razor scraped over my forehead, I became aware again of the vibrators inside me. It had been less than ten minutes since he had put them in, but it seemed so long ago I had nearly forgotten them. I shuddered involuntarily. They didn't feel sexy any more. I just wanted them out. I didn't want another orgasm. I just wanted it to stop, to be undone. He was through. He damp-wiped my forehead and face and fluffed out what was left of my hair. Through a film of tears I could see a totally different person. My forehead was incredibly, impossibly high. Like those old portraits of Elizabeth I of England. My head was completely bare in front of my ears. He removed my gag. I said nothing. There was nothing to say. It was too late. I just stared at myself in the mirror, horrified and quaking, a jumble of conflicting emotions and sensations. He must have cut away the tape, but I just stared at myself, seeing nothing but my forehead. He helped me to my feet and half-carried me to the bed, where he tenderly took off the torso, unzipped the bodysuit, and gently removed the vibrators. They were still going strong. I was in a daze. I didn't even help him when he rolled me over to remove the second vibrator. I don't think I even blinked. I felt ruined. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. The only thing I could think about was my hair. Without the vibrators in me I continued to experience a kind of visceral nervous tremor, like when you get off a lawnmower or a tractor you have been riding all day. My body was thrumming with the sudden absence of vibration. But that didn't matter. Nothing did. "Look at me," he said. I couldn't. I just stared dully at the ceiling, the bodysuit open, my feet in the boots hanging over the foot of the bed. He sat on the bed beside me and turned my chin with his hand. My eyes met his. "I love you," he said. Suddenly my emotions all boiled to the surface. "My God!!! How could you do this to me!!?" I wailed, rolling over and burying my face in the pillows. While I was face-down sobbing hysterically, I felt his hand on my shoulder. "Don't!" I said, jerking away as if I had been shocked. I rolled away from him to the side of the bed and got up, unsteady on the hooker-heels with my legs still strapped together. "Look at what you've done to me!!" I cried, dissolving into tears again as I hobbled to the mirror and turned to face him, fists clenched at my sides. He looked so dismayed at the vehemence of my reaction, I realized he was expecting something completely different from me. "You're beautiful to me. And I'm not going to apologize. I did it because I love you and I am going to make you mine." Strange way of showing it, I thought. "I don't believe this is happening!" "I want to own you. Now I do, more than before. Try to understand that I care more about you than anything else in the world. You are a treasure to me." Right, I thought. Sure. His voice told me he was beginning to worry that he had gone too far. Or too fast. "Yeah, well you just disfigured your treasure," I said bitterly, turning away and looking in the mirror again. I was quite a sight: with the unitard flopping open, I was a slash of white nakedness from the crown of my head to my hairless sex. "No," he said quietly but forcefully. I have never heard him so intense and adamant. "No..." he said again, gently, turning my face to him and looking me in the eyes. "I stripped away more of your digni- ty." Oh great, I thought. Now I get pop philosophy to make it all better. As I said, I was feeling a little bitter. "Doing this makes it easier for you," he went on. "What the hell are you talking about?!" "Dignity and pride obscure our relationship and our sexuality the way a fire is obscured by its own smoke. I didn't disfigure you. I took away some dignity. To me you are more beautiful than ever, because you are almost completely mine. If you want public dignity you can go out in public with a wig. I even have one for you, but you will wear it when I allow it. You will have no private dignity. "You are not disfigured. You are changed. It is important that you understand .... " "I don't believe this," I interrupted. But he went on and on. There was more, but he wasn't connecting with me. It sounded rehearsed. I didn't even listen to most of it, and I wasn't buying it, but on the other hand, now, I can see what he had intended, what he wanted to happen. J has always preferred subtlety as a way of getting what he wants. I know that shaving me doesn't sound subtle, but he would prefer to give me the superficial appearance of freedom if there were hidden chains holding me. Best would be no restraints other than my own fear of embarrassment. Up to now I've had complete freedom to walk around the house and yard, but total inability to go out in public, whether it was chains, weights, lack of clothing, or the plastic torso that kept me home. Now it is my appearance that chains me. In public, my wig chains me, since he can always take it from me. While we lived in Chicago he studied martial arts. He drove an extra hour every Tuesday night to study judo rather than take karate within walking distance. He explained he prefers the "soft way" to force. Somehow it is more satisfying, he says. He is strong enough to overpower me easily, but he would prefer not to use strength and chains except as a temporary technical means to an unfettered but rigidly confined end. Invisible chains may or may not be the stron- gest, but J thinks they are the best, for some reason. Even as I write this down, the words sound unconvincing, and at the time I thought it was a line of bull. I'm still not sure. It was definitely hard to take at face value. I thought he was merely justi- fying what he had done, and that he had in fact done it simply in order to exert control over me. A power trip. But in this regard he has always been something of a mystery to me. He has been in a position to control other people a number of times, [partial professional record deleted] but even then, whenever possible without shirking his responsibilities, he refused to use the authority inherent in his position. He is genuinely more interested in personal self-understanding than in the public trappings of success. His desire for control has always been directed toward himself. So his desire to exert control over me has been a mystery. Unless he regards me as so much a part of him that I fall into a different category than the public. No, that's not it. I don't know. Anyway, his "will to power" (if you read your Nietzsche) is inwardly directed. So calling this a "power trip" for him may be a little unfair. Maybe. And of course it IS on the List. Still, this was one thing I just didn't think he would do. When he suggested it I just laughed and said, "Sure, if I can do the same to you." I was simply thinking of this in a different way than he was. He actually intended to DO this to me; but I, instead of thinking of something I really wanted (enough to trade my hair for), I just thought of a fair retaliation for such a terrible thing. I thought: He wouldn't do that to me because he wouldn't want me to do it to him. The key point I had missed was this: I didn't want to do this to him. But he did want to do it to me. Why? Who knows? In the end I came to the conclusion that he might just mean what he says. He always has in the past. And I like having him in control. It makes me feel safe. But God. My hair! Even just this morning, a week later, I don't know how many times I have thought to myself: "What in God's name have I gotten myself into?!" I've been round and round with myself trying to figure out why he would want to do such a thing, and I have no answer. The only thing I am sure of is that there's a lot more psychology than philosophy behind what he did. I just hope there's no pathology. I sometimes think the inside of his mind must look like a painting by Heironymus Bosch (for that matter, mine does, too). Why he did it wasn't upper- most in my mind at the time, though. My hair was. In fact, at that particular moment I wasn't thinking about anything, just feeling pretty goddamn miserable. Listlessly, I stared at myself in the full length mirror. He stepped in front of me, still holding the damp washcloth. Tenderly, he wiped a smudge of mascara from below an eye and even kissed me. "You are beautiful," he said, "Half a century ago you would have been a great beauty exactly as you are, so don't dismiss your appear- ance just because it is different. If you can't see your beauty, then see this as a new kind of nakedness: a new source of that embarrass- ment that I value so much as a gift." I wanted so much to believe in him, to believe he wasn't crazy. I just wasn't sure. How could he want me like this? The only thing that really touched a part of me was the idea that he wanted to make me his completely. He stepped aside and let me look in the mirror. It was hard to look without bursting into tears again. I looked at my feet in the boots, still chained. The chained wrists rested on my thighs, hands trembling. He reached behind me and rezipped the bodysuit, down my back and between my legs, up my front almost to the top. There was a wet patch between my legs. My eyes followed the zipper to my chin. I looked at my face again. It was genuinely shock- ing to see myself that way. I couldn't help it. Tears flowed and ran down my face again, and my lower lip began to quiver. A pathetic specimen. I turned and looked up at his face. I saw admiration, love, and concern there. I looked back at my shaved forehead. Back at his face. "You can't.... I look so...." I said in a tiny voice. I wanted to believe him so much, but when I looked in the mirror it was so awful. He took me by the shoulders and turned me to face him. "Really," he said, looking straight into my eyes. "To me you are beautiful, and not just because you are mine, but also because you are just plain beautiful." I stood there, still in a daze, my eyes unfocused, my thoughts turned inward. I just wanted reassurance. I wanted to be sure he wasn't weird. At least not pathologically weird. I wanted to know he loved me. I reached up and zipped the front of the bodysuit back down to my waist. It took both hands with my thumbs inside the gloves. "Show me....?" I said, resentful and uncertain. He looked into my eyes and nodded. He picked me up, carried me back to the bed, and sat, holding me in his lap. He took the key from around his neck and unlocked my wrists and kissed each one. He stood me on my feet and knelt to unlock the leg straps and the chains that held on the boots. When he stood and kissed me again, I could feel a tremor of suppressed emotion in his arms. He held me by the shoulders at arm's length and stepped back, just looking at me. I was still ashamed and resentful and wouldn't look up at him. It was approaching sunset and we hadn't turned on any lights yet. The late afternoon sun slanted through the windows, casting shifting leaf-shadows on the wall in the dim light. It was very quiet. He held out the hood. I took it and put it on, bending to tuck the remainder of my hair inside. At least the hood covers my forehead, I thought, and with it on he couldn't cut off any more hair. But I still felt sick inside. A wave of near-nausea swept over me whenever I thought about what he had done to me. He zipped the bodysuit the rest of the way up, and zipped the neck of the bodysuit to the neckline of the bodysuit. He knelt and undid my boots; while I steadied myself on his shoulder he helped me out of them. He stood and did something under my chin to the three zippers where they came together. I could feel with my gloved finger- tips that something joined the zipper of the bodysuit with the neck- line zipper and the one that closed the hood under my chin. (That, I realized, was why he had me get zippers with holes in them, so he could join them somehow). I was enclosed completely except for my nostrils, and I could do nothing to release myself without scissors. The gloves were too clumsy to figure out what held the zippers togeth- er (it wasn't a lock), and I didn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that in the game of "find the scissors first", having to use the thumbless braille method would not give me a very big advan- tage. I didn't even try. I heard him sit on the bed and felt my way to him. He kissed me through the bodysuit and said "I can give you what you ask, but that doesn't mean I will relinquish control of you." He kissed me again, lingering over the mask between our lips. I held my face blindly out toward his kisses. There were still tears leaking out inside the hood. He stroked my body in a way that wasn't exactly nonsexual, but wasn't foreplay either. We leaned on pillows propped against the headboard, his arms around me. I felt safe, protected. As we cuddled in the darkening room, I could tell his attention was completely focused on me, and I felt as though I was enfolded in the center of a private little world, like I was a little kid again, sharing secrets under a blanket. Or an embryo in the womb. But every time I began to relax I would think of my hair. It kept coming back. He made me feel secure and safe, but it was always there at the back of my mind that something was wrong, and back it would come and I would feel sick all over again. I would think: "Why did it have to be my hair?" And then I would start crying again under the hood. "I think I'll keep you like this for a few hours. As a pet," he whispered into my ear. As he stroked me through the lycra, his caress- es became more overtly sexual. There is something especially sexy about the way his fingernails slide over the fabric; when he strokes my sex that way, sliding down my stomach to between my legs, I can't help catching my breath. It's like the good part of being tickled without the bad part that makes me laugh uncontrollably. It drives my breath out and my stomach muscles contract involuntarily. But he stopped. I couldn't read or watch T.V., it was too early to sleep, I couldn't cook, eat, or even walk around very easily. There was nothing I could do in that getup but try and seduce him into taking it off. So what the hell, I tried. I could feel him getting hard as I rubbed my body against him, and I was getting pretty steamy too. But I still hadn't forgiven him. This was the only thing he had ever done to me for which I felt resentment that lasted more than a few minutes. Up to then, anyway. He pushed me back, and said, "I think I'll take a shower." He got up and left me on the bed, and I heard the shower start running. I was still turned on, and I knew he was, too. I felt my way into the bathroom and sat on the closed seat of the john while he took his shower. I had a plan: get the suit wet and he'll let me take it off to dry it. I went and stood at the entrance to the shower. "Hi." he said. "The bodysuit needs washing here," I said, indicating my sex. "And when I cried my nose ran inside this hood. Can I come in?" "Sure." He gave me the soap and I began washing, getting the bodysuit thoroughly soaped and soaked. Thumbless, I had to hold it with both hands. I switched to the shampoo. The hot water made the bodysuit relax and stretch; it felt as though it were melting and loosening on my body. In seconds it wasn't tight at all. Wet, it was a perfect and comfortable fit. I must be a very sensual person, but despite my abysmal mood I got a kind of erotic pleasure out of the feeling of the wet bodysuit moving and relaxing against my skin as I stood soaking under the shower. When I was through, I asked if I could still be his "pet" without the bodysuit. He said no, and gave me a towel. I dried myself as best I could, and he turned on the hair dryer for me to finish after he left. It took forever to get dry. I had to hold it with both hands again, and my hair was still wet under the hood when I finished, but the bodysuit had become a perfect fit, exactly snug and even all over. He had left me there alone in the bathroom, so I felt my way through the bedroom and hall to the living room where I could hear him moving about. Still unused to my hair, I wanted to get the bodysuit off to look at myself again. I was fascinated and shocked by my appearance, the same way I would have been had I seen an Elizabethan hairstyle on someone else. Even more shocked, because it was on me. I wanted to look and I didn't want to look. Fools and angels rushing in and fearing to tread again. I wasn't in pain, though; the bodysuit isn't at all like the gag. It's just disconcerting not to know anything that's going on. And frankly, after a while, the enforced inactivity gets boring. I asked if I could put on something else instead. He said no, but he'd think about it. I didn't really feel desperate enough to beg; besides, I was still resentful enough over what he had done to me that I wasn't going to humiliate myself willingly. On the other hand, the only two things I could do were listen to the headphones and snuggle with J, and I couldn't find the headphones blindfolded. I must have been quite a sight, creeping slowly around the house, holding onto furniture to keep my balance and trying not to break anything while I felt for the headphones. Finally, I tried stretching the hood until I could see through a nostril hole. That was a mistake. He saw me. "I can see the hood isn't tight enough," he said. He went out to the garage. When he came back he took me by the arm and led me into the bedroom. He said "You are going to get what you asked for. The body suit comes off." The List Column 1 Item 14 He did something at my throat and unzipped the collar, separating the hood from the bodysuit. He unzipped the bodysuit from my throat to the center of my back and pulled it down to my ankles in one motion. I was naked except for the hood. I felt him buckle something around my upper thighs one at a time. Then my wrists; he locked my wrists to the sides of my thighs. I know the sound those little locks make by now. I would be able to walk, but I couldn't see and I couldn't reach any- thing with my hands. I was already worse off than before--but he wasn't through. He buckled a collar around my neck. He didn't bother to lock it: I couldn't reach it. Another strap around each leg just above the knee, those connected so I could take only tiny steps--another strap around each ankle--still another at each elbow--yet another around my waist with a wide strap between my legs, forcing my buttocks apart. I remembered that one: he had put it on me once before. This time, though, my elbows were locked to the waistband. A strap across my back, under each arm and over each shoulder, holding my shoulders back and making my breasts jut out unnatural- ly--more than they ever would have even if I were deliberately trying to make them seem big. He snapped still another strap to the back of my collar and buckled it to the back of my waistband, pulling it tight and forcing me to arch my back even more. Strap after strap after strap, and I was constrained more and more. The last clipped to my collar in front, passed between my breasts and through a ring on my waistband, was pulled tight and buckled, pressing the crotch cruelly against my labia, forcing them apart. I almost couldn't move: I couldn't bend over; I couldn't move my arms at all, even my elbows; I couldn't see. But I wasn't in pain. Well, not exactly. I could walk slowly, talk, and sit. Carefully. I didn't even feel safe walking. What if I had lost my balance? I asked just that ques- tion and instantly he put a gag in my mouth, a simple cloth band tied tightly right over the hood, forcing my mouth open. I had never felt so trapped and constrained before. Even begging for a little relief was impossible. But still, I was not in pain. Being locked up and helpless that way was actually extremely erotic for me. It would have been more so if the image of my shaved forehead hadn't continued to wash through my consciousness. Erotic feelings in these circumstances are not something your average mid- westerner will admit, I know. I remember thinking that if only he had bound me this way instead of what he had done to my hair. Always my thoughts returned to my hair. Whenever I thought directly about it my mind shied away, but at the same time my thoughts were drawn toward my forehead like a bird hypnotized by a snake (I know that is an old wife's tale, but it describes what I felt). I still can't think directly about the idea but neither can I ignore it. I am drawn inexorably toward something I try desperately to avoid confronting. It helps to write about it, I guess. Mostly, though, I concentrated on not losing my balance. If I had fallen with my arms locked at my sides .... But J was watching over me. He guided me to the foot of the bed and clipped the front of my collar to something hanging from the ceiling--I couldn't tell what. If I bent my knees, my weight rested on the crotch of my leather "g-string" rather than my neck. Even if I fainted, I would not fall, could not hurt myself. All I could do was stand there. "When I come back, I will remove one restraint. Think about what you will do to get me to remove the next," he said. He left me stand- ing there in the bedroom for what seemed like hours; it may have been only fifteen minutes. I heard him moving around in the kitchen, and I thought. About basics. Is this weird? Yes. Did I still love him? Yes. Did I care if he loved me? Yes. Did I want to end the List? Depends on how bad it was going to get. On the cost of ending it. It couldn't get any worse. There was nothing else he could do that mattered. I knew what was on the List, and was sure none of it was worse than what he had already done to my hair. As long as he stuck to the List. He had forced me to take this latest step, this hair thing. I was gagged and couldn't speak to protest. I would have stopped the List then if I could have. I really would have, even though I had agreed to it. (I actually got an erotic charge out of the act of agreeing to it. I was being daring and sexy when I should have been thinking with something other than my glands.) After, it was too late. It isn't completely my fault; there is some solace to be found in that. And how was he to know that my written fantasies about him shaving me were just fantasies? After all, I agreed to the List. But I was wrong in one thing: it did get worse. The only conclusion I came to was that in the short term I wouldn't think about it. I would go along with what he wanted, and then I would take it from there. That meant the first step was to please him, or at least make him believe I wanted to please him. Hell, I didn't want to please him, I wanted him to own me. Double hell. I don't know what I wanted. When he came back the first thing he did was not to remove a restraint, but to kiss me right through the gag. Gently, he tugged on the pendants dangling from my jutting breasts. I knew from personal experimentation that my nipples readily everted, even though I could- n't see what was going on. He tugged a little more. The feeling was exquisite: intense pleasure coupled with a sensation of not-quite- pain. They were still tender, but fully healed, I think. Before, I would have said that pulling, even the gentlest pulling (he is gentle when it's important) on my nipple rings would have been absolutely verboten. Now, I'm not so sure. He increased the tension on my nipples until my breath quickened: each sharp exhalation/inhalation was separated by a momentary pause, a holding of my breath, a waiting, suspended with no thought except of the tips of my nipples. For some reason, it is important to me that you understand that last paragraph. Exhale. Inhale. Pause with lungs full. Concentrate on nipples. It was a very intense sensation. Try it. Exhale inhale. It hurt more to exhale, so I tried to keep my lungs full. But I had to breathe. Use your imagination. It was intense. Inhaling eased some of the tension on my nipples. The sensation seems somehow to extend deep inside my breasts and to tug directly at my womb. I know there's no physiological basis for this sensation, but it is real. I am sorry J isn't sensitive that way and will never experience that sensation. No, I'm not sorry. Well, yes, I am. I could feel myself getting wet beneath the leather crotch. He took off the gag and kissed me through the hood again. I returned the kiss, pressing my immobilized body against him as best I could. My nipples remained erect and hard. He unhooked my neck from the hanging chain. I fell against him, pressing my body against him deliberately. He caught and held me. I held my face blindly toward his; again he kissed me through the mask. I told myself I was only doing this to get free, but I knew it wasn't true even at the time. I was loving it. I even like writing about it. He eased me back onto the bed where he kissed me again and tugged--a little less gently--on the pendants on my hard, erect nipples. You can't imagine the excruciatingly exquisite feeling of a tug on the very tip your already pebble-hard nipples, a tug that seems to reach into the center of you and send a kind of a lazy electric jolt through your body, stopping your breath and causing an instant flood of warmth and moisture inside you. Or maybe you can imagine. Until then I never had felt it that intensely. Nipple rings are great. He unhooked the strap connecting the back of my collar to the waistband, making the unnatural back-arching posture no longer neces- sary. My shoulders remained strapped together, though and my breasts were still thrust outward. My nipples ached with excitement; they were so stiff the pendants were held out at the very tips: they no longer dangled against my breasts; didn't even touch them when I was stand- ing. My breath became ragged. He lifted me into the center of the bed and laid me on my back. He removed the strap between my knees. He strapped my ankles to the bedposts, my legs held quite far apart, although not to the point of actual discomfort. Then he attached something to my knee-straps that pulled my knees even further toward the edges of the bed. I had never been spread so wide before. I could feel the muscles between my thighs straining under the tension. He knelt between my knees, unbuckled the waistband buckles in front and opened the leather belt, exposing my already-wet sex. He unhooked my elbows from the waistband and unbuckled the strap that ran from the front of my collar to the front of the waistband. Lifting my buttocks, he slid the waistband from underneath me. I was as exposed to him as it is possible to be, my legs spread wide, my breasts jutting, my wrists still locked to my thighs. Carefully, he let his weight settle gently on top of me; he felt like a warm, heavy snowfall blanketing me. I was panting, partly from the near-pain caused by the position of my legs, partly from excite- ment. He unzipped the bottom of the hood and peeled it back to the bridge of my nose, uncovering my mouth. I felt his breath on my face, near-kisses teasing my blind, searching lips. With excruciating slowness, he penetrated me simultaneously, my mouth with his tongue and my sex with his maleness. I was already spasming toward an orgasm. It was hard to reach up to pull him in while in that position, but still I tried to the limits of the strain on my poor suffering inner thighs. He thrust into me, teasing. Deeply into me and out. Long pause. In-out. Pause. Every time he penetrated me my breath rushed out in a sharp exhalation and rushed back as he withdrew. When he paused, my breath held suspended, waiting expectantly for the next penetration. He increased the tempo until my breath was coming in uncontrollable pants that he nonetheless kept timed with his thrusts. My pants merged with ragged moans, the moans with soft cries, the cries becoming louder and louder until our dams burst, together. Timing is all. I subsided into a quivering exhaustion. Gradually, he became limp inside me. It was after a few moments that the most wonderful thing hap- pened. The thing that convinced me that I actually was still attrac- tive--maybe more attractive--to him with my hair that way. He reached up and slipped the hood the rest of the way off, exposing my naked forehead. All thought evaporated from my head. All that was left was the humiliation. I was totally, utterly embarrassed. Even though the evening light was very dim and he couldn't really see me, I turned my head to the side, trying to hide myself. I struggled impotently against the straps holding my wrists to my thighs. But he held my head between his hands and turned me to face him. Tenderly, he kissed my shaved forehead. As he did, I felt him begin to grow again inside me. The feeling was wonderful. To have him already in me, and growing bigger and bigger, until he was stiff and hard again, filling me completely. In those moments I realized that the sight of my shaved forehead was the cause of his wonderful resur- rection. I realized he really did, at an involuntary level and in a way that can't be faked, like the way I now looked. Which was good. At least some small part of this whole scene was good. So I had my third orgasm of the day after all, and all the while, in the back of my mind, was the thought that my new appearance, even though I hated (still hate) it, gave me power. Power over him. -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist08.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 8 of 20 Afterward he washed me, unlocked my legs, and left me on the bed, a jumble of conflicting emotions. He liked--in a deep psychological way--how I looked, I hate it; I wanted him to love me as much as he could be made to, maybe even at the cost I had paid, but if he was as weird as the evening's events indicated, maybe I didn't want him as much as I thought; he had opened a previously unknown (to me) dark inner closet and made himself vulnerable to me in a way that gave me power over him in an odd way (what if I told people what he did to me?). I had wanted to be closer; now I am, but closer to what? To whom? Also, I had given him something no one else would have. It will be hard for him to find anyone else that would give him what he wants, if this is any indication of what he wants. That makes me sort of special, doesn't it? Sort of? I was hungry, though, and in a few minutes I followed him into the living room, my hands still locked to my thighs. On the way I looked in the full length mirror. My hair had dried while it was pressed against my head under the hood. It was slicked straight back on my head; I looked like a sort of nordic Ratso Rizzo; in fact from the front it looked almost like I didn't have any hair at all. I couldn't do anything about it with my hands locked where they were. I wandered into the living room where he had already laid a fire. It turned out he had prepared a light microwave meal while he left me hanging from (well, not really hanging, but attached to) the bedroom ceiling. He lit the fire he had laid, and we sat side by side on the sofa while he fed me dinner in little bite-sized pieces. He caressed me as he fed me, creating a second appetite and teasing me with both the food and his fingers. When we had finished eating, he took out a present for me. It was a thin gold chain that had a clasp on each end. He attached an end to each of my nipple rings; the center hung in a gentle curve between my out-thrust breasts. We both went into the bedroom to admire it in the mirror, and he removed the strap that held my shoulders back, letting my breasts and shoulders assume a more natural posture. The chain was nice, but I still couldn't help thinking about my hair and feeling sick inside. What has he done to me? He had more presents. He took me by the shoulders and stood me facing the mirror, and told me to wait there. My shaved forehead and slicked-back helmet of platinum hair was even less attractive than it had been before I showered in the bodysuit. I wanted to fluff it up or wet it and put curlers in it, or something. Anything. From behind me he produced a wig. It was a huge tangled mane of black hair that reached to the center of my back. Suddenly I looked great. Better, in fact, than I had ever looked in either my natural color or as a blonde. The texture of the hair on the wig was much nicer than mine had ever been, and it was much longer. While I was checking myself in the mirror, turning this way and that, trying to decide if I could pass for normal in public, he came back with another wig, this time a blonde one in the same tangled mane style. Not platinum blonde this time, but a more natural honey blonde. And he had yet another: it was short and nearly matched my original color. I could restyle it until it matched my real hair, he said. Finally, he put leather cuffs back on just above my knees and locked the strap between them that forced me to take small steps; then he unlocked my wrists and told me to shower, wash and dry my hair, and put on my makeup. Afterwards, I was to put on just the stiletto-heeled bimbo boots. Too much was happening at once that evening. He had shaved my forehead. I hated that. I had learned for an absolute certainty that my new appearance turned him on in a way that was nearly beyond his ability to control. I didn't know how I felt about that revelation. Still don't. There were wigs that I could wear so all was not lost: I could still go out in public. But would I fool anyone? Would they be able to tell? The wigs didn't look natural to me, even the one that matched my old hair. The others were just too gorgeously magnificent to be real hair. But then, no one here knows me except a few casual acquaintances at the exercise spa. And most important: did this mean J was weird in the head? Worse, am I weird? What would I be if I found it within myself to toler- ate--even like--my appearance? Remember, I HAD agreed to it original- ly, so there must be something there inside me. In fact, while we were separated he had written about a slave fantasy in which he had shaved my head for some minor infraction of the imagined rules of the scenar- io, and I had responded with a similar fantasy in which I had submit- ted willingly to this treatment, and more. I had originally started to write that letter just because I could see it was something that intrigued J, but as I wrote I found I actually got into the idea of total unconditional submission. But that was as far as it went. It was only on paper and seemed attractive only in an abstract theoretical sort of way. The practical reality was something else. How could I get a job and go to work now? Exercise at the spa? Even go shopping? And in the back of my mind was the ever- present thought that he had said this was the beginning of my punish- ment. What, exactly, did that mean, the beginning...? I wanted to discuss all this with him after I showered, but that had to wait. When I came out of the bedroom, I had dried my hair and put on the boots as he told me. His reaction was instantaneous and unmistakable. He carried me back into the bedroom, unlocked my knees, and made love to me with a renewed urgency. I don't suppose I'll ever know what would have happened if I could have resisted him. I think he would have stopped, but I can't say for sure. He wasn't really vio- lent, but I felt completely helpless when confronted with the intensi- ty of his need. Just seeing me this way had done this to him. I chalked up another orgasm for that day. So did he. Afterward, in bed together, we discussed my feelings about what had happened that day. He is very persuasive. It was clear that while he was satisfied with our relationship before, he was becoming addict- ed to it now. He didn't put in so many words, but I was somehow in the process of trapping him. I admitted some of the same feelings to him, although that day's events had almost cured my addiction. The practi- cal aspects of my hair could easily be dealt with by using a wig, even at a job and while exercising. I could stick with the stair and other exercise machines rather than the aerobics until it grew back. I could wear a short-haired wig and grow my hair into the same style so there would be no conspicuous transition. And he wanted to have me as his own, as his possession, so that there was no question that I belonged to him alone and absolutely. Emotionally, for me, that was a strong argument in his favor. I finally came to the conclusion that my real reservations all stemmed from gut-level emotional reactions to being "different" and the nagging fear that down deep he might be a little weird. But there was also a kind of excitement at being different and having no-one know. And weird or not, he loved me and I thought I could even love him weird. I decided to reserve judgement until we had tried the wig out in public. But I still hated what he had done to me. -*- The next day, we did just that. At the exercise spa, the guy who runs the front desk complimented me on my hair. He thought I'd had it done. The brown wig was shorter and slightly different in color and texture from my old hair. No-one else even commented on the change. That evening, he got out my white knit dress (nothing underneath, naturally, but a pair of bandaids to hide my nipple rings) and I wore the brown wig again. We went to the movies. I had missed "9 1/2 Weeks" the first time it showed, but it was back again and we saw it. I think he planned that especially. I thought it was a silly and juvenile movie. I hate it when I get turned on by something silly and juvenile. We went to an intimate restaurant afterwards. He made me change into the long dark wig in the car before going into the restaurant. I could get to like being wined and dined. It's great, having a real income and living like people for a change. I have always insist- ed that money isn't important to me, but having dinner at a good restaurant and being pampered is a nice change from years of graduate school for J while I worked nights at the hospital, and a house in the country is a definite improvement over a studio apartment in Chicago. At dinner, we talked about the List and how I felt about it. He drove home the point that he felt "joined" to me by all this, more so than before. As he talked about it, I realized we were doing things together that set us apart from all the other people around us in the restau- rant. I looked around at them and suddenly J and I had a wonderful private very special secret together, and these people around us were going to go home and be ordinary for the rest of their lives. But at our table.... At our table there was something scandalous, wicked and sexy just under the surface; I wasn't wearing a thing under my dress but bandaids and nipple rings. If they only knew, I thought. All this was hidden from them only by the thinnest facade; a fraction of an inch of material. I felt I was living dangerously. I felt I should brighten up their lives a little. Maybe take off my wig and leave it as a tip. Didn't someone say that scandal is merely a compassionate allowance which the gay make to the humdrum? I think it was Oscar Wilde. (Hey, you should see the video version of "Salome." You know it was that play that got him in very hot water with victorian England? It is pretty raunchy, but fun when you think of the furor it must have caused.) Still, (back at the restaurant) I had misgivings. At least he understood them, and the further we went despite them was a measure of the strength of our joining. Talking about it that way in public was a kind of a turn-on, too, in a funny way. It made me feel that we were so very different from the people around us, except for the thinnest veneer of behavior and dress-- just enough that they hadn't quite noticed yet. I know, I'm repeating myself, but it is a new feeling to me, and I like it. I never felt daring before. It was almost as if we were doing something outrageous right there among the other patrons. By the time we had gotten home that night, I had decided. J had said that when he shaved my forehead it was the watershed of this thing we were doing, but for me, that evening at dinner was the moment when I made my first conscious decision to plunge in headfirst and voluntarily begin the descent into this other side of my sexuality. Fuck 'em I thought. And fuck Indiana, too. It wasn't even really a decision, rather a voluntary relaxation of resistance, a letting go. What the hell, why not? Where have I heard that before? Not that I haven't resisted--even rebelled--since, but after that evening I fought against him as a matter of form, almost as a ritual. My resistance lacks sincerity, and I rebel only by deliberately feeding my own fears and letting them show, giving J my fear and embarrassment as gifts rather than letting them rule me. It is a strangely liberating experience to use and even enjoy my own fears; to be afraid and still plunge ahead recklessly, always secure in the knowledge that J is there and will keep me safe even though he is the ultimate cause of my fears. There is a fundamental contradiction here somewhere, I know. Again, if (despite the contradiction) you think I'm not making sense, just remember that nothing makes sense. Where is it written that anything has to make sense? Wouldn't it be awfully boring if everything made sense? When we got home, we went into the living room, flopped down on the sofa, and kicked off our shoes. He put his arm around me and sat looking into the ashes in the fireplace. The time had come for me to tell him my answer to his unasked question. I got up and went into the kitchen. I ran some warm water in a basin and brought it back, putting it on the floor in front of him. I could see a question on his face, but I put a finger on his lips to silence him and went into my bed- room. There, I stripped, fixed my makeup, and put on my leather collar, ankle, and wrist cuffs. As a last touch, I put on my nipple pendants and the thin gold chain connecting them. Then I smeared my forehead with shaving cream and brought a towel, razor, and mirror into the living room, where I settled on my knees in front of him. I began shaving the stubble off my forehead. When I was through, I didn't look up at him: I kept my eyes lowered and waited with my hands in my lap. He took my hands and stood, lifting me to my feet. Together we went into the bedroom. I'm going to leave the rest of this one to the imagination. He likes the Elizabethan look, though. I'm convinced. -*- I decided to wear a wig all the time after that. Of course he takes it off when he wants it off. But it's best if he doesn't grow accustomed to (read bored with) my new appearance. The visual impact is an important asset for me: it buys an instant and almost involun- tary erection from him. I like that. He has told me to keep my forehead shaved, just like I keep my pubic hair depilated. He told me not to use depilatory on my head since he didn't know what the cumulative effect on hair follicles was. That gave me pause to consider: the time between depilation has been increasing. Am I damaging my hair follicles Down There? Anyway, every day I brush my hair back out of the way and shave my forehead along with my legs and underarms. More daily maintenance. The following day I wanted to give him a special surprise. First thing in the morning, I asked him to lock my chain back on (the one around my waist and between my legs), and he let me have the car keys to go into town. I went to the local costume rental place in town, where I bought some body paint and other stuff, and to an oriental import house that sells cheap Indian body jewelry: silver plated necklaces, belts, toe rings, bell earrings, etc. They will go with the harem outfit. That afternoon, I fulfilled another fantasy. I spent the hours after lunch preparing myself. One of the fantasies that I had written to him about involved me as a kind of forest goddess (sounds hokey, I know) that has green skin and tatoos of vines growing all over her body. I covered myself (hair, too, blow-dried) with green food color- ing (quite a job, that) and finished up with body-painting honeysuckle vines growing up both legs, wrapping around my body, twining in spirals on my bum cheeks and breasts, encircling my nipples and growing around my neck and in tendrils around my arms, completely covering me. I even had vines winding up the sides of my face to merge with my eyebrows. It took me over two hours to get myself ready. I finished at sunset and turned on some of the exotic dance music. Wearing nothing but my garnet pendants, I danced for him. I did a kind of hip-grinding combination of exotic dance and the strip-tease moves on one of the tapes he got, but there was nothing to strip off. It won't do any good to try and describe the way I danced. Suffice it to say that I shook a lot more than my pendants at him, and finished up taking his clothes almost completely off while I danced. He was turned on enough that he didn't mind helping me a bit there at the end. I ended up with him deep in my mouth and we both lost track of exactly when we made the transition from dancing to lovemaking. J had two orgasms again. All I had to do was bring up the subject of my forehead and how embarrassed I was over it and how I wasn't sure he would like my forest goddess idea with a shaved forehead and all. Downcast eyes and an embarrassed hand over my forehead and he was off and running again. Afterward, the bed was a total mess (so were we). Green food coloring and body paint and various precious bodily fluids were all over the sheets. When we showered together to wash off the mess we ended up making love again on the shower floor, both of us all covered with soap. I think three in one evening for J is a record of some sort. I know I set a "personal best" record. We sat up and rinsed while seated/sated in the steamy shower, too exhausted to get up. Finally he turned off the water. We sat in a delicious kind of daze for what must have been five or ten minutes, the only noise was the water dripping from the shower head and our own breathing. I mustered the strength to kneel, and I covered him with body conditioner; I like the feeling of tending to him. Then I covered myself in the most entertaining way I could manage. When we got out of the shower I helped him to towel off the excess conditioner; he was ready for an encore, and we could probably have gone again it we had put our minds to it. But neither of us wanted to. I think the quality declines after that many orgasms. I don't exactly know how many I had--some of them kind of merged together and who's counting anyway. There are only two possible numbers where orgasms are concerned: Not enough, and enough. We'd had enough. I got his bathrobe and slippers for him and then put on the fitted white muslin outfit. We sat and cuddled for the rest of the evening, cooking and eating two of those great prepared microwave dinners between cuddles. They're probably 98% cholesterol and 2% preservatives, but they taste great. We fell into bed at 9:30 we were so tired. -*- The next evening we were getting ready to go out for dinner again and talking about this slave/master thing we are doing. He had bought a white dress and some sandals for me and I was trying them on while I told him that I was getting into this bondage thing but that there were still some aspects that I couldn't handle, the main thing (after my hair) was that we walk the edge of the ridiculous. I fantasize about really calling him "Master" and taking an even more seriously submissive role, but don't think I could handle the reality without laughing. Images of Nazis in white boxer shorts and black ankle-high socks dance uncontrollably through my head. J had a solution. "We need a new protocol," he said, and began to remove the dress I had just put on. "You can start now just by NOT calling me by my first name, and by making a habit of keeping your eyes lowered. Whenever you speak or answer a question you will preface your words with a phrase like: 'If it pleases you ....' We'll start with that for a while and see how it goes. Of course, I'll punish you for mistakes. You will have to figure out what forms of address you can use without laughing, because the biggest mistake you can make is laughing. Once the habit is established, it won't be a cause for nervous laughter. Do you think you can handle that?" I thought about it, not paying attention while he got a paper bag out of the closet. Three rules: No first names, lower the eyes, and say 'If it pleases you.' And the fourth rule: no laughing about the first three. "I think so." "So?" He was looking at me, waiting. I realized what he meant and after a moment of confusion I lowered my eyes. There was a pause while he continued to wait. "If it pleases you," I said. I don't know why, but lowering the eyes is a great help. Maybe it is easier for the imagination to work without eye contact. We know each other too well, and not having eye contact puts some distance between us. I might have laughed out of embarrassment then if I hadn't had my eyes lowered. Well, it was a start. The dress he had gotten me was several layers of sheer white cotton, midi length with long sleeves and a high neckline, lots of buttons in front. But after I had put it on, he had taken it off again. "Just stand there," he said. He took a roll of white plastic cord out of a paper bag and knelt by my ankles. Finally I noticed we were doing more than getting me dressed. "What are you doing? I mean, if it pleases you, what ...?" "Just stand there," he repeated. I stood. He untied the straps of my new sandals. They are the kind that wrap around the ankle several times in a crisscross pattern and then tie further up the calf. He tightened them until they were cutting into my skin, and tied the loose end of the roll of white plastic cord to the top. It is that colored plastic leather substitute that boy scouts use when doing crafts, weaving key rings and belts and such. I think they call it gimp, or gymp or something. He began wrapping the stuff tightly around my leg in a spiral. He spiraled up my body and out one arm, where he tied it off and then did the same thing on the other side. Then he spiraled up the first leg in the opposite direction, making a crisscross pattern. It was very tight. He continued, wrapping me over and over, until my entire body was covered in a tight webbing of the stuff. Every time a roll ran out he pulled out another, white again, and tied them together. He was careful to keep the arrangement symmetrical, left side a mirror image of the right. He wrapped a flanged vibrator into my vagina. The webbing slipped off when I moved so he superglued it back onto the vibrator. He didn't turn it on, though. After a while I began to feel very weird. I was free to move, but I felt ... contained. No matter what I did, moving or not, I could feel the pull of the webbing. I felt awkward, as though every movement I made was being opposed or deflected by some- thing. Like being under water with currents or something. He worked around my breasts so that when he was through they were flattened and crisscrossed and held against my chest. Only my nipples protruded, bulging out between the strands, pendants dangling. Then he put my dress back on and took me out to dinner. From the outside I looked pretty good: A blonde (I was wearing the long honey blonde wig) in a semi-diaphanous cotton dress. No boobs at all to speak of. White leather sandals. The wrapping didn't show anywhere. A close observer might have noticed that my sandal straps were tight, but there were no close observers. We went to an Italian restaurant, but an expensive one. I walked slowly, sat carefully, and ate sparingly. Even so, I spilled wine, water, and food all over the place. I wish it hadn't been Italian food and red wine. It was a new dress. The waiter didn't say anything, but I really made a mess. Back at home, he cut away the strands holding the vibrator in. He had used separate strands for the vibrator so that cutting them didn't loosen the rest. He made love to me. I'm not going to tell you it was the best lovemaking I had ever had, but it was definitely an interest- ing experience. I never would have thought it would be. I imagine that you probably are wondering what was the point? I don't know, but he does good things to me, and I don't need a point. It is a little like art, I guess. It was just there. Because. I kind of like being a blank canvas. After, as I lay panting on the bed, spread out flat on my back and feeling as though I had fallen from a great height, he took some bandage scissors and cut the strings one at a time, slowly. Then he untied my sandals. All in all, a very satisfactory evening. I have no idea why, but there it is. -*- Several days ago, he brought home a modem for his computer and showed me how to log onto his work account to access the rn news network. This is completely new to me. I have started reading the entries under some of the headings like rec.arts.erotica and, although I haven't posted anything. Apparently I'm a "lurker." Or at least I will be until he posts this entire document and you read this. Jeez. I'm talking to people now. Hi, people. Two questions occur to me. seems to be the most sincere news discussion group about sex. The little boys in remind me of a lot of farm boys back home in Indiana. They weren't getting any there, either. When they boast about their exploits, it reminds me of the line from Lao Tzu: Those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak. (Will ya listen to me? I may well be writing the longest autobio- graphical posting in history. But it doesn't matter if I speak, because I DO know. Maybe not everything, but some things. And besides, I have no choice other than to write this. "He made me do it.") I'm sure many of you that post in actually do the things you write about, but some of you seem to have lost the essence of what I am doing with J. Maybe I'm wrong, but some of you seem to have become technicians, going on about the relative merits of handcuffs and leather cuffs. Others are advice-givers. Others enjoy shocking their readers with their tales and comments. Others are almost politi- cal ("what will we call ourselves/will society ever accept us ..."). These seem to be displacement activities. Am I right? My first question: I have just started to explore this stuff; it occupies me almost full-time right now. Will it become so mundane and familiar for me that I, too, will get into the 'lore' of bondage and take up these displacement activities? Like writing this account, you ask. Hmmm.... Question two: I have often thought of what I would do if I could go back to the moment when I lost my virginity and do it over again--take more control and do it right--with the right person. I was more concerned with enduring it than experiencing it. Youth is wasted on the young, my grandfather used to say. But now I am losing another kind of virginity. I don't want to look back with regret and wish I had done it right. Of course by the time you read this, it'll be too late for advice, but it's a question I can still ask: did we do it right? Post an answer. I'll read it, promise. This is new to J, too. I don't know what I could have done differently to control what happened. I suppose voluntary submission is a kind of limited control. Sex the old way certainly is boring. 'Vanilla,' you call it. I like that. New usage. Will we run out of interesting things to do and then be back where we started? Will this path I have taken escalate to an ultimate boredom? Another question: who was Saltgirl? I liked her, but she seems to have stopped posting. She seems sensible. Probably a midwesterner. So anyway, a big hello to all you happytime hardcores out there in leatherland, with special regards to Ctan, STella, Elf, and Saltgirl, wherever you are. Maybe some day I'll join the out-of-the-closet gang. The hell I will. I don't know who reads this stuff. Maybe my future boss. -*- The next day we were showering and J was 'preparing' me for sex again the way he almost always does when we are showering together, by covering me with skin conditioner and exploring every orifice until I was eager to have him inside me in any way he chose. Without actually saying so, I have signaled in every nonverbal way possible that I was prepared to have sex in the one way we have never had it. When his fingers were deep between my buttocks, inside me, I would squirm against him, trying to push his fingers deeper. I actually feel pleasure when he does this to me, and the responsive noises I make indicate my sensations clearly, but he has never pene- trated me ... that way. I have arrived at the conclusion he was toying with the idea but that it repelled him somewhat. I must admit that my fascination with the idea was tempered with a certain amount of apprehension: I had never had anything that big inside me there. Also, I am perhaps overly hygienic in my approach to sex. I like to be clean before and to wash after. The preparation and the postcoital rituals are important to me: he almost always leaves me a little excited afterward, no matter how sated I was during, so cleaning up afterwards is an erotic experience. The odor of soap evokes a more erotic response in me than the various secretions our bodies make. It's conditioning, I guess. Anyway, I think the hygienic aspect might still be what bothers us both most, even now. So while we were showering I made a tentative suggestion. It was very difficult to bring up this subject for the first time. ASB'ers probably already know that. "You must know that I get tremendously turned on when you do that," I said, trying to approach the subject obliquely. Which was difficult, considering that I was near orgasm and he had a number of fingers deep inside various parts of me. He didn't answer. "If you want me ... that way ... I could clean myself. Inside, I mean." He still didn't answer. "If it would please you," I added. We both got more interested in other things at that point and further discussion had to wait until later. I have worked in internal medicine, and prepped patients for rectals before. I explained. Not all the gory details, but enough so that he knew that I knew what to do. "I hadn't even thought-" he said. But the thought had obviously taken root. For the rest of the week, in the back of my mind was the thought of what would come later. -*- I took a chance making that suggestion. You see, this whole thing is something of a game. I can't seem too forward when I suggest an innovation like that. He must take the lead and I must follow. Reluc- tantly. And it is best for me when I can resist what he does to me, even though I may secretly want it. That way the responsibility is his. He has to believe that I am going along against my will, at least to some extent--which has always been true up to now. He gets me so turned on that I want to go forward despite a certain amount of trepidation about what he will do to me. I am always afraid, but ready to do the next item on the List, even though I don't know what it is. It is only after he has started that I sometimes chicken out, even though I agreed to it when we made up the List. But by then it is too late. Still rushing in and fearing to tread. In fact, today, having settled down a bit, I can even look back on when he shaved my forehead with an equanimity that borders on sensuality. He must know by now that I have come to like what he is doing to me. I am becoming addicted to him. But I have to walk a tightrope for both of us. He would lose interest if I gave in too easily. I have to fight it all the way. So we have these three silly rules just so I can break them so I can be punished. Except that when he thinks I have transgressed deliberately the punishment is much worse. He always makes me regret it. Like this last time. He walks a tightrope too: he always makes a time come when I myself don't know if I want him to stop. After that, sometimes, I genuinely want him to stop, but he never does. And if he did, I would be disappointed afterward. I knew when we made up the List there would be some things that I would want to stop, but I also knew intellectually that nothing on the List could actually hurt me. There seems to be a lot of discussion on ASB about safewords. I think I get more of a thrill working without a net. That's not true: the List is my safety net, and I to hang onto that rather than a safeword. I'd have to trust J either way, safeword or List, but the List allows me to feel I have no net. I think a safeword would spoil it for me somehow, although it sure would make life easier for J. He watches me like a hawk. I like that. But he watches for real intolera- ble pain, not just what I don't like. There's a grey area at the edge of the limits set by the List. That's the terra incognita where we play. He stays within the limits of the List, but takes liberties insofar as the List and common sense let him. Maybe a safeword is better. We're new to this and haven't really run into any genuinely harmful situations yet. I have a sneaking suspicion that my presumptuous suggestion in the shower is what earned me the rest of my punishment, even though he later acted on the suggestion. If I get too forward, he takes control again by doing something else awful to me. Remember the "rest of the punishment?" Shaving my forehead was just the beginning? Well, it would have come eventually anyway. -*- The smell of neatsfoot oil has become a turn-on for me. My next punishment began with the leather straps. I don't need to describe again how he immobilized me, except this time he left the strap between my knees off so I could take normal-sized steps. My arms and shoulders were still strapped back so that my breasts were unnaturally prominent; strapped so far back that the chain between my nipple rings was taut. He told me to follow him out to the garage, where he showed me the contraption that he had kept covered with a sheet. It looked like a wooden sawhorse--in fact he called it a horse--except that there were two horizontal parts side-by-side instead of the usual one, and they were separated by a space. And in the middle, on either side of these pieces, were two blocks of wood shaped to form a tiny, smooth, wooden saddle, also split down the middle by that same space. The whole was sanded and varnished quite expertly. He let me see it. That was all. Then he took me back to the bedroom, put the hood on me, and locked my collar to a chain attached to the bedpost. I had to sit on the edge of the bed and wait, listen- ing to him move around the house, wondering what he was doing, and what the "horse" gizmo was for. Finally, he led me into the living room where he hooked the shoulder straps to something overhead, and my ankles to something that held them apart; blindfolded, I couldn't tell what. I also couldn't fall, and I couldn't bring my legs together. He unbuckled the crotch strap and I felt him begin to insert something into me. I squirmed against it, but it was only a token squirm. I knew he had control. Besides, it wasn't particularly large and didn't hurt, although I could feel it was hard. It was well lubricated and completely pain- less. I assumed it was a dildo. He did the same to my rear opening. I squirmed harder against this second intrusion, but I was already getting turned on by the first and ended up voluntarily relaxing enough to accept the second device. He pushed the two deep into me and held them, and I stood there, hooded, docile. I felt something heavy brush between my legs. I didn't know for sure, but from the noise and the prelude, I expected it to be the horse. He told me to sit. Slowly. As I did so he manipulated the dildos inside me into position. I didn't know what he was doing at the time, but I soon learned that he had slipped the ends of the dildos into the slot in the seat of the horse and clamped them tightly (with a wrench) into place with bolts that pulled the two parallel horizon- tal pieces together to hold the dildos immobile. Once he began remov- ing the hood and the other restraints, I also found that the two dildos were nearly touching deep inside me, separated only by the floor of my vagina and the anterior wall of my rectal cavity. When he was through I was completely unfettered: not a scrap of leather anywhere on my body. Even my hands were free, for what good it did me. The dildos were rounded and smoothed wooden dowels, each covered with a condom to make it comfortable (and splinter-free, thank God). They were clamped into position so that even if I tried to stand up they wouldn't slip out. No matter how I moved, I couldn't get off the horse without causing myself pain, maybe even damage. Yet there were no visible restraints. "What have you done to me?!" I asked in an unsteady voice. I looked around me, twisting as far as I could to see what he had done, becoming increasingly nervous and uncertain. I felt over the device that held me seated. The bolts were far too tight for my fingers to budge them. I ran my shaking hands over both places where the dildos disappeared into me; they were far too firm to be shifted. I wasn't uncomfortable so long as I didn't try to move, but I had no choice about getting free of the thing. I had to sit there and wait for what came next. He told me he wouldn't free me until I had an orgasm while he watched. With my hands free, I was able to masturbate, but it was really embarrassing, sitting there in the middle of the room. To the casual observer I would have looked like a naked woman sitting astride a simple wooden sawhorse. Admittedly, a naked platinum blonde elizabe- than woman with no pubic hair and a chain connecting her nipples, but even so, you wouldn't have known that I couldn't get up. I really tried masturbating, but I just couldn't get into it. On the horse, I just couldn't make it work. He stood in front of me, hooked his finger under the chain between my nipples and pulled me gently but firmly toward him. The horse would let me lean just so far. My nipples stretched out to points in front of me. "Try again," he said, "harder." I was in too delicate a position to resist him, and he knew it. I tried again, harder. I still could- n't. He put the hood back on me, and strapped my wrists to my thighs again, and my shoulders back in that unnatural position. I waited. When he took the hood off again, there was a small end table in front of me. On it were a pair of scissors, a basin of water, shaving cream, a towel, and a razor. "Oh no, please!" I said. "I will do anything! Not the rest of my hair!" He didn't answer. "I'm sure I could climax if you just let me try again..." No response. "Master! I can call you Master now," I babbled. "I was waiting to tell you! Truly! I can really do it! No problem!" He knew I would have said anything to stop him, although my last plea caught his attention, I could tell. He gave me an appraising look and shook his head almost sadly as he picked up the scissors. It's no good begging when he's like that. I let out one last whimpering cry as he stepped forward to begin. "Please? Master?" I whined, my voice breaking and dissolving into a kind of hiccuping crying sob. He kissed me gently on the forehead and started cutting right away, with no nonsense or teasing. I let out a cry that sounded like I was in pain when he took the first cut. I was crying openly, just saying "No, please, no, please, please, please, don't, please..." over and over. I could see my hair falling on the floor around me as he cut it away, but I didn't even try to resist. I suppose I could have twisted my head from side to side or something, but he would have won in the end. This time there was no mirror for me to see myself in, and I was grateful. He lathered my entire scalp with the shaving cream and went to work shaving my head while I whined and blubbered in frustration and tugged ineffectually against the straps holding my wrists to my thighs. I had figured that maybe my bangs didn't need to grow out to the same length as the rest of my hair in order for me to be present- able in public. I had figured maybe I could do something with a bandanna. Now it will be half a year before I can go without a wig. He damp-toweled my scalp and kissed me on the mouth, muffling my near-hysterical whimpering. "My God but you're beautiful," he said. "Now for the finishing touch..." That focused my attention and stopped my crying immediately. "Finishing touch?" I thought, "what's left to do to me?" -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist09.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 9 of 20 The List Column 1 Item 15 He mixed some of my cream bleach--the kind for bleaching facial hair-- and put it on my eyebrows. I had forgotten about them. They were plucked thin enough as it was. They will be invisible now, I thought. I was right. They are invisible. Which, of course, is what he wanted. At least he didn't shave them off: I could dye them back later. He left me sitting there while the bleach did its work. When he came back and wiped off the bleach it was near dusk. He cleaned away some runny mascara and dried tears too. I had stopped crying and had time to think about what he had done to me. Somehow, it wasn't as traumatic as the first time. I will have to wear a wig. So big deal, I had to wear a wig before. I can dye my eyebrows back or even just darken them with mascara. Otherwise no-one need know that my body is completely hair- less. I am really no worse off than when he had shaved just my fore- head: I had to wear a wig then, I still have to wear a wig. Shaving my forehead was really the big step. Everything after that was inconse- quential--just finishing an unfinished item on the List. I guess what really bothers me now is not that I have to wear a wig to go out in public. It is that I am now completely bald. I felt (still feel) so NAKED without a wig or anything to cover me. I think that really was the last shred of my dignity. While he left me sitting on the horse I just stared into space as I thought these thoughts. No, that's not true. I wasn't even thinking, just staring. He used a wrench to loosen the bolts that clamped the dildos in place. I continued to sit and stare, and he gently slipped out the two devices that had held me to the horse. When he helped me stand I instinctively wouldn't look up at him--not because I was still playing the slave role, but because I was ashamed of the way I knew I looked. Remember, I didn't even have any eyebrows anymore. You don't get any more naked than that. He took me by the elbow and led me through his bedroom to the bathroom. On the way through I glanced at the full-length mirror, but he had covered it with a sheet. The bathroom mirror was covered too. He started a shower and we stepped in. He was gentle with me--although he didn't unlock the cuffs that held my wrists to my thighs. I wanted so much to cover myself; I tried to turn my face to the side as though I could hide. He washed all the makeup off my face and soaped me from head to toe. When I rinsed off, the sensation of the shower on my bald scalp was a surprise. Tingly; it's a nice sensation, but I was in no mood to enjoy nice sensations. I still couldn't make myself look at him, nor could I imagine he could enjoy looking at me, but he was obviously--prominently--interested. He covered me with handfuls of conditioner, again from head to toe, and told me to do the same to him. I couldn't understand what he meant, since he knew my hands were cuffed to my thighs. "How?" I asked. Long pause. "I mean, would it please you to unlock my hands?" I had almost forgotten. Shaving my head had kind of shocked me out of my role. "Your body is completely covered with conditioner. Use your body." So I did, rubbing myself against his front, sliding my legs between his, sliding my backside against him, and asking him several times, "Would it please you to put more conditioner on me?" As I rubbed my breasts against his back and then his erection I could tell he was extremely ... ready. I know you probably think this was dis- gustingly servile groveling, rubbing myself all over him, especially after what he had just done to me. At this point I felt I had crossed the line between dignified slavery and genuine degradation. I didn't care. Suddenly he spun me around and held me to him and kissed me. He was really turned on and poured a lot of barely-controlled emotion into those kisses. He guided me out of the shower, and instead of drying us off, he led me straight into the bedroom and literally threw me onto the bed, soaking wet and still dripping with body conditioner. Without preamble he was on top of me and inside. No foreplay, no nothing. He ravished me. It sounds old-fashioned, I know, but there's no other way to describe it. It's not that he was out of control, but my appearance was driving him wild. At one moment I sensed that he tried to slow down and exert his usually excellent control over the timing of our orgasms, but he failed utterly. We slithered and slipped against each other, and it felt like the smooth sensitive skin around my depilated mons extended over my whole body to form one big eroge- nous zone. In just a couple of minutes--long before I was ready--he came uncontrollably in huge thrusting shuddering gasps. He collapsed onto me, his face slithering into the hollow between my neck and shoulder. To tell the truth, despite the embarrassment at my appearance, even despite not having an orgasm, I derived a genuine sense of warmth (power?) from the fact that I could make him lose control that way, and I knew that it was my totally hairless appearance that did it to him. I had to imagine how I looked: practically featureless. He had made me into a doll, an undressed department store mannequin, with no hair anywhere. Except that mannequins at least have makeup painted on. Perhaps rather than a mannequin, I looked like an unfinished prototype for a female android (gynoid?). I flashed an image of myself as a kind of sex object/appliance. A sort of real-live plastic inflat- able love-doll, designed for only one function: to satisfy my owner. I dreaded looking in a mirror, but was nonetheless curious. I was just beginning to get turned on by this sense of power and the really sexy feeling of our slippery bodies against each other when I realized his breathing had returned to normal and he was shrinking inside me. I remember thinking that two thousand years ago, real slaves probably got used like appliances too. He lifted up his head and looked me in the eyes. "What are you feeling?" he asked. "If it pleases you, I was thinking I would like you to hold me and touch me and tell me that I'm not ugly." [Note from the future: I couldn't write this at the time because J would have read it and known he was being manipulated, but: getting him to touch my bald head was a deliberate exertion of the power I knew my appearance gave me over him.] "But I'm touching you all over right now--as much as it's possi- ble to touch," he said. "I meant ... my head. I'm so ashamed of the way I look ... I'm scared by all this." He touched my head while I kept my eyes carefully lowered. He didn't have to tell me he thought I was beautiful: I felt him stirring within me almost immediately. Within a minute I was on my way to a terrific orgasm, made all the more terrific by this sudden vision of myself as a kind of sex-machine that felt nothing, but drove him wild. I kept my face immobile and hid all outward expression of emotion while I squeezed him tightly and ground my hips against him the way I imagined such an appliance/being would. All the while, though, I was secretly building to one humdinger of a climax. I really tried to suppress the first one, and I think I was successful: I kept up the rhythm in my hips right through it without making a sound. I lost control on the second one, though. It was as though he made me have an orgasm despite myself. Although I am almost never noisy during sex, my breathing grew hoarse and merged with involuntary moans that got louder and louder until there was this other person in the room panting and crying out in near hysteria and it was me. I rolled my head back and forth and spread myself extra wide to pull him deeply inside me. He lifted my legs up onto his shoulders and plunged into me, filling me up. Right in the middle of his orgasm, I reached the peak of mine and for some daft reason I threw my legs apart, my feet in the air. I don't know why, because it didn't feel any better, just different. I just kept going and going, and so did he. I was moaning and babbling incoherently, nearly having convulsions. I planted my feet on the bed and pushed up, lifting him with my hips and opening myself as fully as I could for him. Finally the exertion drove the breath out of me and I could no longer make any sound beyond faint squeaks every time he thrust. I went passive and limp, no longer capable of any action at all. Finally, he came to a shuddering halt and collapsed onto me a second time. It wasn't the very best sex I had ever had, but it was in the top ten and it certainly was the most exhausting. I was absolutely de- stroyed. It seems it is always different. This time, I simply couldn't move. I felt I had been used. And used up. "Rode hard and put up wet" as the Indiana farm boys say. Somehow, being used by J didn't bother me. He isn't insensitive, and he doesn't "use" me like that as a habit. In fact, I got kind of a thrill out of being used without regard to my own needs. That's not the way I would want it all the time, but now and then it can ... do things to me. Anyway, it was a long time before either of us could do anything other than breathe like steam engines. After he rolled off of me we both drifted off to a near-sleep. I roused myself first and took another shower. The shower knob is chest-high for me. Fortunately, it is started with a lever you have to push up on--otherwise I wouldn't have been able to reach it with my wrists bound to my thighs. I just stood there soaking under the water until he joined me. We stood together under the stream of water for a while; he went and got the key to my wrists and the leather straps fell to the floor of the shower. I think the water and conditioner had stretched them anyway. They had stained my wrists yellow-brown. When we started toweling off, I remembered my head. He had bound my wrists and covered the mirrors to stop me from seeing or even touching my scalp, so I asked for permission. "If it pleases you, could I touch my head now?" He thought about it and said yes, but I still couldn't look at myself in the mirror. I was almost afraid to touch myself there. I ran my hand over the top of my scalp. I was (am) smooth as the proverbial baby's bottom. I didn't have a mirror, but I looked into his face as I felt my head. You may find it hard to believe (I did), but after that one gesture, just touching my head, he wanted me again. I could see him rising and neither of us really even wanted sex again. It's almost like an aphrodisiac with him. I knelt and took him in my mouth, and within seconds he was rock- hard and ready for a third round. I would almost have preferred to give him a third orgasm orally, I was so exhausted, but I'm not sure I would have had the strength for that either. Fortunately, before we really got started again he stopped me. "Wait," he said, "lets give it a few more minutes..." I stopped, but he was seriously horny again. I think his psychol- ogy is stronger than his physiology. I sprinkled talcum powder on both of us and spread it around. His erection didn't subside. When I put talc on my naked scalp he went and got my wig--the long black one-- from his bedroom and told me to put it on. I don't think he could take the sight of me like that any more. This is a new thing for me, and will take some getting used to: the right kind of submission can bring a new kind of power. By paying very close attention to his reactions and needs, I can learn by experiment the kind of submissive behavior that he wants. It is clear that the control I can exert on him by behaving in just the right way is subtle, but nonetheless nearly as great as the control he exerts over me. Perhaps this is something that I should not be writing, since he will read it, but it is something I think will bring us closer if he understands it. [Note from the future: the next few paragraphs are edited and expanded heavily from the original. My manipulation of his reactions, had he understood them completely at the time, would have interfered with our relationship. Now that we are finished with Column 1 and I control this document, I can make these changes.] The next few moments taught me the value of not over-using that control. "If it would please you, I could put my makeup on now," I said. I think he saw the interruption as a welcome distraction from an impend- ing (but premature and exhausting) third session of lovemaking. That was what I wanted him to think. With appropriately downcast eyes, I promised not to remove my wig or try to look at myself in a mirror if he would allow me to bring my makeup into his bathroom. I have to use a small mirror to put on my makeup, I said, but he could watch me and make sure I didn't sneak a peek at my head. Besides, I had my wig on. There is a small table in his bathroom. I put my makeup box on it and looked in it for my small hand mirror. He had removed it. The mirrors in my bathroom had been covered, too. He is thorough. But he gave me a small mirror to use. My face looks just plain weird without eyebrows. Well, not totally without, but you have to look very closely to see that they are there. Without any makeup I really looked like a blank canvas. I thought I would look like I was on chemotherapy, but my face was flushed from the shower, so I looked wholesome, healthy and pink. Except .... While he put on some clothes in the next room, I put on a founda- tion and a very pale coverup with the faintest touch of blush. Next, heavy eyeshadow and mascara (I know he likes that). Then I put a shot across his bow, as they say in the movies. "There's more of me to cover with makeup now. I can continue without the mirror if you will help me. If it would please you," I said, turning the mirror face down. I didn't look up--I just waited for him to react. "Okay," he said. "May I take the wig off now?" "Okay." "Tell me if I miss anywhere." I put foundation over my entire scalp and followed it with the same pale makeup while he watched. Just a touch of the same blusher high up on my forehead. I could see his erection was still going strong, straining against his pants. Maybe stronger, it was hard to tell. "Would you put some more blusher on? This is new to me and I can't tell where it would look good. Maybe some on my temples or the top of my head?" I said. "If it would please you," I added. I knew it would. Another shot to take the wind out of his tops'l, me hearties. Arrrrh. When he had finished, I put the wig back on as if nothing had happened, but something had: he had to adjust himself inside his pants, and I knew I was touching some very sensitive nerves. Perhaps not wisely, I pushed it even further. Instead of my usual lip gloss, I put on a flesh-colored blemish cover that comes in a twist-out tube like a lipstick. I thought that was kind of in keeping with my new "featureless" look, since it is almost the same color as my skin. He was watching, and despite the unusual look it gave me, he didn't tell me to change it. He seemed mesmerized. I was loving it. So I gave my face the piece de resistance. My invisible eyebrows gave me the liberty to put my eyebrows wherever I wanted. I sketched in razor-thin eyebrows that had those high arches like movie stars from the 1930's, but with an inspired touch: where they neared the bridge of my nose, I turned them upward slightly instead of down. This gave me a very interesting look--as though I were either very worried or possibly even in pain. It's amazing how expressive eyebrows are. And pants, too. I stood and walked into the bedroom with my eyes carefully down, but with as much sensuality as I could squeeze into four or five steps. He followed me. I gave him another broadside. I knelt in front of him and, keeping my eyes down, asked in an almost inaudible whisper, "Would it please ... my Master ... if I wore my boots tonight?" He cleared his throat and said, "Yes," also in a (rather hoarse) whisper. I put them on and walked over to the bedside table with my back to him. I know that my behind looks great when I walk in heels. He has told me so a hundred times. It has something to do with those little creases under my cheeks and the way they shift with each step. Of course I exaggerated that for his benefit as I walked. His masts were shot away and he was ready for boarding. As it were. Avast me heart- ies. I'll never understand men. Back in Indiana a pair of well filled short shorts would cause an entire room full of male eyes to turn as one, and after she had passed there would be unanimous hooting, foot stomping, and table pounding. The simplest and most predictable things turn them on, but if you asked me what it is about J that turns me on, I couldn't tell you. Well, I could, but it's so complex and personal it wouldn't mean anything to you. His eyes maybe. I can go all soft and squirmy sometimes when he just looks at me with those icy blue nordic eyes. But then I've seen more beautiful eyes on guys that did nothing for me. I guess it's the whole package that attracts me. The point being, it's too complex to reduce to a formula. On the other hand, I would be willing to bet that almost all men would be turned on by the way I walked then, not just the Indiana Clampetts. I'm like most women, and I complain about how hard it is to find a good man, how we have to wait for them to come to us rather than going out and hog-tying the one we want, so it's going to sound odd when I say this: Gals, in some ways we have it easy when it comes to attracting men. It is something you could learn from a three-page instruction book even if you were from another planet. If they only knew how predictable they are. High heels, tight short skirts, dark eye makeup, all that kind of stuff. Sounds sleazy, I know, but it comes with a 100% guarantee. But, you say, that kind of look attracts the wrong kind of man. You're half right: it attracts all kinds of men, right kind or wrong. It's up to us to sort 'em out. Their tastes are simple: they like either slinky black or virgin- al white--but virginal white with no underwear, at least metaphorical- ly. You see, the most important part is that the poor dear has to KNOW it's just for him and him alone. Their little egos need that most of all. And their capacity for believing that is infinite. Even better: they like to believe that most men would overlook you because you are shy and that they alone were discerning enough to have "discovered" you. The poor dears are so pathetically eager to believe this that once they have got the idea in their heads, no amount of evidence to the contrary will dislodge it. You're going to think I'm a cynic. I'm not. I love men. They're easily the best aphrodisiac. And just because they're easy to under- stand (some parts) doesn't mean you can't love 'em. We might be initially attracted to them for all kinds of complex reasons: because they are good looking, because they are powerful, because they are mysterious, smart, talented, whatever. All these are strengths, and we respect them because they are strong, but we love them because they are weak, and love makes the choice. And when you get right down to it, their major weakness is how easy they are to please. The old Sampson and Delilah routine. Just push the right buttons. I could almost write a how-to manual; it could be full of simple step-by-step instructions. But what does your man have to do to please you? It's a lot more complex, isn't it? And the poor things are without a clue. I almost pity them. But then on the other hand they don't have to put up with our monthly friend, do they? And they run the world, by the way. Ah, but that way lies madness. I like being a woman, but I can't think for too long about how unfair it is. Being around doctors all day drives the point home too often as it is: they have egos the size of small planets, some of them. The modest ones. Large planets, the rest of them. Most of the time, I can live my day-to-day existence and not think about it at all, and then some subtle realization will hit me. I was listening to a call-in talk-radio program featuring a family psychologist and a thought occurred to me: have you ever heard a MAN ask for advice on how to combine a career and marriage? Ever? Even once? We women write books about it. Books! What does that imply? Don't think about it. It just isn't very healthy to step back and look at the overall picture too often. Aldous Huxley once gave some advice on that; I can't remember which of his novels it was in. He said that if you are ever sitting at your desk, doing whatever it is you do for a living, and you begin to wonder if this particular activity is what nature or God had intended as the culmination of three and a half billion years of biological evolution, then you must be very careful, because you will sense a bottomless pit opening beneath your desk and you will feel your chair tilting forward and yourself sliding into it. The only cure is to immediately put aside all such thoughts and concentrate on alphabetizing the papers in front of you. I feel that way if I think too long about the monumental unfair- ness that being a woman imposes. And I feel that way almost daily, now, as I slip deeper and deeper into this thing J and I are doing. Not the unfairness, the panicky sliding out-of-control sensation. If I step back and look at what I have done to myself by letting this happen, I feel a growing sense of panic. And an urge to alphabet- ize my life; get it back in order, even though it's simpler now than it has ever been. Let's say I actually put on a wig and dye my eye- brows back and get a job at the hospital. I have a good C.V.; it wouldn't be a problem to do that. But every day at work, I would be masquerading as a normal person, and every time I came home I would have this totally different life. I am completely isolated from the world I used to know at home, and from the "real" world here. And I know nobody other than J that I can discuss this with, except the friendly folks down at A.S.B., and that's not really an option since I am determined to remain a "lurker". Maybe Huxley was wrong, though. It may not be fair to look back on your life and ask 'is this what it was all leading toward?' Maybe a life can't be judged by the present moment any more than a piece of music can be judged by the final note. He was right about the cure, though: Don't think about it. Forget the big picture; think moment to moment, since that's the way you have to live it anyway. In any case, I feel more comfortable alphabetizing than philosophizing, so I'll forget the big picture and go back to writing about the bedroom. Sorry about the soliloquy. -*- I was starting to feel pretty sexy again, especially since I knew for an absolute undeniable fact that even though we'd had sex twice in the last hour, I knew exactly what to do to MAKE him give me another orgasm if I wanted one (or two). Which I did. And I had no inhibitions whatsoever about asking for exactly what I wanted. All I had to do was ask in the right way. From the bedside table I took the K/Y jelly and the vibrator that he had used on my rear. Still keeping my eyes down, I slunk over and knelt in front of him and said, "If it would please my Master, we could make love with this inside me, and you might feel the vibration and enjoy... using me more." (Good touch, that `using' huh?) The best sex yet was when I was on top in the shower with the dildo in my rear. I wanted to try it with the vibrator. Gosh, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore. Or Indiana, even. Shhh. Pay no attention to that woman behind the screen. No, I'm not crazy, but everyone should know the complete script for at least one movie. Funny. I made the transition to being able to address him as "Master" in the most ironic way. I was willing to do anything (ANY- THING) to keep him from shaving my head. I called him "Master" for the first time when he was beginning to shave me, and once it was over, I was too proud to stop. He might have thought I had only started calling him Master to stop the shaving. And now I'm stuck with it. How's that for twisted? Too proud to NOT humiliate myself? [ NFTF: That's the end of my editorial changes. The rest of Item 15 is as I first wrote it.] I knelt on the bed with shoulders on the mattress and my rear up in the air toward him, ready to accept the vibrator. I was feeling pretty horny myself at that moment. I was also being a little daring, and I felt excited and exhilarated by it. Without turning it on, he began inserting it. He insinuated it into me with much more care and sensitivity than your average gynecologist. Of course a vibrator has a little more erotic content than a speculum. Carefully, I rolled over on my back and settled myself in the appropriate position: spread- eagled, but this time voluntarily. But as soon as he had entered me, he rolled us over so I was on top. He held the vibrator in and moved it in time with our lovemaking, but he didn't turn it on until my first orgasm started. I was trying to hold back and play the ice-queen like I had before, but my body just started kind of fluttering inside all by itself. It's kind of special to have your body do something all by itself without your help--I don't know why. Just as I finished, he started. I love to watch his face as he climaxes. His eyes go all unfocused and he becomes completely withdrawn, self absorbed, and vulnerable. Non- simultaneous orgasms have their strong points: you get to watch. Afterwards, with me still on top and the vibrator off (but still in), we were just floating there on the bed. I was still wearing my wig, and I was in a really mischievous mood. It's not a slave's place to torture her master, but I don't get the chance very often. I shifted to sit astride his hips; he had gone limp and he almost slipped out at the motion. He likes looking up at me --especially at my breasts--in that position. I began stroking myself. A little gentle persuasion and my nipples were erect. I slipped my other hand down and began stroking between my legs. I hammed it up a bit, biting my lip and moaning--aided I'm sure by the worried/pained/surprised expression of my painted-on eyebrows (I look like I'm in pain if my face is relaxed; pleasure/pain if I open my mouth and gasp a little; pained surprise if I open my eyes all the way. I've been practicing in front of the mirror; these are expressions that don't come naturally to me, yet they better reflect my actual feelings than my natural facial expressions would. Is that really so deceitful?) I could feel him stirring weakly inside me, but not enough. In a "moment of ecstacy" I brushed my hand back over my face and accidentally-on-purpose knocked off the wig. "I'm sorry, Master, it was an accident." I said, and scrabbled to reach it and put it back on. After I had replaced it he reached up and took it off again. I felt him growing quickly inside me. What a feeling of power. He tells me that four times in one day is a record that he hasn't equaled since he was a little boy just learning about sex. On the whole, though, I don't think four times in as many hours--or even four times in one day (or three, even)--is enjoyable for either of us. He was enthusiastic, but even with the vibrator it was more an exercise in total exhaustion than eroticism. I discovered that my new ability to force arousal in him should not be squandered on private ego trips unless there is some physical return--otherwise it is just overkill for both of us. Maybe we're getting old. I'm twenty-eight. But I read at the thirty-two year old level. Still, the feeling of utter depletion was delicious that evening. I'll definitely keep the wig on whenever he's home, though, unless he tells me to take it off. "It's those pesky hormones...." Thanks, Ma. I still haven't seen myself in the mirror. That night he had me sleep with him so I didn't try to steal a peek at myself. I slept without the wig, though: I took it off after he turned the lights out, and snuggled into the crook of his arm, putting my bald head on his shoulder. As I drifted off to sleep, he had another erection.... ( ;-) The List Column 1 Item 16 He must have felt that I needed a bit more controlling after that episode. I kind of overdid it and took advantage, sort of, even though I remained submissive. Not that I actually liked having my head shaved. He had me shave myself the next morning without a mirror. I had to feel for the stubble with my hand and go over my head until I felt totally smooth. It is kind of an erotic feeling. My nipples were erect when I was through. Hmmm. At this point, he started doing something new to me: putting an artificial tanning lotion all over my body. It's on the List, but I won't be able to leave the house until it wears off. Actually, he doesn't put it on me any more: he has ME do it every morning and every evening while he watches, and I'm under orders to do it once at mid- day as well, even when he's not at home. But that morning, after I had shaved myself, he started this tanning routine without telling me what he was doing. The first thing he did was to put another one of his handyman specials on me: stocks. Simple, but well-crafted (varnished, sanded smooth, etc.) and func- tional. Two boards, hinged at one end, locked together at the other, held my hands and my neck. This he clipped to an overhead chain so I had to just stand there and wait. He began by smearing this lotion all over my body: scalp to toes. He didn't tell me what it was; I assumed at first it was another skin conditioner. After I was completely covered, he brought out gauze bandages and dipped them in the stuff and began wrapping my body like a mummy. He really wants it to have a strong effect, because I was positively marinated in the stuff. He started at my ankles and worked his way up each leg independently, dipping the bandages, wringing out the excess lotion, and wrapping it tightly around me. God only knows what he spent on lotion and bandages, but he had emptied enough bottles of lotion to fill a largish casserole dish. I kept asking him what he was doing, and he just kept ignoring me, not even threatening a gag. It took him a while to work out how to bandage my crotch and hips, but he managed. The bandages around my waist were tight enough to be a corset. He crisscrossed my chest, covering my breasts and finished off with only my hands, head, and feet uncovered. These, he just slathered in another dose of lotion. Up to this point I just stood there docile and patient because I didn't know what he was doing to me. I began to get nervous, though, when he covered me with saran wrap. This time, he wrapped me in true "mummy" style, with my legs held tightly together. When he released me from the stocks, I struggled weakly against him, but I was really quite helpless without the use of my legs, and gave in after only token resistance. He wrapped my arms and hands tightly against my sides. I had always thought of saran wrapping as rather flimsy stuff, but it is amazing how strong a couple of layers can be. I was cocooned and completely immobilized from the neck down. I could wriggle a little, but after he put me on my back on the bed I would have had real trouble even rolling myself over. He carried me into the living room and laid me out on a folding lounger that he brought in from the yard. A little duct tape, and I was there for the duration. Only at this point did he tell me what he had done, by just showing me a bottle of the lotion. When it dawned on me that this wasn't just a new kind of skin conditioner, I began to struggle inside the wrappings. "That's not fair," I whined. "The month is almost over and I will be stained by this stuff for weeks after!" I felt like when the month was over, everything should somehow magically go back to the way it was before. Silly of me, I know. My hair will be months growing back. But then, I wasn't really sure I wanted the month to be over quite yet. He explained the List to me once again. There is no fine print, no special clauses, no exceptions. Nothing about what I will look like after the term of the contract has expired. Just a list of what he can do during the month. He took some more lotion and rubbed it into my face, neck, and scalp. Trussed up the way I was, I couldn't even wipe it off against the lounger: my shoulders were above the level of the back. I wiped a little off on my shoulder, but he just put more on. He turned on the TV and left me there for hours. I tried to convince him that I had to pee, to no avail. He didn't believe me and told me to go right ahead. I didn't. After a while I began to feel pretty icky inside the wrappings. When I started to feel hot he just turned up the air conditioning. I really can't stand Phil Donoghue. He's so icky. There was nothing else on. When he finally decided to release me, he first made me take some tanning pills. Knowing him, it was the maximum dosage. I've seen them advertised in Cosmopolitan, (Oops. Are feminists supposed to admit they read Cosmo? Or just claim we only read it for the articles? Hardly.... Okay: I only read it for the pictures.) I don't like taking pills, even though they are probably harmless (I think they are just carotene). I don't mind smoking a little grass now and then, but I don't like pills, for some reason. Even these. You would think a nurse would have more confidence in medical technology. I've see a few doctors get in trouble over them, though. Anyway, I have to keep up the pills until the last day. He has threatened me with a sunlamp in addition if he's not satisfied with the depth of my "tan", so he'll have me brown one way or another. I'm not going to fight it. On the last day, I intend asking if we can keep going with Column One. At least I feel that way right now. At this writing, I'm a "nice deep" rich mahogany yellow-brown. It does NOT look natural, despite what they say about the new artificial tanning lotions. The second it starts to wear off, I just know I'll look blotchy and jaundiced. It's better for my skin than the sun, though. I think. I learned something about myself, though. I don't know how to say this without sounding weird. I like being "changed." That summarizes it, but it's an oversimplified trivialization of my feelings. When I look in the mirror and see something, someone, different than what I expected something happens. The shock of seeing myself, I don't know, distorted, has an erotic (?) impact on me. I like being frightened in this way, sort of. Frightened is the wrong word. Horrified maybe? That's too strong a word. I have been ... distorted ... by J in a number of ways since this month started. The most shocking transformation was when he shaved my head, but even seeing my face distorted by the ball gag gave me a secret thrill. The artificial tan, as I saw it gradually creeping toward darker and darker colors, made me realize what is going on in my head. Even my fanatical attitude toward makeup is symptomatic of this weirdness. If I could experience more extreme changes--as long as they weren't irrevocable--I would do so. I'll let my mind wander through that psychological garden for a minute:  I'd like to try having oriental eyes. I think the epicanthic fold is sexy.  I'd like to be able to change my weight and height. I don't mean to "improve" myself, either. I'd like to turn myself into a Junoesque near-freak. How about measurements of 45-28-45 on my five foot two and a half frame?  I'd like to try an all over body tatoo. Face and all. A pierced nostril is a must, someday, I think.  If only cosmetic breast enhancement could be safe and reversible without surgery. I'd like to see what I could do to blow J's mind. There was a girl in my high school gym class with, well, very pointy breasts, prominent, swollen looking nipples. I thought they were attractive (she didn't). I wonder how big they could be and still look like breasts? Or how I'd look with none?  I'd like to try being taller. Over six feet.  I'd like to try being shorter. In a SF fantasy called "Some- thing Wicked" by Ray Bradbury, a beautiful woman, transformed into a circus dwarf by the evil ringmaster, was "rescued" from her plight by the young hero of the story. I would like to be rescued like that. Over and over.  I would like to try being a man, of course. Who wouldn't. I think I might be Frank Langella.... Who wouldn't.  I'd like to try and seduce J with the body of a pubescent 12- year old girl, but with him knowing I had the mind of a woman. Sort of like the hundred year old young-girl-vampire in the Anne Rice story "Interview with a Vampire."  I'd like to be covered with short soft catlike fur. And have a tail? Or snake scales. Or pupils with vertical slits like a cat. Imagine the look on the bank teller's face when I took off my sun- glasses. There was a circle in Dante's Inferno in which the punishment was having your head put on backwards. I'd like to have my upper torso put on backwards. Imagine having frontal anal sex. I would be horrified to look in the mirror, but it would be a delicious horror. If I knew it could be undone. Am I weird, or what?  What would it be like to have a switch that J could use to turn off all my voluntary motor functions? The ultimate bondage. What would sex be like? Total absolute submission....  Sometimes I feel like I would like to scream during sex, it feels so good, but I am too midwestern to actually do it. What if I could be a mute, so it didn't matter if I tried my utmost to scream? I once read a Fu Manchu style mystery in which a young Chinese woman was made into a mute: the nerves to her vocal cords were severed to keep her from giving testimony. That would be erotic bondage if it could be temporary. Are you getting the idea? Being CHANGED, voluntarily or involun- tarily, is an erotically charged experience for me, and not necessari- ly changed for the better, either. I discussed this insight into my psyche with J at about this point. I think it might have influenced his subsequent behavior. He did things to me, erotically charged things. -*- At that point in time, though, the effects of this tanning regimen were still minimal. I still hadn't even seen what I looked like completely shaved, except for a weak and fleeting reflection in still water in my sink. He made sure I didn't try to use even a makeshift mirror (like the side of the toaster oven; I tried that). After the first dose of tanning lotion I spent the afternoon in the black thong (with a wig on) and wearing chains locked around my wrists and ankles (no leather cuffs, just chains looped around and the links locked together with the little locks). I just lounged around reading. And clinking. That afternoon as the sun was going down I went for a walk around the yard with him. We strolled and did a little weeding together, me in my thong and chains. That evening he had me shave a second time to be sure I was smooth. He told me I was finally going to see what I looked like. Despite the fact that I was curious, I perversely told him I didn't want to see myself. Even now, days later, I feel alternately very sexy and more than a little weird about all this. -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist10.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 10 of 20 The List Column 1 Item 17 He began by telling me to prepare myself for the "other kind" of intercourse. Despite all we have been through, we both still did a kind of verbal dance around the concept. "You remember saying how you could prepare yourself. In a special way..." he began. I hadn't actually given him the details, but I knew what he meant. "You mean cleaning myself inside? Behind?" I said. "Yes. I know that kind of- preparation isn't on the List, though." "If it would please you, we can add it. Besides, if the alterna- tive is no preparation, I would prefer to-" "There is that to consider." My, my. So formal. Maybe we haven't left Kansas after all, Toto. No matter how disgustingly anatomical, no matter which--or how many--orifices are penetrated, no matter what glandular secretions or hidden perversions are involved, there is no situation that can't be sanitized by midwestern etiquette. I'll give you an example. Sorry to digress, but I once met a gay activist playwright from Indianapolis who felt he could challenge the homophobic political environment in the midwest by writing plays that highlighted the supposedly more liberal social attitudes of classical Greece and Rome. He is best known for a disastrous satirical farce about a gay gladiator named Felonius Orifice and his twin brother Titus. He had hoped that if his play didn't actually make any money it might at least be accorded the dignity of censorship at the hands of the city commissioners or the chief of police. Unfortunately, on opening night there was a sizeable audience of gay activists that were attending as a politically correct gesture of solidarity for their fellow activist. During the first act it became apparent that the playwright had seriously misjudged the collective sense of humor in the gay communi- ty, although the rest of the audience seemed to enjoy it immensely. Apparently the play was a little ambiguous as to exactly who was being satirized, and the gays thought it was them. They took their cause more seriously than did the playwright. They felt betrayed. They left during the intermission to invest in vegetables and poultry products. The play closed during the early moments of the second act. The theater owner had to replace the curtains. Anyway, the playwright was notorious: you can imagine the joy he brought to newspaper columnists, editors, and critics. They agreed unanimously that the play should reopen, but no theater owner would touch it. There wasn't a person within a hundred miles that didn't know the story. EVERYBODY knew. Even so, when I was introduced to him by a nice old midwestern biddy, a scion of the Indianapolis cultural scene, she says, "He's single, you know..." with a significant look that was supposed to tell the Whole Story: "single" equals gay when said in the right tone of voice and with the eyebrows in the correct position. This is the sort of linguistic semaphore code that midwesterners understand perfectly. It allows them to communicate with the Deep South, for example, and to translate for New Yorkers. And if you think the old biddy lives in La-La Land, don't you believe it. She bought IBM stock for peanuts as a teen-age girl and thinks New Yorkers are overly dependent on reality anyway. She has homes in Miami, New York, and Indianapolis. So J and I had absolutely no problem understanding each other, even though not a single bodily function or anatomical feature was mentioned. Anyway, our little exchange made it pretty clear what the choices were: I could prepare myself for what was to come or not, but it was finally going to happen. I only had control over the level of hygiene and nothing else. So I prepared myself. J says I have to include this in the account, so I'll put it in, but I will try to describe this a deli- cately as possible. We're talking about colonic irrigation, here, folks. Several repeats of the procedure were necessary until I was voiding clear, clean water. Then another just to be sure. This is more than would be required by an examining physician, but then we weren't just looking, were we? I wanted to be clean. For me as well as for J. Enough said, especially for someone from the midwest. As, I've already mentioned, my mother, the archetypic midwesterner, doesn't have any bodily functions at all, as far as I can tell. My apologies to the folks back home, but I found out that in the real world people use words like `colon' sometimes. They even use their colons sometimes, Ma. Recreationally, even. Meanwhile, back at the raunch, the next step was the obligatory ritual shower. I was clean inside and out, and as naked as it is possible to be--with the exception of a couple of chains. He had me put a matte makeup foundation on without the mirror, and a powder over that. Then, with the long tangled black wig in place, I was finished. I knew what was coming, so I put on the same "pained" eyebrows again. That look really turns me on--I think [know] it does him. Besides, it expressed how I expected to feel. He led me out into the bedroom by the wrist chains and started with a little light foreplay and cuddling on the bed. As he got me warmed up, my mind kept focusing on what was about to happen (I was mostly worried that it would hurt) and I was caught a little by surprise when he slipped a new kind of device inside me. Another toy from chains-R-us in San Francisco; he must have spent a fortune that day. It was a vibrator, the kind with a flange at the outer end that pressed against my clitoris while the rest of it rested (later vibrat- ed) inside me. He lifted me to my feet and had me kneel with my chest on a little bench (kind of a short piano bench) with red velvet upholstery on the top. He taped my wrists and knees to the legs of the stool with electrical tape and strapped a belt all the way around the stool and my waist so that I couldn't get up--or in fact move much at all except my head. I could wiggle my rear end a bit, though. There was a full-length mirror right in front of my face, leaning against the wall. My breasts just peeked over the edge of the bench, and I could just barely lift my shoulders enough to see my little garnet nipple pendants. I looked pretty good in the long, shaggy wig. I could see the reflection of J's face and shoulders behind me. I squirmed a little but the way they were taped I couldn't pull my legs together when he reached between my legs and turned on the vibrator. When he pressed it against me it was stunning. I pushed against the stool with my hips, which pressed the flange-thing against my important bits, and I could tell right away that this was a vibra- tor designed by a woman. Immediately, though, I felt his fingers lubricating me for penetration. Once again, I found myself trying to concentrate on two things at once. The vibrator was doing very interesting things to me, but I could see him over my shoulder and feel him spreading and stretching me more and more. I really got into that part. Being able to watch my own expression during this was a bit like making love to myself. Sounds narcissistic, I know. Well, it was. I make no excuses: for some reason I felt unabashedly and overtly narcissistic, and I gave in completely to the impulse. What the hell, I said. I had never watched myself in a mirror during sex before. (This is sex, isn't it?) Anyway, the looks I gave that mirror were directed as much at myself as at J. The first look was one of pained surprise as he began to enter me. I gasped for real at the sensation and tried to push forward away from the pain. "Wait!" I squeaked, "It's too big!" He was already being gentle, but he's a little bigger than the vibrator I had in there before. He had prepared me well with lots of lubricant, though, and was already partly inside. I can't describe the sensation of being parted and penetrated there. The anticipation when he held my cheeks apart was exquisite. I'm proud to report that I savored the anticipation and apprehension like a gourmand tasting a new dish for the first time, fully aware that there can be only one first time. I felt as though I were truly being violated, though--more so than when I lost my virgin- ity. But it was a delicious violation. I remember a fleeting and unarticulated thought flashing through my mind: "This time I will experience rather than endure." (Actually it was more like: "Ouch! Oops. I gotta try and enjoy it this time.") After that I stopped thinking. I panted, taking my breath in short gasps as though a deep breath would have somehow hurt, and I cried out several times as he slipped incrementally deeper into me. He stopped and waited while I tried to relax more to accommodate his size. During the pauses he flexed (?). I don't know what the actual physiological basis for this is, but he kind of twitches and seems to grow momentarily larger inside me. It's not a motion of the hips, but of his actual organ. Anyway, I call it flexing for lack of a better description, even though I don't know of any muscles to explain it (I checked Gray's Anatomy. It was no help) and J doesn't know what he does either, but he's sure all males can do it. It is another deli- cious feeling--one that really helped as he continued to gently pulse his way into me. It really is profoundly different from "normal" sex. It was a feeling of being filled up. That describes it best. It was all the more foreign and new because it is accompanied by sensations that I normally associate with being emptied. But I was being filled com- pletely and couldn't escape it: I tried to wiggle away--and I savored not being able to escape. Finally he was thoroughly in. I could feel his hips tight against my buttocks. I was dizzy with new sensations, but he waited until my breathing stabilized and I had adjusted to the feeling. Experimental- ly, I tried contracting around him, even though I was stretched to capacity and it was all I could do to keep myself big and relaxed enough to prevent it from hurting. He felt the contraction and "flexed" back at me. I didn't think of it then, but the attitude I HAD to adopt is one that encapsulates the entire idea of bondage for me: Relax, submit to it, welcome it, and pain can become pleasure. Oddly the converse is not true: Fight it and the pleasure does not become pain. Rather, if you are clever, resistance brings you closer to the edge of pain so you can play there. Fighting it also takes away the guilt. I can still feel the guilt, you know, what with being from Indiana and all. He let me be the first to begin moving, contracting around him and pushing with that (very interesting) new vibrator against the edge of the stool. At first I just made a few very tentative experimental movements, exploring my limits. I decided he was exactly the right size. If he had been even a fraction of an inch larger I would have been in serious pain, but he filled me completely and if I relaxed and didn't fight I could push against him and enjoy it. (Yes, I know, who could really enjoy that, you're thinking, but all it takes is a good vibrator and a very sensitive lover--one who can control his own instincts enough to help you through these critical moments. I didn't expect to do more than endure, but I ended up enjoying--sort of. I take that back. I enjoyed it, period. That doesn't mean it didn't hurt). Don't get me wrong though: the orgasm was entirely caused by the vibrator. I could never have an orgasm from anal sex alone. Those sensations were mostly penetration, weirdness and occasional pain; it was the combination of the two with an orgasm that made it so, well, good. I tried sort of pushing back against him and rubbing my front against the vibrator, and I began to get the hang of it. He began moving gently in response to my halting motions, but he changed the rhythm: rather than thrusting into me when I pushed back against him, he followed me as I thrust against the vibrator and helped me push against it as well, gently pinning me against the edge of the stool. As I pushed back, I tried to open and relax, drawing more of him into me as he first retreated and then followed my next thrust. So he began by moving with, rather than against me. All the while I was watching my own face in the mirror. I have to admit that the expressions that semi-involuntarily crossed my face were a turn-on. Occasionally he would thrust a tad too hard and I would gasp and an expression of pain would cross my face (enhanced, of course, by the expressive eyebrows I had given myself). He watched for those signals and was very careful with me, but I was still completely in his hands. I would have had to accept whatever he wanted. I watched myself through half-closed eyes as my breathing quickened and I became more and more responsive. There was nothing making him be careful, but he was careful nonetheless, to perfection. He also kept me just on the edge of what I could take, now and then pushing me over by just the right amount to make me gasp again. More than once, my half-closed eyes sprang open with astonishment and a half-cry of pain escaped as the breath was driven out of me--but he had such control that it turned instantly to pleasure. He really walked the edge that time. As I neared orgasm (it really was the vibrator rather than the other that brought me there) I wanted desperately to make great heaving motions against him and the vibrator, but every time I tried an extreme movement I caused myself instant pain. I was forced to control myself and limit my motions to little thrusting twitches which suddenly, and without my volition, became spasmodic and convulsive. I had been going slowly, not thinking about (or even hoping for) an orgasm when, without realizing it, I found myself in the middle of a big one. My eyes widened and my mouth opened as though I were saying "Oh!" but no noise came out. The temptation of the orgasmic contractions was too great to resist, but every time I contracted, I felt pain. Even now, I don't know whether pleasure or pain was the dominant theme of that orgasm, but I do know the pain intensified the pleasure in a way that I had never experienced. I couldn't separate the two. As I say, he really walked the edge. I guess I did, too. At that critical moment, just when I was watching my own face in the throes of pleasure/pain and thinking I looked really beautiful like this, he reached up and pulled my wig off and I saw my shaved head for the first time. He timed this shock to come right smack in the middle of my orgasm. I couldn't stop my own powerful pelvic contractions even though each spasm caused me pain behind that forced increasingly loud gasps from my lips. I was completely incoherent from the ongoing orgasm and at the same time horrified by my appearance. I looked so bald and naked! My gasps became louder and I heard myself crying "No!" and "Don't!" and "Please!" and "Stop!" with each of his thrusts even though I was the one causing the pain more than he. And it wasn't only the sex and the pain I wanted to stop, it was the sight of me so naked and bald and awful. I was totally out of it, orgasmically, visually, psychologically, every way you can imagine. I reacted strongly and without inhibition to everything at once. It sounds silly to say this now, but that's how I felt, that's how I remember it. My whole body stiffened and hardened as the orgasm peaked. I think every single muscle must have been tensed. Even my breathing was suspended. My eyes were wide and round, staring at my reflection with a kind of stupefied amazement. In fact, I really was astonished by the feelings I was experiencing. More than that, I was transfixed: my mouth was open in a surprised but silent "O" and I was straining against the bonds at my wrists and knees; I remember the tendons in my neck and forearms standing out. As the orgasm held me in its grip my body just seemed to take charge all on it's own and clench every muscle, leaving me with no voluntary control at all. I gripped him and the vibrator like a vise. I looked into my own eyes and had the distinct feeling that in some way I was making love to myself, a victim of my own needs. Even more, (it is embarrassing to admit this) that I was in love with myself. Does that make sense? I'm not bisexu- al, but narcissism really is a kind of homosexuality, isn't it? Hey, at least it's sex with someone I love.... Finally I realized I had been holding my breath. As I tipped over the edge and began sliding down the far side of the climax, a surpris- ingly loud cry escaped and I expelled the lungful of stale air I had been holding. I began breathing again in great gulps and gasps. After we were through he inched his way out slowly and carefully. I was grateful for that. I was almost sorry to feel him finally leave. I felt emptied. Depleted. He turned off the vibrator, unbuckled the belt around my waist, and cut my wrists free, leaving the scissors for me to free myself the rest of the way. While he was in the shower, I just stared at myself in a daze. I am normally in a daze after a "session", but this time I was dazed by the way I looked as much as by how I felt. I just stared mindlessly for quite a while. Finally, I shook myself out of it and cut my knees free. I sat on the stool for a few minutes, peeling electrician's tape off my skin and trying to get my head together before getting to my feet. I felt a bit wobbly. I was still wearing those chains, but other than that, when I stood in front of the mirror I was completely--and I mean completely--nude. It was quite a shocking sight. I'm sorry to dwell on this, but it's the biggest thing that's happened to my body since I reached puberty and grew tits. I really look different. So very, very naked. Words like nude, exposed, hairless, bald, shorn, and shaved all come to mind, and I know I keep saying this over and over, but these words just don't capture the feeling of being totally naked everywhere and from all angles. I don't know how to express it. It just wasn't me in the mirror. I turned to the side to see what I looked like. Still in disbelief over my appearance, my hand crept up to touch my scalp, half checking to make sure it was really true, still hoping it wasn't. With the hand mirror, I looked at the back of my head. It is so white and smooth and round--even paler than the rest of my skin, which was quite pale, even after the first treatment with tanning lotion. It isn't lumpy, like some bald men's heads are; it is a perfectly fea- tureless dome, front, back, and sides. Somehow that makes it look even more naked. I usually think of my earrings as minor accessories, but without any hair they suddenly have become a major aspect of my facial appearance. They used to be hidden by my hair. This may sound odd, but I looked at my nipple rings and thought, "Well, at least I still have those." Stupid, I know, but for some reason I was reassured by the thought of them as the last vestige of the "old me" even though I should logically regard them as the earli- est symbols of the "new me." Maybe I just think of them the only part of me that hasn't been taken away. Jesus, I don't know. I don't know what to think. J came out of the shower and stood behind me with his arms around me as I looked into the mirror. I asked him how he could possibly like the way I looked, and immediately felt an erection growing against my back. I guess I really don't need more of an answer than that. It turns him on. Even though I hate it, aspects of it turn me on, too. The embarrassment, for example. Every time he does something I think I hate, he reminds me that what I am feeling is, ultimately, embarrass- ment, and then he asks for it as a gift. He asks me to let myself feel it, let it come out. For some reason, that diverts my feelings of resentment into something that becomes erotic. Usually. I don't know. Over the previous few days, I had come to assume that it was the simple visual impact of my hairlessness that turned J on, but it seems it's more complex than that. What was just as important was that he knew I was stunned by what he had done to me and would be shocked again when I saw myself for the first time. My mental state was at least as important to him as my physical appearance, and the expres- sion on my face (frozen there during my orgasm) had expressed exactly the mental state that turned him on so. During that session J had been holding back out of concern for the tenderness of my previously inviolate rear portal, but something about the way I looked in the mirror at the moment of my orgasm (he later said) caused him to lose control--although I wouldn't have known if he hadn't told me. As I came down from my orgasm I ended up just panting and staring at my face and head in the mirror. I still had kind of a shocked and surprised look on my face: after all, I had never seen myself with absolutely no hair before. Perhaps I shouldn't mince words. I was (am) bald. Absolutely naked bald. (I know, I know. I'm going on about it again...) Anyway, as I knelt there staring at myself, quivering and twitching slightly, I felt him grow larger and harder inside me. He began very slight but very powerful and re- strained stroking inside me and came almost immediately. That was him "losing control" as he put it. What he means is he couldn't stop having an orgasm, not that he lost all regard for me. Our "usual" frontal sex normally takes more effort than that on his part, but this time, it took almost no stimulation at all to bring him to a climax. I asked him about it later. He said it wasn't having sex "that way" that did it. It was the way I looked--the expression on my face--during and after my orgasm. I guess the brain is the real erogenous zone. It must be. How else could wet dreams happen? This really interested me, so pay attention. I quizzed him (insofar as it is appropriate for a slave to quiz her master) on exactly what I looked like to him, and what it was that did it for him. He was turned on by a combination of things. First was the idea that I was so surprised and unable to control what was happening to me. I really was surprised, but I deliberately used my face to express that surprise far more explicitly than I normally would have. Somehow that's a really important lesson for me. Of course the feelings themselves are most important to us as human beings, but in the process of human communication, appearances are at least as important as the feelings they convey. Actors watch themselves in the mirror to judge whether their faces do a good job of communicating what they pretend to feel. The average person doesn't bother to do this, and so doesn't communicate as well, even when the feelings are genuine. That's a stupid thing of me to say: of course, that's why they pay actors to do what they do. The bottom line is this: I suppose you could regard my facial expressions as acting and therefore deceptive, but I was only playing around with really showing well what I was actually feeling. I MADE my face LOOK the way I FELT. In so doing, I realized that it normally doesn't reflect my feelings accurately. Doing this was a visual turn- on for ME, too. Is it phony if you have to become an actor to show what you really feel? Uh Oh. I feel a quote coming on ... "Truth and Myth are the same thing ... you have to simulate passion to feel it, ... man is a creature of ceremony." Sartre, I think -*- I don't know what came over me that night after my first experi- ence with this new kind of sex. I felt very odd. I was in an erotic mood but I didn't want to have more sex. I did something I normally would never have thought I would do: I went and got the plastic torso and put it on. I mean voluntarily. I don't know why, it's such an anti-erotic thing to wear. I showered first, and conditioned my skin, and then got the torso and locked it in place, even though J had the only key. I put it on over charcoal sheer-to-the-waist pantyhose. I have to plan ahead when I put that carapace on: I had to put my boots on before the torso, because with the torso on I can't bend enough to put them on easily. Then I sat for what must have been an hour or more putting on my makeup. I know it would have made a lot more sense to put the torso on last, after the makeup, but I didn't want to. I really don't know why. Putting on makeup is a reassuringly familiar occupation that I do without thinking; it is almost a kind of meditation. I made myself look as artificial as the plastic covering I was wearing. Kind of a doll-like, with crisply defined eyeliner and pencil-thin arched brows (totally unexpressive, as though I were a doll made up for a kabuki play) and lips painted to look like a cupid bow. I even put on false eyelashes, something I haven't done in ages. With coverup I made my skin flawless and smooth as the plastic, and I even redid my nails in black to match the torso. I finished myself off with the long, tangled black wig. The mirror over the sink opens out so you can see yourself from three sides. Seeing myself from the side, motionless, I looked like a department store mannequin, my makeup was so heavy. Don't ask me why I did that; I don't know. J realized I was in a strange mood and left me to myself. In fact, he even cooked dinner, something he does rarely and only out of deliberate choice these days (that is, while we're doing Column One). Usually I cook. We ate in silence. I wasn't mad at him, or anything, I just was in a quiet mood and I kind of retreated inside myself. He seemed entranced. I sat there with the erect posture that the torso enforces, eating like a cadet in the mess hall during hell month. He almost forgot to eat himself he was watching me with such fascination. It was a bit distracting for a moment, but I retreated to my own interior and forgot about him while I ate. After dinner, I rose to do the dishes and he stopped me. He told me to relax and read a book or something--he said he felt like doing the dishes. Just to let him know I wasn't mad, I answered, "If you're sure it pleases you, Master." I noticed distantly--almost indifferent- ly--that the M word slipped out naturally and with no vestige of giggly embarrassment on my part. It just seemed like the right thing to say. A part of me was faintly interested in the observation that this could happen to me, that I could refer to him that way without thinking about it. I was in that detached, floating mood again. I felt that nothing could touch me unless I wanted it to. Maybe I was disassociating myself from reality, but I actually felt more in touch with every- thing--just less concerned about it. I wandered aimlessly through the house while J rattled dishes in the distance. I was standing in front of the full-length mirror in his bedroom when he finished the dishes and came to stand behind me. I was looking at myself the way one might look at a stranger, and wondering what I would think of that stranger if I saw her in public dressed this way. Face it, the only place would be in a floor show at a bar where they catered to the leather crowd. Freakish, but sexy. I really do look ... well ... regal ... with my chin held up so high. I'm forced to have the posture of a queen. If I had that kind of posture naturally, people would think I was an incredible snob. I appear to be looking down on the world, and it doesn't really come up to my standards, and I haven't decided yet if I'm going to stay here. I don't feel that way, but if I look at myself objectively, that's what I see. And the sleek black plastic is very flattering from the front. Whenever I move, the locks rattle against the sides of the torso; the lock dangling in the space between my legs is somehow especially sexy. Well, you'd have to see it to know what I mean. I still can't tell you why I put on that particular outfit. I guess I just felt like throwing myself completely into ... this. Sort of an offhand, almost careless impulse. It's hard to describe my feelings at that moment. I felt sorry for myself. My old life seemed so distant, and I had lost so much. Indiana seemed very far away. I wondered idly if I clicked my black leather heels together three times and said "There's no place like home... there's no place like home..." Sorry, Auntie Em. They all dress this way in the merry old land of Oz. I just dropped in to pick up Toto's leash. You can keep Toto. Normally I would have laughed at the thought, but for some reason I had this maudlin, self-indulgent certainty that I wasn't going home again. Metaphorically, I mean: not back to the way it used to be. The thought penetrated my armor plate and a single tear plowed a furrow through the mask of my makeup. I wasn't feeling particularly strong or deep emotions--in fact, it felt as if someone else was feeling them for me, and I watched her in the mirror almost curiously. As I say, I don't know what came over me. Childish sentimentality, that's all it was. Here I was, with J, careening through the List and having the most profound sexual experience I could have hoped for, and I was feeling sorry for myself. That one tear seemed to have an effect on J, though. It's not like I was crying or anything; it was just the one tear. My face remained unchanged--not even a quivering lip. (My lips really do quiver when I'm about to cry.) Still, he turned all solicitous and felt he had to do something, so he took off the torso. Crying means so much more to men than it does to women. They always feel they have to DO something. It's sweet, really. Totally clueless, they are. It was a relief to get the torso off, actually, even though I had put it on myself. I can kind of settle into it and forget how much more comfortable it is possible to be without it. The relief is a surprise, in a way. He carried me into my bedroom and took off the pantyhose and boots and put me on the bed. He said to tell him if I wanted anything. It was sometime after ten, and I was feeling tired anyway, but I couldn't sleep. I could hear J getting ready for bed. I got up and removed all my makeup, the wig, everything but the nipple rings (I don't want the holes to close up). I lit a candle rather than turn on lights (it just seemed appropriate) and went into J's bedroom and stood in the doorway. I said his name, faintly. "Master?" Okay, so it's not his name, but that's what I said. And not in a subservient way, either. I said it naturally, as though it were his name, not a title. He wasn't asleep. I couldn't see him in the darkness beyond my candle, but I know he could see me, standing there in the candle light as naked and bare as the day I was born. I felt like a little girl going into her daddy's room after a nightmare for reassurance. He told me to come to bed with him, and to close the mosquito netting over the bed's alcove. The candle light made the bed a cozy nest. It was just nice...I don't know if I can even explain why I'm writing about this part. It just made an impression on me--almost as much of an impression as when he shaved my head. The feeling of security was something I needed very badly at the time. Of course that's what I went in there for, and J knew that instinctively. He almost always gives me what I need (not always what I want). I think he was expecting me to come in, though. I don't even know why I did. That day had been an interesting one. The sex was a completely new barrier we had broken through, and I am still inwardly proud that I got through it--and I will look forward to it when the time comes again. I don't think it was the very best sex ever, but it was so different as an experience that it's a matter of comparing apples and oranges anyway. It was good. Really good. I'm glad he made me do it. -*- The next day, J was gone for the morning. He left me alone at the house and I had the whole morning to myself. I gave myself the artifi- cial tanning treatment (I was getting noticeably darker by the third treatment, but I think it is primarily the lotion; the pills shouldn't have kicked in yet, according to the directions.) and I worked on this account for three or four hours. I was (still am) several days behind. He had left me unchained, unconstrained physically in any way. Except that he had me pack my wigs and all my clothing except the harem outfit and the thong in a small bag for him to take with him. My credit cards, checkbook, and bankbook were with my other clothing. He left me my car keys, though. Nice touch, that. How far would a bald girl in a harem outfit (even with a black thong under it) get with no money? I suppose I could wear a bed sheet and chant Hare Krishna. I need a tambourine. I have given my scalp extra applications of the tanning lotion to try and even out the color difference between my scalp and the rest of me. I also did a bit of very careful sunbathing (sunscreen assisted). As I have said, I normally avoid the sun, but my scalp has NEVER seen the sun and is still very white. I tan so easily, a couple of days at five or ten minutes a day should do it. I didn't really want a tan, but it's a nice experiment. I would have liked to just kind of neu- tralize the bluish color that very pale skin has, but I obviously got a tan, sun or not. Well, maybe not obviously to you, but from where I'm sitting today .... Actually, I look pretty good with a tan. When he came home I was exercising on the weight bench in the garage, wearing the black thong and perspiring heavily. When his car pulled up I went out to meet him. There must have been something about seeing me all sweaty and pumped up that had an effect on him: he opened the bag on the spot and handed me a wig to put on. I got on my knees right there in the grass and asked if I could talk with him. I don't like being free to leave, especially when I look the way I do. I used to ask myself a thousand times a day "why don't you just go?" and before I could always answer "because I'm chained here." Now the only answer I can give is that I am too embarrassed by my appear- ance, so I feel guilty for not leaving. Embarrassment isn't a digni- fied reason for staying. Kneeling there, I presented him with a rather confused manifesto in which I told him I didn't like this new chainless arrangement. I thought he was giving me too much freedom, and suggested that he was trying to end the List and possibly our relationship and was he tired of me? He explained that he didn't leave me unchained to give me free- dom. He felt I was even more constrained than I had been before, even though it was fear of public embarrassment rather than chains that keep me here. He's right, too. He brought me home some more of the sheer cotton material and told me to make a robe for myself. I later knocked together a kind of monk's habit (do monks have habits, or is it just nuns?) with a cowl and long sleeves with big cuffs. Transparent, so it's not quite as chaste as your average monk's habit. He didn't want anything to obscure the view, so I couldn't make it wrap around like a bathrobe. He wanted more of a button-up sheath. I only had four odd buttons in my sewing box, so I used those. Still, it's the most comfortable thing I have for around the house while he's gone. I feel dressed anyway, sort of. That evening before dinner he gave me a present. He'd had them made by a jeweler in town. I don't know what to call them, really. Nipple cages? Imagine a conical cage made of silver wire. The base of the cone is a circle of wire the diameter of my areolas. There are wire struts supporting a tiny hook that hangs down inside the apex of the cone. There are bits of filigree where the struts are joined to the base. With the bases resting on my areolas, my nipple rings hook to the apexes of the cages so my nipples are held out in little points inside the conical cages. They are quite charming with the garnet pendants hanging from the tips, and the feeling is exquisite--in short doses. I worry that they will do some kind of damage if he leaves them on me too long. Perhaps make one of my nipples evert permanently. It would be wonderful if I could be sure both would evert, but I would rather be symmetrically inverted than have one "outie" and one "innie." But they are sweet. Maybe Jennifer, the founder of rec.arts.bodyart, will read this and pass a comment on the world's first orthopedic pasties. He gave me some tiny bells, too. Actually, they're not so tiny, they just sound tiny. In fact, they are amazing and I have no idea at all how they work. They are small, very light- weight silver-colored spheres less than an inch in diameter. They emit a kind of tinkling chime when disturbed, even when you hold them between your fingers. That's the amazing thing: you can't dampen the chiming noise by touching the outside. There are no openings or seams. I can't figure them out, but he has superglued them to pearl pendants in place of the pearls and they can hang from my nipple rings. They are absolutely delightful. He says he got them in a flea market. They are a novelty called "faerie bells" or some such thing. So now I tinkle. I wore the bells dangling from the ends of the nipple cages during dinner. Tinkle, tinkle. -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist11.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 11 of 20 After dinner, I tried something different--something I wanted to do before the routine with the tanning lotion changed me too much. Actually, I was probably unnaturally pale before, anyway, but whatev- er. I had about average coloration at that point. I tried a new concept in makeup. I painted big artificial blue 'baby doll' eyes on my eyelids, with large false eyelashes glued on my upper eyelids, and painted-on lower lashes, with thirties-style eyebrows. (I've tried just about all styles of eyebrows: simple straight ones, surprised, pained, emotionless, even slanting Mr. Spock and heavy Mariel Hemingway ones). I also painted on very artificial cupid-bow lips and over-rouged my cheeks. With my eyes shut, I looked a bit like a wide-eyed Raggedy-Anne doll. I covered my nipples and navel with round patches of surgical tape (the kind that looks a bit like tissue paper) and covered it with makeup blended into my skin. I made myself look as much like a department-store mannequin as possi- ble. Nipple-less, navel-less, expressionless. Blonde wig. When I came out of my bedroom he wasn't looking in my direction, so I stood stock still in a department store pose with my eyes shut and my hand on the back of the sofa for balance. I was completely nude. I don't know how he reacted, if he was startled, or what. I bet I looked like a mannequin, though. He didn't say anything. But he did something. To me. He led me into the bathroom and sat me down at my makeup table and removed the makeup from my face. Then he stood me in front of the full-length mirror with my wrists in straps over my head. I thought at first he didn't like what I had done and was going to punish me for it in some way, but I was wrong. He took more of the surgical tape and taped my nether lips together, covering my sex completely. He blended more makeup into the surrounding skin; I already was hairless down there, but he made it look as though I was sexless as well. "What are you going to do to me?" I asked. This question has become almost a formula with us. No matter how nervous I am about what he's doing to me, I'm not supposed to ask it, and I always do anyway, and his response is always disciplinary. This time, it was adhesive tape over my mouth. Securely over my mouth. I tried to open my lips after a while, and couldn't. I watched while he cut little ovals of tape and put them over my eyes, one at a time, taping them shut. He was thoughtful enough to protect my eye- lashes from the tape with a bit of kleenex, but my eyes were taped securely shut. Then he reapplied the makeup job on the outside of the tape (I figured this out later as I was taking it off and cleaning up): Cupid-bow lips, big baby-doll eyes with false lashes, the whole nine yards. He put cotton in my ears, held in with beeswax. I had only two operating senses: touch and smell. He put a drop of sandalwood oil on each shoulder and somewhere on the tape on my face, and for the next few hours, that was all I could smell. When he unhooked me from the ceiling, I was completely disorient- ed, and would have fallen if he hadn't supported me. I felt very odd. He put me on the bed with my wrists strapped together and held over my head at the headboard. I could have gotten the tape off my face if he weren't watching, but he had too much of an advantage. When I tried to reach my face with my hands, he pulled my ankles until my arms were extended above my head again. Then he made love to me. I turned my face blindly from side to side, trying to figure out what he was going to do next, but he kept surprising me. During the foreplay he used partly-melted ice cubes, feathers, clothespins, a snap with a leather shoelace here and there (I know it doesn't qualify as a whip with you hardcore ASBers, but it was the first time for me for all of this stuff, and it hurt--mostly because I didn't know what it was and from the surprise of not knowing what was coming next, or when). I screamed several times under the tape. Each time I was rewarded with a loving kiss on the offended spot, or a stroke of an ice cube. He peeled the tape off my nipples. Slowly. That was excruciating. Then off my nether lips. Likewise. I was pretty excited by that time. I can only imagine how I looked. Later when I took off one eye patch, I realized I must have had a vapid, vacuous, and silly but expression- less appearance no matter what I was feeling behind that mask. More foreplay with the ice cubes on my nipples and nether lips. During my second orgasm (almost always the best) he had me on top and he slipped an ice cube into my behind. I was too far gone at the time to even protest, but it was a terrific orgasm--the second became a plateau from which the third orgasm launched. I don't know how to put it, but it was like an orgasm on top of (added to?) an orgasm rather than two consecutive ones. I know, ice cubes are probably tame stuff for you. It was new to me, though. I realize now (after reading the posting in a.s.b.) that this entire List must seem like the inexperienced fumbling of a couple of virgins. Especially to the guy that walked around with thumbtacks stuck in him. Yow. I feel more than a little embarassed that you might read this, not so much out of shame for what we did, but because we are such vanilla softies. This is really just plain bondage--is there such thing as vanilla bondage? I haven't really experienced any serious pain (except that gag is still a killer). Spanking is on the List, but I don't think J is any more interested in inflicting pain than I am in experiencing it. Besides, spanking isn't real pain either. I came close to some serious stuff yesterday, though. I was really afraid. I'm coming to that. -*- We made love the following night after what must be the strangest conversation on record. I'll try to reconstruct it. On his instructions, I had prepared myself with the usual shower, shave, conditioner, makeup, wig, etc., leather cuffs and collar, too. Now, don't get the wrong idea when I tell you this, because I still hate having my head shaved, but it's done and can't be undone except by many months of waiting. Shaving my own head now just delays regrowing it one more day, so it's not a big deal. If that seems I'm being too logical and unemotional, that's not true. I do feel emotion- al about it. If I could have my hair back right now, I'd do it, List or not. But I can't, so I am experimenting with this new look--just for a few days--before Column One is over and I can start growing it back. So what I'm trying to tell you is that when I shaved, it was an erotic experience. It still is. After a shower, I shaved my underarms and legs (I didn't need depilating). Then I covered my scalp with his fluffy white shaving cream so it looked like I had short, white hair. I "revealed" myself with the razor. Don't ask. I can't explain. When I read over that last paragraph it doesn't capture the eroticism of becoming so extremely naked, but for me it is an erotic process. Anyway. Back to the tale. He had lit two candles in the bed alcove and was waiting for me. He just started right in with the foreplay. I was unable to get into it, even though preparing myself for sex is always a turn-on for me. Anticipation is half the game for me. I don't like spontaneity. Surprises, yes, but I have to know that he has thought them out well in advance and planned the things he does to me. I like my spontaneity to be well planned. But I just couldn't get into the foreplay. The worst part was that he knew it--and he seemed to be expecting me to have trouble, too. He was even pleased, I think. "What's the problem," he said. He had that smug smile that says "I already know the answer to this question." I hate that smile. "I don't know, Master," I said, knowing perfectly well. "I think you do," he said, knowing perfectly well I knew. "No, really..." I said, pretending I didn't know anyone knew anything. "Why did you put on the cuffs and collar?" he asked. Good ques- tion. "I thought you might have wanted to use them ...?" Stupid answer. He just looked at me. "Would it please you if I put on something else?" I asked, trying to change the subject. Stupid question. He just looked at me some more. I was floundering. I could see he didn't believe me. "You wanted to be bound. Admit it." "No! Really! I don't know what it is with me tonight," I protest- ed. "... Master," I added. "I just can't seem to ..." "You can't seem to get into it because this is 'vanilla sex,'" he said. "Admit it." Of course it was true, but I couldn't admit it. I thought it would spoil it if I admitted I liked something that I was supposed to be fighting every step of the way. It takes away an essential ingredi- ent of bondage if you don't fight it, and you can't fight it if you admit you want it--especially to yourself. Can you? "We've reached another milestone here and you just haven't realized it yet," he said. "The illusion that you are resisting me is your last fig leaf. I'm not going to allow you even that shred of dignity. Tonight I'm going to make you admit you want everything I do to you. I'll even make you beg for more. You'll voluntarily give up even the illusion of resistance. Drawing on my fine command of the english language, I said nothing. He got out that wonderful little vibrator and put it in me and chained my wrists to the bedposts. While I was squirming on the bed he ran ropes through the eyes in the ceiling and pulled my ankles high in the air and wide apart. My rear end was nearly pulled off the bed. He went to work on my rear opening with another lubricated vibrator, beginning by working his fingers into my opening until I was relaxed enough to accept it. With nothing to press against, it was hard for me to stimulate myself. My squirming became more and more frantic. I remember thinking that this isn't exactly going to wrench a confession from me. I just got hotter and hotter. He pressed against the front of the vibrator, helping to bring me closer to a climax. He watched me very closely, alternately pressing and waiting, pressing and waiting. I came to the very edge of an orgasm. I was teetering at the very top, panting and heaving. I held my legs straight. My thighs were quiver- ing, I flexed them so hard trying to come. "I'm not going to let you have an orgasm until you beg for it," he said. He took out a small bottle and held it up. "This is an oral anesthetic. It is benzocaine--not clove oil. It lasts just a few minutes. Every time you get close to an orgasm, I will put a little more on." It was the same anesthetic I had used earlier (ages ago) to suppress my gag reflex. I knew it would work perfectly on sensitive membranes--that's what it's intended for. I watched in dismay as he took out the vibrator and put a dab of it on my clitoris. He massaged it in, and put a liberal dose on my labia. After a couple of applications, I could barely feel him touch- ing me at all. By lifting my head I could just see the tops of my nether lips. They get kind of swollen when I am turned on. In fact, they were engorged and dripping. I could literally feel moisture trickle between my legs. But I couldn't feel my clitoris; I couldn't feel anything. I watched him put the vibrator back between my numbed lips. He pressed it solidly against me, and I felt the vibration in my hips, but I was too numb to feel the vibrator itself. He kept watch- ing. I was still panting, still very turned on, but groaning with disappointment every time I strained to recapture that edge.... After a few minutes he took a washcloth and wiped my clitoris free of the anesthetic, but I was still numb. "I can keep this up all night," he said. "Or, I could wash off the anesthetic, gag and blindfold you, and tie you suspended from the ceiling. Which would you rather?" "Ceiling?" I said. "Look up. See the extra rings?" I did. there were several new eye-rings in the ceiling. I had noticed them already. "I will put a harness on you--one you haven't seen yet, and suspend you from the ceiling by it. You will be floating above the bed, blindfolded, gagged, and spread-eagled. And you won't be able to stop having orgasms. "But you'll have to beg me for it. You'll have to convince me that you want it." He was still pressing on the front of the vibrator. I was begin- ning to feel it again. I tried to keep from reacting: maybe I could steal a secret orgasm. I wasn't exactly on the edge, but I could just barely see the beginning of an orgasm peeking around the corner when he took it out again, suddenly. It was almost a shock for the vibra- tion to stop. Then he put it back in. He took nearly a half hour of teasing to bring me to the edge again. With the control over me the anesthetic gave him, it was much easier for him to keep me on the edge. He kept me quivering for another fifteen minutes, letting me rest just enough to keep me from exhaustion, but not enough to let me cool off. "Alright!" I said, finally, just as he was opening the bottle again for a second dose. I'd had enough. "Alright what?" he said. "You win," I said sullenly, "you were (pant) right." "About what?" "Me," I said. Pant, pant. "Say it." (Pant-pant, calming a little) "I want to be tied up," I said flatly. "I get off on it." I didn't sound convincing even to myself. Its easier to tell an unconvincing truth than it is to tell a convinc- ing lie. Did you ever tell a truth in an unconvincing way because you didn't want it to be believed? Even though it was true, I couldn't make myself reveal the truth, so my answer sounded like a recitation read from cue-cards. I didn't mind him knowing I liked bondage, I just thought it was degrading for me to have to tell him. "Not good enough." "Please! What more do you want? I've admitted it!" "Admitting it's not enough." "But this is torture," I wailed. "Does it hurt?" "Yes! No! I don't know what you want!" "I want to be convinced. If it's true, convince me. If it's not, say so and I'll stop, untie you and put you in a nice comfortable bed." "But I said it's true! What more do....Oh No....!" My protest dissolved into a wail as he put more of the stuff on me. "Now we'll wait for it to take effect," he said. [Editorial insert: Actually, he didn't put more on me, he just pretended to. He told me after proofing this account that instead of waiting for it to take effect he was waiting for me to cool down a bit. We went through several cycles of this, with the pretense that he was anesthetizing me: sometimes he really did, sometimes not (I think); he won't tell me if he really used it again or not. It was really the power of suggestion that did it to me. That, and a little Anbesol. I guess this is Just another mindfuck. Well, the brain is my second favorite organ.] So I squirmed and cried in frustration while I became numb for the second time. And a third, and a fourth. Each time, using both vibrators alternately and in concert, he brought me to the edge of a climax--and each time he pulled me back again. The last time, I was covered in perspiration. The bed was soaked, and my wig had come off. My eyes were stinging from the salt and makeup. I can't remember what my exact words were that finally convinced him, but they WERE heart- felt in the end. I literally begged. If I could have gotten to my hands and knees and kissed his feet to show my sincerity, I would have. I wanted release from the torture. I wanted it to stop and I wanted that orgasm. I had earned it. As I say, this may not be an exact transcript: "Please! No more!" I wailed. I thought I was exhausted after the first dose, but by now I had been through four. "I'll do anything! You're right! I want to be tied up! I have to! I want to be used--I want to be filled to overflowing! I don't even WANT an orgasm unless you force me to have it. I can't- I need it that way. I need to be gagged and blindfolded! Please! I'm begging!" And so on, with lots of crying and panting in between. Actually, even though I wouldn't want you to think I wasn't incoherent (say what?), I can't really remember what I said. Whatever it was, it convinced him that I was sincere: either I had gotten to the point where I sincerely wanted him to stop even without giving me an orgasm, or I wanted one so badly I would say anything, or I really was telling the truth about preferring bondage to straight sex. He had no way of knowing. Actually, it was all three. Anyway, he freed me. Rather than suspending me like he had promised or giving me my promised orgasm, he told me to get on my knees on the bed while he stripped (the vibrators were still inside me) and take him in my mouth. After just a few false starts, I was able to take him all the way down my throat without gagging. I'm getting pretty good at that. The vibrator in my rear tended to gradu- ally slip out as I worked on him, and he told me to hold them both in while I brought him closer and closer to an orgasm. I still can't have an orgasm easily while kneeling. It helps to flex my legs and straighten them, but I couldn't. He came in my mouth. He had before, over the last month but not when he was actually down my throat. The first spurt went deep down my throat and I swallowed it reflexively. I caught the rest in my mouth. He hasn't ever told me I have to swallow it, but over the last few weeks I have gotten used to the taste--and the idea. I looked up at him to see his reaction, (looking up was a deliberate infraction of the rules, but what did I have to lose?) and swallowed. He didn't say anything, but I know he knew. I lowered my eyes again. I figured that ought to win me a few points with him. I was incredulous at the time, but he actually made me wait until the NEXT DAY for an orgasm. He could have made love again in a few minutes, or even have used the vibrator on me, but he made me wait until the morning. I was kneeling in front of him after I had swal- lowed, and he bent me over and took the rear vibrator out. He told me to roll over on my back, and he took out the other one. I was SO sure he was going to finally give me my orgasm then ... but he didn't. He told me I would have to wait until tomorrow. My nether lips were swollen and my entire pelvis felt congested and uncomfortable. He waited--and watched--while I got ready for sleep; then he locked me to his bed, both hands to a long chain at the head, one ankle at the foot. I could almost (but not quite) bring my arms down to my waist if I straightened my leg and scooted up to the headboard. I tried after he was asleep. I spent a fairly miserable night, although we went to bed early and I did finally sleep. The next morning he got me up before dawn. The List Column 1 Item 18 I had cooled down by the next day, but he left instructions before he went to work for me to prepare myself for him. You know the routine. Shower, shave, conditioner, makeup, etc. This time, though, no clothing. Not a stitch. Starting at 5:30, I waited, reading, in the living room. He took me into the bedroom practically the minute he got home and started right in putting straps and belts and constraints all over me. He put a strap around each arm above the elbow and locked my right wrist to my left elbow behind my back, and vice versa. What followed was a bewildering array of straps around my ankles (held three feet apart by a stiff pole locked to my ankle straps), thighs (upper and lower), and neck (a stiff, high collar that had three buckles to close it in back). There were straps around my chest above and below my breasts, a very wide one around my waist, and two straps that went from the front of the waistband (leaving my sex exposed) under my crotch to join a single wide strap that buckled to the back of the waistband--but only after he had put another device in my rear. This one was a surprise. It was a while before I figured out what it was. Before buckling the back of the belt, he told me to sit on the bed. He rolled me over and lifted me to a kneeling position with my face and shoulders resting on the bed and my rear in the air, legs held apart by the pole between my ankles. With my arms behind me, there wasn't much I could do to resist. There was no foreplay. He just lubricated his fingers and started loosening me, preparing me for something. When I saw it, I was nonplussed. "What's that?! What are you going to do to me?" Contraptions make me nervous, especially when I don't know what they're for. "It's on the List," he said. "Trust me." Well, it is on the List, but only technically. The 'horse' had been on the List, too: two dildos at once. That was stretching the intent of the List to the limit. I couldn't make head nor tail of this, though. It looked like a very large condom on the end of a small-diameter rubber hose. "But Master, if it pleases you, I don't remember anything like..." He gagged me. This time it wasn't that horrible rubber ball, but it was still a gag. It was a kind of ring that went in my mouth, held in with a neck strap. The ring just held my mouth open--that's all, just held it open. Sounds simple, but I couldn't make an intelligible sound to save my life. It was humiliating. And I know I must have looked like a drooling idiot with my mouth hanging open. I relaxed a little, though. He wouldn't gag me if he was doing something that required feedback to avoid hurting me. He inserted the condom-thing into my rear, poking it gently but fully inside me with his fingers--I was left with a rubber tube hanging out of me. He buckled the crotch strap of the 'chastity belt' (unchastity belt?) in back, holding IT (I'll tell you what IT was in a minute) inside me. Then he blindfolded me and started the real show. I was already trussed up pretty securely just lying there on the bed, but he was tying ropes to the rings on the various bits of leather harness that held me. Soon, I felt myself being hoisted: at first it was just my feet being lifted. Then my shoulders and waistband. Step by step, he hoisted different parts of me up over the bed until I was hanging, suspended, like a kind of horizontal puppet. I was very disoriented, but I'm sure my head was higher than my feet, and I know my legs were held spread apart even after he took off the pole that held my ankles. I was well supported everywhere. There weren't any real pressure points, and my circulation was fine. It was like sitting in a swing, sort of. But something was happening inside me. The device he had put in my rear portal was doing something, seemingly on it's own. I twisted my head blindly from side to side. "Ah ah oh oh!" I said. Ha-ha. Very funny, I know, but you try saying "What are you doing?" without being able to close your mouth. I was feeling VERY strange down there. The sensation was one of being filled, but from the inside. It was a warm feeling, but oddly familiar. When I finally figured it out, I realized he was filling the condom inside me with warm water through the rubber tubing. The sensation of being filled increased (and increased and increased). I felt much fuller than I ever had with anything else that had been in there. Packed, in fact. Not stretched the way a dildo would have done, just full. My breathing and heart rate began to increase. I guess that technically it was a water-filled dildo? Meanwhile, I could feel him putting on my nipple cages. That feeling really is exquisite. Then he entered me. I could feel his hands on my hips, steadying me. He was standing on the futon between my legs. I felt a slow stroking motion--I think it was me swinging back and forth rather than him thrusting. Maybe both. I really felt I was floating above the bed, though. Floating and full. (Will she resist the temptation, you ask yourself.) I think not: Floating, full, and f****d. Heh heh. Is that the first time I've used the F word? Shame on me. It'll probably be censored. If you're logging on in California, it may have been censored on its way through the midwest. They have filters in the phone lines in certain counties. I won't bore you with the rest. I had a few orgasms and lost all sense of orientation in the process. I might have been weightless for all I knew. The most interesting thing was that I was free to try to move in any direction but still constrained. Hanging free, unable to touch anything, but still completely trapped. I couldn't have hurt myself no matter what I did. Like a fly in a spider web. And I like the feeling of being filled--but this way is a little kinky for me. He drained me, freed me, and that was that. Sorry to be so brief about it, but I don't want to dwell on it and you are probably tired of gratuitous sex anyway. We talked about it afterward, and I found out he had considered leaving the condom inside me. At first I was horrified--didn't he know sea turtles die that way? Digestive systems plugged with party bal- loons? He had put a rubber band around the condom to hold it onto the tubing, but as a safety measure he had passed a piece of string under the band and knotted it around so the condom wouldn't be lost inside me even if it slipped off the tubing. Then it occurred to him that if the tubing was slipped out deliberately, the rubber band would close the condom and I would still be filled by the condom but unable to expel it; a simple tug on the rubber band would expose enough of the condom that he could burst it with a pin. Which I wouldn't be able to do unless my hands were free. Clever, clever. A little technical for my taste. I'm glad he didn't do it. I think he (correctly) figured what he had done to me was weird enough, even though the newspaper, coincidentally enough, said it was National Condom Week Now there's a parade you don't want to miss.... But I had told him (under duress) that I wanted to be filled up, so I can hardly blame him for being weird. Still, it was weird. But who am I to criticize anyone for unnatural practices. And no, it would not have felt more "natural" if it had been a sheep intestine condom. Despite what the ad on the package says. More natural, hah. For certain guys in certain parts of Tennessee and West Virginia, maybe. Give me artificial any day. Less than a week to go and the month allotted for his turn at Master and mine as slave will be over. -*- It started raining heavily while I wrote down the preceding entry. I went outside and stood in the rain for no good reason. You know, one of those tropical downpours where it just pours down verti- cally and the trees bend under the weight of water on their leaves. My muslin robe was plastered to my skin. Good excuse for a hot shower and some conditioner, followed by a nice cup of tea in my robe, fresh out of the dryer. Luxury. There has been a lot of rain this Spring. The plants in the garden are loving it. -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist12.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 12 of 20 The List Column One Item 19 I'm still catching up on these entries. He was on holiday last week, so we spent a lot of time together and I couldn't write. Since he went back to work on Monday, I've been able to write up the events of last week. It's Wednesday now, and tomorrow evening is the end of my month. Or his month, depending on how you look at it. Yesterday (Tuesday) I asked him if we could continue for a while longer. I have been "bottoming" for a month now, and I have thought a great deal about Column Two. I have decided I am not temperamentally equipped to "top." (Will ya listen to me? A few weeks ago I had never heard the term "bottom" and now I are one. That's what reading a.s.b. will do. I gotta education now.) He turned me down flat. He thinks that the List should be sa- cred--if we start bending the rules, the bottom won't know what he/she can depend on anymore. I suppose that's true, but still, if both agree... He also thinks that a month straight (perhaps 'continuous' is a better word) is enough. Maybe he's right there. I think I would like to do this on special occasions rather than continuously. But I don't want to stop just quite yet. The month has been delicious. Still, I think if both agree, it ought to be alright. He just won't agree, so I guess we won't go on. -*- J told me to prepare a special meal for Tuesday night. And to take special care in preparing myself. He wanted to be surprised. I must have a pretty poor imagination, because the only thing I could think of to do was to try out the harem costume I had made. I am almost ashamed of it now. When I decided to make it, it seemed so appropriate to what we were doing, but it seems like such a juvenile fantasy by comparison with the things we did subsequently that it was a cliche before I had a chance to try it out. But I went through with it, so I'll put it down here. I think that the only two ideas I have contributed--the harem dance and the raggedy-anne eye makeup--were imaginative failures on my part. J rescued the makeup idea and made it interesting by taking charge; he is too kind to say so, but even I find my ideas mundane by comparison with what J has done. I take that back. Suppressing my own gag reflex with an anesthetic was a stroke of genius. It was also the product of a twisted mind, but genius nonetheless. And the forest goddess--that was my idea too. Maybe I'm not so dull witted. Anyway, I would rather be the one that is entertained, rather than vice versa. I intended to treat J like a king that night. I cooked food that I could feed him by hand, a morsel at a time, and I dressed the part of a harem girl. To go with the outfit I had made, I had bought a cheap Indian silver belt that kind of drooped down in a kind of decorative v-shaped chain mesh loincloth, and a necklace of the same mesh. I had wrist and ankle bangles and rings on my toes and fingers and a (fake) ring in my nose. I was looking pretty dark and persian by then anyway, thanks to the tanning lotion. My makeup was perfect and elaborate: slanting persian eyes, rouged nipples, a jewelled navel, a beauty spot, a veil, obscenely long, fake nails, a black wig like a huge wild mane, jewel hanging in the middle of my forehead, sandalwood perfume, da woiks. I waited on him hand and foot from the moment he walked in the door. I bathed him, put conditioner on his skin, rubbed his back, served him drinks and stuffed him with hors d'oeuvres. I lit incense. I lit candles all over the house. I turned on exotic music and danced and wriggled (and jiggled) circles around him. I stripped as I wrig- gled, removing everything but my pendants. The wig came off last during the grand finale. When the music finished I prostrated myself at his feet (well, next to the sofa since that was where he was reclining, sultanesque) and asked to beg a favor of him, in the approved slave-like manner. I asked quite seriously to be excused from column two. I offered to let him do anything to me if only we could go on a little more with column one instead. I offered to let him put a ring in my nose--through the nostril or (even more kinky) through the septum. He hasn't done anything that is permanent to mark me as his. Tatoos were on the List, but he didn't make me get one. I offered. I had prepared a long mental list of things he might want to do to me, and as I babbled my way through this list, he sat in complete silence. When I finally ran out of words and faltered to a halt he remained silent. Finally, I told him he could do anything to me that he wanted. Any- thing. Still no response. I really don't know what else I could have said or done. I think I may have irritated him a bit by going on about wanting him to continue "topping." Finally, he told me to stop trying to discuss it, and that Column One would be over on schedule as agreed. I protested that I had been begging abjectly like a good slave should and it wasn't fair to stop me. That was dumb of me. Obviously a good slave would have shut up when told to do so. He told me he was going to punish me for mouthing off, and he did. I think he did this to make me WANT Column One to be over. The List Column One Item 20 He locked the ball gag on me and led me into the bedroom where he told me to sit in a half-lotus position. We took a yoga course togeth- er (one night a week for nine months) and we are both pretty limber, although not as limber as the teacher. She was incredibly flexible but a little too much into eastern mysticism for our taste. It's hard to find a yoga teacher that doesn't debase the discipline by mixing it with some mystical cosmic theory involving universal truth, beauty, peace, harmony, virtue, and vegetarianism. Yoga could be defined as exercise corrupted by morality. That's not why we quit, though. We enjoyed it despite the incense and ceremony. Maybe I'm too midwestern. I hate to keep blaming everything on my upbringing. Maybe this time it was good old-fashioned narrow-mindedness. But just because I'm narrow- minded doesn't mean the mysticism wasn't bullshit. So anyway. There I was in a half-lotus and J strapped my shins together so I was stuck that way: right ankle on top of left knee, left ankle beneath right knee, two belts wrapped around several times and buckled. Then, in some kind of weird symmetry, he strapped my forearms in a similar position behind my back. I guess you could call it the corruption of yoga by immorality? He left the bedroom to get something; I thought he was going to leave me that way for a while but he came right back. He flipped me over on my face so that I was "kneeling" with my rear end in the air at one end and resting on my chest, shoulders, and the side of my face at the other end. Talk about awkward and degrading verging on painful. He got the hot water bottle and a collection of rubber hoses out of the bathroom. I figured he was going to give me a repeat routine like he did before with the water-filled condom (way back in "Item 17", was it?), except this time he inserted two hoses into me, one with a condom, one without. "You said I could do anything to you. Anything at all," he said. "Lets see if you still feel that way tomorrow." He sat me back on my hips again and began filling the condom inside me just as before. I could feel it expanding. When it was full, he tipped me over onto my chest again and removed the tube from the condom, just as he had considered doing the last time. The water-filled condom was inside me, acting as a kind of plug. It was held closed by a rubber band with a string tied to it so it could be pierced and drained later. For now I was plugged. There was no way I could expel anything that large. He tipped me back again so I was sitting on my rear in this enforced half-lotus position, and began filling me through the second tube. As I became fuller and fuller I eventually became unable to hold my stomach in any more. I had to relax and let my abdomen distend under the water pressure. My stomach protruded and filled my lap. The hot water bottle was suspend- ed four feet overhead and I couldn't prevent the flow by pushing back; neither could I stop the flow by clenching my rear opening: the tube would not collapse. Before I became uncomfortable he stopped the flow, took out the gag and unstrapped my legs. It took me several moments of intense pain and whimpering to straighten my legs after being in that position for so long. I thought he was through with me, that this was all he was going to do, but I was wrong. He stood me up, strapped my ankles close together so I could only take the tiniest of steps, and locked my arms to an overhead chain. I watched while he taped a loop of the water tube to the flange of a vibrator and put it inside my sex with the tube between my clitoris and the flange. He taped it in place. Then he moved a chest of drawers nearby. I didn't know what the hell he was doing. Then he started the flow and turned on the vibrator. "What are you doing to me?" I asked. "You can stop the flow by pressing the vibrator against the edge of the chest of drawers," he said. He put the ring gag in my mouth. At least it wasn't the ball gag again. I began filling up. After a while I began to feel uncomfortable and pressed against the tube, which transmitted the vibrations directly to my clitoris, but it stopped the flow. Something gurgled in my abdomen and the discomfort disappeared, but I continued to press lest it return. As I pressed against the tube I tried to ignore the vibrations. I discovered I had to press quite hard to stop the flow. After about ten minutes I was unable to stop the orgasm and while I tried to regain control of myself I began filling up again. I went back to pressing but had another orgasm after a few minutes. That was the last one I had that night. After a while the vibrations just got so tiresome I had to step away and let the flow continue unhindered. I watched my stomach slowly distend to become a belly. It grew until I began to look pregnant. I kept looking from my stomach to J, trying to ask with my eyes when he would stop it. >From time to time I made little incomprehensible mewling noises, not really trying to talk, but expressing my growing discomfort. Several more times I began to feel uncomfortable but each time my stomach gurgled, the discomfort passed, and the flow continued. I know that the length of the tube was too short for the water pressure to do any damage, but I finally felt so big and heavy I had to let out a moan. He let it go a little longer. I couldn't tell if the water pressure had equilibrated with the pressure inside me or if I was still expanding, but he finally stopped it and took out the tube. I had been clenching to prevent any leakage around the tube, and after he had removed it I still tried to stop the humiliation of the water leaking out and running down my legs. But I needn't have wor- ried. I couldn't have expelled the water if I had tried to, plugged the way I was. He took off the gag, freed my ankles and released me from the overhead chain. With my arms still strapped behind my back I couldn't reach the string between my legs, but I was free to walk wherever I wanted. Immediately, I went to the bathroom, but I couldn't expel the condom or the water. Not a drop. I had a pee, though. It didn't help. In the mirror I looked like I was about four or five months pregnant. I felt incredibly distended and all I could think about was getting the water out of me; of course I was powerless to do so. I felt so ungainly and bloated. I couldn't even walk naturally with my abdomen distended that way. I waddled back out of the bathroom to confront him. "My God," I whimpered, "what have you done to me!?" I started begging him to let the water out. He left me that way, though, and actually made love to me in that condition. I suppose I should say he used me to satisfy himself: I didn't get much out of it. He just sat me on the edge of the table in the living room and pene- trated me while he stood between my legs and I lay back on the table waiting for it to be over. At least he didn't put his weight on my abdomen. I didn't have an orgasm, and he didn't seem to care. When he was through with me he freed my arms. I cradled my stomach in my hands and started to rush to the bathroom. "Wait," he said. I stopped, but didn't turn to face him. I just stood there shifting from foot to foot, wishing I could get back to normal. "You're beautiful when you're worried, too," he said. I tried to regain a measure of composure, steadied myself, and turned to face him. I still held my abdomen in my hands as though it were fragile enough to burst. "Okay," he said, releasing me. In the bathroom, I pulled gently on the string until I could puncture the condom with a nail scissors. The condom emptied quickly and so did I. I'm sorry if I can't dress this up and make it sexy and entertaining, but I didn't feel very sexy or entertained myself. I had told him he could do anything he wanted to me, but I think (hope) he chose to do this to me in order to get me to change my mind about continuing with him as top. Or maybe J has better associations with this sort of thing than I do because he has a prostate to be stimulat- ed. Maybe a pretty nurse gave him an enema once. Ask Freud. I was not turned on by it. Okay. I endured it, I wrote about it. I consider myself to be pretty liberal on most issues. I don't think anything is so obscene that it justifies censorship but this, to me, was pretty gross. I felt ... well, defiled. I define obscenity as whatever produces an erection in a judge. At least I felt that way up to now. I'm not so sure I feel that way any more. Maybe what J did to me was obscene. Maybe he meant it to be. I concluded that if he were to continue as top, I wouldn't want to explore that particular avenue any further. Maybe that's why he did it. I probably gave him the idea anyway when I cleaned myself out for anal sex. But I don't want to do that scene again. I don't. The List Column One Item 21 He made it up to me the next day, though. I guess he wanted me to know how good it could be if we followed the rules. When I say good, I mean it was the best ever, and the scariest. Earlier I said he brought me to the edge of serious pain. Well, this is it. By Wednesday evening I had started to turn a quite dark shade of brown from the tanning lotion. Quite dark. He still had me putting it everywhere. My scalp, my face, in my ears, everywhere. I think the pills are starting to kick in, too. It is starting to stain the bed sheets. They'll be ruined unless it washes out. Those in his room were a disaster after the scene I am about to describe. I had just finished rubbing in my third dose when he had me sit on the edge of the bed and buckle on the waistband of the leather (un)chastity belt while he put on knee and ankle straps with a pole to separate my ankles. Then he locked my wrists to the back of my collar and doubled me over by chaining my knee straps to the front of the collar. This exposed my nakedness completely. He arranged me face down on the bed on my elbows and knees with my rear end in the air and then chained my collar to the head of the bed and my ankles to the foot. [NFTF: I still can't believe I'm writing down what we did, sometimes. Sorry to interrupt, but the thought just hits me from time to time.] Then he spread my knees and tied them to the sideboards. I was unable to move in any direction, couldn't roll over, couldn't do anything but kneel there with my bum in the air and wonder what would come next. He began loosening my rear end, this time with a massage oil. I really get into it now when he manipulates me with his hands. He knows exactly what to do. He is able to masturbate me as well as I can myself when my hands are free. Of course he teases me instead, but he is as familiar with my body as a violinist is with his instrument. He can be almost casual about the way he turns me on. I don't know if you've been able to tell, but over the last month I've become pretty docile about what I will let him do to me. Sure, I fight it, but my struggles have become a matter of ritual--on occasion fueled by real apprehension, but the List really has protected me from anything approaching serious damage. This night was different. I was straining to see what he was doing behind me, twisting my head left and right as he prepared his latest entertainment. When I saw, my apprehension became fear. Several times in the past, I was punished for some infraction of a trivial rule that was made up for no other reason than as an excuse to punish me. Sometimes I was little rebellious, too. Now, he does these things to me without feeling the slightest need for a pretense. It isn't punishment anymore, it is just for his own pleasure. Or fascination. I can accept that, too. Except this time he was stretch- ing the point--literally and figuratively. Finally, I saw what he had been preparing me for. "You're not going to put that in me are you?" I squeaked. "Mas- ter?" I added hastily. It was an enormous dildo. Or it looked enormous to me. Up to now, he was the biggest thing that'd been inside me there, and he isn't made of hard unyielding plastic. This- this thing- was appreciably bigger than he. Words like monumental spring to mind. Heroic. Legendary. I began struggling and protesting, but even when I threw my weight against the straps it did nothing but tip me from side to side a bit. I couldn't even fall over, and I certainly couldn't straighten up. He loosened me some more, but I was finding it difficult to cooperate. I continued my futile struggles. The SIZE of that thing was all I could think of. When he started it in, I knew I would have to cooperate as much as I could, and I tried, I really did. I stopped struggling and tried to relax. He spread my cheeks and I relaxed enough for it to get started, and at first I thought I could stand it. It was tapered a little. But just as I thought I had taken the whole diameter, he edged it in a little further and I gasped a real gasp. "Its too big," I cried, "I can't take it! It's stretching me!" I strained forward away from it, renewing my ineffectual rebellion, but the way I was tied caused me to just lift my rear in the air more. I couldn't wriggle away. I kept begging him to stop, but he just waited until I settled down and adjusted to the sensation, and then he continued to insert it. I cried out again. I was being stretched open to the point that I almost wondered if I would be damaged. I know intellectually that the human body is very resilient. People have checked into the ER with much bigger (and more interesting) objects than that inside them (a small bust of Mozart, for example, but that's another story. You can imagine the bad puns about music lovers gone bust, etc.), but I wasn't able to intellectualize this. All I knew was that I was being invaded, it was too big, I couldn't expel it, and I couldn't stop it. When it was finally in all the way to its flange, I felt extreme- ly fragile, stretched to the absolute breaking point, and very, very full. He buckled the crotch strap in back, holding it securely inside me. I couldn't do anything about it with my hands locked to my neck. He unchained and untied me from the bed so I could straighten out. I couldn't sit up. It would have damaged me. Probably not really, but it certainly felt that way. Well, some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust within them. [Note from the Future--but not very far in the future: he told me a few days later that he had showed me one dildo and inserted another smaller one. Still, the one he DID use was as big as he is--and quite a bit less forgiving. I guess this was what the folks at A.S.B. call a mindfuck.] He took off the separator pole but left my wrists locked to the back of my neck. It took some slow and ginger creeping about on my part before I was able to stand up, and even then I could walk only with great difficulty, slightly doubled over. He put the tiny chain between my nipple rings and led me by it into the walk-in shower in his bathroom He didn't turn on the water; he massaged more oil into every crevice of my body. He even worked it under the belt that held in the dildo. In the bathroom mirror my completely hairless, brown, oiled body was quite a sight. I looked like some kind of primitive polynesian native captured and taken into slavery. He attached a fine chain--actually a necklace--to the chain between my nipples and used it as a leash to lead me out of the house. It took only the slightest tug to lead me wherever he wanted to take me. For one panicked moment I thought he was taking me to the car (I would have had to go), but he just led me on a stroll around the yard like a pet being taken for a walk. I walked--almost hobbled--haltingly behind him. I was doubled over slightly, trying to keep from being stretched unmercifully by the dildo. And the nipple leash. It was sunset after a light rain and the atmosphere in the yard had that luminous greenish-yellow cast that sometimes comes for a few minutes when the air is clear and fresh and the sun is near the horizon behind the trees. The grass was wet under my feet and glowed with the intense green of new spring growth; the woods around us were dark and smelled of wet leaves. The air was still and comfortably warm, and it was too early in the year for mosquitos. We smelled the flowers and he picked two purple azalea blossoms and tucked one into each nipple ring: in the twilight and against my golden-brown skin they seemed to have a fluorescent glow. All these sights and smells were just as intense as the emotional uncertainty, the apprehension, and the full, stretched physical sensations I experienced as he led me around the yard. I gasped sharply from time to time as my nipples and my distended rear portal alternately claimed my attention. There is a small grassy path that leads down to a little azalea- bordered glade in the woods. It really is lovely: the azalea bushes are as old as the house (more than fifty years) and are monstrous. Earlier, without telling me, he had spread a big blanket on the ground in the clearing, and it was there that he led me. While I stood in the middle of the clearing, he took off the tiny leash. He knelt in front of me and took off the ankle and knee straps, and then stood to release my wrists from the ring at back of my neck. My hand went to the strap between my legs that held in the dildo, but he took my hand in his and guided it to his sex. I could feel he was rigid inside his pants. He told me to undress him. I did, kneeling as gracefully as the device inside me would permit, and taking off his sandals and pants. When he was naked he knelt beside me and helped me to lie back on the rough wool blanket where he unbuckled the belt from my hips and pulled it gently away. I was wearing nothing but the collar and the enormous device inside me. Gently, he lifted and parted my legs, and with excruciating slowness, he entered me. I spread myself further, welcoming him. His lovemaking was particularly tender, perhaps because these are the last nights of our scheduled month, perhaps out of consideration for the device inside me. Perhaps it was just the mood set by the azaleas surrounding us and the glow of the sunset. Together we climbed lazily from plateau to plateau, seeming to wander aimlessly from one sensation to another without searching for a climax. It was a languid and unhurried journey. We built to the slowest, sweetest, most tantalizing crescendo. At some point he rolled us gently and put me on top so he could manipulate the thing inside me. It was as though he were leading me at exactly the pace he wanted, waiting, hesitating on the edge of a precipice, approaching the abyss from every angle without plunging in. Normally an orgasm is something I strive for; this one we both knew we could have together any time we chose, so we delayed, teasing ourselves, looking into the depths and pulling back again and again, staying near the edge longer and longer with each visit. Finally, we looked into each others' eyes and knew it was time. We both smiled secret little smiles with just our eyes and then turned inward together to look down into the depths and wait hand in hand on the very edge for it to come to us and take us together. We both knew that if either of us so much as twitched it would set off a landslide and carry us over the edge together. Still we waited, looking into each others eyes and knowing together about this secret interior world we shared. Finally a little surprised gasp escaped me and I went out of focus, falling away from him into the depths, but that tiny gasp pulled him over the edge with me and we were falling together. We didn't lose control, we just didn't bother keeping it. Instead we just fell together forever. Somewhere far above me I could hear someone crying out. It might have been me. -*- Okay, so I got carried away writing that, but it was the best orgasm I have ever had, bar none, so I'm entitled. I didn't do it justice, but that's still the general idea of what it was like. I can see why the french call it the little death. I remember thinking fleetingly how foolish it is to TRY to have an orgasm. They're so much better if you just let them happen. Imagine if a symphony orchestra's objective was to reach the end of the music rather than to concentrate on playing the other bits. Kind of defeats the purpose, and yet sex has been so goal- oriented for me. "Achieving" an orgasm is subtly ingrained in the way I think and it is a hard attitude to change. Obviously, I'm working on it. Afterward, we were a long time recovering. Or maybe we were just enjoying the floating sensation that comes after. See? There I go again. It wasn't really over, was it? We had just passed a crescendo in the music, but the music was still going on. IS! IS still going on. Sheesh! You could miss your whole life just by not paying attention. The sky, the azaleas, the treetops, everything seemed to be bathed in the same afterglow I was experiencing. Eventually, I wobbled to my hands and knees and after a while stretched languidly the way a dog does on all fours. He ran his hand down my back to the end of the device and touched it lightly, moving it just enough to make me react again. Eyes closed, I waited on my hands and knees with him lying next to me on his side, head propped on one hand; he watched my face closely while he slowly removed the thing from me. I concentrated intently on enjoying/experiencing everything as he inched it out, fully aware that he was watching me. I savored every millimeter of it, and rather than just taking it out he helped me, reading every gasp and shudder, every bitten lip and arched back, every sudden breath, every movement. He has always known that the journey is far more important than the destination. I shuddered through several after- shocks and when he came to the end, the suddenness of it slipping completely out left me twitching and contracting on my own with no stimulation other than that of my own mind. I was so far gone I wasn't sure if it was even out of me. I collapsed onto the blanket and he cuddled and stroked me while I settled back down to earth. I ended up sprawled face up on the blanket looking up at the stars coming out in the evening sky. After a while he clipped the tiny necklace-leash to my nipple-ring chain again and we got to our feet. After he led me back into the house he told me to dress for him while he cooked a light dinner. I held everything I have up in front of me in the mirror, and nothing looked right with my dark brown skin. The white cotton outfits (the robe and the tight-fitting one) looked wrong. The thong was too artificial. A moment of inspiration and I had made a g-string-like loincloth out of twisted scraps left over from the cotton robe. The white looked great against my darkened skin. He thought so, too. Eating dinner at the oak table with candles and formal silverware while dressed that way was a turn-on, for some reason. I almost wished we could do it at a formal restaurant just to see the look on the other's faces when J led me in on a leash. Of course I wouldn't really... unless I could be sure we wouldn't get arrested. I wonder how I would look in a fig leaf? There is a fig tree in the yard. I ate with my fingers, just for effect. The List Column One Item ... none This will be my last entry. When we were making love yesterday (Thursday) evening, it was vanilla sex and, although I didn't realize it, it was exactly (to the hour), four Thursdays ago that we started Column One. He rolled us over so I was on top and said, "Time to start column two," and that was that. I mean, we went on to have our vanilla orgasms and they were all very nice, I'm sure, but it was clear that it was over at that moment. I wish the final episode in this little drama could have been an erotic Gotterd„merung, but it didn't work out that way. If you want an orgasmic Ride of the Valkuries, read Item 20 again and try to imagine how it was for me. I suppose that I don't have to even make any more entries, since the chains are off now, as it were, but I'll finish this one. After that, I suppose J will be the one making the entries if I can bring myself to do it to him. Now I can safely admit that I skipped the last two days of tanning lotion (okay, so I lied in my last entry), and I have been scrubbing my skin raw to get it off, but I still look brown-yellow. I haven't even started to look blotchy yet. It'll be a while before I can go out of the house, even with a wig. It'll be a week before I even look like Sinead O'Connor. I am still not ready for this topping business. I'm afraid I'll ruin J's image as my Master. Or my image of him as my Master. Also, after J's little trick with the condom, I'm not sure I want to contin- ue as bottom either, unless we work out a new List and stick to it. I feel like I should say something profound at this point, but I'm not a profound person. Mostly I feel pretty silly. I know myself a little better now, but maybe it is only the shallow that can truly know themselves anyway. I could quote someone ELSE profound if I could just remember who said it: "Young girls already know all about love--it's only their capacity to suffer for it that grows." Except that this hasn't really been suffering for me. I don't know if I have lost J--or the person I thought was J, or what. I think I might leave him if he doesn't have the strength to keep me. I also might leave him if that last little condom trick of his was a glimpse of the real J rather than a mindfuck. I haven't figured that out yet. If he did it because of himself rather than in spite of himself, I'm history. So goodbye all you people at A.S.B., obviously the only reader- ship this little account will ever enjoy. Here's a big kiss. No kidding: I am going to make a little circle on the screen below and press my nipple against it as a goodbye kiss. I know it's electronic and through the net and has been stored on a diskette and it's a different monitor and all, and you'll think me a bit flaky, but it's a real kiss nonetheless, * * * * * * * ___ * * (_) * * * * * and I really pressed myself against the screen. You may not know it, but you all deserve a kiss for helping me get through the last month, even if you didn't even know I existed. It was good to know there were other people out there discovering themselves, and that some had already done so and seemed to be normal anyway. But don't get any fancy ideas: kiss or not, it's just a monitor and I'm still a devout midwesterner, Somewhere down deep where J just hasn't quite hit bottom yet ;-). Bye, "M" -*- I found this note on the kitchen table yesterday. I have added it to the end of this document because it explains itself. Two weeks have passed since we finished "Column One". I changed our names in the note, and the deleted part was too personal to post. If I post this at all. We'll see. Shit. "J" -*- J I am leaving for a while. It isn't because of the last month. I liked it--almost every minute--probably more than was healthy for me. It was the two weeks after we finished that got to me. I guess I just need a dose of reality. Funny, but the last two weeks have been the unreal part. That scares me a little. I feel like I am convalescing from a disease that I would rather not have had cured. There is an empty place in me and I haven't decided whether it is best left empty. I'm going to visit Connie and see her kids. After that I don't know, but I'll try to call. I took a wig and two suitcases. The rest of my stuff is in my bedroom. Will you keep it for a while? I should have gotten a job at the hospital. If I come back I will have to, no arguments. (deletion) Love, M Fin -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist13.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 13 of 20 From Nurse Jones: Okay, okay. Here is some of Column Two. I wrote it while still lurking. But it's all wrong because a lot has changed since then. For one thing, I know some of you through E-mail now, and I'm more than a little embarrassed to send it out, for reasons I explained in a recent post. And it's getting more difficult as time goes on. For some reason, I didn't care so much if strangers read about my innermost thoughts, so long as no one I KNEW found out this stuff. But I've just realized that I am getting to know "you people." Anonymously, sure, but what does that matter? You've formed a mental image of me, just like I have of some of you. Now if I shock and disappoint you, I care. Now it matters what you think of me. In fact, I just turned beet red thinking about the end of Column One. Well, not BEET red, maybe fuchsia. Which has got to be the most carefully spelled color in the midwest, possibly the world. I could NEVER confront anyone that had read Column One and knew all that about me. Except Jay. But here it is, the beginning at least, almost unedited: The List Column Two I'm back. (in a deep, Schwartzenegger-esque voice, with sunglass- es) S.F. is a pretty neat place. Almost worth chucking it all for. I'm surprised everyone doesn't want to live there. I could probably get a job there easier than J could, given what I do. Maybe someday I'll go there and help them do the offbeat things they get away with while even managing to act as if it were all perfectly normal. Start an all-night yoga clinic or something. You laugh. There would be competition. I'm NOT going back to Indiana. My home town is proof that Hell is full and the dead walk the earth. Besides, it's easier to be kinky a long way from home. Hmph. It's easier to be liberal when you're a long way from my home. You know how the Jaycees put a little sign outside their town to encourage tourism? Like "Whisk Broom Capital of the World" or whatever. Our town motto would have to be something like: "Not as bad as you might have imagined," or maybe "Preferable to Gary." How about: "Leave it in drive" Even Chicago was better. At least there was something happening all the time. Most of it unsolved. Anyway, I like the South almost as much as SF and a lot more than Chicago. You don't have to shovel water. And I like J a lot more than I thought I did when I left. So anyway, I'm a top now. Sort of. I got my feet back on the ground over the last month, and decided that J wasn't so gawdawful weird after all. He's still adamant about me having a shot at topping, and I still don't really feel constitutionally suited to it, but I'm going to do it. When I decided to go back to J I called and told him I needed some money if I was going to top him. For toys. He sent me a bundle, so I'm back, and loaded for bear. As they say. In fact, we got started on Column Two when I got back, but we had to stop when I pulled a groin muscle, even though it wasn't mine. I mailed the first part of this document to a couple of ASB'ers at their home addresses just before I got back to J. It was titled The List, and added up to near 500k in 6 files, "chapters" (items) 1-21. I don't know if it ever got posted. There's no indication that it did on the net... [Note from The Present: It ended up getting posted after all, thanks to wizvax and some very nice wizpeople, but I'll leave this stuff in anyway, out of date though it is.] ... If it didn't, then this will seem like an extended non-sequitur to you. I'd better explain a little. To be very brief, I was a bottom for the very first time last Spring. Not that I had ever been a top. It lasted a month by prior agreement with J, and the things he did to me we also agreed upon by way of a negotiated two-column list (The List) broken down into paired items. If he did to me something listed in column one, I could do the corresponding thing in column two to him and vice versa. So I guess this is about to become an account of column two. Except that this time, I can write it my own way. He proofed, edited, and controlled what I wrote--or should I say what he had me write--for column one. I left J because I thought he had gotten too weird; the things he was doing to me. Since then, I've thought about it a lot and decided I was just a little slow to adapt. He's okay, really. I hope I wasn't too hard on him when I left. I really do care about him. So anyway, I went to San Francisco for a few months. We midwest- erners don't change our attitudes very readily, but I can certainly say that I got my prejudices rearranged. A lot has changed on the net since those days. Saltgirl seems to be gone for good and STella is the new netqueen. I'm still a lurker, but maybe not for long: it looks like there is anonymous posting now, if all this wizvax stuff is what it appears to be. I guess I'll be posting that way some day if I can figure it out. I have a lot to learn about using the net, I guess. There are a lot of new folks out there now. Some of them sound about as tolerant as the hyperbaptists in the main office of J's department. They're everywhere, like the roaches. They tried to get the usenet feed canceled--specifically because of ASB and AS. Except that the hyperbaptists are intolerant of ALL perverts, not just amateurs like me. Maybe I'd better stay in the closet a bit longer. Coming out to some of you might not be the thrill I'd originally thought. I don't relish being forgiven for having once been a lurker. The attitude seems a bit smug to me. I would have thought that the people who post on ASB (ESPECIALLY there) would hold tolerance in such profound reverence that beside it all the other virtues would seem like sins. [Note from the Present: This only applies to Little Retchid, now. But you knew that after yesterday's post.] Besides, I'm afraid. I remember what happened to Elf way back when. And you should have heard the things the hyperbaptists had to say about ASB'ers. They are genuinely awful people. They make me afraid, and not just for my career. The way their jowls quiver with righteous indignation when they act on behalf of the Lord God Al- mighty. They seem to believe they are doing what He would do if only He knew the facts of the case. If you've read The List, Column One, you'll understand why I'm pleased to report that I don't have to wear a wig any more in polite society. My hair hasn't grown back completely yet, but I dressed a little punk for a while (although I'm really a little too old to carry it off. Okay, okay, I'm 28. But I read at the 35 year old level.) And I didn't look too out of place in the better parts of San Francisco. Now I have enough hair to look like Brigitte Nielsen from the hair up. I'll get a job any day now. My pubic hair is a problem, though. IMPORTANT SAFETY TIP: If you want your pubic hair to look normal, don't use depilatory. I used it regularly for that month, and it didn't grow back right. I almost might as well have had electrol- ysis. It was weeks before it started to grow back at all, and nearly three months later it is still so sparse you have to look twice to be sure I have any at all. If this is permanent, my next gynecologist is in for a treat. Seriously. After three months. I have about 15 hairs down there, and they are thin and only 1/2 inch long. Thank God J didn't let me use it on my head. I kept the nipple rings, though, and got a nostril pierced. So tell me: Am I an exhibitionist? I like the way I look, but I've been hit on a lot by guys lately. Is there something about a pierced nose that says, "Hey! Guys! Available broad here! Loose morals! Nymphomani- ac!" or what? Men seem to think that it means I will automatically sleep with them or something. And I didn't. I couldn't, even if I were attracted. Have you ever seen the inside of an AIDS ward? Trust me. It takes more guts than I have to work in one. So what changed? Is it the nose ring? Or do all men insist on treating the mons veneris as though it were Mount Everest, just because it's there? I lost some baby fat while I was traveling; maybe I look better thinner, (read more attractive to men), even with short hair. Although my tits lost weight, too, I'm gaining it back. Meet The New Me: So anyway, I'm back. That's what I said to him. I got back on a Saturday afternoon, and he came to the door when I knocked. I dropped my pack on the ground and just stood there for a minute in the sun, looking at him. It was dry and hot as hell and I had left Houston the previous morning in my unairconditioned beat-up VW. The car was dusty, I was dusty, my jeans were dusty. I was wearing a dirty white tank top and some very beat up down-at heel boots with duct tape on one. I'd lost weight and had developed some muscle definition in my arms. Haircut like a man, pierced nostril, sunglasses, suntan, and an attitude. "I'm back," I said. He told me I looked pretty good. I did. "You my bottom now?" He nodded. "Run a bath," I said. He looked at me for a second longer, picked up my pack. "Now," I said. He gave me a sharp glance, nodded, and turned to go into the house. That was as long as the Nouvelle Moi lasted. I screeched and jumped on him piggy-back and wrapped my legs around him and bit his ear. I had planned on being a proper top, at least for a while, playing the same game with him that he had played with me, distant and aloof and tough. One minute. That's how long it lasted. But I was really hot for one minute. Then pfft. But I made him sit at the tap end of the tub. -*- When we made up the List, J had commented that one unfulfillable fantasy he had was to know what it felt like to be me during that month. To be a woman, I mean. Actually, I would like to know what it's like to have a male body, what the male orgasm is like, too. He has this idea that the female orgasm is something mystical and special, much more profound than the male's. I don't know how anyone can ever prove that to be true, but it's an idee fixee with him. [Note from the present: this is as far as I go without help from my friends. I'm feeling squirrelly at the moment, and I don't feel comfortable talking about it. You already know we are experimenting with hypnosis. I have to let it rest here.] -*- Nurse Jones, who, if she were really Arnold Schwartzenegger would still give free medical advice: Exercise daily, Eat wisely, Die anyway. -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist14.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 14 of 20 Clearly, my numbering system is screwy. From Nurse Jones, Well, the hypnosis is progressing. I know, I know, this is supposed to be something that only a qualified physician should do. Possibly so. I've asked around at the hospital as much as I dare, and the verdict seems to be that no lasting psychological damage could be done, even by a malicious hypnotist. I won't argue, though, we could be taking a chance screwing around with his sexuality, but all the authoritative references emphasize that it is impossible to make someone do something they really don't want to do. I read one refer- ence (by an MD, not a stage hypnotist) that said the mythology about the danger of hypnosis was started by psychologists as a turf-protec- tive strategy. References? There are hundreds. I used: LeCron: Self Hypnotism. Signet Pub. LeCron and Bordeaux, Hypnotism Today. Grune & Stratton, N.Y. Cooke and Van Vogt: Hypnotism Handbook, Borden Pub. Co., L.A. Weitzenhoffer: General Techniques of Hypnotism, Grune & Stratton. All in the local library. We read and talked it over endlessly. I am more afraid than he is. I like my men to be men. Not Arnold Schwartzenegger or Rambo, but not swishy either. Some of the most masculine men I've known were S.F. gays, oddly enough, and I don't mean the leather set, either. I guess being confident enough of your masculinity that you don't feel obliged to demonstrate it 24 hours a day is my definition of a Real Man. Which makes _them_ more masculine than the scratch-n-burp types from back home. I like to feel protected and cared for though, and ... hell, I don't know what I like anymore San Francisco, and relearned it in the hospital cafeteria recently. But I might have tendencies.... I've told J to stop reading ASB. I'll save the fun posts for him to read later, but here's where I ask for specific advice, and I don't want him to read it. I finally got a post hypnotic suggestion to work. I told him he would shave twice on Wednesday morning because his first shave wouldn't be close enough. I told him he wouldn't remember the session. He did it. He says he didn't remember. This is really eerie. It gave me chills. Feet still cold. My Plan: The first step is to work on techniques to get him into a deep trance quickly. There are posthypnotic tricks that speed up the process. Right now, I spend all my time getting him into a trance deep enough to give me some influence. It seems we're always going down stairs and escalators, deeper and deeper, ad infinitum. The books say to gauge your success with tests like "You can't lift your arm," or "You can't open your eyes," etc. They work. I made his face numb and he couldn't feel pin pricks, even on his lips. Or kisses on the pin pricks. But before all that we spent half a week trying to figure whether anything at all was happening beyond him getting a comfy lie-down while I droned on at him for an hour. Twice a day now, on weekends. Actually, I'm not really sure it worked, even still. It seems to have, but I have to take J's word for it. He could have been faking, but I don't think so. Besides I trust him. He believes it worked, I'm sure. Something happened on Wednesday, anyway. It was weird, though, I'm tellin' ya. The techniques are easy, but it's hard work. It just takes perseverance and trust and a little reading and a positive attitude. And he trusts me completely: that's important. Equally important, he has to want me to do it. Back to the Plan: Hypnosis aside, I/we have to create an outwardly female appear- ance for him--all over--and he probably shouldn't be aware of the details of the process if he is going to believe it. He has to look in the mirror afterward and see a woman. Knowing how I did it would spoil that. It has to seem sudden and miraculous, even though there is a lot to do. I'm going to do this from the ground up. I told you I got a corset in SF? Did I mention I got one for him? He sent his measure- ments no extra fittings, so keep your fingers crossed. And I got shoes in his size. I'm going to use a flesh-colored unitard, padded out to look feminine. I have scads of sterile cotton wadding from supply to make hips. I have a selection of pastel chalks to sketch on nipples, navel, details like that. I'm going to try water balloons, guys, unless you have a better suggestion. Wig, makeup, fabulous fakes, false eyelashes, I've got tons of that stuff. He has the face for it. He'd be better looking than I if he were a woman. I'm going to convince him his anus is his vagina, and then treat it like one. Make him a contralto. Make him walk the walk. Keep the light dim, him under strict control, and my fingers crossed. But I can see that this is all a long way in the future. I have a lot of work to do. A lot to develop in his head. And most of all, I have to make myself feel like I'm making him up for a play. Or a halloween party. Not changing him on the inside, not down deep. That way, maybe I won't lose my favorite top. He's got to go from being a definite man to a believable woman without me thinking of him as anything ambiguous or icky in between. That's the plan, troops. Elf mustered the shining-armor brigade to present medals after the dismemberment of Little Retchid. (Shame, shame, I should be magnanimous in victory. But instead I think I'll be unbearable for a page or so. It just comes over me, sometimes). I think, for reasons of public health, Elf also had to relieve some of you of your battle trophies: various internal organs, an argyle sock, etc. An unruly bunch. Anyway, Elf now has my scarf to tie on the end of his, uh, lance. And I have to ask him to muster the troops again. Don't just stand there shuffling your feet in the dust, boys. I need suggestions. Kayvan, stop fiddling with your codpiece and tell me if this will work. You're a hypnotherapist. Advice! I need advice! WildCard, drop that scrotum, it's nasty. Besides, it belongs to Rechid and you don't know where it's been. No-one would be impressed by it anyway. Battle trophies are supposed to be big. Pay attention, Strider. And for heaven's sake put away that pipe wrench. I don't care if it is kippled. Or squicked. And Gweeb, come out from behind BlackDouga and get in line. Wizyrd will make a space for you. I don't think I want to know what that is behind your back. Come on, let's see it. Eeewww! That's disgusting! Explain yourself. Stop mumbling and stand up straight Gweeb, or I'll put Moon Knight in charge of you. He didn't get a piece of Richid and he's NOT in a good mood. (Although I'm glad to see somebody polishes his armor...) Now speak up, Gweeb. What is that thing? Arriving too late to get a proper trophy is no excuse, Odor- Eaters don't count. Give it back to Richid; he probably needs it anyway. Now the rest of you, put on your helmets (Yft, that's not a helmet and you know it. Give Kayvan back his codpiece) and pay atten- tion. Sheesh! Talk about motley. Nurse Jones needs advice on how to top Jay and keep his dignity so I can drop this role of a half-pint Brigitte Nielsen and go gracefully back to being the topee. Maybe it's up to him to keep his dignity....... Help! Nurse Jones, reviewing the troops, a butch damsel in diaphanous fatigues, hands on hips, smile on lips, rings on nips. (deep breath) Ten-HUT! Now, boys, I want to thank you all ... My Goodness! How on EARTH did you all manage to do that all at the same time...? Hmmm. Remind me not to take a deep breath next time. Still, Elf, I'm touched by the gesture. My scarf looks nice. Out there. What the hell. (deep breath) DIS-MISS... Wait! I'm a top now! Maybe I'll just leave you like this. After all, it's my post. (giggle) Nurse Jones, learning that monogamous and monotonous ain't synonymous. Even among us that be anonymous, Whose doggerel is an insult to the entire canine world, and who promises to be nice to Richard from now on, even though he's not speaking to anyone, silent, lurking, and anonymous behind his real name. -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist15.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 15 of 20 From Nurse Jones, Aside from making me wish Jay had shaved me "down there" (instead of making me do it myself), Averti's wonderful story (about tying Joker to that barber chair and shaving her) reminded me that I haven't told you about my very first attempts at topping Jay, just after I got back. OR how we got married, even, come to think of it. OR how we met. If you haven't noticed yet, I've decided to take excerpts from The List parts 13-14 and just incorporate them into my other rumblings. So from now on, things won't be chronological. I'll be jumping from the present (hypnotism experiments) back a few months. This is fun. And therapeutic. I guess there were a few posting in the middle there that will fall through the cracks in somebody's archive because they didn't have a "Subject:" line with "The List" in it. So be it. At least the ASB regulars will know the whole story. From here on, Life is Art. I write it as we do it, I post it as I write it. If you like it, keep it. It only goes by once folks: I won't be saving it. If it has anything to do with The List, I'll put it in the "Subject:" line if I remember. And I've already forgotten a few times. After I settled in, having gotten back from SF, I decided to try topping. I take that back: I didn't decide exactly. I knew I would have to, so I did. I am not well suited to this at all, especially with Jay. I could bluff and play the tough broad with anyone else, but it's harder with Jay. I don't know how to say this in such a way that the rest of you will be able to understand: you talk so much about switching roles you make it sound easy. His role is as my protector. I don't want to dominate him. I want to care for and cherish him. Love, honor and obey. All that stuff. Which I vowed to do ceremoniously, intentionally, deliberately, at our wedding. The judge was surprised I wanted that obey part in there. But that's another story. Anyway, I'm not going to go through Column Two in a hurry, like J did Column One. "Slave for a month" is on my List, but I'm just going to browse through the other Items one scene at a time, when I feel like it. Maybe I'll use my month a weekend at a time. Not knowing where to start, I thought about the overall problem of showing him what it's like to be a woman and decided I would do stuff that would head in that direction. I try to keep him chained, locked up, etc., while doing this stuff to him, not because I can't control him--although I couldn't, if he were even half trying--but because I assuming he's like me. I kept my dignity largely by believing I had no control, so I was absolved of responsibility for anything that we did. "He made me do it." Maybe his mind doesn't work the same way. Whatever. So here's what I did first. Remember, this was back when I was still lurking. I had him shower; then I put ankle and wrist straps on him and locked them together. Wrists together, ankles together, naked on the bed. Candles all around, on the bedposts, on the bedside table, on the shelf, the floor even. I stretched him across the bed, hands chained loosely at the headboard, feet at the foot. I didn't think ahead: if I had I would have covered the bed with towels to avoid ruining the sheets. As it was, I had to kind of push a towel against him as I worked over him. Then I put the ball gag in. This was the scariest (and the sweetest) part. And the part that, for some reason, it disturbs me the most to tell. I wore just my black bimbo-boots with the four inch heels for this. Thought I'd give him a treat. I look pretty good in them. Well, I could tell he thought so, anyway. I was very tender with him. Motherly, almost. As though he were a patient. I scooted up beside him on the bed and cradled his head in my arms and held him close, supporting him against my breast. I placed the gag gently against his mouth, and flashed a brief image of myself at work feeding James, an 18 year old with cerebral palsy. He ate mostly through a straw. This was years ago, in Chicago. He was a regular, in and out for years because he didn't get adequate care at home. I think he sometimes made himself sick just to get into the hospital for TLC. It's odd to feel motherly toward someone who's nearly as old as you are. James was special. Eighteen years is a long time for someone with his problems. Pneumonia, finally. It makes me mad when I think of this old guy I've got now, complaining about everything under the sun. He should have spent a few weeks with James. They operated on this joker late last week and took out his tumor and he complained that they had performed unnecessary surgery because it turned out to be nonmalignant. This is the kind who, if he were EXXON, would sue Alaska for getting duck feathers in his oil. It's typical of modern medicine to find the only part of him that wasn't malignant and remove it. Sorry to digress. So Jay looks up at me with this puppy-dog expression that says "Anything you want to do. Anything." Total trust. Suddenly I don't feel like a nurse anymore. I realize this is play: I can be what I want as long as I don't hurt him. I feel like a goddess dispensing a sacrament. Holding the gag against his lips, I might as well have said, "Take this and eat, in remembrance of me." That's the embarrassing part. It was an ego thing. I was suddenly benevolent and forgiving, caring for a fragile mortal that worshiped me, looking down at him, holding him, controlling his destiny if I wanted. He was mine, all mine. I felt an unbecoming and certainly unladylike sense of power, maybe like those Hollywood socialites that kept a panther on a leash years ago. They controlled a powerful, dangerous animal, with gentle- ness and subtlety, and probably felt compassion for the animal that they had taken freedom from. I tightened the chains so he was stretched out full length. And then, and then .... Oh No! Could this be a cliffhanger? Tune in next week, for Nurse Jones, in nothing but four inch heels, for whom brevity is the soul of lingerie. and lingerie the soul of wit. But wait ... (!) Is there more? Yes! Just kidding. I couldn't really do that to my knights in shining armor. Then I shaved him. Lovingly. Intentionally, carefully, I avoided any hint of the sense of humiliation and embarrassment that I felt when he had shaved me months earlier. (Don't get me wrong. It was erotic humiliation when he shaved me. And later, well ... in retrospect, if there wasn't such a long recovery period, and if I didn't want to keep my job, I'd do it for him again. Or let him do it to me. Whatever. But I'd have to think about it.) I held myself against him while I did it, stroking his body with mine. I dangled my nipple pendants against him. I caressed him with the razor, using skin conditioner as shaving cream and working in little patches rather than covering him all at once. And I kissed every inch of him, testing with my lips for stubble as I worked him over. Over him. Whatever. I sat astride his chest, my boots against his ribs and, pressing my--nether self?--against his abdomen, I shaved his face. He had just shaved in the shower anyway, but I did it again, just for the chance to be near his face, to work (and kiss) around the gag, and look into his eyes, searching for reassurance, giving it to him, showing my concern. Looking for the slightest hint of uncertainty. And I dis- pensed a little goddess-like compassion and tenderness as well. Stroking his cheeks with the backs of my hands .... I wanted to show him how I would like to be treated. The next time. But I was still a goddess, in complete control and not about to relinquish it, no matter how sad and sympathetic I felt, no matter how sorry I was for what I was going to do to him. It became an ego thing for me. That's the first shameful admis- sion. I let myself go; I felt this sense of power so strongly and with such confidence that I could afford to be benevolent, compassionate, a benign goddess. But a hypocrite, because compassion should have made me release him, and I didn't. My eyes filled, I wanted to take care of him so much. And he saw my expression and looked at me like he was concerned for what I was feeling. He wanted the gag out to reassure me. He didn't know why I got teary and thought it might be something bad. I felt fine. I stroked his forehead and brushed his hair back and told him No, no, hush, it's alright, and kissed him some more. But I didn't take the gag out, didn't release him. I shaved his chest, his underarms, the tops of his feet, the backs of his arms, even the backs of his hands--fingers too-- and his legs. I nicked one of his knuckles, just a tiny nick, and sucked on his finger until it stopped bleeding. I turned him over and shaved everything I had missed, his bum (Oh, his bum. Like an adorable ripe little apple...) and finally, (of course) I turned him back over to do his naughty bits. I (reluctantly, but firmly) had to pull his knees apart by tying them to the sides of the bed. Well, I didn't HAVE to, but I did. I don't know if he felt as embarrassed as I did, first time in that position, but I blindfolded him first, the way I would have wanted to be. Tch, tch. The way my mind works. _I_ blindfolded HIM so HE wouldn't be embarrassed by what _I_ was seeing. I don't blame you. Trust me on the ostrich principle. If you think your midwestern bottom will be embarrassed right out of the mood, blindfold, blindfold, blindfold. For me, though, by candle light, it was nice; I stood with hands on hips, considering him for a moment. In my imagination I was an ancient goddess (Jesus, this is embarrassing to admit) for whom a sacrificial victim had been ceremonially left, and I was ritually preparing him for my own pleasure. They seldom survived an evening with me, the poor things. Even though I knew I was role playing, I really felt that sense of power, just letting go. Long before I started shaving his naughty bits he had an erection that looked ready to explode if I touched it. I went over him so slowly and carefully that there wasn't a single additional nick on his body, and I especially didn't want one Down There. I did him twice There, feeling carefully and thoroughly through the conditioner for stubble, not wanting any to scratch me. Maybe I felt a little too thoroughly for stubble. I teased him a little, I'm afraid. After all, he was mine. Not one to waste such occasions, as soon as I finished shaving and damp-wiping him, I jumped on and had my way with him--still as lovingly as I could (with the tenderness that one should show toward a woman). I left my boots on, though. And I whispered in his ear that he was under orders not to come until I did, or else, and he didn't. Or else what? I have no idea; he did what I wanted for some reason other than fear, obviously. What was I going to do? Strike him with lightening? I used him to masturbate, slowly, as I like it. When I was through, I didn't tell him it was his turn. I never gave him permis- sion. This was cruel of me (heh), but I tried to make him come even though he was trying not to. It didn't take long. I wish I could write this from his perspective, the way Column One was written from mine, but I can only really tell you how I felt. And I prefer to imagine how he felt anyway, because it makes it more erotic for me, and I'm the one that gets to be selfish in Column Two. This was good though, very good. Better than I thought it would be. And I started out shaving him because I really just didn't know what else to do. I started out nervous, hoping I could pull it off without ruining it, and ended up playing the part of a goddess and really getting shamefully immersed in it. That is my shameful thing. I try to be kind when I deal with people, but indulgent, benign, forgiving benevolence is different. It has always infuriated me in others. It assumes superiority. It presumes inferiority. It seems to say: "I Know I'm better than you. I Know I'm Right, and you, you poor dear thing, haven't a hope. I pity you, and I forgive you for being pitiful. And forgiveness is such a respectable sentiment you don't have the moral right to resent me." In a word: smug. And complacent. Smug and complacent. That describes it. In a word. Or two. My supervisor, the hyperbaptist is like that. On a good day. She's always forgiving us for things that need no forgiveness. Somebody once told her that "to forgive is divine" and she doesn't realize that to forgive unnecessarily is offensive. And there I was, Our Lady of Extreme Discomfort, riding high on a wave of that same feeling. You'll understand if I'm embarrassed. Embarrassed. Embarassed? I've been meaning to look it up. Jesus, by now you'd think I'd have learned how to spell it, wouldn't you? The compassion, the teary eyes, the extreme godlike tenderness, it was all acting. The working out on myself of sentiments I didn't really have. I can't fake tears, and I didn't then: I really felt those emotions, but it was because I wanted to, not because they came spontaneously. The indulgent mother- superior benevolence was what was genuine. The compassionate sympathy wasn't. The feeling of power and control was genuine. So powerful I could afford to be kind and sweet and gentle as a throwaway emotion. Anyway, by the time I was through, the only hair on him was on his head and eyebrows. He didn't even think of flinching when I went for his genetic future with a razor. If he had I would have stopped the whole scene. The whole column. That was one of my litmus tests of his trust. We showered together afterwards. Before I go on, I should tell you, this evening's festivities were intended as an experiment as well as entertainment for me. As part of my overall strategy, I wanted to determine what his absolute limits were. How many orgasms could I force him to have? The reason is that if I eventually get it all together and create a female persona for him, I don't want her (HA! I got one of those in. IloveitIloveit!) getting an un-feminine erection part way through the process and ruining everything from his psyche to his panty line. So the plan was to sexually deplete him thoroughly, totally, and completely. By whatever means I could manage, bar none. Electrical stimulation by cattle prod if necessary. Kipling, even. (AHA! Now you understand my fascination with electricity, phone sex, etc. Just to reassure you, we have given up on it after getting frantic E-mail from a number of electrical engineers. However, the Van de Graff generator is still on order...) When we were in the shower I decided I wanted sex with him with us both shaved, so I whisked off the three or four hairs on my pus- sy--not that they were noticeable anyway--which turned him on immedi- ately and we had another go right there on the shower floor, both of us covered in skin conditioner. It was divine. I recommend it highly. Incredible, the slippery feeling, when it's both of you. Us. I hope my *%&**@!* pubic hair grows back. More hair has been appearing, but still, I'm pretty bare. Shaving makes almost no differ- ence. Take it from Nurse Jones: don't use depilatory repeatedly. At least not until the final word is in on my little problem. AND! Before I forget! In one of my past posting I said we used Nutrogena hair/skin conditioner. Wrong! (Buzzer sounds). It's Unicure. I have so damn many bottles and jars I forget which is which. I just recognize them by the color. Unicure. Great stuff. Any K-mart has it. Seriously, I recommend it. Hey, did you notice that? My language has loosened up a bit. I called my pussy a pussy. I don't know why, but it sounds much nicer than "cunt." I kinda like "nether self," though.... So anyway, total sexual exhaustion was the goal. I just KNEW he had more than two orgasms in him. Time it right, push the right buttons, and four in one day was the standing record. Why shave him? Women don't have a lot of body hair. And I will be taping his naughty bits tightly out of the way some day soon. Wouldn't want to pull hair out with the tape would I. Would I? FLASH! Wax! I have hair wax somewhere. You know the stuff. Melts at a low temperature in a double boiler, sticky, and hardens HARD. Used to pull unwanted hair off at beauty salons. Heat it, spread small dollops on (maybe I'll drip it on?), yank it off. And I was having him keep himself shaved because it gets boring. I'll tell him to let it grow for a while in strategic areas, and .... Gotta go. I guess this is going to be a cliff hanger after all. I'll tell you about the other half of this scene later, promise. Nurse Jones, interrupting the creative process to do more research, so that when they ask J how long he's been married, he'll smile a secret smile and say, "Every minute of the day and night." -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist16.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 16 of 20 From Nurse Jones, Starting off with a note from the present. In case you were in suspense from reading my last post (which was written while I was still lurking), and even if you weren't, I think my pubic hair's going to grow back. I can't mix drinks for Clarence Thomas yet, but I'm almost sure I'm on the road to complete recovery. Whew. That probably isn't the report you were looking for first thing this morning, but I've been looking for it for some time now. It's been a gradual recovery, and it's still little more than peach fuzz, but I think the verdict is definite. Which reminds me, I found the wax. I'm trying to decide if this is a cruel thing to do to Jay. We're like two ships passing in the night, Jay and I. Mine is starting to grow back, his on the way out. Ha. I told him to let his grow back yesterday (he's been keeping it shaved on my "orders" for some time now.) Little does he know what's going to happen when it's long enough for the wax to grab hold. So I have a few days to decide whether to do it or have him go back to shaving. I got a lovely note from ROo a while back. She went to the DC-ASB party and was a major hit. She got me thinking about the Halloween party we went to last week. I was going to take the easy solution to costumery and go as a nurse (Nurse Jones, in fact, although no one there would have known that). Jay had other plans. He wanted me to go as a TV character (that's TELEVISION, Wyzyrd). Elvira, Queen of the Night. You MUST have seen her. She's wonderful. Not exactly Oscar material, but she has a good attitude. I had the wig, if not the hair. MAJOR DIVERSION! The DRESS! I never told you about the DRESS! Jay got it made for me with measurements taken with my corset on. The very week I was back from S.F. He got this seamstress to come by the house and measure me WITH THE CORSET ON! This was big time weirdness for me. In my own house. I mean she was 60 if she was a day, and clearly didn't think much of anyone who would wear a corset. She asked me if I was wearing a foundation garment. Yes. I will be wearing it with the dress, too. She sighs as though she just doesn't know what the world is coming to. She doesn't. Jay and I had argued about this dress. He wanted it Just Like the one this Elvira character wears: plunging neckline. Black velvet. He had even located a bra that used more than one engineering principle to avoid showing structural, ah, members. And he wanted me to wear it in public. Totally sleazy. I wouldn't go for it. I mean, I don't mind sleazy: sex is supposed to be dirty, if it's done right, but just at home. We went 'round and 'round, Jay and I. I (heh, heh) came out on top. With a compromise (see under corset, above). The neckline is high, like those chinese dresses, chamsongs, I think they are called. Zip up the back, long sleeves, hemline to the floor. I would only let her put a slit in it up to the knee. Jay wanted it up to mid-thigh. But she made it so the slit can be extended. More sighs. It is TIGHT. It was tight when she fitted it, and I have gained quite a bit of the old avoirdupois back since then. (I lost a lot while traveling). I'm up to 116, which is a little heavy for me, but Jay thinks it's in the right places. But I mean this dress is tight! Right down to the knees. I can barely walk in it. Running is totally out of the question. It was practically like the good old days. So I went as what's-her-name from the Adams Family. With fake fangs. Jay just wanted the dress made. He wasn't thinking Halloween. I was thinking maybe the opera on a very dark night IF he bought me something expensive (and long) to drape over it. We were both thinking about coming home after. Turns out it was after Halloween. He was the wolfman in a rubber mask, and I had him on a leash. And I brought handcuffs just for show-n-tell. The people at the party were straight, totally, with one possible (certain, now) exception. In fact, as I told ROo, I made a complete ass of myself. Big mouth. Almost all were very conservative. There was a couple there that I thought were dressed as Ozzie and Harriet and despite the corset I'm practically doubled over pointing and laughing so hard my fangs fall out. Turns out they were not amused. Nor were they wearing costumes, just their normal everyday garb. Oops. So there we were, wondering how the hell we were going to get out of there gracefully in time to have some fun. We found the teenage mutant ninja host and his superheroine wonder-hostess and were about to make our excuses when (would you believe it) one thing leads to another and they jokingly (I thought) ask if they can borrow the collar and leash and I ask if they have a dog or would they like the handcuffs too, which I produce voila from my bag. And they look at each other and she turns absolutely tomato red and has the sudden urge to pass hors d'oeuvres and circulate. So I decide for the both of us that maybe we should give this party a chance to get interesting. It didn't. We left an hour later, but I take the hostess aside in all the noise and confusion and I'm feeling pretty good so I try to give her the handcuffs and she turns red again and says Oh, we were just kidding, really. And I say Oh go on, live a little, and take her hand and put them in it and she TAKES them, holds them out of sight, and asks me if I had a good time, looking around with elaborate nonchalance like I had just sold her drugs or something. Ha! Southerners are as bad as midwesterners. So I smile and tell her to call if she wants to know where in her house I hid the key. She looks at me and turns red again and I can tell she is having second thoughts so I tell her to think about it and we really do have to leave now and it was a wonderful party. The next day we get a call from her husband, and Jay answers: they found a set of handcuffs that they think belong to me and they wanted to check before they returned them and by the way, was there a key with them, if so it's lost. Uh huh. So Jay tells them where it is and we STILL haven't got the cuffs back. I hope they are having fun. I don't want 'em back. They're uncomfortable. The big question is did they call before or after? What would I have done, first time out? Tough decision. After would have been better, before safer. Anyway, ROo got me thinking. When I arrived at that party corseted in that dress, I was mortified. That's her name, Morticia. Adams. Anyway, I was mortified at first. The guys were all looking at me through their eye holes. It was a thrill, embarrassing, and I felt very sexy. Especially with the Wolfman there to protect me. But I got to thinking about that when ROo e- mailed me her tale, and I realized that Jay and I are so private that we couldn't even discuss the topic with kindred spirits under the very best of circumstances. Too mid- western. You just don't talk about that to other people, at least not when they're in the room. E-mail's OK, that doesn't count, they aren't in the room. Obviously. Anyway, I thought about how I would feel if I were in Roo's stiletto's at that party. Michael was there, I understand. I'd feel safe around him, I think. Moon Knight would take some getting used to, if he's anything like his posts. I just don't know. I feel weird just wearing that corset in public. This party is only the second time I've done that, and I was nearly nonfunctional from embarrassment until I became nonfunctional from screwdrivers. It was just a costume party for crissakes. What if I had been at the DC-ASBash? I just couldn't... Another piece of not-quite-news. My supervisor, The Blob, may (rumor has it) be getting a lateral promotion. Pray for us now and in the hour of our need. She's been there since before she died, the change would do her good. I've been working on some important tricks, hypnosis-wise. I've worked out some key phrases that with post-hypnotic suggestion, help speed up the induction of trances. I spent a lot of time in the beginning just getting him into a deep trance before we discovered this shortcut. If I were to start over again, I would concentrate on developing this shortcut first. And I can induce amnesia about the session, too. There are a number of things I need to try out. Most important: his voice. This is hard for me to tell about. While in the deepest trance I can induce, I actually had him up, eyes open, and walking around. The books said getting him to do that while in a trance would take a lot of work, and it did, but it's crucial to the plan. And it was a big shock for me. During that session I had told him that every time I asked him to speak his voice would gradually become higher and more feminine, and it did. I began to feel a little nervous at that, for some reason. I don't like people changing on me, even though I may be the cause of the change. I stuck him with a rich, low contralto rather than a falsetto. But it was still eerie. I'm not sure if I should be grossed out or not. I want to back off. I'm scared. Jay is really trying to persuade me to go on. I'll write about something else for a while. When J wasn't home last week I tried out, on myself, some of the makeup tricks I would need to use on him. I erased my eyebrows with a blemish stick and covered them with latex from the costume and novelty shop. Makeup over that, and I had no eyebrows. I could sketch in whatever I wanted with eyeliner. Jay's eyebrows are coarser than mine. Maybe I should try it on him while he's under. And the padded hips. I packed cotton under panty hose until my own hips were seven or eight inches bigger. It came out all lumpy and took a lot of adjusting and four more pairs of pantyhose before it looked like I had oversized but smooth, natural-looking hips. Actually, I kind of liked seeing what I would look like with 42 inch hips. I don't know why, but it made me feel kind of sexy. This is weird stuff. I need feedback from someone. I could go seriously wrong here. Nurse Jones, so strictly brought up she's desperately anxious to do the wrong thing correctly. -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist17.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 17 of 20 From Nurse Jones, I'm lost. But now I know why. And it was ASB Therapy that helped. For me, reading and writing ASB posts is therapy. Not just a break from work, which I need desperately sometimes, but somehow writing stuff down clarifies it for me so I can deal with it. And hearing from you helps me to feel I'm not (a) weird, and (b) alone down here. Jay and I are very close, but he's really the only one I have since leaving Chicago. After a few weeks posting I'm as close to the ASB regulars as I am to the people I work with, and certainly more inti- mate than I have been with anyone but Jay. How much I post seems to depend on how bad things are going at work at the moment. I've said before that I'm not constitutionally suited to being a top. As I read back over an earlier post, I realize that a motherly attitude toward the bottom is NOT one that translates well into this role. But it's what I've got. I'm not sure Jay got anything out of it. He says he did, but he was such a stoic that he clearly didn't get what I did. I was so timid and afraid of hurting him that I didn't really do my job. Talk about a twisted relationship! I want to give up being a top, but my bottom won't let me. I'm supposed to be running the show, and I told him I was going to give him an order to top me, and he wouldn't. I said "Wait a minute. Who's in charge here anyway?" "You are," he says. "So top me," says I. "Make me." I'm not exactly a wilting violet, (more of a willing violet) but I don't like being a top. (Well, I do, I think, actually, but if I do it on my terms he won't enjoy it. It will seem like weak vanilla topping to him. ) 8ù) I have plans, but I know I'll go all soft once I have him all trussed up again. My attitude is that I have to do these things to him but my main job is to help him get through it. And he just seems to endure my timid fumbling as though he were waiting for a bus. None of the writhing histrionics that I went through. I don't know if I get through to him or not. He says I'm doing great. He says he knows what is going on in my mind and it turns him on. He says that when I put the gag in his mouth (back in List 15, I think. Which I never finished writing) he could see the changes of attitude on my face. I didn't think I was that obvious. He said he could see the feeling of empowerment. Something about the shape of my nostrils again. What the hell is it about my nostrils? I have heard of people having cruel mouths, but _nostrils_? And he said he could see it, and feel it, when I turned all gooey compassionate, too. So anyway, In case you forgot, I had been trying to totally sexually deplete J. He'd had two orgasms. I tried a number of what I thought were sexy tricks to give him a third, but the best I could manage was half-mast. There'd been four in one day, before, remember. Finally, I decided to take the plunge and spread-eagled him, standing up, arms chained to those overhead eye bolts. (I have the key to the little locks, now. Remember those?) I put a vibrator in him. This was simple curiosity on my part. I was as gentle as could be, used tons of K-Y, and it still took me a while to even find... it. I watched his face, still blindfolded, as I pushed it in. He endured. He's such a stoic. I haven't gotten anywhere near a limit of his. But his erection grew. I'm happy to report to the females in this little group, that It Works. I mean, the prostate is really there, and it really is an erogenous zone or something. When I touched it, the reaction was immediate. He squirmed and his hips kind of moved as though we were having sex. I don't know if that was involuntary or not. I knew I had touched a very sensitive spot, though. So naturally I turned on the vibrator and pushed a little more, still experimentally. Get this: he didn't have an erection, to speak of, the poor thing was exhausted. BUT he had an orgasm anyway. He ejaculated. Weakly, to be sure, and involuntarily. He couldn't control his reaction. This is valuable data. I know that during a rectal exam a doctor will sometimes massage the prostate to get seminal fluid for a lab test, but this was a forced orgasm. I made him have it. I could do it again and make him have an orgasm exactly when I want him to. On cue. Perfect timing. I still haven't figured out a way to use this valuable information yet. But I will. Nurse Jones, looking up an old friend. -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist18.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 18 of 20 From Nurse Jones, I have a serious question for STella, Roo, Lothie, Amelia, and all interested parties, especially female. There is this other nurse on our floor that is a "type" of person. I know, I should talk, especially to this bunch of, shall we say, hard-line liberals, about labeling people, but this is a legiti- mate question. There IS a type of woman that is a man's woman. I'll call this one "Scarlett." She doesn't even notice other women; it's like we were furniture or something. If she's talking to you, you get the feeling she's looking over your shoulder in case something male, especially a doctor, comes out of the elevator. If it does she's gone like a shot. Scarlett is attractive, and they usually are. She treats me with a certain amount of respect, basically by acknowledging my presence, but that's ONLY because she perceives me as potential competition, not because she wants to communicate. There are women on the floor that are fantastic people, but not physically up to her standards, and she ignores them. There's a young candy-striper who uses her head only to keep her ears apart, and she's worthy of Scarlett's notice because she's attractive. This is behavior I see in men, even expect, but it's not common in a woman. I don't think she (Scarlett) is aware of it, even. I think she believes herself perfectly normal, but she's like a different species. I can't communicate with her any more than with a hyper- baptist. Do you know the kind I mean? Men seem to find her attractive, and I don't think they perceive her as odd because they never see the side of her that women do. She doesn't go out with other women, shopping, for lunch, anything. It's like she has two mental states, two modes: being around men, and waiting. It's like she has drifted off somewhere and her only contact is with men. She stopped being complete, somehow, and became just part of a person, magnified all out of proportion. My first week on the floor, I thought she was just desperate to marry a doctor. "There goes the good time that was had by all," I thought. But no, she doesn't really seem to sleep around, I don't think. I could be naive, but I don't think so. She is just drifted off into a totally man-oriented existence. And then I realized that I am talking almost exclusively to men after taking a brief census of the E-mail and ASB posting. Have I drifted off, too? Roo and Amelia have E-mailed me, and I have a very short group of (7 at the moment) special notes that I keep in my mailbox (it overflows a lot, but I save ones like that) from people that I want to write long, proper e-letters to. When I have something really important to say. But there is very little feedback about what Jay and I did, and are doing in The List, and I sometimes wonder if I have exposed so much of myself that I seem weird like Scarlett seems to me. Roo, I think it was, commented that I was very courageous to post that stuff about myself. And that her hair was something she'd never give up. That made me nervous. Today I got another E-mail from someone else that said I was very brave to post. I hadn't communicated with ANY of you when I posted the first part of The List, and I felt like a kid watching from the edge of the playground. I could roll my ball out and see if I'd be invited to play, and if I wasn't I could run away and hide and it wouldn't matter because I didn't know you. And now I do know you, a little, but you already know stuff about me that I would never tell you if I had to do it over now. It's almost like meeting your gynecologist socially. And I looked back at the last 3 or 4 parts of Column One (9-12) and I wonder if I'm weird. Not to mention when Jay shaved my head. I just realized that the only real feedback I've gotten was from male ASB'ers who are begging me to go on at all costs, and even they were noncommittal about exactly what turned them on and off. I seem to be pushing only male buttons. Like Scarlett. I guess my question is: was there ANYTHING about The List that appealed to the women? Or appalled? And was there anything that turned the men off? Nurse Jones, Afraid to look up, suddenly nervous that she's standing in the middle of the playground with her panties around her ankles, and she's just noticed it's very quiet. -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist19.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 19 of 20 From Nurse Jones, I just got E-mail from a wiz-number up around 1900. Does that mean there are over one thousand nine hundred people that have posted here anonymously? And do small numbers mean you got your number in the early days of wizvax? Couldn't one of you number-crunchers sample the numbers still in use and estimate something interesting like the average residence time of posters or something? The people running that survey, maybe? That's a lot of lurkers. Just a thought. Nurse Jones, thinking that if all the wizvaxers in the world were laid end to end, no-one would be in the least bit surprised. P.S. Did I tell you? I know I told someone in an E-mail, but I can't remember if I posted it. There's a rumor that the Blob is getting a transfer. I heard it again yesterday. Yay! -- Archive-name: Bondage/njlist20.txt Archive-author: Nurse Jones Archive-title: The List - 20 of 20 From Nurse Jones, I'm getting pretty good at hypnosis. Or maybe Jay is just very susceptible to induction; he seems to get more so as we work at it. I can get him into a trance in just a few minutes now, having planted posthypnotic suggestions that help. In fact, I have had him following posthypnotic suggestions for a week now, just harmless ones, but increasing in complexity. For example I tried giving him a complicated sequence for shaving his face in the morning, for example. It worked fine. I did that so I could watch him to see if it worked: I'm usually in the bathroom putting on my face while he's shaving. I'm even getting time compression to work. The last two times I gave him complicated instructions, I had him repeat them silently to himself eight times in thirty seconds real time, an hour experiental time, and he did. He took all the time he needed to do it, and it saved hours of repetition on my part. I think we're ready to "do" him. It's still me that I'm worried about, but not as much. Jay is working on that, also through hypnosis, and it seems to be working. I must be an easier subject than he is. One of the books we have said that might be the case. I'm a bit of an exhibitionist, and don't feel as defensive as Jay about "letting myself go" in front of him. Anyway, I'm beginning to accept the idea. Jay isn't going to be changed, or a different person. There is this tiny, silent, female voice inside him. It is there in most men, overwhelmed and vestigial. She will have her moment in the sun, and Jay will watch from the inside and learn what he wants to know about himself, experience what he wants to experience. I will be preparing him like a makeup artist would an actor for a part. While she's here, I'll have a few hours to make a new friend, get to know that side of Jay, however briefly. Someone (Phillip, I think) said I needed a mission. That's it, I think. A few months ago, I would have thought revenge to be mission enough. Bring her out, send her back. LET him walk the walk. That's the mission. That helped. It was an insight. Thanks, Philip. I have some questions for Kayvan. First, I've got the collected papers of Milton Erickson, as you suggested, and some commentaries by his disciples. He really is by far the most useful. And I'm beginning to think that all this physical preparation I've done is unnecessary. I'm pretty sure I could make him think he was female--while in a trance--without all the elaborate makeup, the body suit, the prosthetic femininity, etc. Which would be better? My original feelings were that the experience would be lessened for him if it all took place while I had him under. So I had planned to work to convince him that he would be female (for a limited time) upon waking, and reinforce the illusion with makeup, etc., and dim lights. Have him reenter the trance and turn back into a pumpkin at midnight. Maybe I should forget the makeup? But the act of putting it on is part of being female, and I was going to have him participate in that to a very limited extent. And (this is important) _I_ want to perceive him visually as a totally female different person rather than as a campy Jay, which I could not stand. Big question: keep him under for the whole experience? or bring him out as female and put him back under afterward? I've tried two posthypnotic suggestions that lead me to think I can do this: (1) I gave him a posthypnotic suggestion to make one of his legs go to sleep temporarily when I triggered the response, so I know I can cause perceptual distortion hours after the session. (2) I gave him a posthypnotic suggestion that put him back into a trance while we were making love, triggered by key words again. That worked, too. I wasn't sure if it would, because of the situation, but it did. I was on top when I whispered the trigger in his ear. We stopped moving, and he concentrated while I did a sex change on him. I told him I was developing a penis and he a vagina, breasts, etc., all the while moving my hips just enough to create the impression that things were changing down there. I told him that when he awoke he would be female while we made love and that then I would put him under again. When he opened his eyes, he didn't say anything, he just looked at me and began moving his hips experimentally. He spread his legs and pulled me to him, the way I do when I'm on the bottom. I kind of wish I had been hypnotized too. I often fantasize that I have a penis when I'm on top, but I'd like to know what it's like to believe it. It was actually a very tender moment. His orgasm was much less, um, athletic (?) than usual. I didn't even have an orgasm. I was working. I put him back under immediately after his, though, and reversed everything. But he remembers it all. I could probably go either way. Do it while he's under, or after and put him back. With or without props. I think the props might be more important to me, but I guess they couldn't hurt from his standpoint, so long as they don't actually interfere. I got a corset made for him while I was in San Fran, for example. That would be a surprise I think he/she would welcome, but it could interfere, too. Kayvan? Time is nigh. Guidance, please. Do we need more practice runs? Option A or B? While I had him under last weekend, I asked him to tell me why he wanted me to top him, what he wanted out of it. (A suggestion from Fred.) He really thought about his answers, concentrated on organizing his thoughts. I had asked him to do this after I put him under, and he was very straightforward and organized about it. When he spoke, he gave me a prepared-sounding statement, told me there were 7 reasons (he had even counted them): 1. He wanted me to know how I would feel as a top so I would know what he was experiencing, what I was giving him, and 2. So I would be able to experience the feelings I already had, the feelings I was so ashamed of, that earth- mother-god-like benevolent control. He didn't know specifically that that's what I would feel, but he's glad that was it, because 3. He liked seeing me feel those emotions and he liked being the recipient of them. 4. He said he wanted me to show him how I wanted to be treated as a bottom. And how I liked to be treated as a woman. 5. He wanted the experience of being a woman like I was during The List. 6. He wouldn't feel entitled to the experiences of Column One until he had paid his dues. Besides, looking to the future, 7. He won't feel he has the right to go back to the way it was, with me as bottom, until after he's been there. 1 and 2 were for me. 3, 4, and 5 were selfish, for him. 6 and 7 were guilt for the past, justification for the future. His words, not mine. All this makes it seem so complex and psychological, but it's more important to me to understand this now that I find it so hard. When I was the bottom I didn't want to think about motivations because I liked it and didn't want to think about why. I don't like being a top as much, and I'm looking for reasons; I guess I'm really just fishing for a reason to stop being the top. Jesus. Wordstar tells me I've been taking myseslf seriously for three pages now. You must be bored silly. Nurse Jones, who even fits her OWN definition of a female bore: Someone who is more interested in herself than in me. --